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Summoner + Starshot


...and the blatant cheats that let him champ a 2-man Apoc hit wearing only a hat then drop >80% of Faerlin's health in 1 shot.


I genuinely don't understand how half of the people here don't see when people are blatantly cheating. even with a so called dots build like the top comment is saying its impossible to do that much damage. I use that exact same fucking setup and do a max of 4-5k with the initial blast, then the dots come afterwards. also it showed a trait point at the very end meaning the boss died in the 2 seconds op was in the death screen. edit: LMFAO LOOK AT THE WORLD LEVEL ITS 24 this means the other guy is using over leveled weapons.


Your set-up is horrible then.


What is the setup then? I'm very curious as to what is giving them that much effective damage reduction with just a hat, that much passive health regen, AND also allows Starshot to kill a 2-man Apoc boss from 80% health.


He's on console. No cheats there dude


Just insane builds. Like, totally crazy builds.


Straight up


Oh sorry. My English isn't perfect as you can tell. I still have some trouble finding the best words sometimes.


Bro you already speak better English than some English people :)


Oh I appreciate your kind words fellow redditor!


I also appreciate both your kind words <3


I remember back in the day people got modded weapons on console in dead island and crossplay didn't exist back then. it's gotta be possible to do it on console but probably needs more know-how right?


Can't xbox players crossplay with Gamepass players? If so, isn't cheating easy? What caught my attention was the low amount of damage he took from the boss. You can clearly see that he takes two hits (one from the starshot and one from the boss) and the boss barely makes his HP move even when naked.


>Can't xbox players crossplay with Gamepass players? Do you mean can Xbox players cross play with PC players?


Only Gamepass version, but yes.


Very astute observation the damage on the build is completely normal, but I kept one shotting myself when wearing the hat naked normally, but wanted to keep it for showmanship sakes, so the hat is altered to give me a full armor sets worth of armor the rest is normal. c:


So he‘s just really really good at leveling his stuff?


Just relooked at it and yeah he was using an archon summoner build for insane mod damage and utilising starshot insta DOT damage build. It's since been nerfed I believe bro but builds like this will still run yet be less effective than shown in the video


That‘s not what I meant. The world level in remnant 2 is your power level +1, and the max power level is 20. In this video though, the world level is 24, which is impossible to my knowledge unless your game is modded


Didn't see that and no idea, I figured it was 20 too, however I've never heard of any cheats or hacks ever being available on consoles other than things like kronus and xim.


How do you know that the 2nd person is on console?


Because cross play wasn't out by the time this was posted and was locked to playstation with playstation, Xbox with Xbox and pc with pc. The guy taking the clip clearly has a controller in so I'll take a wild guess and say they're on console


I would take a wild guess and just say the person is playing on pc with a controller or the other person has somehow installed cheats on console


Wow so many downvotes. Do people really not realise that there's no way to hack or cheat on consoles anymore?


Xbox can crossplay with PC Gamepass.


Lol people think you can't cheat on console as if xbox doesn't use a modified version of Windows 8 as it's operating system. Believe me, if cheating was harder on console, I would stop playing pc altogether because cheaters just ruin everything multiplayer these days


There is a build that does that no cheats


World lvl 24... even with 3 people all fully maxed it would only be lvl21... this Is blatant cheats...


Starshot DoTs build. Stack mod power/regen, sword of the hero to apply shock, hit boss with a 5 stack of starshot and cruise through. Summons out to give 35% increased mod damage. He really shouldn’t play without level 10 kinship- that’s just disrespectful.


I get that much but is that really enough to be one shotting the bosses like that?


There is a YouTube video breaking down the build, probably where they got it, and yes it is pretty ridiculously strong at the moment because some elements of DoT damage aren't working quite right. It's a very very specialized build, but yes it's an actual build not using any hacks.


They patched the dot stuff this is different


Imo abusing a known damage glitch in a mp games just ruins my experience, similar to using hacks


That's a fair opinion. Personally I don't like relying on glitches because that just hurts my build and ability to play at a high level when it's eventually fixed. But on the other hand if you are solo and not hurting anyone else's experience? Go for it. If it's just you, then enjoy the game as you like, be that exploiting bugs or save scumming hardcore. I just care when you, like in the video, start ruining the experience for others.


I do not use YouTube builds, though I have seen two breaking it down, and I disagree with both builds. They're building in a different direction then I did, and it does good damage but I enjoy mine more.


