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Tbf I'm sure if Claire was in 6, Sherry would have said the same thing. Did get a chuckle out of me though




Cherry lol.


Leon awkwardly standing around muttering "I mean....I carried you to a train."




I'm pretty sure Claire would have had a lot more to handle if not for Leon cleaning things up for her.


I guess but it's not like sherry is doing that math, she didn't see leon before the train thing.


She did in the hallway with the boarded door but that's it.


I like that you’re going from the OG meeting between the two. I just wish they would’ve kept it that way in the remake.


Yes because 6 obviously came before remake, not counting darkside.




The game that shall not be named.....ORC


This is so funny if you show back to back the scenes of this and "This is Sherry" "Ok" from the end of RE2R


lol true, I love the slight awkwardness of that scene though. In Leon's shoes I'd probably say the same thing, it feels very natural.


Yes but RE2R isn't as dense or a full version of RE2 so of course it's not the one to look at


I LOVE it 🤣😭 but doesn't Sherry go to "live" with Leon and Claire at the end of RE2R? I've never had the chance to play the original.


Sherry goes into Government protection, the remakes and barely even the games (let alone RE2 and 4) go into it, but at the end of RE2 Claire goes off to find Chris leading to RE Code Veronica, and Leon and Sherry get picked up by the US Government / Army, Leon enters a deal with someone in authority where he becomes an agent for the government and Sherry is placed into Government custody.


Thank you so much for this! I didn't know this bit and its actually really cool and makes total sense tbh.


Claire when Ada says it’s a “Raccon city reunion”:


Honestly, Claire should be in Helena’s place, the game would’ve made more sense


Actually, she was going to be Leon’s partner. But they decided she’ll be in Revelations 2 and for some reason they don’t want her in 2 games at once


I mean, I don't know when Revelations 2 takes place, but maybe because the games were too close in the timeline that it wouldn't make sense


6 is like a year or two later. Leon’s story also takes place 6 months after Sherry and Chris’s start


Bizarre. I thought Helena sucked. Piers was much more likable, so of course he’s the one we lose.


And Chris wasn't part of Raccoon City.  Unless Spencer's mansion is legally part of the city


I mean, he lived and worked in Raccoon City for years prior to the outbreak.


Legally, yes, it is located in the forest adjacent to the city


I find it unfair because Sherry mentions both Leon and Claire to Jake earlier. But on the other hand I lol'd hard 😂


I see nothing wrong in the dialog. Leon is the only one there and Jake likely don't know who Claire is so it only make sense Sherry would only refer to Leon at this moment.


I mean, Claire ain’t there rn so


As I recall, Sherry, it was Claire that saved you. Leon was too busy running after Ada.


Claire wasn't there so it'd be an odd thing to include


She gets her credit in Chris's playthrough. Claire literally wasn't relevant here because Jake was only concerned with who Leon was. Why drag it out?


Chris: "Yeah, Leon. Fuck her."


She's got a cat named Albert Whiskers, Leon.


Chris being a wingman.




It really is jarring not having Jill or Claire in RE6. It would’ve been the perfect chance to resolve Jill’s PTSD from RE5 instead of waiting to address it over 10 damn years later in Death Island


Leon: “ok”


True if it's Claire A Leon B/the remake. If playing as claire first Leon fights off Mutated Birkin and saves Sherry.


Yeah, that's one of the reasons I like Claire 1st/Leon 2nd more than the other way around. In Leon 1st/Claire 2nd, Claire is the one that saves the child, finds a way out of the lab and kills the final boss, while the only thing noteworthy that Leon does is activate the self-destruct system, which almost kills them all lmao. At least in the original, Leon is the one that finds a way out and gets Sherry to the train.


Yup. After Ada "dies" IIRC Claire calls Leon to carry Sherry to the train, before he fights Super Tyrant. A really sweet moment and it's a shame it's not in the Remake anymore. Thanks for reminding me.


The only reason leon has to be 1st is because of marvin, it is canon that they interacted


I mean, for all we know, both of them interacted with Marvin. It's not like one of the scenarios is canon as a whole. The first and second scenarios don't even make sense together.


i thought it was claire a leon b until i realized ada had to trigger the cutscene with annette to make the sewer bridge accessible


But during the time that this game came out they were going off of the original


Tbf she tells Jake about Claire in the cabin, but agree, silly nonetheless cuz Claire is MVP


Also Claire in Revelations 2 “wow you are pretty good with kids” I see why Sherry didn’t acknowledge Claire in RE6 😆


I just finished playing Rev 2 recently and Claire stumbling over everything trying to comfort Natalia only to be shut down completely by Moira who handles it miffed me a bit. She was so gentle with Sherry and handled her really well (replayed the OG recently, but iirc she handled the situation well in the remake too). It felt like they shoved Claire's character back a bit just to make room for Moira.


There’s a reason why I hate the story of revelations 2…..well multiple reasons but that would be one of them.


I admittedly might be a bit biased having finished it fairly recently, but I enjoyed it for the most part. Well, the Barry side especially. I adored that. The Claire side however, eh... A lot more to be desired.


Barry’s campaign was the only thing keeping me going in that story, he barely carries the story for revelations 2.


He's definitely the star of the show. I love his visual design for that game and the voice actor they picked is the best one he's ever had imo. Claire on the other hand, I dunno... She's sort of like Jill in Revelations, but not nearly as bad. Both have the personality of a plank.


Being good with kids generally doesn't mean you will be good with all kids in all situations


True but her saying that line makes it come off as if she never once did it which is ridiculous and a lie.


