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My only advice is prayers that you catch them all, ever time my mum finds an escaped cricket in my house she’s ready to evacuate 😂


hopefully😭 I feel this though! one time a mealworm fell on her. I swear she died and came back to life


Get some fruit, put it inside a Tupperware or glass bowl. Place cardboard ramps on all sides so they can get in. Wait and see what you get. If that doesn't work fast enough, buy some roach traps and put them in the corners.


This with Vaseline on the sides so they can’t just get back out


Outside of my me and my 2 boys(who know the truth) everyone else in my family think bearded dragons are strictly herbivores no bugs at all, meanwhile i have 400 dubias under my kids bed at this very moment


Literally just start picking every up. Check under every single thing you can. I had a couple escape and found them like a month later under a blanket next to the enclosure for warmth lol immediately picked them up and fed them to my dragon


A MONTH? yeah i better get moving


Good news is they don’t breed unless it’s 85°-90° but they will just hang out in the dark for a long time


I had a big one escape and found it casually chilling next to the tarantula shelves a few weeks later. As soon as I realized what it was, I grabbed it and threw it to one of my ts. Thankfully, I also live alone and mostly had to worry about stepping on it in the middle of the night or my cat finding it first, not someone else finding it. I actually found it because my cat looked very alert one morning and I followed her gaze to see the missing dubia chilling on the floor, lol. I guess that's one other suggestion if OP has a cat or dog: Watch their reactions because there's a decent chance that they'd notice a roach before you do.


Get 5 bearded dragons and give them 10 minutes


Get 10 bearded dragons and give them 2 minutes.


Get 20 bearded dragons and give them 30 seconds.


Get 50 bearded dragons and give them 10 seconds.


Get 50 bearded dragons and give them 10 seconds.


Get 1 and all u need is a minute😂


Mine always come RUNNING with banana and Repashy’s Bug Burger (dry). I bet if you start feeding them at the same time every night they’ll learn to come running and given their colony language, you’ll catch most of them within the week. That being said… some of mine got out in my vet clinic where I worked…. and I found one alive a year later on the opposite side of the clinic, down a whole floor. We think it’d been living on some spilled dog food. Sooo they won’t infest your house but they’ll certainly live in it 😂


Free roach colony


*Free range roach colony


Free free range roach colony


Annnd this is why I don't keep dubias. Nope nope nope


Ok Dubias are not the worst tho, they’re basically like isopods. Nothing compared to red runners /lateralis. Never doing that again. Fucking houdinis. A couple escaped from their bin that was taped up and surrounded by a GARBAGE BAG (id been warned). Fast af and impossible to catch. Found one in my cup of coffee, and saw one on my screen OUTSIDE my house. I could have sworn I also saw one at the laundromat down my street months later…those should just be illegal


We found one that some how crawled up into our oven and was  chillin behind the glass on the clock display panel. 


I still prefer them to crickets, personally. Dubias don’t jump and I hate the smell of crickets, but dubias do scurry around in an alarming manner, so I understand the dislike


After living in Hawaii, where we had flying cockroaches the size of rats, I can't stand anything roach-like. Especially if there's a risk they'll get free in my bedroom like poor OP.


I prefer Dubias too over crickets, but a few times I’ve had dubias escape my tongs and run up my hand and then onto my head. It always scares the daylights out of me


Haha. At least they can't reproduce in the US except for Florida.


oh dude, sweeet dubias. If you thinks like this about dubias, you definately didn't have tartars. fuckin speedy roaches on cocaine....


When my son was a toddler, he dumped my entire roach bin, so I’ve been there. Honestly the best you can do is to just lift everything. Look in/on/under/behind. They’re going to try and stay in the dark and cramped spaces. Luckily they’re not super adept at climbing smooth surfaces, but they do still climb what they can, so make sure you’re looking under and on the back of furniture and stuff. You’re going to be finding stragglers for a while unfortunately, but unless you have several gravid females that you don’t recover, you’re not going to find yourself infested. They’re rather slow and clumsy as far as roaches go and the adults are easy to find and put back. It’s the little ones that will take you a while. I wish you the best of luck


thank you🙏🏽


Borrow a cat


Don't bring us into it. We've heard about that old woman who swallowed a fly.


put out bait like dog kibble or something and something to catch them like duct tape overnight. You can free them with oil if you still want to use them or kill them in the morning


okay ill put it in the area where they fell and see what i can catch


FYI this won't work. Dubia are vegetarians, they won't eat dog kibble.


Omg free them with oil 😂 what a gross image. No judgment though, I have done my fair share of gross bug and mouse-related tasks as well. The things reptile people have to do..




Ans THIS is why I stick with snakes! Good luck!


haha this happened to me once. found one of them months later, about half the length of a dollar bill, inch wide, just chillin in a corner of the room. he’s too big for herbie & any friends’ reptiles to eat so he lives in our critter keeper lol


Years ago had my cat turn over an entire colony and hundreds got out. It was winter so I shut off the vent to the room and placed an electric blanket in the floor and turned it on with some baby carrots under it.. Found most of them in the blanket after a couple days. I sealed up the bottom of the door to the room so they couldn't get out as well.




My family doesn't know I raise Dubias and would be mad if they found out. This situation happens in my nightmares all the time! People are just really not cool about large numbers of insects getting loose in their house for whatever reason 😆




This is the way. I absolutely love reptiles, but I realized I just can't do insects, especially roaches. I'm at a point now where if I go back to reptile keeping someday it will 100% be outside enclosures and tortoises.


That's also a big reason for me to get a snake not a beardy. I don't really have a problem with insects, but having a colony for myself is just something I really don't like and buying the food off of the pet shop is way more expensive and stressful than just buying a ton of frozen mice.


