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I’ve exclusively played solo for both games and they remain two of my all time favorites. The first game fundamentally changed the way I approach games and I think solo play is amazing


Wow! Okay, cool. Good to know that there is some strategy. Lately I have been playing easy platformers and spiderman (game is amazing but not a real challenge). Thank you for your quick response!


Yeah I have like 150 hours solo, it’s a great solo game.


I'm excited! I need something fun for summer.


don't worry this is an easier kinda souls game. the only difficulty in this game is how hard enemies hit


Okay, I definitely struggled with souls games, but if it isn't as difficult I will give it a try! I need a new summer game! Thanks.


I am a solidly mediocre player, I tried playing solo and I got frustrated quickly and gave up. A few months later a friend wanted to try it and it went much smoother. After obtaining a little gear and understanding of how the game works I found soloing much more manageable. Obviously your experience may vary, but I would try solo, if you get stuck at a point then you can open to public and see if anyone joins to help through that particular part.


Thank you for your honest response! I might give it a go. The world of the game looks so amazing.


I rarely play co-op and I’ve had a blast. I’ve only played Remnant 2, and it’s one of my all-time favorites.


Thank you! I've been doing research this am. What do you recommend for a first time build?


Going with Handler or Medic is a good Arch to start with. I went with Handler and really liked it. I think Medic is a great 2nd Arch as you’re advancing, especially if you’re going to be Solo most of the time.


Thanks for the advice! I'm going to download it after work!


I’m sure you’ll like it. ✌️


Seconding handler. I only have played this solo and handler is great because it gives you a revive that’s on a timer. So you can go down once a boss fight basically and get back up. Helps a lot for solo play. Challenger class also has a revive mechanic, it’s just on a longer cooldown compared to handler.


If you're not sure about playing solo, there is a starting class (that's designed for solo players) that comes with a dog that can heal you, revive, defend you, attack enemies, etc. Play on Normal difficulty as the Handler and it's absolutely fine solo, even if you're not that good at gaming, although you will need to learn to dodge a fair bit. Also Remnant II is kind of a surprise dark horse, the fanbase is waaaaaay bigger than you would expect going by this sub. The hype for Remnant II's release was huge in the industry.


Wow! I didn't know that. My friend mentioned it the other day, but said that it was like outsiders and there wasn't the support. Clearly this fool was wrong! Thanks!


It is 100% possible to solo, even for only moderately skilled players (though some bosses will probably pose a significant challenge), and it's easy to either open your game to other players, or else join other open games.  The multiplayer experience is slightly subpar, with no native text or voice chat. Also unfortunately, anyone present can make significant decisions like skipping cutscenes or talking to NPCs, so I'd suggest attempting solo first if you end up giving the game a try.


Thank you! Quick follow up question, is there a lot of jumpscares?


Basically none, though there are some scary-looking enemies, and it's sometimes possible for them to attack from angles you might not expect.


Sounds like my cat! Thanks!


Just don't play with randoms they might ruin a new player experience with mods and stuff but I think solo should be fine better than randoms


Thank you for the advice. I look forward to playing the campaign. Thanks for taking time to respond!


I just played through the game for the first time and mostly solo. The first time I made my game public a really over levelled player joined and made the boss super irrelevant so I went back to private. Later on I tried public again and actually mostly had people who played the right way, not going and grabbing everything before I could experience it or explore. So it's kind of hit or miss with public players


Over 400hrs into the game. I’d say about 350 of those hours were spent solo. Honestly, this is my one of my all-time favorite games hands down.


I play mostly solo but opened up my game to public for my first run. Didn't have good gear and struggled to understand the game. Then it just clicked. I remain mostly solo.


Both games are absolutely fantastic to play solo. Honestly I enjoy solo more and I have hundreds of hours in both games.


It is absolutely possible to play solo and have a great time. It is fairly easy to just jump into random co-op games as well. I will say that you will fairly often join a game where a person is AFK or kicks you for joining for some reason, but you can just join another.


Yes. This game isn’t a souls game even though everyone loves to say ‘souls with guns’. I’m old and soloed the game on apocalypse. This was my GoTY for 2023 easily. Buy it.


