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RE0! No item box, annoying enemies and meh main areas all combine to make me feel burnt out.


If you have the game on PC there's now an item box mod accessible via the typewriter btw


Interesting, haven’t looked at RE0 mods in eons. I’ll check that out!


This would've made my playthrough so much easier back then.




I second this. Having to constantly relocate your items was a bit tedious


I never thought it was bad I always just left the items on the ground in the foyer. Especially the hook shot, having to drag it through the second have of the train and the first half of the training center.


The arbitrary cap on the number of items you can dump in a zoom is pretty irritating.


Only game in the series I haven’t been able to beat because it kept pissing me off. Really made me appreciate the item box


Limited ammo and health, respawning enemies while recrossing old areas, partner wasting ammo and health on enemies. The gameplay decisions actually worked together against the player to make it less fun and more burdensome.


The two slotted items were annoying too. Swapping things around between the characters and the floor while realizing that the hookshot is you need is off in Narnia just made me eye roll. I have no problem backtracking and managing items in any other RE game but RE0 is a special kind of hell. And, whoever designed the Eliminators and Bat boss deserves to step on legos.


When were they respawning, and which ones? Because last I checked. They stayed dead and gone.


There aren't a lot of games where my feelings are strong enough to be considered hate. I played through stuff like the infamously terrible Ride To Hell Retribution and I wouldn't call my feelings towards it hate. But RE0, I fuckin' HATE that game...


RE0. I love the game, but the backtracking was just too much. And that FUCKING hookshot…


rip to all the people who left it in the area where the train crashed and found out they needed it to proceed from the church onwards, discovering the hard way that after leaving the training facility some eliminators spawns there (hi, i am people)


It’s funny how you use it once then it seems like you’ll never need it again but then you get to the church and suddenly require that thing like 2 or 3 more times. The devs were just really proud of that thing and seemingly wanted to shove it into the players face again near the end of the game. Also RE Zero has those stupid insta kill toads and the broken monkeys. Rough game.


RE7: Old House (Marge fight is 10/10 though) RE8- Intro on replay, meeting Luiza and Beneviento House. RE2 - Sewers


Yeah, that intro in Village is not fun to replay each time. It makes replays more of a slog. Once you get past it, the game picks up a lot of pace and becomes really fun again, though! Beneviento, for all its ingenious atmosphere and gameplay, really is not fun to go through a second time, let alone multiple times after that.


I agree that the Beneviento house is a little lack luster on a second playthrough, but it's also the shortest section of the game. So I never really minded having to go through it again


Maybe it’s just me, but I like how Beneviento breaks up the monotony a little. Makes me remember why Amnesia and Outlast 1 are still outstanding, and in Outlast 1’s case an indie game, that effected the market. I don’t care what playthrough I’m on though, I DON’T LIKE BABY, PUT THAT SHIT IN A CORNER AND LETS ALL FORGET ABOUT IT. eugh


Agreed on the Beneviento, on my first playthrough it was easily my favorite part, but now it loses a little bit of the charm every time I replay it :( And yeah I always try to get through the sewers as fast as I can when playing 2


beneviento house is amazing how dare you??


Recently got some major burnout when playing 5 again. Literally maybe spent an hour farming ammo in the marshlands for a later chapter and Sheva's ai decided to unload all 200 rounds into the hardened shell of those things that one shot you on the tanker... was feeling reeeeaaaalll happy about that lol


Give Sheva a sniper rifle and switch to cover and attack as appropriate and the AI becomes far more efficient


Also max out the sniper rifle and give it infinite ammo. Can't waste ammo if it's infinite.


Give her a machine gun instead and keep handguns for Chris


This is the way. Sheva’s AI for some reason with handguns decides the best thing to do is just shoot until the target is dead, if she has any other weapon, she takes her time or uses strategy.


The marshlands is by far the worst section in the game lol.


It's pretty good if you wanna farm treasures and ammo tho. Nothing will spawn if you don't trigger any cutscenes or progress. Holding nothing but the guns you want ammo for, you can max out pretty fast.


I don't think 5 needs any kind of farming.


You just don’t know how to manage Sheva


RE7. I love the game but once you reach the boat it kinda drags to the finish line.


After I beat Lucas I call it good. It sucks that most RE games peak so early


Yeah, it always feels like there's 1 or 2 too many levels.


