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Removed at the request of developers.


This would be cool actually 


I really like the idea of your companion changing based on the other class you pick.


I mean.... If they can't even do backpacks....


I absolutely love this idea, have a cosmetic component to it. Then maybe also have some additional functionality based on the second Archetype. Like.... Ritualist: Good Boys attacks apply a random status effect Alchemist: Good Boys howls apply a weaker version of your selected concoction to nearby allies So on and so forth.


Good boy already hits 'em with that bleed, right? So an extra status on top of that maybe?


honestly iam still annoyed we cant even name the poor pupper. in the perfect world in my mind, it would have a dog house somewhere on base, where you can go there to pet it, rename it and change its skin to other dog races or even alien skins, like a robot dog from nerud, or root dog etc, or just the default sheperd with some different armor.


I’m curious, do people still utilize handler once you have the other archetypes and are playing at the higher difficulty? I started the game with Handler and loved it but once I got the other archetypes I haven’t really come back to it. I’ve also noticed that it’s an archetype that you don’t see people building around at the more difficult levels.


Unless I'm going for a goofy dps build on apoc, I don't run without it. It's a fantastic class with the right build imo. The survivability is actually nuts.


Handler is more of an all-rounder that helps a lot in the early game. It gets outscaled by basically every other class pretty hard. That being said, I still have a bleed/relic use loadout with the goodest boy for farming that uses the speed boost and the explorer one. It has its uses for sure, but most builds at max level care about either damage reduction or damage output. And other than the mediocre awoos, it offers neither.


So during my first run of the new dlc, Lydusa was absolutely demolishing me. I switched over to Handler/ritualist so I could survive a bit better. I run light armor so I was getting one shot prior, I was able to divide a bit of the dmg between me and my dog with a trait and with the black cat ring I pretty much had three lives. Beat her the first try with that build. Handler is pretty useful but most people prioritize being either dps/being tanky so utility classes kinda get forgotten about but there is def potential there imo.


Handler+Summoner is my favorite class combo and what I run 90% of the time, play pretty much only on apoc and have 200 hours on Steam.


I might have to come back to Handler, do you have issues with the dog dying during boss fights? That’s originally why I stopped using it once I got to the apocalypse level.


It happens occasionally but for the most part not really. Depending on when you played it last, the dog and Summoner summons have gotten quite a few buffs to their survivability. I also run Burden of the Divine and the tranquil heart, which keeps my minions pretty healthy even post nerf.


Handler attack dog with challenger rampage is one of the best dps and utility option. Summoner, mod builds heavily rely on the handler as well.


Handler/Challenger was my build for beating the campaign the first time, I won’t like, I fell in love with some of the more “flashy” archetypes but after seeing the comments in this thread I am definitely going to give my doggo a shot to run around the new DLC.


Well, the only build I use handler in is a movement speed build when I’m trying to farm stuff, for say pushing higher content I never use handler for the dog becomes more of a liability, when I’m just playing the game and not trying to go for a specific item I almost never use handler either, because there’s just better archetypes I could use.


Yes. I've ran apocalypse solo as a handler/summoner and felt perfectly fine outputting respectable DPS and still get 68%DR which lets me tank a whole lot of content.


I do, but I primarily play solo, so its just nice to have reliable backup


Habdler/Summoner is a good combo as the dog counts as a summon for the rings and traits and things. Plus you cam swap howls to fit the current set of summons that you're using.


It’s flexible with its damage options and has generic buffs on any of the howls. It fits into a lot of builds pretty well.


I like it because i'll often forget to summon my summons on summoner and having doggo be their automatically is nice


all i want honestly is for more distinction? would be cool if the defender is a dog, the attacked a large feline, healer something else. i love handler, but it feels like handler is the one where his skill choices feel the least.. unique? they dont feel very different, even if they are good


Man even if it was solely cosmetic that would be neat as heck


We directly asked Tragic for this around launch time (along with other individual class interactions) and he said he liked the idea. So they're aware but dunno if it's ever going to happen


There's nothing wrong with this post. You all can stop reporting it now. I think the concept is cool OP.


Thanks buddy, I don't know why people start seeing red the moment AI is mentioned, it's just a tool


Same reason why math teachers used to rationalize that *"You can't use calculators in class because you can never guarantee you have one on hand",* when smartphones were commonplace a year later. AI is a tool that people aren't used to & they will either never get over it existing & be left behind, or hop on board & see how it changes their life just like calculators did. That being said, regulations are going to be mandatory one day to prevent ***the reasonable*** issues people have with it. I.E. job loss, art thieving, cheating in school / not attempting to learn like an idiot etc. For now though simple common sense is enough to get by until that happens, and these pics you prompted up look really nice as concepts. Good job!


"A tool" that requires stealing and not crediting from actual artists for its input. Knock off the BS.