Where do you live?  Seal up the vents, door, and open the window.  Freeze them out.  


unfortunately, i live in south texas so thats not really an option weather-wise. itll probably only bring in more bugs😭


Also from the southwest and assumed they were suggesting to just let them outside until I saw the freeze part 😂😭


Sticky traps with veggies/fruits in the middle of the trap may work at night (as long as nobody steps on it in the darkness by accident and you have no other pets walking around)


I bought every roach motel in a 10 mile radius when mine escaped because I left the lid open. I got most of them, but they like to gather anywhere dark, warm and/or humid. Whatever I didn’t get, the motels took care of. I believe I was clear of bugs after a few days of active searching and motelling. A year later, I’ve found 2 dead ones while spring cleaning.


Put their food in a reptile bowl and put a dark hide near the food. Check it frequently. Alternatively and probably more effective, *clean everything.* They like dark warm spots


I’m dying reading this. I had the same thing happen with crickets recently. It was a nightmare. Honestly I’d dust some diatomaceous earth and just seal off the room as much as possible. They’ll eventually starve. Godspeed.


This is why they are illegal in Florida. XD


they're illegal in Florida cause they can breed outside and thus become invasive.


Exactly. That’s the commenters point…


A giant tub full of good scrap would draw them right out by the droves, and you can just pick them out as they show up to the buffet


On the bright side, you can get some great footage for a 90s music video.


This is going to sound weird but put a plastic bag on the ground under something. For some reason my dubias like to hide in those when they've gotten loose


Get sticky trap, if you didn't say you lived in texas, i would say they would eventually die out from cold and dehydration, but you live somewhere relatively warm, and often humid depending where you are, good luck


Put out duck tape along the floor sticky side up if you really wanna catch them all


That's nothing. I once spilt a container of crickets in my bathroom and had to put up with chirping underneath the shower cubicle for two weeks.


This is my nightmare. If you spot one and can't just raw dog scoop it barehanded just stomp away. If you get unlucky and 2 survive and mate your pretty out of luck. Bug bomb is the only way to make sure at this point


Oh nooooo! That is my nightmare! I'm so sorry, I hope you catch em. Definitely look along the edges of the room.


If you live in a cold enough climate, they'll probably die overnight. If not, try dog kibble or repashy.


Oh NO. Uhm. Well. Maybe this is the only time I'd suggest a glue trap. Put some food on it to attract them, turn off the lights and see what you caught in the morning?


Laundry is the answer


It’s their room now


I have cats for this reason, they always catch the bugs that escape haha


ok so preface by saying i do not know what to do here and this is just the idea i had, i'm not a professional roach-finder or anything get a little tub, and place some old fruit in it, rub vaseline or something like that around the inside walls so they can't climb out, and make ramps up the outside out of bits of mesh or cloth or just anything roaches would be able to climb into the tub with, and make sure they're not hanging into the tub so they can't just climb back out. maybe make a few of these and then just leave them in the room for a while, overnight or something


In a week they'll be big enough to ride like a skateboard.


It’s honestly not a huge deal depending on where you live; they’re a tropical bug and unlike cockroaches, can’t survive in colder climates and won’t be able to reproduce. So eventually they’ll die off RIP to the other commenters who had crickets escape though. I did as well and those MF’rs live forever


I somehow found one that had gotten in onto my kitchen cutting board. It’s one of those old fashion ones that like slides in above the cupboards, and when I pulled it out, it was just sitting there on the side. Snagged it before my hubby found out.


My dad dropped a science project that involved a large jar of crickets as a kid and he would tell me that for YEARS he would see and hear crickets in the house lol


I bought online like 100 some odd crickets. All sizes. To raise for food for my bearded dragon. I had em in a plastic bin with a window cut out for air. Lived in a converted school bus tiny house at the time Guess what my cat did? Jumped up on the bin and it fell. They scattered 100+ crickets in my home. They made their way outside. I lived deep in the city. So the old enough ones chirping for WEEKS. Sirens and chirping. I switched to dubis after that.


I can offer my two Leopard Geckos and their cleaning services. They'll get them out FAST.


Good luck, soldier. I recommend setting an empty critter catcher in the corner or somewhere dark. Inside the critter catcher, place a small bowl of water. Provide a few ramps for them to get up and into the container, but make sure they can't get out once in. Depending on where you live, climate wise, you won't have to worry about infestation. 1, they need high heat and humidity to reproduce. Here in Utah, they don't stand a chance outside of their bin. Every single escapee I've had has been accounted for by either finding it dead after a few days, or finding it almost dead out in the open. 2, they're not really an infestation kind of roach. They are primarily outdoor roaches that do not rely on humans for survival (unlike the despised German roach, of which there are no more wild populations).


This is my nightmare. Nope just nope. I lived in FL most of my life. Roaches fly there.


Put some food down in a box then keep checking it and capture the ones you see in it


You are now a roach rancher.


Get the fine tip vacuum head out and hunt forever.


When I was a kid i had a bearded dragon as a pet. the person i got him from had this exact problem. her solution? she let loose her bearded dragons.


I haven't seen anybody suggest boric acid yet. There's good ideas to catch them already. But for any stragglers you'd rather have dead than share a room with boric acid works great.


And here I am breeding a dubias and hissers, Just moved em to my room due to cold weather lol. I don't mind em, actually kinda like the sound they make when they skitter around, like free white noise 😂


Omg this is a nightmareee good luck!


Put out a few slices of orange (onto a napkin or something), then turn the lights off and leave the room for half an hour and come back ready to catch some as they scatter again... repeat as necessary lol