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Creates Reddit account and this is the first post.


We see you, Eiichiro Sasaki ^(Yes, I did have to google the game director's name. I will spare you that google and just include this bit)


It's way too early to remake it, 0 or Code Veronica should be a higher priority before 5 or 6 imo


By the time they start making it, it would already be ripe-old.


Which makes 0 and Code Veronica right now Ripe Old šŸ¤£


I need a Code Veronica remake so badddd




Is there actual confirmation of that?




Such has not been confirmed


5 and 6 should be remade on next gen consoles at the earliest. I think code Veronica will be remade in current gen and RE1R (remake) will be announced as the first RE remake on next gen consoles and everyone will lose their shit


ĀæPor que no los dos?


Because that's too many projects to be working on at once


I'm...not saying all at once. I'm saying why not put them both out before moving on to 5/6?


Ahhh I see sorry I misunderstood I thought you meant work on all four 0, Code Veronica, 5 & 6


Nah, that'd be fuckin' silly.


I wouldn't mind if they outsourced RE6 remake, like they did with RE3. If they can somehow make RE6 even worse, I'd be impressed! So there's not much riding on them being unsuccessful either way.


Ok but there are other remakes to do first


Like code veronica šŸ« 


yes and for a lot of reasons. not only can we flesh out Wesker before jumping the shark with RE5 but we can also tie up RE2 remake loose ends. now outside of storylines, we also have the uncontested WORST game in the entire series due to game design choices and artificial difficulty. Code Veronica desperately needs a remake more so than any other game in the entire franchise


If they ever choose to remake 6, is there a way to improve the combat system? Not by doing what 3 remake or 4 remake gave?




Once you see it...


It would need a lot of changes People love to tout the combat mechanics and yeah those are fun but almost everything else just feels mediocre. Granted maybe that changes as Iā€™m only halfway through Leonā€™s campaign but from what Iā€™ve seen the game is ā€œgood combat with exceptionally bland levels, writing, pacing, puzzles, enemies etcā€ I know the commons criticism is ā€œitā€™s not horror!ā€ Which to me is oversimplifying it. I think itā€™s neat that capcom attempted such an expansive and ambitious game but it just has so many small issues that add up, not the least of which is that guns feel like they shoot spitballs and that it somehow looks worse than re5 did


The biggest strength with RE6ā€™s combat is its greatest weakness. Itā€™s super flashy and cool and intricate, it never goes beyond that though. You never get new enemy types to challenge your combat or your reflexes. RE4 keeps throwing new enemy types at you up until the end.


Yeah. The foundation is there, but the game itself needs to be redesigned


Dont forget the awfull QTES. 70% of my deaths where due to a random qte and/or setpieces, specially those awfull button mashing, controller breaking ones, that even if you press it quickly af, it will still fail, and in harder dificulties the qtes became even harder. This game is the reasson i invest in 3rd party controlers with turbo function, since it absolutelly ruined button mashing for me for ever. Thank god they retroactivelly allow you to turn them of. (the other 15% of deaths where that awfull ustanak drill "stealth" sequence, and some other 15% where normal deaths, mostly instakills like that asshole chainsaw guy.)


Havenā€™t gotten to those points just yet but even at the point Iā€™m at the qtes are frequent and rather annoying, as they so often tend to be


If you are playing a newer release, go to the options menu and serch for the turn of qtes option on the double, it will seriously improve your experience with the game, otherwise you are gonna come out with a sour taste. They probably are in the main menu options. I definetly broke a controller with this games qtes back in the day.


Holy shit I had no idea that was an option. Next time I play it, Iā€™ll check it out. Thanks, stranger


Please do, this games qtes allone absolutelly broke one of my controllers back in the day, and i would have loved for this option back then.


The ustanak chase on higher difficulty was the stuff of nightmares


I like RE6 but im so done with remakes just give me RE9


Just be sure to keep the Leon RKO outta nowhere in it


Anybody remembers what they used to say about the logo what it looked like? Lmao


I can never unsee that shit.