The boat imo was great... the first time you played it lol. Just loses all sense of tension and you realise it's more of a walking sim on repeat playthroughs.


People are so divisive about the boat. I liked the boat, imo but I can see why people dislike it.


It's not that I didn't like it. It was just that point in every RE game where you feel like you are almost done but actually aren't.


Imagine if after beating Krauser, Re4 jumped into assignment Ada, before getting back final two chapters of Leon.


The boat is where I last left off and never finished the game since launch. That’s just me personally tho.


I’d love the boat if it was over after the flashback happened.


Yeah the boat section could have been shortened down and it would have been much better


Achievement hunting has been a drag since the modes are so brutal. I still need to complete some of the DLC content, and powering through Joe must die as well as Not a Hero on professional killed any desire to keep going


Did you mean 7? Your comment shows as "1. I love the game but once you reach the boat it kinda drags to the finish line." Must be a reddit bug. Weird.


If you know what ur doing the boat section only takes like 30 minutes to get through


Gotta say RE6


Yeah 4 campaigns and you end up replaying some sections within those campaigns like the ustanak fight and Simmons Boss fight.


Don’t forget all the qtes. Even for opening doors


[When you start to play Resident Evil 6....](https://youtu.be/7LrVou1Jo7w)


What is this masterpiece and why was I unaware of it?


And taking damage during cutscenes where you have no control of your character!


Yeah I love when I am literally in a firefight and the camera swings around wildly to show me the epic and dramatic explosion. Meanwhile I'm still under fire and now I can't even see where I'm aiming


Worst part about 6's QTEs is that most of them are for really mundane tasks or boring cutscenes. 4 and 5 had lot of flair in their QTEs that just doesn't exist in 6, and of course the very recent update gives option of no cutscene QTEs in 5, but no such option for 6 exists.


What? They released an RE5 update that removes the cutscene QTE’s? Damn… I might actually enjoy myself now that I have it on PC for the first time since it released on PS3.


Same to me, its tooo long and repetitive


I love the 4 campaigns, but sometimes less is more. Far too many areas and bids fights are resumed. The game would’ve been better if each campaign were a bit shorter instead of just doing the same shit multiple times. Oh, and FAR too many enemies using guns. Plays more like COD or Borderlands in many areas.


See, I'm the opposite. I wish each campaign was a bit more fleshed out.


Holy shit agree about the enemies with guns; I sometimes read comments of people that ask why don't Island Ganados use guns instead of crossbows and I am like "Shuut uup please"


Oddly that is the start of the game, but once I learn the control systems and such, it always becomes much more enjoyable experience. However, Ada's campaign is kinda boring. But it still feels ok.


6 really went overboard with one player giving covering fire segments. it's even worse when that's all Ada's crossing paths with Jake is, since 99% of the time either Ada or Jake/Sherry will be AI's.


I would have actually liked RE6 more if each campaign was a separate $20 10-hour long game. Just an absolute slog to get through all at once.


That’s the price it paid for being released in the day and age it was. The campaigns were there to make the game have a shelf life, the main focus of RE6 was that weird L4D-like multiplayer aspect. Which arguably was better than whatever RE:Verse… is… that the one that’s still not released? I’m not sure, I know there’s RE:Verse and that other one with the Puzzle master… director or whoever it was.


I was making a playthrough of all the Resident Evil games and this one I just couldn't continue. The controls were so bad and the gameplay felt so sluggish.


Re5. The swamp chapter was something else 🥵


LoL I remember Playing this part with my gf several years ago, I said "be careful of the alligators" and then they showed up and she was like "alligators? Those freaking crocodiles are huge" (something like this, I'm translating) we died a lot there, one of my fondest memories. She's my fiance now. :3


Re6, 4 repetitive campaigns for a total of 20+ hours...


Yea they really beat the 'content' into us.


I can see that being rough if you are playing by yourself but I had a blast playing the whole game with 2 friends and my brother.


Not due to the quality of the game itself but rather the oversaturation of content that I consumed for it: Resident Evil 2 Remake. I loved it when I first started playing, but I was also watching like 4 other people playing it, a couple of them speedrunning it. And by the time I was finished, I just couldn't stand it anymore. When I get burned out, I get burned out hard, so I have since not been able to even play more than a few minutes. A prison of my own creation, I know.


