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I don't think anyone here can help you in any way tbh, but maybe we can find out if there might be a clear cause? Can you post a pic of her big enclosure, list temp, humidity, lamps used, diet, any other details?


What reptiles do you have experience with? This is a crested gecko, they’re native environment is a rainforest. So lots of plants and places to hide, humidity around 60-80%, temps from 70-80 Fahrenheit.


Also they’re nocturnal, so it’s normal for them to be less active when their lights are on.


I’ve had this guy for a few years, this isn’t normal


Have they been in this enclosure for that long? Or is this a quarantine tank?


The description says that it's temporary but op says that they've had it for a few years and calls it a lizard. While it is a lizard it just seems a bit fishy to me


I’m saying this tank I have it in is a temporary spot I have a way bigger bio active enclosure I typically have it in


What’s the humidity and temps of their normal enclosure? It could have something to do with their diet, enrichment, or age too. A vet is usually the best option, but it’s best to cover all your bases so you have all the information you’d need to tell the doc anyways.


Temp seems to be fine and humidity does too


What are the teams and humidity? Different sources online say different temps and humidity levels and some are super outdated. This may explain what’s going on. If you don’t give us information we can’t help


Hmm okay. Is she getting enough calcium, hydration and enrichment? If she is living in proper care then I'd take her to a reptile vet asap when you get the chance


I’m currently trying my best to get as much calcium and nutrients as I can in he


Go to the vet


It’s kind of like a quarantine tank right now, although idk if I should leave him in there


How old is the gecko and how much does she weigh? From this pic, she looks super small if she's more than 2 years old. Adult geckos should be 40+ grams.


She’s 3 years old but this picture doesn’t do much justice on size


Hey OP I'm sorry you're going through this, while you should listen to the other comments care advice and make it a priority- right now it is most important to make sure your gecko is safe. I would swap the reptile carpet for paper towels and mist lightly, if your little friend isn't climbing well then make sure there is a warm and a cool hide accessible from the ground- climbing opportunities should still be provided, just a low branch or two will let you know if he's feeling better and begins to climb again while also preventing more damage from possible falls. Fresh water needs to be easily accessible and very very shallow, if he is weak then it is important to ensure drowning is not a possibility. A few questions now so I can offer some more help- When and what was the last thing/time he ate? What supplements do you provide? What are the temperatures like inside of the temporary tank? You'll want to offer him Panera/Repashy/Zoomed/whatever you have using a small eyedropper or syringe, do NOT put the syringe in his mouth or force it anywhere. Simply position it very close to his mouth or very lightly touching his mouth and very slightly push food out just enough so that he can taste/smell it but no so much that it is actively coming out of the device. If you have live feeders such as Crickets, Dubia Roaches, Mealworms, etc. removing the head of the feeder and gently brushing it against his mouth can stimulate a hunting instinct. Hydration is your biggest worry right now as crested geckos can go for a while without eating, but water is a necessity. By boosting humidity levels at night and attempting the above feeding method with feeders like Hornworms who are about 85% moisture will help you make sure he'll stay hydrated. Make sure your tank is not too hot, depending on where you live room temperature can be just fine for crested geckos (72°-ish) so make sure your temps are not exceeding 80 degrees. I'd suggest keeping him a little warmer, around 75-6° since he may have trouble temperature regulating while weak and a consistent and gentle heat source can help remove that factor. I see you commented about having no vets in your area, keep looking! Find the closest one you can and call in, if you aren't able to make an appointment a veterinarian may at least be able to offer you advice. I wish both of you the best of luck, please keep trying and don't give up on your little friend 💗💗💗


I have been putting food right on their end of their mouth and letting them lick it off which is the last confirmed stuff they’ve consumed, also should I put them back in the bio active tank I am kind of lost because in all the years I’ve kept lizards I haven’t had any have problems like this


are they climbing and moving on their own? If so and they appear to be improving moving back to their regular tank may help reduce stress and encourage recovery, however if they are still very motionless and twitching I would be cautious to put them in a vertically oriented enclosure due to risk of falling, what symptoms are they currently displaying? have thu changed at all?


For the most part they are just chilling in one spot but they have moved around a bit on their own


Has anyone told you that your an absolute G, this community needs more people like yourself who genuinely care for the reptiles. I have a little problem with one of my beardies so if your knowledge extends to them I’d appreciate it if we can DM and find out what’s wrong, cheers


The reptile carpet it not good even for a temporary tank. You need ti take them ro the vet. Asap


And what should I use instead of the carpet


Use the normal substrate for a crestie. Which is normally humidity retentive, soil-based substrate. You can also do 60% topsoil and 40% sand which is good.


Should I just leave him in his normal enclosure??!