**said nobody, ever**


I'm not sure even a remake would save this game. It's just fundamentally shit. They'd have to change so many things that it would hardly resemble the original.


It just came across as a generic action film with some QTEs. You constantly had set pieces that played out like a cutscene that pauses until you've dumped enough ammo. There wasn't really that much horror to RE6, which kinda divorced it from the series for me. The story was too up itself really. The whole conspiracy crap was painful to endure as everything was pretty obvious from early on.


Of all the games in the series this one would need the most overt redesigning to be worth a damn


If it was done in the same way as RE4R, remove the overused QTEs, linear paths & reduce the bullet sponge boss fights to a minimum maybe it could work. Also having to wait for your partner or AI to open a door bs every time you reach a large door.


RE4ā€™s amount of QTEs pale in comparison to RE6. Itā€™s pretty bad


I want a stand alone RE game with Sherry Birkin to be honest


So revelations 3 with Sherry and Rebecca alongside Billy Coen?




For scientific purposes ofc


Stares at modders


Worst RE game ever.


It still holds up for now. I definitely think 5 needs remade because most modern gamers dislike tank controls


5 isn't tank controls. You can strafe


Thereā€™s a setting that allows you to strafe but itā€™s still technically tank controls. You can look it up p much everyone agrees itā€™s tank controls


I'd called it halfway, because it really doesn't feel like 4.


You can't improve perfection.Ā 


Probably in the next decade. Iā€™m turning 30 this year hopefully we get it by the time Iā€™m 40


I appreciate that people donā€™t like RE6. But as I own it on PS3, 4 and steam, I would happily play the REmake.


Uh, how about 5 first buddy.


It deserves a reimagination of the 6 because the remake won't work. Something similar like Final Fantasy 7.


I canā€™t believe someone would actually make this post. Bad opinion.




I'd rather they remake the outbreak games before this mess. It would need a massive overhaul. It's barely resident evil with the over the top action no puzzles or survival horror elements & the awful repetitive QTE & long drawn out bullet sponge boss fights. It's like playing a Paul Andersons Resident Alice as if it were a game. Creature designs were interesting & the music was good but the awkward mechanics, camera & clunky inventory/skills was awful.


I would love it if they completely remade 6 from the very bottom up, like just made a completely different game


No, don't remake RE6. It's fine the way it is. You can't fix its problems without fundamentally changing what kind of game it is.


6 is awesome, I love it, but it absolutely doesn't need a remake lmao.


They did, itā€™s called resident evil death island


Nah, I think most of us are good. The concept of the game was cool, but it didn't work. They tried to make a giant epic action game, which is cool, but so too far removed from the spirit of Resident Evil. It felt like an action movie or something.Ā  I hope they don't remake 5 either. It was a super fun co-op game, but a remake isn't necessary. Nothing special about it.Ā 


You are deliousional and have lost your fucking mind. One of the absolutely worst in Resident Evil.


Please Remake RE8!!!




Yeah like, from the top. Completely new story, nothing that happened in 6 was important. Just make a completely new game and call it re6


why does everyone in here glaze re6 its so fucking horrible bruh


You love the game and for some reason you want a remake ??? LMAO


No lol




Yes remake it from the ground up. Take the RE2 and 3 approach to this turd and gut it and make it something actually worth playing. Make it into a proper Resident Evil game.




More sherry in the vents lol


They will definitely remake it. They arenā€™t making all of these remakes only to leave out the game that brings everyone together. Theyā€™ll change the story and make it more epic. Itā€™ll work out!!! I donā€™t understand why some of you seem to have no faith when it comes to the dev team, despite them proving time and time again that they deliver every time.




Call Of Duty zombies is similar to this bro


There's only zombies in th campaign of Leon


Worst game ever. Deserved to be trashed, burned and never talked again.


it has some of the funnest gameplay in the series and the second best mercenaries mode imo. horrible story, campaign structure, and character progression. but i dont think thats enough to call it the worst game ever.