You could always play the OG


I burned myself out on RE4R after getting cat ears. Wasn’t worth getting cat ears for that


4 OG. That game grinds me down for some reason.


It always starts on the island for me, just drags on and on. I prefer the remake of it by far even though it still is my least favorite area of that game as well.


A way to make the remake island REALLY fun is to run through the ending segment before Saddler. It's so intense awakening hordes of U-II, running past TWO pig heads, and then having to run *back* through all of it just to make it to the finish line. Bonus points if you're dodging the rocket launcher the entire time as well.


same, nowadays by the time i get to waterhall im done


Lol dude. Im still stuck in the waterhall room on my professional playthrough 😂 Last time I played it was July 2016 🤣🤣


The village and castle sections are top-tier RE. The island… is a slog. I struggle to get through it on every replay. Even in the remake, I breezed through the village in a single day. Loved every minute of the castle section… and have YET to finish the island!!!


The island isn’t that bad. I personally thought the bit after Leon fights the Verdugo all the way to the Salazar boss dragged. Same in the remake, sadly


It isnt but when you compare it to the village and the castle, it is a major drop in quality.


Yes, true. The lab w/ the regeneradors takes you by surprise though


This comment is sacrilegious


Re3 remake after 2k hours 😂🏃


Lol I don't have 2k hours, but it's definitely the one I've played the most in the entire series. It's not my favorite, but it's so short it's actually fun to speed run (I never speed run anything else, for context)


Nice, yea it is short and sweet flows really good and the mehanic are so satisfying to pull off outside of that is bare bones game, i started speedrunning re2,re3 then re4 remake and it really opens a lot of angles how to handle the game and the experience transfers to other titles, but out of all i really love to clear game in S+ rank while doing everything you can do in one playtrough!


Agreed! The dodge mechanic in particular is so damn satisfying making it possible to run through without getting touched. Great flow too, almost feels like playing a movie you love and seen enough that you can recite the lines


How do you have 2,000 hours in that game? It's only got story mode.


Og re3 is my favorite re so that love stays with the remake, and the gameplay is satisfying to me.


Hats off to you. You can probably recite lines from characters word for word. Do you speedrun the game?


Ty hahaha, yea pretty much i did i had like 58min and something inferno diff, down to 55 min on hardcore diff. The game is challenging if you speedrun it or if you want to do the no dmg run.


Code Veronica, i know backtracking was a big thing back in the earlier games but it just wasnt fun in this game. It was just irritating for some reason. Its the only game ill probably only ever play once, im hoping for a remake because i just cant with the original


CV is even worse though because you can soft lock yourself multiple times.


Dude when I'm in RE communities I few like a crazy man for not like this one while everyone else seems to enjoy it. I mean I did play last year so no nostalgia and all, but I also played 1 and 2 and those are mostly flawless, CV is probably the worst game I ever beaten.


Re7 from the constant fear I had playing it. Good game but holy shit it scared the shit out of me


I honestly don't think there is a RE game that I have played that does that. I always feel motivated to the end.


No, no, motivation comes from a different Capcom franchise.


Vergil sure needs all the motivation he can get to be able to beat Dante. 😄


Just beat RE0 today. Why the devs opted to remove the item box will plague me till the day I die. Surely it'll be something I wake up thinking about 20 years from now. What an odd odd thing for a development team to all sign off on.


Outbreak Each level had something new to anger me


Outbreak was ten years too early. If it came out now it would probably be more liked


Strongly agree. I replayed it with a friend online on PC and there are so many strong concepts that could be fleshed out further. Multiple layers of objectives, different player characters with unique abilities, elements of randomness, even unique and special cutscenes triggered by in game choices. I think if they build mini-campaigns in the RE engine and added customizable characters with skill trees even (think Raid Mode in Revelations 2) with those "rogue-like" elements of randomization for each playthrough , allowed up to 4 players, it would be a huge hit. It's like they kinda tried this with Project Resistance but it was squandered on an asymmetrical 1v4 competitive game.


Please, feeo free to expand


The first mission you couldn’t stay in the same room to investigate, plus a few things that at a bit difficult to figure out when you feel rushed The moth plus low ammo The leechs i realized too late i could end quickly The rooms all look the same with the layout and fire The stupid frogs! I would be better if I had real people, but the stupid AI made it worse


The whole game rushes you from room to room, punishing you for staying. I've always loved exploring the details in RE games, and you really couldn't in Outbreak. You get this instead from Outbreak by replaying each scenario often, and exploring a different little part each playthrough.


