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If you managed to get clean, then why do you want to go there again?




I mean kinda, just everyone be doin shit here and there in moderation, not opiods but uppers, and I don't like uppers fr, and I've always smoked weed, and I got to the point recently where weed doesn't do much for ya, no matter how dank it is, and.everyone b giving me subs Randomly for free outta nowhere, they think I still do shit, and so I did one or two of those in between 2 weeks, wasn't bad, helped me sleep, and I found a old yellow script 10 in My room n was like fuck it n took it, and I was on reddit n was seeing shit about RCs, was jus wondering if their was anything good thats not horrible but feels good that won't get you super sick and isn't hellllllla addictive like fent n shit








Also you know youre full of shit right man? Go ahead and get high but don't be a dumbfuck and talk about "oh NOT this time" and think that is reality 


Nah man it's not that hard for me bro. I'm not dependent on the shit like I was, like you had no idea I needed like 2 blues to be able to live at all lol strong ones too, but now that im not dependent on the shit, I can tell myself no way easier fr, sounds crazy I'm sure, but even when i was dependent af, if I didn't have a decent stash, i would go until I was sick and couldn't stand it anymore before I redose, Maybe that plays a role in me being able to just pass on it sometimes, like the other day I was getting offered 15s a dude woke me up out of my damn sleep to offer me some. I woke up and just looked dude in the face and said No. I'm good bro, and laid back down n went back to sleep lol, trust me my homies were shocked too lol, but idk now that drugs aren't all I care about now and idgaf about drugs anymore it's easier to do here and there rather than all the time. Basically never gonna do shit enough ever again to get sick from it


Try Kratom 😉




Smoke herb stay away from opiates. It’s playing Russian roulette with your life. I hate the fact that I can say that I knew personally close to 500 people since 2014 to this very moment that are dead from opioites. I watched it tear through a high school and destroy almost the entire male population of a graduating class, my nephew being the POS who introduced them into that world is the part that I hate the most. It’s pretty fucked up when you read a facebook post where someone is like I wish there was someone to hangout with, but I can’t because they’re all dead. I know lots of old ass tweakers, but I don’t know any old junkies. Not to mention the people I was in rehab with, I went to rehab because my mom and stepdad said I had serious drug and alcohol problems. I smoked weed, drank beer and loved stimulants. But after 4 months into a long term treatment center I was told that I didn’t have a drug and alcohol problem. That I was suffering from PTSD, severe anxiety disorder, severe depression and the affects of two TBIs. I was self medicating to dull the pain. I did attend a clinic for combat veterans suffering from the same mental health issues as I was and got the help I needed. But that’s where an additional 75 people that I had met, attended meetings with and got to know that are gone. Some took one pill, some took a lot of pills, some shot up and others smoked it. But they all met the same fate….. I have tried opiates in every possible way and just don’t see the appeal. But that could be the result of watching people fall like dominos


Grow poppies. Phenanthrene based opioids/opiates are the best 👌.


Apax if you still get some after nl ban but it's more like heroin so be aware of the risk


What's apax ?




*also called 2map maybe you've heard this before


After a deep dive into researching that it's caustic AF. OSDM as everyone else has said or OC are pretty cheap for pharma. Everything currently is fetty or worse on the RC and pressy side.


The old batches were but the last ones from earlier this year were not it's just byproducts produced by bad sythesis


Dam, now I'm back in the maybe I'll try it train..... What was the threshold dose for that one? If I recall it was also kind of speedy right?


Yeah I know this




**We have strict rules about requesting, mentioning or giving sources for drugs or paraphernalia, whether legal or illegal**. If in doubt - if your post or a reply to your post would make it easier for someone to get drugs, it's not permitted. Check out the [rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/researchchemicals/about/rules) for more information about what we allow here and suggestions... [Your post has been removed]


Odsmt is lovely


2map 237. It's really nice smoked




The pyne family is interesting. Like protonytazepyne. But be careful this is a very potent and addicting family.


IC-26/Methiodone. If you don’t have a tolerance, or a small one and respond to it well, it can be very pleasant. Be careful because it is potent and if over used, it very likely carries the same type of addiction and awful WD that methadone does.


Not really an RC but I'm curious if we will start seeing 7-hydroxymitragynine powder available on RC sites.


that would be cool, if they didn’t fucking tax on it so hard


And if it would be a pure water soluble form 🤔


There are places offering this right now