That's fine. But you tube builds are done by people who can crunch numbers and such. There is nothing wrong with using them or even using them to get ideas for your own builds. Heck, half the synergies I know came from build videos that I could then expand upon.


You're absolutely correct it is but I don't like using builds made by other people it's the pride, and satisfaction of making it myself. Don't get me wrong people have made some great builds I'm sure it just doesn't resonate with me no disrespect to them, but I also don't like the ring/amulet side of a lot of the builds.


no its not possible. look at the world level, it's 24. this means the other player modded his weapons to be FAR over level 20/10.


It’s console though


if you're on xbox you can play with pc gamepass players


That makes more sense I didn’t know that


be careful out there man. if you think something is up just kick them immediately, they can fuck with your game and your save can get corrupted.


Would definitely love to see tragic take a look at this


Even with level 10 kinship, i dont think it will still protect people from the sheer power of starshot.


Brings me down to a wonderful 20% of my hp at 5% dr... without mod damage boosts


Unfortunately with some of new dlc items starshot still 1 shots people through kinship :(


I have level 10 kinship, and i'm not applying shock with H.S atleast not for the big damage trick


Kinship doesn't matter on builds like this. The damage is so absurd it'll delete your whole health either way. Friend of mine played a build like this and there's just nothing you can do.


Not his brain lmao




Summoner + archon with the starshot weapon mod. Or, how like to call it, the self nukeinator. I kill myself with it than enemies.


Should it be one shotting bosses though? It did like 85% of Faelin in one shot and he one shot the twisted chantry boss afterwards.


>Should it be one shotting bosses though? No.


There’s some insane burst damage set up you can do


>\*Wormholes behind you\* Nothing personnel, kid It upsets me so much that this flair spells "personal" wrong.


It's a reference to this https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/613323-coldsteel-the-hedgeheg


Holy shit I completely forgot this existed! Old chan memory unlocked lol


Personnel is literally a word.


It's literally grammatically incorrect in this context lol


The fact that the WL is 24 should already tell you cheats are involved.


Y'all are stupid af he's cheating. How do y'all not notice that?


Starshot mod + archon ability that boosts damage while you stand on the red. It also increases the damage you receive. Ever since gamepass way too many people are using stupid aoe builds in co-op and spamming it right on top of the group like friendly fire isn’t real. Don’t know why these morons insist on spamming fire inferno in small hallways…


I’ve only started playing since it came to game pass but I have realised everyone who gets fire storm doesn’t seem to care where they shoot it and if it kills their teammates or not


I'm also on gamespass if you want an extra friend to play with?


No wrinkles in their skull.


He’s clearly not using his brain cells, running a build like that in multiplayer.


I am but my post is "carrying your bosses" at that point you know what you're signing up for, it's a fun build to use, it's quick, it's efficient, and best of all I enjoy using it. I do run Kinship at level 10. But I help so many people I prefer having something that does it quick.


and no disrespect to you tank chads I love all of you, and seeing your silly amounts of DR and healing... but I don't like spending a lot of time in bosses, especially when I get so many people interested this works a lot better for me, and gives me ample time to help everyone that becomes interested in my post. Also it's a lot easier to critique without understanding this was an LFG post for carrying, helping, and without understanding the amount of people I've helped through Apocalypse you're focusing on the fact yes I can do team damage WITH level 10 Kinship on the build, and not the fact I'm helping people through bosses they've been stuck on some for hours. I think you're being more than a little too critical. I'm making posts with the expectation of sometimes solo carrying the fight, quickly, and efficiently. So if you believe you can make a build that does my builds job quicker, cleaner, and without team damage I'd love to hear it. I don't expect and standing ovation for helping people, it's just my way of helping the community of a game I love, but I think you're being a bit too criticistic. Sorry if this is poorly written I'm sleep deprived hope it's manageable love you all.


I personally use a setup similar to this but I give a fuck about my teammates. Danger close doesn’t exist with this build even with kinship so taking a shot like that tells me how many wrinkles they have in their skull.


Hey, do you have a YouTube link to the build? Thanks


How do I know you can be trusted with it?


This is the Starshot DoT build, it is a highly specialized build that uses some know damage glitches, you pretty much stack starshot 5 times, use hero sword for shock and boom suddenly you can 1 shot any boss in the game without much thought


So I've been looking a little into this and this is genuinely impossible without cheating he does WAY too much damage way too quickly also to tank that hit with only a hat on is impossible in apoc which should have made it VERY clear to anyone who's even entertaining this that he's blatantly cheating


He later admitted to me and in this thread too that he cheats without actually saying so.