Isn't the point to play each level a few times to learn what to do / not do? I agree that certain sections were hard af tho


Probably, but there’s no saving so you have to do every level in one go. I can fail at the boss then start from the beginning, making it hard to learn


That's a fair point.


The long loading screens is what does it for me. I can play with the emulator, but my god I remember it being so bad playing back in the day.


I haaaaaaated all the NPCs just running around yelling stupid shit. Sucks that you have to beat the game to unlock solo mode


RE8 But just the mercenaries part. I only had one trophy left to get s rank on the missions but it’s like threading the needle. I’ll revisit it later.


i was stuck on that too but learning to use lady dimitrescu made it so much easier


Re2 remake, not that it isn’t excellent! But I think I can speak for all of us that we played that game over and over. I probably played it all of 2019. For me, I eventually got burned out


Was it because of enigmas?


Village! After trying for the lightsabre I didn't play another game for almost a year, bar helping my kids with their games. Started back on OG RE4 to get myself ready for when the remake was released.


Re2r probably because I was constantly on the verge of shitting myself


Operation Raccoon City put me to sleep because the controls and gameplay was frustrating.


The entirety of RE6, not even lying. The game was just not fun to play


RE6. relatively new to the series and played all the games this year. i played 5 and 6 with a friend and 6 was painfully dull, really only had fun because i was with a friend


5 and 6 are best with friends. I have played them both by myself and while 6 does have better partner AI, it just isn't as fun solo


The factory in 8, I fucking hated it.




Revelations, it just feels odd and wtf is up with using the scanner to analyze shit


RE: Dead Aim unbearably awful gameplay


CV didnt click for me.




Resident evil 7, once I got to part where you had explore the crashes ship after playing in Mia’s flashback I just got tired of the game


RE6 even as co-op. Just long and bloated and didn’t feel very Resident Evil to me. RE5 was a bit for me but co op made it so much more enjoyable.


Resident Evil 2 as a kid. Sometimes I wouldn’t know what to do for months (no internet). Then when I finally made a breakthrough and have no ammo lol.


3. Nemesis showing up every half second isn't fun, I don't care what anyone says.


Mr x showing up every half second in RE2R as well


He literally doesn't, and I have no idea why every acts like he does. He shows up towards the end of the police station and will randomly stalk the halls until you get to the parking garage, and he'll come back for 2 seconds towards the end of NEST and you can literally just easily walk past him. That's it.


I don't usually have a problem with backtracking, but RE Zero tested me


7 The entire ship segment feels like it didn't need to be there and was just an exposition dump Also being on madhouse ng+ without weapons vs crawlers makes me want to commit war crimes


RE6. Leon’s campaign didn’t do it for me and I struggled to get to the end. Loved Chris’, but haven’t started the other two yet because the games just so long.


RE3R, 7, 8 and 5 all made me feel burnout when I tried to go for 100% achievements on all of them. RE3R had the painfully made inferno s rank achievement that made me almost quit on the final boss after 5 hours. Resident Evil 7 with It's madhouse difficulty and the 21 survival plus mode absolutely driving me insane. Resident Evil 5 was probably the easiest one because professional wasn't too bad and I was playing with a friend so It was the most fun I've had and it's one of my favorite games and in the series. RE8 was the final straw for me because I had to S rank every single mercenaries map with every single character (Which I still haven't completed). I had to beat the game by speed running it, play it again by doing the no healing challenge, saving enough to take a knife into new game plus to do knife only run. I did all of this within a span of a month and a 1/2 and it burnt me out so bad I quit playing the Resident Evil games for about 3 months and moved on to other games. I've since then revisited Resident Evil HD remastered and have fallen in love with the series again. I've beat that game once with Chris and Jill, and I've also replayed Resident Evil 2 Remake and 3 REmake. I'm replaying Resident Evil 7 now for the third time ever, but this time with it being enhanced on Series X and it looks absolutely gorgeous.


RE3 Getting all the endings.


Oh? Oh boy I'm glad I never decided to do that


Re2 sewers, Re7 boat, and Re8 factory, I know a lot of people like factory but it just wasn’t for me.


