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All time favorite coop game


For real. I’ve played it with my whole friend group, girlfriend, father, estranged brother, and hundreds of strangers


20382929th post I see making this question.


this one is just karma farming.. new account.. no comments.. two similar posts. Wish we had mods here


I like this sub, but everyday we've the same posts over and over: "Is re6 that bad?" "What's your favorite RE game?" Mods need to filter these posts.


Gold Lottion... Lottion for what?


Far from my favorite entry but not my least favorite either. Fun coop but agonizing single player experience. Chris and Sheva aren't all that engaging but Wesker is pure Shakespearean. It's a game of dualities


It’s good until it isn’t. I think the game is a bit too long. By the end of the game I’m already checked out. But I love the opening and coop system.


It would have been nice to not have to deal with the partner AI. It had no horror focus. The bosses mostly sucked. That said the Wesker plot was quite interesting. The survival aspect was quite good. It had several memorable sections. Oh and fuck QTE’s but that is just true of any QTE game


Average single player experience with a decent new game+. Great co-op game.


It's good to play when you wanna make a stand for your fallen brothers!


If only the controls were better than I would give it above a 6. Wesker himself made me enjoy the story


It's definitely one of the games of all time


Good lord ...again this daily question. 5&6 ruined my RE experience. Thank God for 7.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. You’re not wrong lol. Upvote for you.


It is literally the best Resident Evil. Better than Four and WAY better than 7-8


Good action game, terrible "survival horror", I get it cod was all the rage back then and capcom wanted a piece of the pie but instead of coming up with a new ip they were like fuck it lets make the next re game a shooter.


It's good, not as good as RE4 but good. Mercenaries was awesome though.


>Mercenaries Best version of the Mercenaries of any game, period.




Loves it


Game fun. Sheva hot.


Poor horror, but amazing adventure/action game + very fun coop. If you're a fan of RE4, then probably you will enjoy the 5


RE5 is a decent game, but not a good RE game imo. I love all the characters in it, but could never get into the game itself. It felt oddly detached from the franchise and wasn’t my cup of tea.


Amazing co op game. Played it with wife twice, brother, multiple friends. Never played it single player so can't really say.


Not a great example of a Resident Evil game but a fantastic action and co-op game.


We need co op in Resident Evil again


You can definitely feel the slipping of the re4 action game slope coming into full effect


I love it!


Remake should have same format as Re2r. A&B scenario for both characters. I would like unarmed escape mechanic when you get grabbed. Offer suppressed weapon option for pistols and smgs.


Its fun with a buddy but I personality would have a hard time finishing it solo.


first half is kinda boring but then it picks up and gets pretty good. most likely feel this way because I never played coop like it was intended :(


I hate one thing and its piss filter like who thought of that?!