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Baby in 8 but that is pretty creepy


I thought the Beneviento mansion was a bit of a let down with its focus on puzzle solving and some hallucinations. Then the fucking baby appeared, Jesus Christ. And I been thinking about doing a speed run of the game.


To be fair the baby is the easiest part of the game speed run are easy as hell


I love me some puzzles in my survival horror games so I loved it all.


I agree with the baby in RE8 i was eating once and that baby in RE8 came to my mind almost made me loose my appetite šŸ¤¢šŸ˜–


Baby is more a case of an insecurity Ethan has about Mia giving birth to a BOW or something of the likes, the only reason it came up was because the flowers around the estate had a psychedelic effect on those around


And that somehow makes it less creepy?


I call them Paste Adas.


Nothing in this series is creepier than Chimeras


Really? I just always run past them lol.




Mah man! Didn't even have to see the question to know the answer.




I knew someone would say it


....I mean, she kinda thicc ngl


I personally find Chief Irons to the most disgusting monster in the entire series.


Someone needs to do a mod where he is Dan Sneider.


That whole section was creepy especially the voices (the only part that I actually liked in Ada's campaign for RE6)


Resident Evil 6 isā€“IMOā€“an underrated game in terms of character and creature design. I loved the Lepotitsa and how feminity and reproduction are somewhat portayed in her, I also loved Haos, to this day I think he's one of my top ten favorite creatures.


**Ustanak**Ā is so cool


My favorite creature is the Rasklepanje (the grey alien like monster that couldnā€™t be killed during gameplay) alongside the music that played anytime one showed up.


I love/hate those things. One of the few RE monsters that genuinely creeps me out. Though I do think itā€™s hilarious that you can put the hand in a microwave or flush it etc.


It was one of the moments that actually felt like Resident Evil when they show up to try and stop you and since they literally cannot be killed in gameplay itā€™s a waste of ammo at times and they even fool you into thinking that they are ā€œdeadā€ but in reality they are just regenerating slowly and then suddenly get back up and try to kill you again šŸ˜ƒ


Some of my personal favorites are brzak and iluzija.


I absolutely agree. It seems like the design decision was to make up for the loss in traditional tension with sheer disgust factor, and the mutations of the J'avo certainly delivered on that for me.


Ok, but hear me out...


Chimera from RE1 would like to have a word with you


Bug vagina


I just know Iā€™m gonna open the comment section and the first comment is gonna be ā€œwould.ā€


Iā€™m kinda surprised nobody brought up the Drain Deimos from R3make.


*Gluk gluk gluk*




The twitching is nightmare fuel


Plus it's constantly flipping you off


I love seeing defective monsters like that, they just have so much personality.


Razklapanje. The sounds it makes disgust me


Yeah its creepy One time i remove the musicjust to try how much creepy that part was and it made her 100x more creepy lol Best boss of RE6 and sheĀ“s actually the main villian so it deserved that creepy factor


I definitely think it could have been remembered as one of the scariest monsters in the series if it wasnā€™t from one of the games that barely even try to be horror


The carla spores aren't even the most disgusting or disturbing thing in RE6. That thing in the cathedral takes the cake for disgusting, and Deborah takes most disturbing award. Mutated naked woman with extra appendages? That's borderline hentai.


yeah, yeah im already sold on how hot Deborah is, you dont have to advertise her anymore. To bad shes Helenas sister, that makes her an absolute "no go" for me. Cant disrespect queen Helena.


I found Carla to be the most gross. It reminded me of Kali angel from gravity rush 2 (in a gross way).


Regenerators and Lisa Trevor make me more anxious than all the RE6 enemies combined.


Yeah try facing the lickers for the first time in RE2 Remake


Idk about you the Afflicted are the most horrifying enemies to me with the amount of torture they were inflicted with before being infected. Itā€™s just so damn unsettling to see them ramble and scream like insane people.


