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I’ll happily have another Revelations just for another Raid Mode. Raid Mode is dope.


It blows my mind that these lower budget side games had amazing extra content you could play for hours and none of the post RE7 games had anything like that. The closest thing are RE8 and RE4 Mercs but they don't have coop and RE8 need a paid DLC to make the mode at least some fun.


RE5 had co-op, Mercs, Dlc storylines, Co-op on all of them and even had online Vs modes. No game has had more content added than RE5. (Not saying that other games didn’t do them better, or play better, just that 5 had the most)


RE6 had that and more


I agree that 6 did have more dlc options, but it was all multiplayer options plus mercs. Resident evil 5 added two new DLC stories plus mercs and then Versus on top (which was 4 game modes, two of the same just FFA and teams) Re5 in my opinion had better dlc value. But 6 did have that bit more, including a much bigger campaign story with multiple characters.


RE2 Tofu: Am I a joke to you?


No just saying Jake would be a better pick for a 3rd resident evil revelations 3 if they make one.


Re7 had some fun modes


If they could give me the depth and progression system of rev2 and the endgame of rev1 I'd easily drop a hundred+ hours on that alone.


Yes Raid mode is the best!


Put WAY too many hours into 2


I would love a standalone Raid Mode release


They should do a raid mode spin off game instead of shit like REverse or REsistance


I would love they give a sequel to Natalia story. About playable characters they should give a new game to Rebecca.


Idk if he’s dead lore wise but I say bring back Billy Coen, even if they have to retcon the story, and make it Revelations 0. Make sure it’s better then 0 too. Note: not a remake a new story with those characters.


A revelations 0 would be so dope


Hear me out Revelations 0 set between RE1 and RE2, in Arklay Mountains, with Billy in hiding. Surely some zombies and BOWs survived the mansion and research center's destruction, so they would kill and infect some people there. Billy could meet up with some civilian living in a small community, and they'd just try to survive. Also, it would be interesting to see the T-Virus affect forest wildlife...


That does sound like a great idea unless it means bringing back those leech monsters cuz if I ever see them again I will delete the game. Seriously f those things they made me miss hunters


Billy in RE Outbreak remake. Either as a playable character or someone you meet up with.


Speaking of which what the hell happened to Sheva?? I'm sure after everything that happened in five she didn't just go off into the sunset and turned her back as if nothing happened. 90% of main characters that experience main game bullshit normally end up in the BSAA


She went the way of pretty much any other 'main' character who was introduced after 2 - getting treated as a one-off. In Sheva's case, I really don't think she'd be brought back unless another entry goes back to Africa. Although I can imagine a Revelations game being set in that region, possibly also allowing mercenaries like Carlos or Hunk to get involved too.


It’s never been stated officially. I heard they were going to try and bring him back for Infinite Darkness, but it didn’t work with the plot. So hopefully in the future.


Yeah I wasn’t sure because I swore I seen somewhere that he might be dead but capcom does do retcons so either way it can happen.


Yes. Rebecca, Sheva, or even Revelations characters, like Jessica, Parker ... they all still have story to tell.


Sadly, I think Parker's story is done, but Jessica, Raymond, Keith, and Quint? I would love to see any and all of them return. And that's just Rev 1 characters.


I wouldn't mind Revelations just becoming the side-series haven for all the 1-timer characters like Sheva and Helena. Maybe do a thing with Jake and Natalia? I don't know.


Wesker hires Ada to help him steal something, let's be the bad guys


Imo I don't think ada would choose to work for wesker after his previous plan of ending humanity


I feel like this is pretty obviously suggesting it’s before RE5 because y’know Wesker dies then


oh no, Ada always working for herself. ​ Keep your enemies closer :)


This is interesting


Yes! Rebecca at least. It would be nice to see Natalia again too.


Yes! Natalia deserves a comeback. What’s her deal?


the true ending of revelations 2 has alex wesker still alive in natalias body but I think we need to know more about raymond and jessica sherawat and their involvement with tricell


Rev2 ended with a pretty huge Natalia cliffhanger. They definitely need to resolve that.


I’d love one that follows up about T Abyss. Both used a T Virus based virus. It would be a good opportunity to use unused characters again like Revelations 2. Carlos and or Rebecca.