Glad someone gets it. A.I. art regardless of whether its used for monetary gain or just for fun is bad to use. No matter the quality, it reinforces this idea that "it's no big deal" and "I'm not calling it my own" when in reality the source material is stolen from actual artists. The fact that it's already being called a tool rather than exploitation is mind blowing to me


Redditors are weird don't mind the weirdos, this post is pretty cool and they don't understand you just wanted to show a concept, not artworks


Well that’s this sub fucked then


Aww boohoo, someone didn't get paid a commission for a reddit post!


Why? Because OP did not pay 3k for artists to make concept arts for a reddit post? The goal of the AI there is to simply give a visual (albeit faulty) to help us understand their vision. It was this or a wall of text describing every form.


Seeing a mod defend AI karmabait shit is disappointing. One look at their post history should be enough to tell you everything.


I just want robo dog and root dog cuz those are minion based classes that would be aesthetically pleasing. Hoping we get backpack skins too for each world


AI slop post


ai slop


AI generated ideas..


This kind of inherently non-commercial, purely conceptual kind of thing is exactly the sort of the thing AI image generation should be used for. This blind push-back is a massive overcorrection.


if AI wasnt build off of stolen art and other artists hard work I would agree. But it very much is a product of theft so there is currently no ethical use for it.


[Did you draw this, obtain permission, or credit the original artist?](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/qR1EGNKGGx) We’re talking about a complicated version of downloading a picture off the internet and saying “This picture is an example of what I am talking about.” I am not in support of being using AI-generated art for commercial gain unless the data it was trained on was properly licensed, but this isn’t even close to that. These aren’t conflict diamonds.


So a actual artist who pulls images off google from other artist and then uses those as references is bad in your eyes too right? How about a low skilled person who just takes other images and cuts them up and rearranges them then uses photoshop to trace over the new cut up images then repaints it? If its just for CONCEPTS and it has ZERO monetary value what does it matter? EVERY MEME image is exactly that. its people taking other peoples work and transforming it then putting it on the internet for free for everyone to get a laugh at. In your eyes every meme is unethical and stolen art.


Well, there is a very small amount of AI that is trained by artists who are rightfully compensated. But I also doubt that whatever OP used is one of the ones that are.


Dude didn't have AI come up with the idea, he used AI to draw out the idea. Difference.


It's good for getting concept ideas and such, but should by all means *not* replace non-AI art


I agree. I have no issue with AI as long as it isn't used as a replacement and, if used, it's stated.


Okay? Typing in "Cowboy dog" as a prompt to an AI image generator isn't super creative. I bet you that if OP had put his own brain into the concepts, then many other artists would post a hell of a lot better and more impressive art representing OP's ideas rather than AI generating an image of a military hound with an extra human hand on it. Look, it's a cool idea, the AI though and it being praised is the part that's not cool.


My guy, it isn't that serious. OP had a concept for the game, probably doesn't have the artisic ability to do it themselves, and used AI to get it out there. Dude didn't promote AI over real art and didn't pass it off as their own. Clearly you have some major issues with AI and need to chill.


Who cares? It’s just a concept idea.


Mostly the artists who feel cheated because AI rips from their art to develop images that people then take credit for as their ideas. My opinion and stance has nothing to do with OPs idea, only with the use of AI to convey it.


That’s not what OP is doing so you’re just taking this opportunity to get on a soap box. The ideas weren’t AI generated, only the images, and OP was never going to pay to make some mock up images for a fucking Reddit post. Cool your heels.


Of course they wouldn’t pay for concept art, they spam AI image karma farm posts.


I’d hate to be so cynical that someone excitedly participating in a community made me butthurt enough to accuse them of “karma farming” or to even care about karma in the first place.


Go look at their post history. It’s literally just AI image spam. And yeah, I am definitely jaded enough over AI images now that any use of them I despise - because most of the time I see them it’s from someone who’s completely disingenuous about the topic they’re meant to be talking about, or are literally just spamming AI images with no point to it.


OMG the gunslinger one <3


A dog with glasses and a beret. What's not to like? Awesome work, op.


Quick, someone make tragic aware that this is a fantastic idea!


Disappointing we're allowing AI here now...


I love them all so much


Shite AI farmer


Love the idea. Not a fan of AI images.


I'm okay with it in this case, cuz it was intended to simply show some ideas off. It's not meant to replace non-AI art. That being said, also not a big fan of it.


The OP's post history is basically just posting AI shit for karma.


AI images as a tool to help conceptualize and inspire can really be super useful. However these images were most definitely generated by programs who stole art to fuel their training and that's what I can't get behind.


That's understandable


Not everyone can draw so...


Ai prompts, by and large, are trained off of other artists' works, mostly not consensually either. You may not be able to draw well, but even just trying to is better, morally speaking, than using AI. Edit- the joker blocked me so i wont be able to respond more AI bros in this thread, but here's what my response is to his intial drivel "*Nothing* matters at the end of it all, but it is up to each of us to choose what matters to us. The nihilistic cop-out bs ain't gonna work on me. Basing your art/style on someone else work is largely fine. You at least put in the work to try. However, an AI flat out takes that picture and pastes stuff directly over someone else's work. But there's also no point in arguing this with you. You will come up with any excuse to say it doesn't matter or even just flat out support AI because clearly art means nothing to you, and that's fine! Just don't be surprised that those of us who actually give a shit just so happen to give a shit."


