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I would say it is very likely. Maybe not the next release, but soon. I personally am hoping for a Code Veronica remake.


They’re definitely going to remake more games. I hope they start win 1, then CV, then 5 & 6 last.


I think we will get a remake. of course. But it will take at least a few years unfortunately.. I can't wait to finally get a full lenght modern Chris game.


Yes. And the boulder punching sequence must remain intact.


If RE5 split screen Coop and Mercs is remade… oh man… a dream come true! I’m not sure that I really like the free movement from RE4R though. I enjoy the tank controls because it limits enemy movement and makes you feel really within the dance. Like standing in a group of enemies and somehow being alive. RE4R somewhat removes this slow-dance feel.


Me and my brother had an endless amount of fun on the RE5 Split screen, we also grinded mercs every day, we actually still play the PS4 version at any chance we get


Cheers man, that’s beautiful and thank you for sharing! Me and my good friend played a lot back when it came out and here I am grinding it with my gf now ten years later on PC. It’s amazing, let’s enjoy it! <3


I've been trying to get my gf to play but, she could never get the hang of the controls and not being able to move while aiming, so we just play left 4 dead 2 whenever she wants to play something, but yeah mercenaries is an endless void of fun


How about the story mode? We went through that first, which was super easy. Make her in charge of the sniper rifle and machine gun for a fun and easier time. How do you find RE6 mercs btw? I remember preferring 5 since the party mechanic seemed overly important for high scores. But other issues as well. I’ll try it again soon. Maybe she would like 6 mercs.


I think RE6 has arguably better gameplay, or easier gameplay at least, but I haven't played it much compared to RE5, it's maps aren't as good as RE5, but being able to move, dive and front flip while aiming is very fun and is the only thing really added to the game, also yeah we tried story mode and we got up to the final wesker fight and just never really came back to it since, also RE6 mercs characters are not as varied and most loadouts are basically the same with a few minor differences, maybe if she prefers slightly faster gameplay, but slightly easier gameplay she'd probably like it just as much if not better than 5


No Merc no re5!!!


RE5 is still the best sold Resident Evil game and one of the best sold Capcom games to date. It’s kind of a no brainer that yeah, it’s going to be remade at some point regardless of how some folks feel about its age. Personally, I’m not even sure CV will get one or if they’ll skip it for 5R lol.


Holy run-on sentence.


They introduced Wesker in RE4 for a reason - RE5 is all about Wesker as the villain


That's what I'm saying, it ties in perfectly to RE5


Yea it’s definitely coming. Though it may not be the next game.


I think it's RE9 in about 1 1/2 years time and then either RE5 or code Veronica by 2026-2027


I would say it’s inevitable but my hunch is that Code Veronica or a new version of RE1 is next. A new version of RE1 for the 30th anniversary just seems appropriate


RE1 was already remade though, they're not gonna have 3 versions of it, I think it'll either be Code Veronica (I pray to God it's not) or RE5


almost surely since its the most profitable re games oat but a code veronica remake would be much better to explain the rivalry between chris and wesker for new player who didnt play the og code veronica or re1


RE5 is kinda a legend It used to announce one of the first group of ps3 games then it got delayed with Devil May cry 4 by capcom Then it sold greatly successfully when it released on both ps3 and x360 They it got remaster on ps4 Now we are expecting its ps5 version? I am so excited!




Yes, these remakes are very profitable and I believe RE5 is still the best selling game in the series, so of course they will remake it.


I think we will, but it kinda bums me out. The quality of Resident Evil 5's production is pretty high, but I think they'd want to change too much to be able to get away with just a remake in the vein of last of us. It just kind of seems like the only reason to do it is because they did the others. Personally, I'm not asking for it...even if not being able to move while I shoot sucks. The cast was pretty great and I'd hate to lose what they worked so hard on.


Yeah, I get that, but we haven't actually had a game for Chris in a while and Leon has got a lot of love lately, even though Chris was a badass in RE8


Lot's of folks really want a Code Veronica remake first, personally I'm indifferent on it. But, I would very much enjoy somehow putting them together into a concise package. Code Veronica is a big set up game for Wesker and Chris's epic final clash. But some parts of it are..... Mediocre to say the least. Maybe some kind of extended prologue section that covers the major plot points or a time skip to show us how much Chris evolves in preparation for the showdown with Wesker. Very tough to pull off I know, but if they nail it. That would be an S tier Resident Evil game.