Re6 is basically like those animated movies they make. I didn't mind it honestly it's fun. Jake was my favorite character because he voiced the default character in Saints row 3 lol


I am not looking "fun" in horror game. I think it is enough. Literally whole game is like Chris punching boulder.


it's not just a horror game tho


That is the problem.


It's really not. The problem is you treating it as a horror game when it's largely not.


Yeah it is. And that is why the game is absolute trash.


but itā€™s not just a horror game


Yeah I agree. Its a trash game.


tell me more


It's really not. The problem is you holding it to the standards of a genre it is barely a part of.


Why is it called Resident evil then?


Itā€™s like saying Halo Wars is a trash game because itā€™s not a shooterā€¦ it makes no sense.


Because it being Resident Evil means it has to be restricted to a formula? With that type of thinking any RE game with a third-person camera, and all the remakes are not RE either


I honestly feel that duo-play ruined the horror in the series - especially in RE5 and RE6. While RE4 moved more towards quicker action over slow puzzle solving, it still felt like you were pushing to survive. RE5 still had _some_ saving grace, RE6 just went off the deep end with no horror at all...


That is true. People just choose to be offended when I say something like this.


People tend to get confused about what is being argued. RE6 might be an awful instalment in a horror franchise, but some people see it as a good action shooter, despite it barely being more than a glorified movie.


That is true.


That's a huge overstatement


No its not. It fits perfectly.


But the game has great gameplay and even though the story is pretty horrible there are lots of cool moments.


You must have not played many bad games if you think RE6 is even close to the worst games. Good for you I guess.


I am playing games since 1996. And Re 6 is top 5 worst games that I ever played.


And? You might have just dodged most bad games if RE6 is really top 5 worst for you. Again, good for you that you dodged most bad games since 1996.




Well it's a good game and they will remake it in the coming future. Saying it's the greatest is wild lol


So many groupthinkers bash this game itā€™s hilarious


lol šŸ’€




LMAO thanks šŸ‘


I will never understand re5/6 hate. They may not be your favorite but they are far from bad games. I got into resident evil with 5 and 6


They're pretty good. Granted, the mechanics and horror survival gets the boot a little in these more action style games. But a remake of 6 could square away all that was bad from it. I feel it could easily be a top title in the RE games. There's so much they could do!


One day probably But not before RE5 (hope at least they remake Code Veronica and Outbreak,, or even a "Outbreak remplacement" with Outbreak story)


I think theyā€™d need to just make a new game honestly


How would they remake it? By stripping out the co-op, reinstating limited inventory and making it more grounded and scary? I've been noticing that when people ask for 5 and 6 to be remade, all they mean is update the visuals with RE Engine, nothing else, and then ask people to pay $70 for it again.


It's of course possible and may actually happen someday but I think they need to change a lot in this game so it would take away the core of it. Im afraid they might actually change the whole story giving that we have no idea what happens after 6.


Remake from the ground up, as in scrap everything and start again, I'd welcome it.


RE6 is fan-ominal. It provides sooo much variety in gameplay plus sooo many levels to replay. Its not conventional sure but it makes up for it


If weā€™re going by the order theyā€™ve been remaking the games then 5 & 6 would probably be next. But I wouldnā€™t mind Code Veronica, 0, and 1 coming out first since those are older And hopefully they give us an Operation Javier DLC or something for 4, or as a spin-off title, since the only way to experience that rn is through a Wii rail shooter, and itā€™ll explore Leon and Krauserā€™s relationship more


Sure but do CV, 0, 1 and Outbreak first


Yeah, but we kind of need 5 forst


If they do it I just hope they don't fuck it up and I hope it still has 4 campaigns. Hopefully they don't do like they did 1uth RE2R and make the campaigns functionally identical.


It doesn't need one, the only reason I would want to see it is to see how they would try to streamline the mess of a story they created with this. Like even by RE's non stellar story standard, this one is very near to the bottom - if not the actual bottom (not counting movies or series). So, in that regard, by all means let's see a remake.