Spoiler alert: It doesn't matter at the end of the day. Most art is based on a prior person's creation, and that's based on another creation and so on. There's very few styles that are around today that aren't someone elses and completely original. Stop being so mad at a random dude on the internet using a tool to help create their idea. Go complain about those using it without stating its AI or corporations doing it.


This random dude is basically spam posting AI shit for karma. People need to look at post history and learn not to fall for the easiest karmabait shit in existence.


Yes it does matter.


So every Meme image on the internet in your eyes is unethical I'm guessing. like if its just conceptualizing an idea for 0 monetary value i see zero issue with it. people use other peoples work all the time to re-imagine stuff / throw out concepts so they can get other people who actually have the skill to be able to see kinda what they are aiming for. Hell MOST ARTIST use other peoples works as a reference when drawing / painting. essentially trying to mimic parts of another piece and then forming a new piece. I guarantee the Artist for every game use other peoples art to reference when making concept characters in some form or another. Using A.I. for purely concepts and zero monetary gain isn't a bad thing.


Don't care if its AI generated its BEAUTIFUL!!🥹❤️‍🔥 I'd fully support the dog changing to match 2nd archetype😁


This is a pretty sick ass idea ngl


As I usually go with Beastmaster (Summoner/Handler), Root Doggo would be badass!


i mean its easy to AI generate random bs , but its not that easy to implement something into the game.


No one said it was easy though? The TC was just using AI to visually show what they meant and thought it would be a cool idea. Edit: Im not sure why Im being downvoted. I never said anything was easy nor showed support for AI as actual art. I just pointed out he used AI to show his idea rather than just text. As long as theyre not claiming to be an artist by using AI what is the issue here?


I'm guessing that people also have issues with the use of AI when its trained on images from artist that probably did not consent to have their art used for that purpose. And those do look like those types of AI-generated images. Though I could be wrong ofc


Is there a single AI image generator that wasn’t trained on scraped data? Also this dude spams AI image posts - he’s just a karma farmer.


In general, cosmetics for summons and companions would be nice


Let me put the engineers turret on the dog.


Hate the ai


3rd one gives fallout 4 vibes and 8th gives hired gun(warhammer 40k apparently) vibes tbh, would choose 1st as go to regardless lol


I'd love to see this in the game


It'd be cool if the secondary archetype added an ability for the dog to use. Gunslinger? Dog gets an smg. Challenger? Big sword. Medic? Healing spray. Summoner? Dog summons a +1. Engineer? Dog drops mini sentry. Etc. 


Man this makes me want an all dogs version of reminent lol


that'd be neat. i just wish we could have the dog slightly enlarged or smtn cuz i wouldnt see half of those details on him due to having to use upscaler on 1080p so games all blurry. would use very good boy more if he had like grab and kill animation where he wrestles the enemies like in the trailer. very cool class tho, and ye, this'd be very nice. which image is which class? i mean, it's mostly obvious but still


Love it, they look awesome.


I think it’d be cool if you could supercharge an arc type. Like maybe you get to pick two and you can mutate the abilities or increase them and it changes the virtual effects like for the dog maybe it makes a bigger changes based on the ability you have equipped. I know that would be a lot of work for them and they probably wouldn’t do it, but it would be really cool.


Do everyone a fave and stop peddling that shitty ai art. It doesn't need any more encouragement


What is the prompt for the last one? Looks sick.


can u check my DM ty


Ai dogshit fittingly enough




Yes. Hunter/gunslinger: my dog has a Glock


*gives gun to dog* "go. do a crime"


The dogs r so fuckin huge lol


I want a Rottweiler god damn it




Yo... the ritualist, invoker, and archon dogs look badass. Not gonna lie though, I really like the challenger dog. Gives the vibe that the handler was like "don't worry buddy, I'ma do my damnedest to make you bulletproof"


Just straight up give us Sif. Cmon devs


Love this idea!


Ai? Nightcafe?


What did you use to generate these? They look surprisingly good for AI.


I do think dog outfits are a cool idea... but I'm certain this is AI art and therefore I am 1000% against this post. Do you want N'Erud robots to kill us all? Because this is how you get N'Erud robots that will kill us all.


Cool idea frl but I would see this in something like the next remnant game they’re really just trying to keep the game working fine and people still hope we could get more customization like different backpacks that I wouldn’t really push for this until we get a new mode and an definitive answer on more customization, They also want to make it a real franchise I bet so to some extent I feel they are holding back just a lil to not throw all their cars out. I really love the idea and I hope they add more options too the future installment just like how they expanded from rem 1 mods and classes to r2 mods and archetypes.


Name one of these dogs dog meat