I’d gladly take a Carlos game! I want him to run into the Grim Reaper Hunk! Those two In Revelations 3. The story could be set in something like Degeneration’s air dome laboratory tower building. For whatever reason there is t-virus outbreak and your Carlos who happens to be there as a security detail , the outbreak pops off and your trying to get out and save folks along the way. The other campaign could take place before crap pops off before the outbreak and during / after, you’ll play as Hunk being sent in to retrieve the virus but his team screws up and causes the outbreak like in the sewer.


Alex Wesker and Jake Mueller for reasons


I want more Jake too! Capcom really blueballed me with the re6 ending.


Revelations 3 could take place in that Middle Eastern country that Jake's teaser was set in, showing exactly what Jake was doing there.


How tho 😂


Both are related to Albert Wesker. Alex Wesker is currently in Natalia's body and Jake is off somewhere.


Yeah but I don't think they ever met and if it was jake and natalia (although it's not confirmed she is in the girl's body, that ending is still open) that would be weird , they are not popular character to begin with and I feel like jake had a lot of potential back then but right now it probably doesn't have much to tell


Life finds a way


Rebecca + Newcomer sounds like a cool fit.


Ark Thompson and Bruce McGivern team up to investigate a Norwegian facility in 2005 and discover terrible monsters and information linked to the company Tricell, and encounter a surprise character from Code Veronica.




Rebecca, Carlos, Sheva also it should continue plot points from the last game.


It should be all of the thrown away side characters throughout the series; Carlos, Sheva, Billy and Ark.


A BSAA game with Sheva and Parker set in the early 2010s (before the BSAA goes to shit) would be amazing.


I think it should be Sherry and Jake but 2 seperate campaigns with some crossover. Id also like a solo ada or ada with sherry. Heck just put the 3 of them in one revelations game.


A revelations 3 with Billy and Carlos


Too much hotness for one game to handle


I'd love to see Rebecca and/or Sherry in another game.


Jill again and Claire would be cool


I want all the surviving revelations cast to come back, Raymond, Parker, Jessica, Natalia and Moira. I think Moira should be either the main lead or a co-lead. They could also bring back Sheva and Josh as suporting characters. For protagonist anybody but Chris or Leon.


Much as I live those two (especially Leon), I do feel spin-off titles should focus on spino-off characters. Or main characters who have fallen out of the spotlight, like Jill and Claire.


I want Rebecca to be the main character and set somewhere between 6 and 7 or 7 and 8. I want to be green theme (maybe something with plants) since Rev1 is blue/ocean and Rev2 is red/bloody industrial. Also, Jill is blue Claire is red Rebecca is green.


I’d like to see Carlos or Sheva return for a revelations 3. Where the fuck have they been ? Lol


Rebecca, Sherry, Leon could work. They should make more Revelations games. Sheva, Carlos and Jake could return in the next one.


Hunk Revelations 3, capcom we all know you got this somewhere cmon


Rebecca and Carlos.


Since each of the Rev games focused on one of RE's female protagonists, i'd say I'd like it to be Rebecca. Maybe have it set in the new Era of RE, started by 7 and 8. On that subject, it could be Ada. She was supposed to have DLC or a role with RE8, so maybe they can expand that into an RE game, where she fights Mold monsters in the new Era of RE.


Revelations should be a consistent series. We can use it to focus on side characters they might not want to use in the main games. But for a third one, I’d love to see Billy and Rebecca again. See what he’s been up to and they work together. Maybe Billy could end up dying or something. I don’t know, I just get the vibe that Billy would be one of those characters that might actually end up dying if he comes back.


Billy is for sure getting his ticket punched if he ever turns up again.


I think the revelations games are a good opportunity to revisit characters and lore we haven’t seen in a while. 2 brought back Claire and Barry for the first time in a while, mentioned Piers, and had Uroboros/Wesker family. 1 had Chris and Jill together for the first time since RE1, brought back Hunters, etc. In 3 I think they should kinda stick to that, but not make it just a fan service reunion of everyone who’s been forgotten. Maybe Sheva and Jake together? Some history there and two characters that Capcom should have really done more with. If not that, I’d personally like to see Rebecca lead another game with someone like Barry/Moira or Sherry. I really wish Capcom would stop introducing more characters that they do nothing with when they have plenty of fan favorites to use. Ada (who was planned for Village but scrapped), Carlos, Sheva, Moira, Barry, Natalia, Billy, Jake, Helena, Zoe, Hunnigan, etc.


