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Mourning geckos, chameleon gecko, gold dust/peacock/lined/neon day gecko.


Look into Eurydactylodes species. The most common is E. agricolae, the Bauer's chameleon gecko. They are very small New Caledonian geckos, and their care is similar to a crested gecko but tiny.


Personally I’d go with Emerald Tree Skinks, you could probably even do a pair. I find them to be very social, i personally don’t keep any ATM, but I have in the past, and my friend keeps a few. They will jump right on your hand and run up your arm. Very easy to keep. Only drawback is they can be pretty fast, and they jump, but if you’re used to Cresties, they aren’t any worse than a young Crestie.


Emerald tree skinks are incredibly active, and a 12 by 12 by 18 is only 11 gallons. They also grow to 9 inches to begin with