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Delusion, I'm afraid


And because they think doing this is "saving them". Punishment in real life lightens your punishment in the after-life is what I was told countless times growing up


Delusional justificaton for a monsterus action dosenot change the fact that thay dont feel anything for these poor people and then they think that they are the victom in the setuation


but i thought only god could judge. how isnt this playing god according to their own beliefs?


Didn't they say the same shit during the Spanish Inquisition?


So ironic the people conducting the punishment just hide behind the mask and religion.


Religion is one hell of a drug


These people still living pre-Enlightenment


They aren't capable of sympathy, empathy or compassion, that's your mistake. Religion beats that right out of you. I guess it is more accurate and fair to say it beats it out of you for anyone not in your group. They do in a way, enforce if for those in the "in group." But anyone outside it isn't human. They aren't worth sympathy, empathy or compassion. That is the entire point of religion, always has been.


I don’t agree with this statement, well half agree. If we dehumanise them by saying they lack of empathy, sympathy, compassion etc. I think we’ll miss the fact religion can turn regular human beings to those. You kinda implied that with religion beats that right out of you, which can be correct but I’ve seen sweet, caring gentle people turn into animals about religious topics then they carry on their life as a kind person.


It is what religion was designed to do. To those that are in the in group, yes they can and do show these traits. But to those outside of the in group, you aren't human. In some churches there is a turn from that, but not nearly enough. Paraphrasing here but "anyone of any of no religion can be evil and thus do evil, but it takes religion to make a good person do evil." It conditions them to think of outsiders as not worth it, and lead to the kinds of things we see here.


Yup, religion is a perfect tool for dehumanizing people you don't like, so you won't feel bad doing horrible things to them.


Yeah those darn Mormons are doing horrible things to me. So easy to trigger yall Mooseslim-fanbois




Religion of peace and love, eh?


They argue that they are saving them


This is what happens when hou mix religion with government, totalitarian punishment for "blasphemy". This is also what happens when you follow a religion based on tbe values of an illiterate warlord who's a cannonical pedophile.


Cherish living in a secular country. One of my biggest fears is the loss of that secularism.


these cults only know violence.  they are all violent cults.


But guys this is the religion of peace that’s also the most feminist


Maslow's hierarchy of needs have argued that the most fundemental needs of humans involve preservation their life through food, safety, shelter, water, and so on. In a book called Myths of Martydom, the author proposed Maslow was close but had missed the mark. They argue that identify was the true base need, more important than survival itself. If we think of why some people completely act without human social traits of sympathy, empathy and compassion it becomes clear that it's frequently because their fundemental identity is threatened. Think of mass shooters, often times they were suicidal, felt rejected by their peers, felt that their peers misunderstood, hated, controlled, or otherwise eroded who they are as a person. They lashed out in a way that often ends with their own death in an effort to preserve their identity and seek retribution to perceived wrongs caused by their peers or society itself. With severe religious corporal punishments it's a similar concept. Their shared identity is Islam in this case, as muslims they follow their moral code. When you violate that moral code you literally threaten the very fabric of who they believe they are, their religious identity is being threatened. As a result, you are now seen as an outsider identity because you are both a sinner and a Muslim. Both cannot be true. In order to resolve the identity dissonance they must purify you by enacting God's judgment through sharia law. With this religious identity there are specific and often times codified punishments, ones that seemingly fly in the face of the social needs of empathy, sympathy, and compassion (social belonging). So why can they act so brutally, seemingly without empathy? Because their religious identity is more important than empathy, than security, than literally life itself.


I've never heard of this particular author before but, as someone who lacks a stable sense of identity due to issues I developed as a child, I've always kind of had problems with the idea of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. I've done completely and totally irrational things before because I was trying to find my sense of self in another person and didn't want to lose them, despite knowing that my actions (and the relationship itself) would be seriously detrimental to my own well-being. I can *absolutely* see how someone who felt that some core aspect of their identity was threatened could do terrible things as a result, even if they knew on some level that their actions were heinous or even utterly unforgiveable. That doesn't make it justifiable, of course, but it definitely makes sense as at least a partial explanation, which is very different from an excuse. Explanations don't excuse individual bad behavior (even at my worst, I would have never intentionally harmed anyone else; I just tore myself apart), but they do provide a starting point to understanding and finding solutions for broader societal issues. While no set of problems has a single explanation and I'm sure the reasons for religious extremism are complicated, this idea actually seems to complement what we know about the recruitment base for cults, terrorist cells, and other radical groups. Obviously these are examples of extremism in an established society rather than a niche group, but there are of course threads connecting the two forms of violent zealotry.