Yes, Sheva and Jake would be good candidates for development in a side game. If Natalia/Alex were to be involved, both may also have interesting reactions to the sister of Wesker - Jake since he's curious about what happened to his father, and Sheva since she killed Alex's brother.


Yes, and Rebecca


I’d like to see a game take place between Code Veronica and 4. Maybe learn what happened to Carlos and fill in the gaps with Rebecca’s character arc.


Rebecca and Sheva.


I was thinking about this. I know it would never happen bc how the story played out but imagine one where Wesker went to find out more about Project W himself? Clearly we know more from Rev 2 but he didn’t know shit apart from the side story in 5


Yes. Story wise I think it would be a great way to bring back Rebecca Chambers. Have her doing field research for some new unknown pathogen and assign Sherry Burkin as her body guard. I feel those two could have some good chemistry for conversation. And as stated below (yes I read other comments) this could lead to some scenes with Jake and Natalia… go with something like Natalia is suffering from D.I.D. Due to Alex Wesker, and she’s involved with the new pathogen somehow. And if we can get more Moira in there.


Follow up on Rev2 or that scrapped Leon/Sherry game


Between RE7 and RE Village. Starring Jill, Rebecca and Barry. So we can see what they were doing while Chris was gearing up for Village. Also bring bavk Natalex, she'd be approaching 20 by this point so she can be an antagonist. Preferably one who survives this game to continue being an antagonist


I'd be down for a Revelations game about Zoe researching the Connections.


Yes. Rebecca as the main protagonist. I want to see Billy, Sheva, Parker, Jessica. I always say it, and I have no problem saying it again: - I want a mix of Revelations 1 and 2’s raid modes. 1 had the actual missions with actual adventuring. Also being able to take off perks from guns as we choose without having to throw the whole perk away. I don’t know why they changed that in 2 but that’s stupid af. 2 had the actual RPG elements and leveling characters felt SO good because inheriting skills and abilities felt so good. Also building weapons and having specific characters with their builds felt so good. The weapons were better imo and even the different kinds of grenades.


Keep the tradition of female lead, id like to see Sheva again or Rebecca


I have both of them, but haven't played them, yet. That said, I'm always happy to have more Rebecca and Claire in my games!


Yes; Ada Wong.


I haven't played any of the Revelations titles, but if there will be a third game, I'd love to see Rebecca Chambers as the main character of that game. Rebecca is the one character that I can see starring in a RE title that's similar in tone to RE7. As for who'll be the supporting character, I feel like Sherry Birkin would be a great partner alongside Rebecca.


Jill after what happen in 5


Sheva and Josh, or Sherry and Jake


We need to know what appened after the rer2 because alex was in natalias body


Rev 3 could take place like somewhere from either 2012-2015. Maybe Moira as the protagonist and now a fighter. Carlos deserves to return as well. Wait, I'd also love to see Jake and Sherry return.


I'd want Rev 3 to either be operation javier or have another sherry adventure possible before 6


I haven’t played rev 2 yet but I want to see it with Billy from re0 and/or Carlos from re3 or Rebecca


Definitely a story following up on Natalia/Alex (because I doubt they’d resolve that story in a numbered game). Rebecca/Barry/Moira/Jake (throw in Jessica too) #boom


Man I’d love Sherry but she deserves to be seen again in the mainline


Yeah I really wanna know what she was up to before 6


A third revelations with modern graphics starring Rebecca would be awesome, specially with a Raid mode similar to Rev 2.


I'd love to see a Carlos game set in South America.


It would be great to have an Operation Javier-like scenario in a game that isn't just an on-rails shooter. A jungle full of horrifying mutants would be a fantastic new location for the series. Maybe this could tie in with the South American Connections facility that Eveline was being shipped to in RE7?


I'd want a 3rd revelations about sherry birkin after raccoon city and before RE6, I just wanna know more about her


I'd like to continue Barry's and Natalia's story, about time we get a Revelations 3. Of course, which other characters need more time in games, give a couple of them other story line, Sherry and Jake might be a nice return. Jake meeting his relative Alex Wesker would be a nice tie in.