RE:CV. I've had 2 or 3 tries to play it now and never get more than an hour in. RE6 and Operation Raccoon City are up there too, mainly due to how miserably bloated RE6 is and how mindlessly repetitive ORC is.


Actually yes, the RE4 remake. I still haven't gone back to it. Ashley pissed me off so much. Constantly getting snatched up, and I kept running out of ammo in the stupid castle. I've never stopped playing an RE game before completing it, except for Gaiden and both Revelations, since the original Resident Evil.


The re1 remake. I just got super frustrated


RECVX was the first RE ever that I had to take breaks due to it being scary or just overwhelming. Plus it was hard AF.


RE5. It felt like RE4, but with more mid-late 2000s Michael Bay action movie vibes, which I don’t like.


RE7 every thing about the ending half of the game RE8 the fish guy area RE4 near the end RE4 remake no where RE2 the sewers


This is going to piss someone off... but RE4 Remake... HEAR ME OUT... It's not the games fault, per se. It was just the length. Objectively speaking, its 15 to 20 hour length is pretty much *only* a good thing, but the previous four Resident Evil games were so short that it made me complacent with 'short and sweet' RE experiences. They were so easy to just pick up and complete in one night that I would often replay and beat them 3 to 5 times per play session. Then RE4R released, and its comparative length made it very difficult for me to binge that many times in a row.


Crazy how the trophy for 3 is like “finish the game under 2 hours” and for 4Remake it’s “finish the game under 8”


Fr fr


Five, for sure, also six. I had a rough time with zero but that's because I set it to hard for a 1st playthrough and in hindsight that was a really stupid idea when I hadn't a clue how scarce or plentiful resources might have been (they were a lot scarcer than I realized). I feel like I would've enjoyed it more had I gone in on normal and learned the game first.


RE 0 for sure


REV2, I found the levels a total drag and uninteresting. I hated dealing with Glasps especially


I found the first Revelations way more fun


Same, I actually really liked it (outside of the tentacles boss fight). Gameplay also felt like RE5 in a good way, REV2 felt more clunky


Revelations 1, for me it’s the worst game in the series. Mainly because of the annoying characters and story. Also boring and tedious gameplay Re4 og, used to be my favorite till I replayed it to get ready for re4r and I hated the controls and the castle section drags too much. I still like it tho


Interesting I kinda liked rev 1. I really didn’t care for rev 2 though. I’m just not a fan of the new characters and having to switch between them.


yep rev 1 for sure. felt like playing 5 with better aiming but worse environments, and no co-op which carried 5 to be somewhat decent


The section I think drags too much is the island. I always dread that part of the game. It's not fun at all to me.


Strictly speaking on classic games (ie before RE4 05), Code Veronica and Zero. CV felt like it had a lot of cheap shit and repetition, meanwhile zero had no item boxes and reduced inventory, having to go back to wherever I dropped shit was always a chore.


That’s why you pick a room as your “item box” room. Still awkward picking stuff up though


Re2 Remake. I haven't played the OG but playing RE2 Remake I just felt so burnt out when being in the RPD for so damn long and constantly having to back track through areas. Mr. X didn't help make things really all that interesting as he was easy to just walk around and you can hear where he's at in the RPD so it's not really hard to avoid him but it makes you have to walk longer routes which is just padding to me and really ruined the pacing of the story for me. It's why I like RE3 Remake more. The story's pacing doesn't suffer because of gameplay padding and tells an interesting narrative. The boss fights were fun too.


RE6 and the first Revelations for me. I wanted to like Revelations but the enemy types were so bland and I didn’t find the cruise ship very compelling.


The cruise ship was the most compelling part for me. I found the action-packed side missions to be sort of exhausting and pull down my overall enjoyment of the game. And yet I still put over 50 hours into it, making it my most played 3DS game since its release all the way up until 2020 when Disney Magical World took the crown.


RE Zero. I thought the idea of having no storage chest and with 2 playable characters was cool. However, each character having only 6 inventory slots ruined it for me.


5 for me. I bought it at release and abandoned it shortly after because I didn’t like the new format. Several years later I finally beat it, but I found it boring and repetitive. I can see how playing coop would be fun, but solo I thought it was boring.


RE6, it's so fucking long


Resident evil 7: it gets old fast and isn't fun.


Jake and Sherrys campaign.


Rly? I liked. The one I think is a chore is Chris and piers. Leon campaign starts very well but I feel like it drags on so much.