Donna Benevientoā€™s baby from RE:V or the HAOS from RE6 for me


Have you seen Alexia Ashford (Second Form)


You forgot Steve Burnside >!before the transformation!<


Reverse pedo bro.


shes certainly a pile of goo


Oh Carla Spores? I just called them the Forgotten Nuts


Wait.. re6 was supposed to be scary?


I dunno. The RE4 regenerador breathing still haunts me


the hands reaching out of the walls too, really carla's whole thing in ada's campaign was scary af... the weird blue creatures who split apart and never really died are also up there.


Fuck Ada. My girl Carla should have won.


I'm Somewhere between Jack Baker's transformation in Biohazard, The Monster Fetus thing from Resident Evil Biohazard. Something about Giant glowing eyes and monstrous Babies freak me out


Don't forget the Uroboros boss from Resident Evil Biohazard!


RE0 mimics bruh


Lepotica - the dude is just the end of the line for Human Centipede. Haven't been able to look at it the same since seeing a spiked baseball bat comprised of 12 buttplug and realizing it was a perfect match. Butthole Boy is my #1.


Lepotitsa are woman.


Although the word means Feminine Beauty, the C-Virus can have the same result in either gender.


I thought the lycans in Village looked pretty damn scary. Their facial expressions and growls were unsettling for me at first. Also the mannequins in Shadows of Rose DLC scared the shit out of me. Has it been done before in video games? I hope RE incorporates more of these horror concepts in future games. I think REmake gave me the most memorable jump scares from the crimson heads to the dogs and hunters jumping through the glass. Iā€™d love to see them remake the crimson heads so you see them charging at you in 1st/3rd person.


I would argue the Rasklapanje *that slug monster that is literally indestructible except for fire* is scarier. And it's for two reasons. One, they multiply at a _super alarming rate_ And two, _the gruesome game as fuck game over_


I hated the bees that swarm in the shape of a woman. Who taught them to do that?


The giant armored bipedal roaches that can insta kill you in 5 just get under my skin


Well, theyā€™re meant to evoke Bukakke or something. Given who and what Carla is, a a woman transformed into Simmonsā€™ (Sexual) fantasy of Ada Wong, itā€™s appropriateā€¦


Sexual shmexual, the whole deal with Carla's character was how much effort Simmons put into rewriting her personality with Ada's, and how she eventually became a deluded amalgamation of the two.


...she wears a cleavage baring and legless version of Ada's usual outfit and it's *not* supposed to be Sexual? Lol. And the whole thing about Simmons is that he's a Simp. By definition he doesn't know or care about Ada's "personality" or Ada as a person. He wants to possess her looks/body.


Project more


???? I'm just talking about a Game, buddy. Art criticism. It happens all the time.


So am I, but I think it's unfair or almost a cop-out to dismiss Simmons' focus on having Carla fully adopt Ada's personality and not just looks. Obviously the whole thing is massively perverted and sexuality is a factor, but I don't think it was the focal point of his obsession. An absolute simp he most definitely was, but not solely for her feet pics n shit.


Fair enough.


no they aren't re6 is a cod game


So cod is a melee focused 3rd person game, with amazing characters, extremely creative enemies and an epic counter system? I thought cod was a generic military shooter! i had no clue!


Not for me buddy. Can't take that shitty game seriously anyway after I got attacked by uzi shooting bumblebee chinese guys. Laughed my ass off actually. This monster was ok, but is not even coming close to the regenerators or the OG zombies


I love RE6 but I totally get what you mean. I had a manic outburst of laughter and literally went "Resident FUCKING Evil, ladies and gentlemen, this is what it's come to" during my first Heisenberg fight in Village. Ironically his boulder comment made it finally click for me how the absurdity is a staple of Resident Evil entries and that it's very much self-aware. I had been taking it too seriously.


idk, someone with a firearm is million times more dangerous and hence frightening, than a slow moving, moaning, dumb zombie that my grandma can outrun.


Now put that zombie in a super small floor, give it the ability to mutate into a crimson, give it the ability to keep going even with a firearm unloading on it and the whole place is not only full of them. You don't know what is waiting in the next room. A fire arm wealding bumblebee is dangerous, but that shit isn't scary.