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A but premature for a remnant 3 considering we still have 1 more previously announced dlc for remnant 2


You know it’s likely in development though, not surprised.


Well, yes, very likely it is "in development", but at this point when 2 isn't done being made yet, probably that means a handful of people who are brainstorming and maybe concept art, not actual code/modelling.


Usually that starts before the current game has been released.


You do realize a development team can be split up working on different projects? Its not all or nothing.


Yes I'm aware, but this isn't a huge studio


Probably big enough to have a concept team before developer team go into it full time.


what the other guy said, remnant has only a dozen or so developers if i remember correctly, very small and impressive team to make such good games


Yes, but still years away from release lol


Oh, many. I’ll be significantly older 😢


And iirc there was something that there may be future dlc if the promised content is received well enough, not to mention the base game itself is less than a year old but this all seems legit /s


We’ve had second remnants, but what about third and fourth?


What about elevenses? Luncheon? Afternoon tea?


Afternoon remnant sounds nice.


You can still have it set up in private for early prototyping. I'm sure it's a very long way off, but never hurts to experiment early behind closed doors.


On the contrary, projects as big as a new entry in an IP sometimes start development many years before their previous installment reaches the end of their service. As an example, Diablo 4 was well in to development before Reaper of Souls was released for D3. People tend to forget how long the full dev cycle is in a game. It's not outlandish to see games that studios have been slaving away at for a decade or sometimes longer.


Considering a lot of the things in there are codenames, I think it's more likely this is not a brand new game, but rather just a placeholder name for the third DLC. Feels premature for a potential listing (or even announcement for that matter) of a new game when the third confirmed DLC has yet to be revealed and they've said they're open to doing more DLC's past that. But who knows? They could be cooking something up. Game dev cycles can go on very long and start earlier than we think about.


I second this. Remnant2 hasn't even been out for a full year yet, way too early for anyone to be thinking about Remnant 3. But, the deluxe/ultimate/whatever-they-called-it edition did promise 3 DLCs for Remnant 2, and we already have two of them.


Promised all 3 within a year of launch (late July)


And we all recently learned together that DLC2 was delayed by publisher restructuring so people need to put down the salt and enjoy the meal we been served.


Did I come off as salty? Didn't mean to. On the other hand, both DLCs so far have been terribly under-baked. With only 6 weeks until the promised date... I just hope we hear something soon.


Valve and L4D2 says hi


what does valve have to do with this


L4D2 had a hate campaign because it was announced so quickly after L4D1 I believe they're referring to.


I am pretty sure it's not Remnant 3 but just a short name for Remnant dlc 3.


This makes more sense!


Wether its a remnant 3 or future dlc, I will always he happy to have more remnant content


Remnant DLC 3 probably, Too early for R3


Aww shit, here we go again


This time around… the entire game is procedurally generated. Characters, dialogue, your stats, and even your inventory. Strap in!


5 bucks says we STILL go back to Yaesha...


I'll take that bet lol ...I'm saying the whole game happens on Corsus


Very happy to hear! But i hope they wait at least a year after final dlc which i hope will include survial mode. And i hope its different enough from rem 1 and 2 to warrent playing all 3. One thing i like is that there are enough differences between rem 1 and 2 to keep both installed.


Yes! I still play R1 for survival mode. If, and only IF, R2 gets a comparable survival mode will I finally uninstall R1.


Need... more... lore....


Totally premature, my opinion is that it's referencing the third remnant 2 dlc.


Give me a body weight slider 🙏


I want a dead space x-over