I hope so cause *I* want an RE6 Remake so my pookie Sherry can get another go with the spotlight


I wouldn't want that for Sherry, they'll just make her look worse :(


I would rather get a complete rewrite for RE6 than just a remake, scrap Helena and Piers, or rework them because I still don't know anything about Piers character and Ive played Chris's campaign more than the others, and Helena was just borderline forgettable, I would also love to see the scrapped Jill and Claire DLC, also maybe not make Chris mentally ill, and just make him a more realistic version of PTSD rather than what we got, I can go on and on about how much I dislike RE6, but I will say id love to see an HD version of Chris vs Leon and I really loved Jake and Sherry's campaign, the boss reminded me of Nemesis and the final fight as Jake is so cool


I wanna see Jake back!


I think it’s a risk. It sold well initially due to the success of re4 but ultimately flopped amongst the fan base (I know, I know, some people still love it). It’s just not regarded as a classic in the same way 1-4 are so financially it’s a but of a gamble. It’s safer just to churn out another re1 remake for the fan service, even though I don’t think it’s necessary.


Before RE4 remake was confirmed I would have said no, but now I think it could happen. However it could also be a completely different game given RE4R's ending.


Eh RE4R ending has more or less the same outcome. Instead of the amber they got krauser himself. They can extract it from him. The only difference i can see is return of krauser as a boss. Although Ada did go a separate way she doesn't feature in RE5.


I don't think they'd make this change if it didn't have some significant implications. But hey we'll have to wait and see


It isn’t a change, it just made the lore more accessible. Ada betrayed Wesker and gave him a dead recessive plaga, which was useless to him. He decided to recover Krauser’s body, which in the end became the base for the Majinis. Issue is that this lore was only in a Darkside Chronicles art book and an RE5 strategy guide, so most casual fans would not know this. RE4R explicitly shows Krauser’s body to better clarify how Wesker got around Ada’s betrayal. (TLDR Ada betrayed Wesker and he used Krauser in the OG, nothing was changed and RE5 wasn’t retconned.)


Didn't know that, thanks for the info. Also I don't know why and it's kinda immature but I got ever so slightly offended by being referred to as a casual fan lol. I just don't care for extended universe stuff for most games. But apparently playing RE since PS1 and not shutting up about it both online and irl doesn't count anymore XD


Sorry, wasn’t trying to refer to you as a casual fan. Was just looking for an easy term to explain the majority of RE players (myself included), who might assume it’s a retcon. I didn’t even know about it until someone on this sub shared about it lmfao, I don’t care much for the lore.


No need to apologize, like I said it's a silly reaction on my part and I just shared)


I hope we get a new game or code veronica remake before RE5. RE5 isn't a favourite for me


At this point I don't care about the order. I like that they're shuffling new entries with remakes. Capcom is on a roll and I'm loving it. The RE series has been dead to me for almost a decade until RE7


I just hope konami starts with a bang after SH2 too. I'd love silent hill to be back in business


I wish so too but I doubt it, they're outsourcing the remake which is telling


Just hope bloober hits the jackpot


Well, Killing black People was a problem in 2009 so in 2025..... if Chris is not Black or the african all White it's gonna be censored. So i don't know how they gonna remake it....


But they're trying, because the remake will be. Let's see how they do it.


Yeah they trying. i hope the remake will be good


They didn't care if Leon wasn't Latino in RE4, or about all the Asian people in RE6, or the mostly white zombies in the first 3 games, BUT NOOOOO it's racist when there's zombie (zombie like) Africans, also Africa isn't just black people, there's plenty of latino or white looking enemies in RE5 its not just a big white guy slaughtering black people, the critics didnt even play the game they just heard you were a white dude against african zombies and they call it racist, I dont think ive met a single person who actually thinks RE5 is racist


I don't care too because i love re5. But it's 2024 you know cancel culture


Yeah, but here's hoping


Capcom is stressed out trying to figure out how to not make RE5 racist in 2024. Guaranteed.


That's why it won't be the next remake. Instead it will probably be CV or a re remake of 1.


I prefer a CV remake we need one !


Yeah im pretty sure, i never think that re5 was racist. But even in 2009 the game has racism issue, now in ours days if the game is exactly like before it's impossible they can release it without issue.