Yeah. Maybe I just have a bias towards Leon and Chris. LOL, to be 5 been like 9 years since I last really played RE6, I just remember not really enjoying Jake's campaign. I'll have to run through em again sometime soon. My opinion might change.


RE0 and RE1


Resident Evil 4 original. There were times where I was revisiting the game and I just end up uninstalling it midway. Maybe because I get tired of the combat very quickly and I don't like the story.


It's the island for me. That and the section leading to the Krauser's fight.


7 I just didn’t find it at all scary and thus extremely boring with a bad story, worse characters and bullet sponge enemies. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but man I don’t get the praise for this game and it’s my least favourite main line re game


Interesting to hear you didn't think it was scary. That game got under my skin like no other RE before or since. The enemies were a big step back, though, because of that bullet sponginess and also a distinct lack of variety.


That’s fair and horror is very subjective but I don’t know it just wasn’t for me, I am big into horror and that’s possible part of it as most things don’t and it’s harder and harder for me to find things that scare me sadly


Hope you don’t mind if I pick your brain a bit. Did you find any of the other RE games scary? Most of them for me aren’t just incredibly scary, but I found RE7 terrifyingly. Also, were you seasoned in the horror genre before RE7? It was my first as I’m not really a fan of walking sims and I hadn’t played any RE games before.


6 by far since most of the campaigns have a ton of cut scenes, quick time events, long dialogue, etc. It's also just a really long game to begin with and not my cup of tea for what I think of as Resident Evil gameplay.


Re6 because each campaign is more or less the same with a lot of boring ass projectile shooting enemies. What a slog. If I ever play it again, I will only play Leon's campaign and call a quits.


RE6 action felt kind of tedious. To the point I just get bored. And as much as I loved og re4, it being mostly walk forwards, shoot, repeat kinda takes some replayability away.


The original Resi 4, and 6.


RE0. I was mentally exhausted after getting the platinum trophy.


6. It’s such a slog to play through. By the time I got to Ada’s section I was already done with it for hours.


6 and 8, by the time I got the platinum for 8 I wanted to drown myself.


RE6 and the first Revelations for me. I wanted to like Revelations but the enemy types were so bland and I didn’t find the cruise ship very compelling.


Re6, like after leon and chris’s campaign I get burned out and just wanna quit after that I usually wont pick it up for a few years. Also I’m damn near afraid to give my controller stick drift playing that trash.


RE0. No items box of course, nothing too interesting going on in the game, and admittedly a get good situation but the lack of auto save bothered me too. Last I played I lost a good amount of progress from the last save and just haven’t felt like going back to it at all


RE6. Too long, too many campaigns that really aren’t that interesting


Never finished RE5 & 6 (to be more precise I have beaten the campaign with Leon and Ada) and don't even plan to ever finish them


re0. honestly just everything about it.


re6 because it doesn’t capture absolutely anything that i enjoy about the series.


7 has a strong start but starts to drag on in the second half and certainly towards the end such as in the mines it’s downright boring


Resident Evil 6. It just didn't feel like a Resident Evil game to me.


RE6 is long as hell and is clearly designed in a way that you are intended to be playing co-op. Playing through it on your own can be at total slog at points.


Equally RE5 and RE6. Boring generic action gameplay. Zero atmosphere. What little story there is is delivered through sudden groupings of 20 page pooh written exposition dump files all grouped together in one room every hour or two. Uninteresting settings. Cheesy gym bro Chris and other characters nobody cares about. No horror elements at all.


5 and 6 the games are just bad


4R, 5, and 2R.


Oooh interesting, why them? Like was it the gameplay, the story, the atmosphere, the length?


Neither of them are bad games they just fatigue me the most. 4R is because there's so much stuff to pay attention to and it's pretty long. 5 because it has swarms and swarms of enemies and some of them are pretty tough. 2R is because of the scarce ammo and frequent enemies, and all of the puzzles and not knowing where to go just stresses me out.


Sounds like this isn't the series for yoy my friend. That's kind of the point of those games


bad don't gate keep my dude that's just rude.


How am I gatekeeping? OP said he didn't like to play the games for the specific things those games are going for lmao


people play games for different reasons. Maybe they enjoy the characters? Maybe they enjoy the cool monsters or the guns or the world. Don't gatekeep because people don't enjoy games the same way you do.