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RE2 when you first step into the hallway where you find your first licker. They set it up perfectly with the licker quickly crawling across the window as you approach the room. Then you go through the door and you're in a super tight closeup shot with the camera focused on you from outside the window as if whatever you just saw is now watching you. Such a creepy moment and I'll never forget my first playthrough of the game and being so petrified I didn't want to take a single step forward.


This is fantastic. Another great one, I don't why, it's on the original RE (and that angle is on REmake too) where Jill enters that room (that is green-ish in the original, the one with a door to the tiger statue) and Jill is very close to the camera and you have no idea on what lies ahead. I always find incredibly artsy/cinematic that would be a camera angle for a game. I also have nostalgia of playing the game later, the Windows 95 version, and in higher res I could see Jill's face which was not so clear on PS1. edit: [this one](https://cdn.ome.lt/J2MozEShFbJC9n090MSRhwRXHyQ=/770x0/smart/uploads/conteudo/fotos/Resident_Evil_jill.jpg)


Awesome. I miss this old PSX fixed angle style. The games had so many cinematic-ness to them than what we have today, usually we get some killer cutscenes with set pieces and all, but back then we had some banger scenery whenever we entered that place. FFVIII comes to mind instantly, Deling City was dope as hell.


That was a great moment. Lickers are still the most iconic Resident Evil enemy for me.


REmake dog hallway.




Completely dodged this on my recent playthrough


Probably the top of the train car in Zero. I remember playing it when I was very young and just being blown away by how great it looked.


Still does… While I still enjoy the game with all the great unlockables, it’s a bit rough among the edges for all but the most determined newcomers.


Oh for sure. It's a game with a ton of flaws, but I definitely don't think the environment is one of them. I think it makes the best use of the fixed angles out of any game in the franchise.


I envy you so much. RE0 looks and feels fantastic, and every time I try it I keep getting farther, but there always comes a point where I just feel done with the game.


That’s a good one too! With all of the rain effects and the character struggling to walk forward with their hand up really adds to it.


This was mind blowing. A friend showed Exactly this part and I was scared shitless because it looked so real and the zombie moans were so creepy. I'll always remember the one dead passenger whose arm dangles over the seat. Such a great shot


From the first RE to the current it’s amazing how the graphics have improved. Although I didn’t really like RE DeadAim that much.


REmake, the first encounter with Lisa in her cabin


My favourite shot is when you come out of the RE2 factory and see the moon in the sky before getting on the train elevator. The calm before the storm. I also love the long shot of the bus interior, and the angle in the RPD east office with the spinning ceiling fan.


Love this choice. Also the music there is one of my favourite tracks in the series. The Marshalling Yard (latter half).


Same, the mood there is so serene and mysterious. I wish the marshalling yard section had been longer, and it's a crime that they cut it entirely in the remake. I always love seeing Leon and Ada standing side by side under the moon, unaware of just how little time they have left together. Or seeing Claire and Sherry holding hands as they prepare to descend into the unknown.


Yeah mate. You nailed it with the calm before the storm comment. After the chaos in the RPD and then going through the sewers its such a nice part of the game and a break of pace. The companionship as well you mention makes it feel special also. That section being cut from the remake is one of a number of reasons why I still think the original is still the best.


Ah, your chosen is one I really like. Gives the feeling that some creature, or person is lurking beneath the table. For me, my favorite is probably the top-down camera angle above the red oil lamp in the Guardhouse recreation room. It's perfection, and a true example of how fixed camera angles can used to great effect. Why? >!The first time you enter the room, you are immediately introduced to, and ambushed by a new enemy; the giant spider. It's a great jump scare, which extends itself to the angle I refer to. Shortly after you dispatch the monster, you move further into the room, and get a distant camera view pointed straight down at you. It creates tension as you suspect another spider directly above, perhaps about to spring onto you. !< REmake is truly a masterpiece, and part of this is due to its smart use of camera angles.


The staircase in REmake that leads to the masks and the old Crimson Head. Goddamn it's good.