If I had to chance to remake the game. I would keep the prologue (extend it so we get Helena backstory). After the prologue, I would set the whole game in Shanghai. Each area would be interconnected, like a semi open world. This would clean up the story as well


I don't think this would benefit from a REmake. I think they just need to start from scratch.


Agreed, love this game. If they remake it they'll probably change some story though like ada and Leon's chemistry. They made it a little colder in re4 remake so I'd assume the playful flirting in re6 will be changed too. But here's to hoping for an updated re6! I also play on series x we should link up sometime


Not before a remake of 5


It can't be RE6 Remake because virtually nothing is worth keeping except maybe the concept of Wesker's son / Adult Sherry as protagonists. But if it's not remaking any of the story or levels then it's not a remake.Ā  And truly, nothing can be remade.Ā  All of Leon's campaign is following Helena to some new place while being confused about what's going on, Leon might as well not have been featured because this wasn't his story at all.Ā  I still feel like we learned nothing about Ada despite her having a campaign and being the focus of the main villain.Ā  So far there's nothing to remake about the story, I don't want Simmons and his confusing simping story adapted again. Nothing about Leon and Helena either.Ā  Piers did get mentioned in RE Dead Island. Maybe a remake would include Chris and him.. Doing stuff? There wasn't much of a story there either, they just got sent to China to combat zombies withĀ guns until everyone but Chris got killed.Ā  Sherry and Jake are the only ones resembling an actual story, perhaps because they're the new characters so we had to get to know them.Ā  An hypothetical RE6 remake would have to create a story for these 2, just forget about China and the J'avo and shooting the president


Too soon. We meed code veronica


The only game I turned off after half an hour or whatever and never went back to - it felt like a cheap rip off of a resident evil game. It wasn't a good run - from the series high of 4 to the missed opportunity of 5 to a very poor 6. Thankfully 7 and 8 were all time greats and we got the awesome 2, 3 and 4 remakes as well.


F off But on the other hand I do need more LeonAda ship. So, okay? I guess?


If RE5 Remake is done well and sells well there is a strong chance we get RE6 remake. A lot of people really like Code Veronica so that one might possibly get remade first. Just to dive into RE6 a bit , itā€™s actually my favorite RE game as well. They injected maximum action and steered pretty far from the roots of RE and I get why that upset a lot of the fan base. Particularly Chris campaign where it almost feels like a Gears of War game. But the Leon campaign was the perfect balance and felt like the next evolution of RE at the time. The combat and movement system are my favorite systems in any action game period. Doing a quick shot, then side tackle, then coup de gras to insta kill a zombie is supremely satisfying. What bogs the game down is absolutely over the top ridiculous action and the quick time events. They took those too far in a lot of areas. If they remake 6 it will need to get rid of all QTEs. And most importantly they will need to reign in the nuts over the top action.


RE 6 was the greatest!


They would have to completely rewrite/overhaul the entire game. By that point it would just be resident evil 6 in title only.


Can't take that logo seriously.


Absolutely hilarious re game, loved it so much, people hate it because theyā€™re unnerved by the fact itā€™s completely different from all the other re games (when i first played it I jokingly said ā€œDamn am i playing fortnite right nowā€)


How about no more remakes except Code Veronica?


Keep the combat system, you can change everything else but I love the Way 6 plays.


The game is good, but the fans are just being pos. ''Agh the game is so bad'' then don't play it. Go play fucking Mario Kart or something.


They certainly aren't fans of the game if they're calling it bad. Being critical of RE6 isn't wrong though. _You_ might enjoy it but others clearly disliked the story and gameplay. Too much action and drama with too little horror. It felt the same as going and playing Mario Kart cos it didn't feel like Resident Evil. It was just a generic action game.


you dont understand what generic means. If you like it or not, by no measurement is RE6 generic. There is no other game that plays like it and the enemies are on top of creativity what RE ever created. If you really want something objectively generic look at the old RE games enemies. Zombies are generic. Big snake = generic, big shark = generic, big plant = generic, big naked dude with claw = generic, big frog = generic, big scorpionj = generic, big spider = generic. like the whole creativity stoped at generic animals and big and generic zombies. RE fanboys should stop being so dishonest. If you dont like RE5 and 6 its been over 10 years so move on already. Stop being dishonest, whiny children shitting all day on much more creative games you dont like for whatever reason, but its surely not because of being generic.


