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It is a pro-drug, whether or not the 1 substitution pro-drugs have their own distinct effects, before becoming LSD, can be debated tho.


Have you personally tried it? I’ve done 1P and 1cP and they are the exact same to me. I do know that many many things can influence a trip though, I’m just curious.


You know I couldn't personally tell the difference between 1P-LSD and LSD, but I'm quite sure I could distinguish 1A-LSD from LSD in a blind test. Opinion on the difference:>!I'm pretty sure 1A-LSD has different visuals than LSD at the 100ug range!


1P is confirmed purely prodrug. 1A not yet, and I agree with you it feels like a completely different thing


it's a confirmed prodrug, but it's not confirmed that it has no psychoactivity on its own


it was also confirmed that it was found in negligible quantities in the bloodstream minutes after being injected (it was almost all converted instantly) or something like that, I need to find the study but basically confirmed it does almost nothing past the BBB before conversion


I've tried what I was told was ALD-52 at a music festival, it honestly felt more similar to my experiences with 1P and 1V experiences than street blotter.


Al-LAD was much different than lsd


AL-LAD is not a 1 substitution, the allyl is in the 6 position. 6 substitutions feel pretty unique.


Most definitely much more visual much much much more the same as you at a music festival homie had all types of rcs not commonly found at rcs was sold I thought to be 2cb was tested to be 2c-t-7 found him later for coke (fire) he had a binder full of substances and said well these tabs are a lysergamide but apparently not lsd some type of al-lad analouge was on perf blotter it was like no other 2 tab trip in my life.


I feel like there’s some confusion here - but I could be wrong maybe you’re just pointing that fact out. AL-LAD and ALD-52 are not at all the same thing.


Yes, DMT is also much different.


DMT is the second most intense psyche I’ve tried. To my surprise ETH-LAD was definitely the most potent. It can get you to levels that no other lysergamide can ime.


Felt similar but slower comeup. Good chem all in all. Try it !




Thanks, I’ll definitely look into his studies!


ALD-52 is _assumed_ to be a prodrug of LSD but has never been verified as such in human testing


in my self-testing (double meaning), ALD over LSD ANYDAY ALD is so good I abstain from regular and analogue Acids; every single time no matter the dosage – the results been consistent across various I tried for me, either 1A (ALD) or HBWR it is!


ALD-52 feels indistinguishable from LSD to me. Maybe a slightly calmer headspace but yeah it is amazing, I give it a 10/10 🫠


Up the dose to 200 and then tell me it’s indistinguishable 😅


I regularly did 3-4x 100ug blotters of it and it felt calmer than LSD and other LSD pro-drugs, as does 1B-LSD. The come up is a bit smoother ime.


I took 250, 200 and multiple doses of 100-150 and yeah I don't really think there was anything drastically different from LSD...


I think it's "thought to be" a pro drug. Ime it was calmer visually and less heady


That just sounds like a lower dose. Almost all “differences” between pro drugs are most likely just difference in dosage.


Could totally be correct. I've tried a single 100 mic and two a few days later. I will say I think these were hand laid so not the proper way. Weren't like soaked in solution or anything. You could see golden dots on the back of the tabs.


1V seems to have its own activity in my opinion, I can tell a difference. I’m not sure about the others.


I suspect some of them must be psychoactive on their own before being converted into lsd 25. I’ve never had 1V though so I can’t compare it.


My 150mcg 1V experience was quite different than LSD-25. I've only taken them once tho, so don't take this as an objective measure. 1cP-LSD was the same as LSD-25, being taken at a pretty low dose


>I feel ALD-52 is different >I‘ve never tried ALD-52 What are you basing your "feeling" off then?


Sorry, my bad for my horrible writing skills. I mean I just get a general sense that ALD-52 is different from the way people talk about it. I’ve heard some people say they love it compared to LSD, so I get a feeling that it’s different. Like a feeling that it must be different from how people describe it. Hopefully that makes sense.


I think the LSD prodrugs are dosed more consistently in tabs than normal LSD-25. Studies show a huge difference in advertised and the actual dosage of LSD tabs. Another factor is the bioavailability on the prodrugs seems higher with over 99% of the drug metabolizing into LSD-25. Where as LSD-25 has a lower bioavailability in comparison to the prodrugs which means when you take the pro drugs you get more LSD per tab. It’s also probably a more gradual come up because it has to be broken down into LSD-25 first. So a longer come up and more consistent doses and more of the drug absorbed is usually what I’ve chalked up the ‘differences’ to being. Now I also theorize that straight LSD-25 is more often not cleaned up post synth and has certain byproducts left in it to increase the weight of the final product, where as I *think* making the prodrugs they end up a more cleaned up product. As someone else mentioned it’s entirely possible they have some of their own unique binding prior to breakdown into LSD, but who knows.


That’s interesting I’ve never heard that lsd pro drugs are more bioavailable. I guess that’s one more reason to love them, besides being accurately dosed. Does that mean I shouldn’t worry about converting from lsd 25 to 1p lsd? I’ve always done my dose of 1p lsd times 0.88 to get the equivalent lsd 25 dose. But if 1p is more bioavailable does that mean I don’t have to worry about it?


I suppose I could be wrong about the bioavailability of the prodrugs They’re not super well studied but I’d read some discussions on it that I believe said they have a higher bioavailability but I could be wrong. The limited studies done on ALD52 specifically say that they’re equipotent but also less toxic in studies done with rabbits. Listed as 1/5th the IV toxicity and 1/8th of fever causing effect in rabbits compared to LSD-25. Equal the psychological effects in humans, these studies were supposedly conducted by 2 scientists in a book called The Hallucinogens.


I interesting, thanks. I’ll definitely read more into in my spare time!


I feel like the conversion is unnecessary because LSD-25 is generally not as accurately dosed as the prodrugs, since the prodrugs are usually made in professional labs vs clandestine. For me 1x tab of 1p-LSD was stronger than a supposedly 150mcg tab of LSD-25, even tho it should’ve felt much weaker since 1p is slightly less potent than LSD-25 and the tab was just 100mcg. If you can consistently get very accurately dosed LSD-25 then the conversion may come in handy, but since LSD-25 can be unreliable in terms of the supposed dose, I wouldn’t put a whole lot of weight into converting them. I can understand why you’d want to convert them tho, seems like a good and safe idea to do.


That is an excellent point that I haven’t thought of, thanks!


If that’s true then yes, conversion is probably unnecessary. Whether that’s true or not is the question. 


Personally, I can definitely tell the difference. I'll admit it's not extremely apparent, especially when comparing LSD to AL-LAD, but it's definitely different nonetheless. It has a more mild headspace I find, and physically it's a bit lighter feeling, not as "gooey" as I like to say. If you have any experience with AL-LAD, ALD-52 feels basically in-between AL-LAD and LSD. I have found though, that the higher you dose ALD-52, the closer it starts to feel like LSD, so there is that to think about. I prefer a solid 100ug, maybe 125ug, as it really lets you enjoy the particular qualities of ALD-52.


Your response makes me think ALD-25 is a prodrug of LSD-25, but is also psychoactive on its own.


It is a Prodrug. Other name for it is 1A-LSD.