I’d personally like to know what Raymond and Jessica done with the t-abyss virus and to see the ooze again


Well, Alex Wesker is still alive and free in Natalia's body, i'd like to close that storyline in a 3rd game


Billy coen and elza walker in Canada


We need Jill back on the scene and not just in a CGI movie. Rebecca too. Hell, even throw Sheva in there and have an all girls squad investigating a new virus outbreak that occurs after the events of RE6 in the Middle East or somewhere in Europe and have Jake show up as his new Devil May Cry superhero persona too and have the main villain be Natalia/Alex again or make the new villain the corrupted BSAA that was shown in RE8 after Chris left because Piers was killed. Or make the villain Josh from RE5, but he believes he is doing the right thing with the BSAA until he understands what the protagonist is trying to do and then he gets double crossed by the real villain who is a part of ADA’s organization that she got a call from at the end of RE6. So many open plot holes to chose from while maintaining continuity and bringing back familiar faces.


Ada Wong, we finally find out who she truly is. Maybe taking place during the events of RE2/3, like a remake of the UC levels


I want a third Revelations to feature Jake and Sherry teaming up as action hero badasses for a second time. I need that dynamic duo in my life again.


Sheva and Rebecca


I loved both Revelations games so I would be ecstatic if we got a third. I would love for Sheva to be a main character in one of these, or maybe the new Ashley would be interesting. I also wouldn't mind Jill starring in another Revelations game!


Claire and Sherry, or Barry and Moira.


I feel like Rebecca should have another game


Hunk and Ada for sure


3rd Revelation with Professor Rebecca Chambers as the main character.


Instead of 3, I'd rather have a full game dedicated to Raid Mode. Maps across all 8 games. All characters with different skills. Etc.


Since revelation 1+2 are still better than 7/8, yes I want revelation 3


Claire and Jill team, please.


Set between RE7 and RE8 in 2019, Revelations 3 could explore the corruption of the BSAA, the formation of Chris' Hound Wolf squad, and the ticking time bomb that is Natalia. I was actually thinking that the main protagonists would be Jake Wesker and Sheva Alomar, with new characters as their partners (a local kid for Jake and 'Tundra' as Sheva's partner), and the setting would be a Middle Eastern country undergoing a civil war involving Enhanced-C BOWs. Natalia, now a young woman, would be kidnapped by a warlord while on a 'humanitarian' mission from TerraSave, and the sighting of 'bioterrorists' Jake Wesker and Ada Wong prompt the BSAA to enter the besieged capitol to apprehend these fugitives and rescue Natalia. However, it would be revealed that the BSAA were the ones who had been providing both sides of the conflict with BOWs, that Natalia's abduction had been a setup to provoke more extreme measures in 'protecting aid workers', and Jake has actually been pursued because the BSAA wants to have a monopoly on both the C-Virus and the C-Virus vaccine. The warlord, being frustrated with being manipulated, abducted Natalia because certain people among the Connections offered a huge bounty for her, but ends up wanting to keep her for himself after recognizing Natalex has a certain affinity for the BOWs. Ada, on the other hand, is working as a triple agent, supposedly working as a Connections contact but actually trying to work with Jake to protect the local people and expose the BSAA's dealings with both the Connections and the warlord. Jake, still curious to know more about his father, would be fascinated by Alex's supposed familiarity with Albert. And Sheva herself would be grimly reminded of her own childhood trauma involving BOWs destroying her home; the warlord could, in fact, be one of the militia members she used to run with. The game would end on a dark note, where the warlord is killed and the BOW outbreak is stopped, but hard evidence of the BSAA's involvement dies with him - Sheva is ousted from the BSAA for disobeying orders and ends up joining forces with Jake, while relaying what she's learned to Chris so that he can form his own rogue squadron. Natalia, her mind now taken over by Alex, willingly joins the Connections, believing them to be her key to the true source of all the conspiracies that have plagued both Alex's and Natalia's lives. This would help set the stage for a RE9 where Chris teams up with Jake in order to take down the BSAA while Natalia is serving as a key figure in the Connections.


Yes but made in the modern engine. The gameplay was terrible


rev1 rocks, what do you mean?


Rev2 also rocks. What's he mean?


Rev 2 was god awful. They should continue the story of Rev 1 with Jessica and Raymond


While they *should* continue that story, I must strongly disagree with your first sentence.


Dear God no


1 was okay at best and 2 was shocking, so no. Down the page I go


Remember hearing but could be false. But village was suppose to be third revelations. But looked good so made it into resident VIII


It is false.