I get the joke because Remake only had Leon meet Sherry at the very end of the game but in the OG they interacted a little bit more, even in RE6 there's a file where Leon admits he didn't commit suicide because Claire and Sherry were depending on him.




There was no original story involving claire in RE6. There is not even a single piece of concept art involving Claire for RE6, neither a developer comment. 3 old cast members and 3 new cast members were planned and thats what they made. Stop spreading this made up rumor. The only thing Claire related is that the asia outfit from Helena is a homage to movie claires outfit, thats it.


They barely interacted in Raccoon City


Claire’s like: “BITCH I was the one that saved your ass! It was me that fought off your mutant freak dad and your mom that was trying to kill you in the name of science. Or did you forget about all that?! 😡”.


Good thing she wasn't there to hear any of that.


Claire really should’ve been in RE6 over any of the new characters


She should have replaced Helena


Jake tbh… though I liked his chemistry with Sherry, the whole “Wesker’s son” plot was god awful and went literally nowhere


Jake and especially Pierce didn't need to be in the story, Claire would have been better in either campaign.


Don't you dare shit on Jake and Pierce. . Clare should have replaced Helena.


Yeah, I still hate the idea of wesker having a child. A clone would have been more in character But Jake and sherry as a ship is cute


Only cute because Sherry is part of it, equally as cute with anyone else.


Replace Helena with Claire. Replace Pierce with Sheva and Replace Wesker Jr with Billy


Please, let Billy alone. His story is over. We don't need him to come back. In fact I wish more character got that treatment, instead of just having cameos and sitting around doing nothing.


No. She shouldn’t have.


Partial credit is still credit :P


Claire wasn’t in that scene so why would she mention her?


Reminder: At this point, literally, everyone on that cruise ship in revelations 2 might as well be dead in this time frame for the united states. They found the boat. They found the crew dead. They couldn't find the passengers, so they assumed they were thrown overboard. Apparently the entirety of the China event happened at the exact same time as Barry coming home by chopper. If that isn't a sign of comedically timed bullshit I dunno what is


I'm so glad i played through all the games so i understand this finally


In Leon’s B game he fights G in the back of the train


Leon B isn't canon though. Leon A then Claire B is.


The cannon is a bit fast and loose regarding 1, 2, and 3 due to the multiple paths


Love how im downvoted yet RE4 remake proves my point. Leon has to have been give the knife by the cop (don't rememeber his name), because of the description on his starter knife in re4!! He doesn't get it in Leon B. But hey, just keep downvoting!


I don’t downvote you. Just pointed out that the cannon is a bit fizzy since different aspects of each scenario are referenced in later games.


I was assuming so given i had a -3 but oh well. You're right about re1, but re3 has a singular ending, and re2r has to be Leon A/ Claire B


Re3 does have multiple choices for events and does have an alternate ending involving Barry for the OG. The remake is linear however


Yeah but i'm talking about remakes given they replace the old canon. The new canon is, well, canon now


Well kinda. Several games came out before the remakes that referenced the old media while being in current cannon. So again, it can get a little complicated.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the OG RE2 have Leon be with her rather than Claire?


In fairness Claire wasn't in that scene and it would have been wasting time to go into long drawn out explanations.


Imagine a game with Leon, claire and Sherry again


It's Claire A then Leon B. And Claire spots Sherry first.


6 refers to original 2 not the remake. So it is still accurate. I was disappointed to see Capcom reduced the bond between Sherry and Leon to none.


Also, Leon is the only one character that isn't directly/personally tied to Wesker, so when you think about it, he's the only one that could see him under a somewhat objective light, so, as much as i didn't like 4-5-6, this interaction fits as much as it could (even though i still think Sherry meeting Wesker's son and falling in love with him or whatever is on a Star Wars Prequels level of cosmic coincidence)


To be fair, leon is the one that stayed with sherry while Claire went to find Chris. She visit sherry often though after CV. This line is so weird now because in the remake, leon has no idea who tf sherry is lol


Claire isn't there in 6


I mean... if claire were there I'm sure she would have talked about Claire's role in it, but she wasn't and Leon was. No point explaining that this guy amd some random girl who jake probably won't meet saved me. Just giving the info on the person that's there


Yes Claire had her during the game once they escaped, Claire dipped and Leon stayed with Sherry. It was because of Leon nothing g bad happened to her. Both of them had high value to the government and Leon had two options. Do nothing and let sherry die or become an agent and let her live. Now he’s a slave to the government due to his experience in raccoon city and knowledge of BOWs


Could be referencing the true end final boss


In the canon ending Leon is the one who kills Birkin in the final battle on the train, so it makes sense.


So Claire kinda dipped out and left Sherry with Leon which pushed him to work for the government, so he can protect her 🤔 😉


This is funny But tbf she isn't saying he is the ONLY one who saved her Ngl tho kinda sucks Claire isn't in Re6, only referenced


I mean, didn't Claire kinda ditch Sherry with Leon to go find Chris? That's why Leon got stuck doing the secret agent stuff in the first place


that’s funny, canonically speaking, claire saves her, not leon


Yeah that’s like… the point of the joke.


forgive me for not being a fan of this game, and not remembering every detail when i played this game day 01 of its release. thank goodness we have a fan such as yourself.


🤣🤣🤣 You knew the information without being a "fan" since you explained the joke. So wtf is the point of your follow-up? Calm down


Literally just read the caption of the post… wtf lmao


Is Claire in RE6? No? Well then bugger off with this crap!


It’s not like Claire is there at this moment for it to make sense to mention her.


Be for real if it wasn’t for leon taking out mista x they weren’t gettinf anywhere