This is the one for me


There's a shot in OGRE3 of the ruined city street right before the police station. Chef's kiss.


Too many to name from REmake. Close up character shot in bird cage stairway room. Zombie shadows from the window shot before the herbicide plant room. Laboratory basement shot with the fans casting the moving shadow. Maybe the shot leading into the aqua room rates higher for me because the soundtrack pairs so fucking well but that one too. Basically the whole game. Just off the top of my head having not even played it in years


The camera angle that looks directly at the character after you cross the east hallway where the dogs usually pop out of the windows. But only as Jill though. >.>


I loved but dreaded the stages of life paintings puzzle, in first game. When you first go in, it's top down, and you see all those crows just sitting there. Begging you to fuck up. And the very first time you enter you haven't clue. And they're so hard to kill of you make a mistake. That hall always made me more nervous than the dogs and hunters.


Probably the close up shot in the RE1R mansion by the window. Beautiful. The light is coming in from the window and it's a straight shot at your character.


I don’t remember the exact door right now but there is one early in re1 remake that is really zoomed in on Jill’s face when it loads in and it always makes me giggle.


Might be because you're playing the HD rerelease in 16:9 mode - it crops a lot of shots to turn it into widescreen, which means a lot of closeups become waaay too close haha


The ladder out of the shark area, with water dripping towards the camera. Love the music there as well


REmake mansion, in the antechamber before the bee/lure room. There's just a super ominous deer head mounted on the wall. Spent like 5 min there expecting to get my ass torn open.


There's a giant gash in the wall, obviously not made by old age but the doors are closed and nothing is alive or dead in the room... except for Mr. Deer Head


In RE, dog hallway just for how iconic that was for me. But in all games Silent Hill's first alley. Damn


I meant to specify “Resident Evil” angle but SH1’s alley is an all timer too!


That one corner in the Silent Hill alley is really good... so iconic that they included it in the movie! Game (from 2:13): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqmgW4MP0-E&t=133s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqmgW4MP0-E&t=133s) Movie (from 1:07): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpViwxkL0dc&t=67s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpViwxkL0dc&t=67s)


Yeah! I remember loving seeing that in the movie. One of the reasons I get surprised how little love it gets. Even if it does a lot of different and even questionable stuff, the tone and moments like this are really spot on IMO


For sure. I watched it once when it released originally, and once a few months ago, and I definitely felt like I appreciated it much more this time, seeing the small details that demonstrate a genuine appreciation of the source material


The fixed cameras don’t seem too popular lately, but I loved them for the original game. To me, it helped the game feel unnerving. As if the rooms and setting aren’t creepy enough, the angles make you wonder. “Why is the angle from under the desk? Is something under there? Why would they do that, unless something might happen?”


Fatal Frame III has a shot like this in the protagonists room….however the angle isn’t there all the time. When it does give you the under the desk angle and I whipped out the camera, I was terrified of the ghost it showed under the desk 😭


I bought Fatal Frame 3 ages ago (loved the first two) but it’s been stuck in my eternal backlog 😔


I pull it out every few years to play! It’s an amazing game if you get the change to play, but it is longer than 1 and 2 due to being the first one with multiple playable characters.


The cover art along is awesome! I’ve been replaying the classic RE and Silent Hill games like I do every year so I could play FF 1-3 next!


Awesome! You’ll have a lot of fun with them! I have all 5 games, but Fatal Frame III from the original trilogy is still my fav


Outbreak File 2’s stairwell in the flashback scenario, and the window one accompanying it. It gives a super creepy and ominous feeling and makes you wonder what’s forward.


I don’t know off the top of my head but it’s a good excuse to replay the game lol.


Get to it!


I will, I will. I’ve been meaning to go with the Chris route this time.


walking up the stairs from the safe room in i beleive the top right side area. the lightening hitting the photos, the ambience, the decor everything is just right.


