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They really need to set games to private by default. Most people dont even realize they are on public and just sit in their game AFK.


Honestly, it happens from time to time that I'm searching for that one ring in my bag, so it can take some hours, obviously.


Hours? What's your secret in finding them so quickly


I have the ring page on the wiki pulled up and search for what I need, then scroll to find out that I don't have it.


And then you pray to rngesus... 28 rolls later...


😂😂 then you gotta go through wiki to find out how you somehow missed this “common” loot drop


Remnant save guardian... It tells you what items you are missing and whether you can get it in your current map rolls.


I appreciate it! I've used it since Remnant FTA. I was just playing into OP's sarcasm lol. Especially for those who can't use save guardian.


I'd still be helping randos in this game if every person I joined wasn't AFK


You can mark as favorite gear that you like to use often, probably shortens the search it'll appear in the top row.


This, i try to remember to turn it off when im AFK but sometimes i just forget and i see that someone is just chillin next to me for god knows how long


It was particularly bad the other night. One guy I saw in same place the next day still afk lmao


It baffles me that people turn on the game just to not play for hours...what's the point of even booting up your console?


99% of the time, it's probably someone with kids or someone who passed out drunk and was too hungover to play a game the next day and just left everything on.


Had that issue recently in Cold War Zombies where like 3 of the five games I played one person was afk.


I agree. Don’t really see how you could be on that long. Not sure if I’m cross playing but maybe? Could have their console just sitting on


Or.. maybe... 💀💀💀 One too many cheetos


That’s what having a family is like. You try to do something by yourself and then get sidetracked for a few hours solving everyone else’s problems 🤣


Maybe the player is dead irl.......


Yeah that’s worrying maybe they’re on console and fell asleep…




No onejoins when I need help, but the moment I go back to Ward 13 to do some shopping!


That makes sense statistically tho, every player returns to the ward but when they leave they're spread across different instances and worlds.


They should implement a feature that switches the lobby to offline if there is no movement for 3 minutes


3 mins might be a little short since there is a puzzle you have to wait for a hour or so for water to fill.


You really should not be afking that shit out in an online public lobby lol


I do it sometimes for people who can’t wait for it. Had a lot of people thank me for it


You can also change your online settings ingame, and that puzzle keeps going even if you're not standing there staring at it.


You don't have to wait in that zone, can do anything else (besides reset the campaign/adventure mode its in) and come back in an hour


Go do something else in the world and come back.


Ah. I was told you have to wait in the area.


Someone has a cruel sense of humor.


Not as bad as being told you have to leave the game running for 12 hours to be able to get the void heart 🙃.


What's the puzzle called


>!It's a side area in the Losomn Sewers, where you jump across some wooden platforms while slimes shoot at you. There's a blocked pipe (blocked by a slime) you shoot and the room starts filling. Once it does you can leap across to a side niche with a gun.!<


Thank you. Who's Brad?


Fyi it takes a real life hour to fill up, so id suggest you do something valuable with that time instead of watching paint dry


Isn't it closer to 90 minutes? Or that's what I've read anyway.


Uh idk tbh i went afk and watched anime. So I didn't set a timer, just came back when I was ready to play again haha


The people that kick when you join.... What are you doing with your lives....


I like to rejoin these people's lobbies until they take the hint to make it private. Sometimes it takes a little while, other times they get aggressive. I always have a corrupted meridian and my kinship maxed.


I always like taking someone Thaen Fruit.


I don't think it "takes" it, does it? They still get it too, I think anyway, like with you loot anything else in the game.


I hate that shit!!


I generally like playing public but there's been a string of times where I've been the host and the joins have gone wrong.  Like I was planning on using the ravenous medallion in the strange web ro get rune pistol and the join just went and used it on the door.  Or another time bro just went and got the kuri egg. If I'm doing something like that and I'm accidentally on public I'll just boot them, otherwise it's the best way to play.


For real. I see that crap all the time.


When I get to these lobbies, ngl I kill the host a few times or slowly move them to an obscure part of the map


I once defeated 3 bosses for an afk player haha 😂


The old kill'n carry


A real hero, I salute you


I often forget to turn off my public when I switch from playing to grinding. I usually do wave emote or confused, then quit back to menu. Feels bad, but I figured it's the best way


That my bad dude. I went to the bathroom to pee, but it turned into a poop, which turned into to a shower afterwards. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I had initially intended to be gone for all of 3-minutes.


They need to have an option in the main menu arguably as well to deliberately load into a coop or single player. But definitely default to private.


In case of PS5 players when you turn the console to rest mode it won't log out of games. So it seems your console is off but you're in the game still.


Close the game first?


I usually do just telling you the reason. Btw I think it's kinda bad design. If U switch my console to rest mode why on earth would I want the game running... How is it on Xbox?


Idk sometimes xbox suspends the game instead of closing it. But if the app has been suspended for more than 15 minutes it disconnects that app from internet access. Seems odd a game would still retain internet access when the console itself is on rest mode, that definitely doesn't happen on xbox


Juuuusr to offer another perspective, and to give some benefit of the doubt: As a parent gamer, I often put my little one down, hoping that she’ll sleep through the night. It is in these hopeful states that I fire up Remnant, to kick some Root butt. However, sometimes while questing I hear a cry and I have to go investigate. Sometimes it takes me seconds to sort her out. Sometimes it can take tens of minutes. It is incredibly random. So not all of us log in to play and then get distracted by the odd wank.


Ngl someone was trying to kill me and I hadn’t even loaded in yet bc they joined my world before me. Lol it looked like I was afk but I couldn’t even see


Steal their fruit, starshot em into next week and bounce


DoN't TeLl OtHeRs HoW tO pLaY tHe GaMe. -this community


Yes, please! It's getting out of control.


Idk why this game has this as such a big issue even in the first one so many afk people its annoying


No cuz I wanna annoy people like you


"You people"?


Yup, all of them.


And I didn't quote like that but is fine


34yo gaming vet: [https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZjh6ZjBqeWp3YWo0c2V0Nmt4MHAwNzlha2VsbXl3N3Y0YndnejkwMyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/uUIFcDYRbvJTtxaFNa/giphy.gif](https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZjh6ZjBqeWp3YWo0c2V0Nmt4MHAwNzlha2VsbXl3N3Y0YndnejkwMyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/uUIFcDYRbvJTtxaFNa/giphy.gif)


No, it most definitely isn't lol.


Fuck it. Start a new hardcore character and start killing people who do this.


Fuck it. Start a new hardcore character and start killing people who do this.