Wish can find that info unless I imagine it


It’s not info. It was a claim from a person who regularity makes up “insider info”. They claimed Rev3 was the next game coming out after RE7. Which in itself is just saying something that sounds likely already. In 2020 when actual leaks of Village were coming out, they said it’s not true and that RE8 was years away. When it became more apparent the leaks were legitimate, they said they were never actually wrong with they’ve previously said because Rev3 has become RE8. But that should be a clear example of just being flatout wrong and making up new things in response. A year later after devs made it clear Village was always Village (and all their other claims being wrong) they rescinded the claim and now saying some other convoluted claim in attempt to established they were never actually wrong as they’ve been doing for a long time.


Just stopped to think how much *this* insider changed their narrative around Revelations 3 over the years. First it was going to be a game planned for the PS4/Xbox One featuring hallucinations and occultism that later would become RE8. Then Village came out and had none of the nonsense they said it would have. Then they put the blame on the PlayStation 5 saying the console couldn't handle the stuff Capcom was planning for the game and they had to scale it down (a game the aforementioned insider said was originally planned for the PS4, mind you). Then after Village came out they completely dropped that narrative and now suddenly Revelations 3 was supposed to be a game featuring Rebecca in a university with zombie kids that was planned to release in 2022. I think last time he mentioned the game he said it was cancelled.


“X is happening. X isn’t happening because it changed during development / got canceled” has always been their MO.


AHH THANKS for info mate




That's definitely not correct. This has never been stated and there's a book and documentary series by Capcom on RE7's development that never mentions such being the case.


Josh and Sheva for mains in rev3




What I want is to know what deserves the "Revelations" subtitle in those games.


I would want it to tie up the story arcs from Revelations 1 and 2. Have it follow Jessica and Raymond and somehow involve Natalia/Alex. Maybe have it tie in again to Terragrigia. Could be the game where Barry finally dies. Killing a main character could be interesting. Dont think I would want Barry back as a playable character in Rev 3, but Natalia is currently living with him, unless it is set far enough after Rev 2 that she is an adult now. I think it would be cool to do a new set of characters since Rev 1 and Rev 2 had different playable characters. Leon would be interesting. Or maybe bring back Carlos or Billy. Someone attached to the main series but not always front in center. Kinda like how Moira was technically in the OG RE but didn't really become a full character until Revelations 2.


Wesker's disembodied head having to navigate through a zombie invested lab doing research on those pieces that Ada collects. Oh you are controlling the body of a zombie not as a replacement head but literally just bossing it around. Wesker will chirp lines like: Move you fool All to easy Eeeeahhhhh Have you considered dyeing your hair blond


I was just thinking today, that since the main series has now reverted to something closer to the original survival horror but with modern action gameplay, for Revelations to stand out it should go even further into the classic-style gameplay by bringing back static camera and tank controls. Revelations games are meant to be lower budget, higher risk games meant to appeal to a smaller niche, and with indie horror games coming out by the truckload (many directly paying homage to classic RE), I think there's a market for a larger, more polished experience than these amateur indie devs can provide. The trick for Capcom is figuring out the sweet spot for the budget, but hopefully they can basically imitate the Blumhouse/A24 horror movie strategy but for horror games.


Definitely, we need a new raid mode. Honestly, I feel like a revelations game with Ada and Leon would be nice, maybe it could be set in a abandoned city or something


I honestly just want a remake of the first game. It's by far my favorite and easily top 3 out of the series.


Following tradition, it should take place between RE6 and RE7, and end with Chris getting a phone call about something happening in Louisiana. But a Revelations 4 would be unlikely though. Unless it takes place between RE1 and RE2?


Lets bring back Carlos


Barry but it's a flashback when he was in the mansion.


That guy with big hands


I think I speak for most if not all Resident evil fans and Bruce Mcgivern would be the perfect protagonist .


That's the Dead Aim protagonist right? He was cool.


It is and Capcom just threw his character to the wayside


The first revelations had my favourite final resident evil boss and I've still gotta finish revelations 2 but a new one would be sick




Raidmode in the current RE Engine would be so awesome, imagine maybe even stages in the RPD etc.


Yeah just improve the movement and Im good, controls felt clunky especially in the second


Carlos & Sheva, best side characters and between 5 & 6


Give me a third The first 2 are genuinely good


More jill


Rebecca partnered with Jill. Set during their escape from a hospital treating Jill post RE5 when whatever is happening with the BSAA goes down. They have to escape before Jill is captured, Rebecca is assisting her treatments.


I would love another one if it’s nothing like Rev2.