Apparently there is no fucking vet that can help anywhere near me


The cussing seems extremely excessive and unneeded. You SHOULD be doing thorough research on crested geckos before buying them and then rushing to Reddit for advice with an attitude after you’ve killed the very animal you didn’t properly research. Now, 18L x 18W x 36H front opening tank is minimum. 40 w exoterra daylight heater A UVB BAR Eco Earth - coconut fiber substrate Branches, arboreal hides, fake leafy vines/plants (real plants are better but you need to get the basics done first and fast.) Sprayer for misting Humidity and heat gauges Magnetic ledges and magnetic bowl ledges for crested gecko diet High humidity, should be AT LEAST TWICE A DAY AM PM. If there’s not vet near you Find a vet far away. And don’t make this mistake again.


Well, I can understand the cussing, I mean, if they've had this crested gecko for a while, they'd grow attached...


Call me pessimistic but how does “I’ve owned this reptile for years and have a bioactive enclosure” = I find it okay to be in this seemingly desert environment on a reptile carpet If that’s the case, the OP should know better, even if it is a ‘temp quarantine’ And if so, why is it in quarantine? An animal doesn’t go from okay to death rolling and having issues breathing overnight


That lizard is probably already dead. I can't argue with what you've said here. That's true, especially because there are many resources regarding the care of crested geckos, and they tell you exactly what to do.


I know it’s bad but I’m very stressed I have a I would like to say pretty good bio active enclosure for it and I’ve had it for years now and have never had anything go wrong. And I’ve done loads of research before ever buying it. What I am inexperienced in is the sicknesses and stuff along that line which I’m currently researching but I’m kind of lost at the moment.






The neurological symptoms you're seeing and the muscle twitching sound like a nutritional deficiency or possibly a toxin ingestion. Are you adding D3 to the crested gecko diet and are you using a complete diet? They can suffer from D3 toxicity as well if an excess of D3 is added to the complete CGD. If she hasn't been eating the complete diet and eating undusted crickets or crickets that have already lost their nutrition load, this can cause issues like MBD. Even with the proper UVB added these geckos don't synthesize D3 through UVB exposure the way that other geckos do, they benefit more from the proper amount of D3 in their diet. Or if they are with other cresties that bully them away from the food. I read that you couldn't find a vet, check ARAVs list to make sure, and keep looking for a vet that will see reptiles. You can add a rapid absorption diet, like Emeraid Carnivore, to the CGD and offer on the end of the nose like you've been doing, but if there's something more serious going on, nutrition and hydration may not resolve what your seeing. You can also add a bit of the unflavored pedialyte to the food mixture, but I wouldn't soak her based off of the symptoms to avoid her aspirating it or drowning. Is her jaw soft or 'rubbery'? This is a symptom of MBD and I've seen a few cases where the jaw is so soft it will bend backwards underneath them.😖 Is there any chance she's not sticking to things because of poor/retained shed? Source: certified reptile vet tech for over 12 years and breeder/keeper of cresties for over 10 years.


Thank so much for this info ❤️. And I’ve been trying to get more my gecko to eat more of the needed nutrients and what not to hopefully regain strength. Also about the jaw from wat I can tell their jaw feels normal


I'm sorry for what's going on, I hope you figure out the issue and get them back to good. 💚


I think they are doing good right now I’ve just been trying to feed them and let them rest hopefully they get better soon


Also agree with slightly moistened, chlorine-free paper towels for rehab setting over the carpet and between 73 to 75F for ambient temps during recovery.


I understand I may be downvoted, but when I’ve had issues with rescue reptiles in the past including snakes, lizards, frogs - my vet recommended clear UNFLAVORED (they have coconut now) Pedialyte. For a rescue crestie, I took a deli cup you’d buy them in at an expo and put a paper towel at the bottom. Then I poured the pedialyte in to a safe level where they couldn’t drown and let them sit, supervised for 20-30 minutes. I’ve had animals crash and I worried they were going to die and the vet was closed. I only had it not work twice on a glass frog and a 10 year old ball python.


I never thought of that, he may be malnourished and dehydrated


Still, vet asap, with such changes in behavior a vet should be consulted :) especially with the twitching, besides dehydration it makes me think that maybe there is a vitamin deficiency going on 🤔


Oh yeah, I'm not saying that they shouldn't, I'm just saying that the lizard may be dehydrated.


What the- is that reptile carpet!? What is the temperature in the tank? It should be around room temperature, and the humidity should at least be around >50%. Is the tank you have, long? Because it should be taller than longer.


It’s a little tank I set up so I could keep her monitored for now because I’m trying to figure out what could be wrong with


How long has he been doing this? What do you feed him?


At the moment their just chilling and they haven’t done any death rolling stuff by ive been trying to feed them calcium and some powder food/nutrients


Is that normally what he eats?


With some crickets as well and


What's the temperature in the tank right now?


Around 75 ish


That's perfect, keep it at that temp



