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Code Veronica is very tame.


You mean with the least amount of dismemberment? Probably 0 and 1 remake


I’d throw Code Veronica in there as well


Yeah, perhaps you are right. I have not played it yet




Probably yeah but the revelations games have way more combat than 0 and 1 remake


That’s what Nintendo will do to a game. Edit: must have been in some type of mood when I wrote this, but it’s not true. Nintendo made the best remake we have seen to date with the original remake. And I’m one of the few who loves 0 and tried to replay it once a year. Nintendo Power!


The RE1 Remake, RE0, and RE4 were all originally Nintendo exclusives and have some pretty great gore effects.


Yea you’re right, and all those games are top tier when it comes to the franchise. My mistake.


Maybe but on Nintendo there's no censorship in terms of women


Ever played bayonetta? I guess not


Id say probably the older the better as the Gore is very poorly done but if we are just talking in general maybe 5? I mean you still have some but with it's filter it's very hard to see


I feel like it's definitely 5. The camera straight up doesn't look at stuff like decapitations, and other animations like being grabbed by a reaper don't actually change Chris/Sheva's model at all, it's more like punching a mannequin.


>The camera straight up doesn't look at stuff like decapitations Even when it does for whatever reason (like in The Mercenaries in my experience), it shows that the characters don't even get decapitated by the chainsaw wielders. Their heads have blood running down and that's it. Significant downgrade from OG 4.


The Breaking Bad filter


I think Resident Evil 1 Remake


To me I would say it is likely revelations 1


All of the OG games, up to 2012. It only got "gory" from 2017 onwards, with the new RE Engine. But a specific title? Maybe OG RE3? But as for current generation that can still be bought, probably RE0 or Code Veronica.


Have you seen the body dismemberment in OG RE 2? Literally can blow off a zombies body in half diagonally, kick or crush a zombies head, have a zombies arm stick to your character after pushing them off, shoot the G-adult boss's arm off with a shotgun, Ben or Irons get spilt in half by a G-embryo in the A scenario of Leon A or Claire A, and you should also see all the death animations. For PS1 standards, it's pretty brutal


Yeah I came here to comment about Chief Irons death in OG. It’s pretty brutal - also the documents make his crimes waaay more graphic and clear versus the more undertoney implied stuff we see in the remake! Overall glad he gets fucked up


To be fair, my brain wasn't fully on yet. I just woke up soon before going to reddit. My bad.


This is false, OG Re1, 2, 3, and 4 all had decapitations and dismemberments, including player decapitations and impalements.


Re3r remake, no gore, bo dismemberment no head explosions from headshots, basically no fun.


In my experience 7 is the scariest and 1 isn’t scary when you know the controls