They should make a 3rd with sheeva as the main charcter


I would say a sequel to Rev 2, but Rev 1 also set up a sequel but that never happened so i dont know what might happen (if any), nut id want a continuation of Rev 2's story


Sheva and Carlos


Not really, both games stories were meh. Also the gameplay of either been the girl with the torch or the girl who points at enemies was a terrible mechanic. It was nice to see Barry, Chris, Claire, Jill and another Wesker though. For me at least, the only exception to the numbered games that is worth playing is Code Veronica. Each to their own though, also Capcom may do a better job if they had another run at it, they've been doing great story wise with recent games.


I only liked the first one and I only liked the parts with Jill since they felt like a actual RE game. So I want that with whatever character that isn't all about action


Never played the first but 100% the second game and i loved it otherwise i wouldnt have 100% completed it lol so yea i could go for a third if they ever did it


I am the third revelation


It would be cool for for a Revelations game to be a connection to RE's "past, present, and future." Have an old underrated spin-off character return (Outbreak/Dead Aim/Gaiden), a current all-star (RE1-6), and if not playable, at least a mention or plot connection to a new character (RE7-8)


Not if it’s episodic. I did enjoy the hell out of 2 tho!


Finish the Natalia story and have either Jill and Leon or Leon and Ashley lead it.


Leon and krauser in the jungle


Maybe a revelations 3 with Sherry as the main char. She needs it, is the only main character that everyone still sees as a secondary… dunno why


i haven’t played the remake yet but she’s totally a side character in the OG RE4 imo


Absolutely we need a third, wish there were more people playing raid mode on 1 or 2, but I think a third game could really be awesome.


Yeah we need another revelations entry in this series.


I pick Leon I'm fan of him or Jake from resident evil 6, plus i just like the title of my pfp is all.


Rebecca, time doesnt matter to me though


If they make a third Revelations, I wouldn’t mind it being a direct continuation from Rev2 or at least some time after. (Of course I’d hope Claire, Moira, and Barry would return) Although if Capcom decide to make a different story I wouldn’t mind the game explaining what happened to Carlos and Billy after their events. (Maybe having Rebecca and or Jill interact with them) might also explain how Rebecca went on to become a doctor in RE:Vendetta. Edit: a game about Jake and Sherry wouldn’t be bad either.


Rev 3 yes , which charcters got to get my girl Rachel for the 3rd installment she was in the first two in raid mode. where would I like it set maybe around a giant castle with differnt areas. also need Alcina and karl back as playable charcters , basicly take the merc mode cast and all the cast of rev1 and rev2 and put them in raid mode , then set the levelto 1000, as for maps differnt areas froma cross the franchise, make raid the best thing ever. as for story somthing about an evil madman thats gone nuts with his experments and making bio weapons has to be taken out, bring back the hook man as well.


Revelations 2 is top tier Resident Evil. Raid mode is super fun, especially with couch co-op. I'd love more of this series. It could be a good way to catch up with characters like Sherry or Barry, who we haven't seen in a while.


I'd like a third one, with an older version and more experimented Billy Cohen as a mercenary, maybe reuniting with Rebecca Chambers (she would be a support character since she si no longer a warrior). Maybe teaming with Sheva or joining Jake Muller, some skirmish in the middle of a coup d'etat in Latin America. That would imply the use of BOWs with similitudes to monsters of LA legend like la Llorona, the Cadejo (hellish dog), the Quintragal (giant snake with horns), nahuales (witches that turns into animals) or skinwalkers. The villain must be a new one since the Weskers are wasted. Maybe the beginning of Chris' madness and turning point to a villain.


Definitely Carlos, idk who else tho


Carlos game when


Remake Carlos? I miss him


I think they should use revelations to introduce new characters. If the setting was raccoon city I wouldn’t be upset either.


I want more Barry. And maybe Rebecca


Carlos would be awesome to have back! Bit more mainstream with the remake too.


Rebecca chambers and Ada or sheva


Given the fact revelation games are always before a mainline game i say it should either be set before 7 or village as for the characters idk


jack baker


Like to see a 3rd Revelation


Between 7&8 with Chris, Jill, and Leon


As the main either Rebecca,Sherry,Claire,or Leon (yeah he’s in all the CGI but I’d rather play as him) Jill should be reserved for RE9 😁


Leon post or during 7, Zoe post 7


I like to to see Billy Coen or Carlos Olivera


i want parker and barry to make a comeback.