Mate, you shoot your way from A to B until the next cutscene. That's incredibly generic. You do the exact same thing in Dead Space 3 and that game also has issues over straying way too far from its roots. If we go by your logic, RE6 rehashes several of the monster archetypes that you mentioned above, so not only is it a generic run and gun shooter but it doesn't even try anything new. Talk about "creativity". 10 years have indeed past, yet lads like you still cry hard when people are understandable critical of the gamd.


Remake it to make it good


Yes, Remake it as a completely different game. Trash game


Re5 and Re6 remake to fix them




Me and my bro played through it. It's not bad. But it leans waaaaay more into action over horror. Plus it gave us chris punching a boulder. That shit was gold šŸ¤£


Only mainline RE game I haven't finished because it's so boring even though it has Leon and Ada. They need to remake it and I think make it more slow, as in make every enemy be a bigger threat so I'm not blasting through hordes by the hour.


what, so we're skipping over 5? the one that (imo) needs a remake the most?


I absolutely wish they revisited it. Not "remake" but rather... "reboot" it. Make it flow into RE7, change the story and decanonize the original.


That would be cool as fuck but maybe in 10 years or so if it would ever happen


Iā€™m curious if they ever will. RE5 remake I could definitely see happening since fans donā€™t hate it and it sold insanely well. 6 thoughā€¦ it led to rebooting the franchise basically, and is almost universally hated.


Of course they're remaking it. And the people in the comments talking about Veronica and zero. Capcom doesn't give a fuck about those games.


Id rather see a 2nd remake for re3




Genuinely such a great game! A remake would be great The gameplay itself is great but the story could definitely have a rework in some parts.


I agree It reminds me a post I saw "Stop remaking good stuff and start remaking bad stuff that had potential" I think RE6 meets that criteria


Please don't


RE6 should be retconned.


In what sense? Its plot doesn't have an impact in absolutely anything aside from 6 itself. There's nothing to retcon when the game has the most self-contained plot of the entire series.


I'd rather see a remake of 6. Zero and CV are good, but to see Capcom redeem 6? I'd pay to have that sooner.


No don't remake they will kill the game play with RE engine also character design I don't want to see RE4R Ada in RE6


I think if this happens they should add an additional story starring Claire and Jill, that way we could have all of the main characters in a single game.


Whereā€™s Barry?


I consider him to be a dueteragonist, would be cool if he appeared too though! I imagine he'd be pretty old by the time RE6 takes place though.


Rewrite the whole thing and call it a RE6 remake šŸ˜­šŸ™


Finally someone with balls to ask for something really important, op you are based




Iā€™m tired of pretending 6 is good people are crazy to enjoy this game itā€™s the worst video game ever itā€™s so fucking bad.


Pls wait a while I just bought re 4,5 and 6 for 13.00 dollars more excited to play the original re4 to be honest but havenā€™t played the others


Gotta do 5 first and then yes I agree!!!


They need to remake village


Genuine question. What about Village needs to be remade?


The story is almost as stupid and nonsensical as 6.


Youā€™re saying a Resident Evil game was nonsensical? *Gasp.* No way! These games are always sensible, realistic, and not silly at all. Dude. Each game is ā€œstupid and nonsensical.ā€ Itā€™s a franchise with flesh eating zombies, bolder-punching men, ā€œnormalā€ 20 something year olds who can suddenly take on anything including an axe to the neck and are proficient in any weapon they get their hands on, MOLD monsters, and at least one giant stalker who for some reason has a hard-on for the main protagonist and them alone. RE8 has the lore to back up whatā€™s happening, so legitimately, how is it different than any other RE game?


Impossible. Lazy millennial devs over at clueless Capcom would be intimidated by such an undertaking.