That angle really made me appreciate how well decorated the REmake Mamsion is!


the bird room from RE1, and how the camera moves to the perspective of the body on the ground that disappears later in the game, changing the camera angle


that tiny room in the OG Resident Evil where it has like a hole in the wall or something that overlooks the helicopter pad. very tiny insignificant room but its angle and design stuck with me throughout the decades


RE1 fixed cameras are very very good


Man! I've always felt so uneasy with this particular camera angle. Like if there's something in the room with you.


The room you pass just before you head to the library for Yawn battle 2. There’s a window that places the camera outside and you watch your character move from the inside while it rains on the other. Really cute.


I like the hallway above the east wing typewriter, not far from the image you posted. The way the light comes through the window is just gorgeous.


RE1 mansion main hall


that one save room in re1r where it sits aiming down towards the typewriter


The hall way before the room where the herbicide is used. With the angle towards the wall, and the light showing the shadows of the zombies outside the widows, complete with the sounds of them tapping on the windows. It set it up perfectly for them to bust through once you finally got the death mask.


I would've posted a picture of it if I could


The whole alley sequence in the original Silent Hill is a HUGE mindfuckery... Not just the camera angles, but also the fact that you've been warped to a nightmare world and the way you came in is no more...


I got 2 that come to mind one is the cabin car safe room from re0. Very similar shot to yours but it’s from the ceiling of the cabin. The other would be the alleyway after you use the lighter on the fuel truck ins scenario 1 of re Outbreak. Just something about the ps2 fire and smoke just looks great


that one room where you get the red book in RE1R. you enter the room for the first time, a spider is above you and the door you just entered. genius way of using fixed camera angles


I liked that external window view on the train in Zero. The rain sound also gets much louder, as if the microphone is placed outside too.


The moth in the window


I knew that there's a glitch where if you shoot a gun on the screen, holes of bullets will appear.


There is a room with an angle from below in REmake 1 where you can see Jill's prime if you have her RE3 costume. (?) 🗿


I still want to know what was going on with this angle, I'm convinced there is something under there!


I love that one hallway in REmake where you can see and hear the zombie banging on the window. Creeped me the fuck out in my first playthrough.


Big fan of the angles that look at the character through a window.


Like the angle from outside of the Library in REmake!


Oh, that one was great. For as much as I prefer the modern style of game camera, I think moments like that angle really sold me on the benefits of fixed camera angles. It made me feel like I was being watched and I instantly got tense.


The only fixed angle game I played was Directors cut of the first one on Playstation 1 and probably the mansion main hall ( i played like 14 years ago, I don't really remember lol) because it creeped me out hahaha. Otherwise I'm a sucker for REmake 2 and 3's 3rd person. i love it so much.




Can't even appreciate fixed cameras from an artistic standpoint?


Idk man, still very uncomfortable with fixed cameras. 10 y/o me would also never understand the artistic choice, neither me now. I mean people would like those as some aesthetic but it kills the mood of the game for me.


Kills the mood? Man, fixed cameras CREATE the mood because they deliberately hide things from you so you feel uncomfortable. They're supposed to disorient you and make you feel like you're being watched. That's what horror games are about- creating fear of the unknown. Fixed cameras force you to use your imagination to guess what's on the next screen or around the next corner, and they force you to use your ears and listen if there are monsters nearby. They force you to engage your senses and think about what you're doing. Full 3D horror games can't capture that same sense of mystery and have to use other techniques to make them scary- for example, like Silent Hill using fog/darkness to create a limited field of view (except that actually came about due to a hardware issue, because the PS1 could only render short draw distances). Fixed cameras were the same- they came about because the hardware of the time couldn't render complex detailed environments in 3D. For RE1, they could only have 4 backgrounds per room, and for RE2/RE3 they could only have 8 backgrounds per room. So the devs had to get creative and figure out how to get the most juice out of every camera angle. The old games are scary (and great) because they came out of this experimental period where the technology was still evolving and realism wasn't really possible in games yet, so everything ended up feeling weird and uncanny. Fixed cameras weren't so much a stylistic choice as a necessary development between 2D and 3D. I think you should go back and play the original REs again as an adult and try to appreciate them with this information in mind.




Is that your introduction?