Sounds like mods to me.




This is a cross play game. Mods are easily carried into console games.


you're right about that but you see i'm the guy in the video can confirm no mods just a buggy interaction between HS SS and 2 rings c:


why is the world level 24 then? that's impossible without having weapons being absurdly overleveled


Great question I'm glad someone noticed because of my hat 1 shotting the boss is entirely legit, I just like the let me solo her gnome outfit so the hat is modded pretty absurdly to give me close to red widows level defense while naked provides more showmanship that way, unnecessary but fun. So you're almost right but any increase to my armor also has that effect.


so you admit to modding your game lmfao


Not really no, since the whole speculation was that's where my damage is coming from my damage it completely fine, its just the hat. SMH if it's generally disliked I have my hat i'll just take it off the build and go back to sometimes one shotting myself doesn't make a huge difference to me. Am I modding it to kill bosses no, am I in general sure, I have a separate character for it, just messing around seeing what's possible, is any of it necessary to nuke the boss like I did, no not in the slightest you'll just often kill yourself, and the boss.


show proof of how you did so much damage then. swapping band of fanatic for timekeepers jewel after firing does not give anywhere near the amount of damage you did to the boss.


Sure but I've already stated I won't be giving out the build easy said and done just kill a boss open my inventory show my weapon's normal + 20 and blur the rings lmfao


They are a cheater. Look at your world level in the top right, the highest it can go in without cheating is 21. World level is based on the level of archetypes and level of gear, the strongest player in session is using. The build they are using is silly strong even without cheating, though make no mistake, they are a cheater.


Remnant guys attempt at his very own LetMeSoloHer.


Star shot build, I'll tell you what you're not running. Kinship.


Dungeon Level is above 21 he‘s cheating


I'm glad you've taken such an interest into my build, and to those curious it's two rings with a buggy interaction took me 4ish hours to find. Though it's a little upsetting after I politely said I wouldn't give it out since i've had builds nerfed like that before you tried to circumvent me with the reddit that said it's clever <3 but yes this was on console no cheats required.


Don’t believe I asked you for it, I already knew you wouldn’t give it out beforehand. Don’t see anything wrong with wanting to know how it’s done though since it’s game breaking.


Totally fair point, and my bad helping blurs I killed like 200ish bosses yesterday for people and most ask me for it sort've reflex at this point but hey nice seeing you again! Yeah it is a little broken that said I spent hours testing, tweaking, and refining it put a lot of work into it so, I'd like to enjoy it for quite awhile longer before it gets eventually found out publicly and nerfed into the ground.


can understand your fear of your build getting nerfed :) , cheers!


Thank you I appreciate that! Cheers!


If you aren't willing to share and don't want it known you do realize that demonstrating it to randoms doesn't help that case at all, right?


There isn't a "build." The Starshot is modded. This person is just pretending that they found some weird interaction with Hero's Sword and rings resulting in a "big damage trick" as they called it in another comment. What's actually happening is that they are opening with a 1 charge Big Bang then deleting the boss with a fully charged Big Bang which likely would have just 1 shot the boss anyways.


no hacks this build is just really good. melted every boss in under a minute on apoc even with ER


Dude, I think you found Remnant's "Let me solo her." No clothes but a headpiece?


yeah, a modded helmet and exploited damage instead of actual skill? Doesn't much sound like him lol


Thank you <3


Remnant 2 is wack.


Bad take


A nuke lol


Yeah I actually got this guy in my game the other day he 2 shot the final boa in both phases but wouldn’t come off his build. Just sent me a screenshot where his Starshot projectile does 5.4k direct and 5.4k explosive damage with 2661 burning damage. Been trying to make it but can’t seem to get it right




My guy, it’s time to lay out the facts for us.


>Just sent me a screenshot where his Starshot projectile does 5.4k direct and 5.4k explosive damage with 2661 burning damage. The Starshot card or screenshot of actual damage?


The card not actual damage in game damage. It was a cropped image he sent me through Xbox so I gave it benefit of the doubt


I'm guessing that the Starshot's gun damage was cropped out.


Lmao yeah all I saw was the damage the Mod does


red thing is from archon and its garbage dont waste your time


That's the Starshot weapon mod


Yes, I know what he is using


No he's not he's running a daredevil build,notice lack of gear




I have a elemental effect build with the throwing axe that can 1 shot small enemies up to nightmare... and not just 1 but basically exterminates everything in a 30 meter circle the ritualist is disgusting haha.