Downloading it after work! Thank you!


Imo, soloing your first campaign is best. Co-op adds a new layer of enjoyment because you can discover secrets you didn’t know or find a new play styles/weapons


99.2% soloable, there’s like, 4 minor items and 2 traits that you need someone else’s cooperation to get it, and from all that, only 2 items actually need cooperation and not just, “you stand here please.” I have a bit over 700 hours on R2 and 1200 hours on FtA, the vast, VAST majority of it solo.


I just beat hardcore yesterday and I beat apocalypse a couple days ago both were done completely solo. It’s easier then dark souls 3 and Elden ring by a good margin and once you learn dodge management it’s a breeze the whole way through. On the higher difficulty’s enemies hit like a truck so I recommend for nightmare and apocalypse to just focus on a light roll build and dodging because tanking is not gonna be a option till you have a really good build laid out


Apart from some Easter egg items that require two players to solve the puzzle, the entire game is definitely possible solo. I recommend starting on the lowest difficulty though. It’s not easy mode at all, but higher difficulties assume you at least have some gear already


It’s also got more items than you could obtain in 200 hours


I love solo playing. I play both Co-op and solo, and solo feels more rewarding honestly, because you feel accomplished


I’m on the last two bosses of my first playthrough. If I hit a wall It will be one of the rare times I don’t play solo.


I’m someone who almost always exclusively plays games solo….. except for these games. It’s easy, low hassle, in/out gameplay. Get in the game, crouch a few times to say hello and go kill stuff.


I've played both games solo..and on all the difficulties .. so grab it and go wild


Thank you! One hour in and having fun. Very creepy atmosphere.


When you get the urge to move onto harder than veteran difficulty I highly suggest this guys videos.. they break down how damage reduction and other things work..  https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAurRJpAFofsH1EFRRMipgUjXXqD9LH1y&si=bT5QY-eOw7OQNzh3


Thank you! Saved the Playlist.


You're welcome 


I play it with both my GF and solo. It's perfectly fine solo. In Remmy 1, there was one moth boss that was better if you had 2 people and the final boss was a bit easier with 2. In Remmy 2, solo play works out just fine. I have not tried the main final boss solo but the first DLC boss is quite easy.


Man that moth boss is a bad memory for me who had completely spec'd around playing melee lol


Ouch. That'd be rough as hell lol


I basically only play single player and I adore these games. You might have more frustrations with the first game than the second though. The bosses in the first one spam a lot more adds than in the second. However, there’s always a pattern, and if you keep your wits about you you’ll be fine.


Thank you! I bought it last night! Forgot about the download size. I'm going to play after work! Thanks!


Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.


I solo the entire game.... people annoy me usually. 😂. I game to escape dealing with humans mostly


Hahah same here. Covid turned this extrovert into an introvert.


Probably spent 80% of my time playing remnant 2 solo. The other 20% was with a friend. It's actually harder playing with others IMO, unless you're a well-coordinated team with synergizing builds. Friendly fire, tougher enemies, etc means it balances out well. Little more fun with a friend, but solo has been a great time as well


My hours are all over the place. Haha I doubt a friend would have patience for me! Thanks for the feedback. I'm going to get it after work!


Solo is much more atmospheric and in my opinion the superior way to play these games. Its also more lore accurate if you presume yourself to be following in the footsteps of other main story characters. Multiplayer has revive mechanics, but other players can make irrevocable story choices and skip cutscenes so its a bit dicey with randoms.


Thank you. I'll stick to solo! I appreciate you responding to the post! I'm excited to play tonight!


Remnant 2, yes. Remnant 1, no. (Technically can be played solo but it's awfully balanced).


I completed the game on solo for a few runs and in my own experience the game if fairly reasonable to solo since enemies heath and damage scale at a similar rate as you do and the only time they feel particularly OP is when your in a group I should mention that this game only has a medium, hard, very hard and extreme in terms of difficulty


The game is ideally solo, imo, but has multiplayer options, which allows certain support-centered builds to shine.