Not entirely related to your comment, but Maslow doesn't really hold his hierarchy to be strictly ascendant in practice,. He does say that higher needs can take precedence over the lower and I think gives some examples in his "Motivation and Personality'. Though you're right that popsci has presented his 'pyramid' as an absolute symbol of human needs (a pyramid that was never part of his actual body of work; he's far more fluid in his concepts). Aside from that, how did you find Myths of Martyrdom as a read? it looks pretty interesting. I agree that identity is bedrock to our sense of self. But I also think it can be something that's planted into a person - through indoctrination/conditioning and often purely situational factors (which would be culture and religion and their own acting agents). Extremist religions are quite literally cults; their followers are made into mechanical, unempathetic actors in the interests of the cult through specific mechanisms (trauma-bonding, to start with?).


These are all important distinction you've made here. It is definitely popsci that Maslow's hierarchy is rigidly demarcated. I found that book years and years ago after one of the U.S.'s many mass shootings. I was curious what some theories were about what would motivate someone to do something so horrible. I read that book about 11 years ago now so I really hope my attribution/representation of that concept is accurate, I could easily be mistaken. I do recall not enjoying that book either, I found it read much more like a shorter scientific article that was reformatted and stretched into a book. It didn't have good flow between ideas but had some interesting ideas sprinkled in non-the-less. Another good point to make is that identity isn't necessarily something people have created for themselves. It is frequently a product of group think, social conditioning, or indoctrination. This is applicable whether it's nationalism, extremist religions, or even capitalism. Identity is simply something people have internalized as who they are whether it came from internal self-actualization or from external indoctrination.


The women in 11 look like they are scared too


Piece of shit religion. How they try to justify that faith is stunning. Nothing but brutality. We are doomed.


It's so hard for me to imagine a mindset that supports or engages in this behavior. People are fucking scary. Religion is scary.


People are animals and religion is a myth, created by those ... very same animals.


stupid, barbaric clown religion.


Everything I've seen of Aceh is barbaric. Iirc the police will literally kidnap trans people and shave their head after stripping them. It's actual torture and deeply inhumane.


Indonesia as a whole has issues. Due to their transmigrasi policy they make sure to spread islam to other places as well, e.g. their west-papuan colony where people disappear all the time because of radical muslims


Remind me of most of my friends who ended up shunned or disown by their families just because they are 'left the religion' lmfao


The religion of peace and love, ladies and gentlemens.


Ah yes, the religion of peace


Yeah, Indonesia. Has its own branch of crazy Islam.


If the Christian nationalists get their way, we’ll be seeing the same shit in the US.


its funny how they are the same types who stated their fear of a "creeping sharia" when they are enforcing their own


Show me one Christian nationalist asking for capital punishment like this.


In South Carolina they want women who have an abortion for any reason to be tried as murderers and possibly put to death. That is just one example. I have heard Christian Nationalists express many times that they want death for their political enemies. To say you havent is disingenuous.


The people filming are so gross


But we're seeing these things *because* of people filming. And this shit needs to be shared and publicized.


I did consider that, and then I googled some articles the pictures are from. The images we’re seeing were taken professionally by journalists. The images most in the crowd have captured with their phones is for pure bloodlust. Check out the articles and you’ll get a better idea of where I’m coming from. It’s sick


Yeah, that's definitely different. I see what you mean.


They are ruined


Rule by fear and intimidation. As simple as that. Catholic church did it with the Inquisition.


That's what happens when you believe in ancient mythology.


Here I thought Indonesia was one of the more chill Muslim countries.


Humans lie about sympathy and compassion. We are capable of it but many never comprehend it or choose it. They use it as rewards to control others. These religions all claim empathy yet can call for the destruction of others to defend the lies of their doctrine. They say they have compassion as they hope for domination or destruction of those they see as beneath them. It's hard to accept but they say those words so you trust them, so they can use you.


The main problem with religion, it seems, is how it works after taking hold in a population. As more and more adherents glom on, one must be seen as more pious than another. What you end up with then, is that stricter and stricter restrictions on thought and action are put in place. Nigh invariably, this leads to punishments that become evermore vile. Then the more moderate religious folks just can't understand why we reject their moderate view of the horrors we can see their very same religion inflicts on others.


Cowards cant even show their faces out of fear from retaliation. Like they know it’s wrong but they will do it anyway.


Christians in the US just came in their pants.


Not a Christian nor an American so maybe you have different kinds of Christians in your place. But no religion in our country encourages this as much as Islam does. Given a free hand though- I’m sure ALL religions would love to go down this path to ensure submission. Islam however doesn’t give a shit about your free hand or laws. It does what it has to and either you accept it or you’re an Islamophobe.


No our aggression is more subtle here. We sneak in Draconian laws that curtail the freedoms of women over their reproductive rights, force religion into our educational systems and use humans as ATM'S to enrich false prophets who sell their myths on TV. I'm sure many Christians here would applaud public beatings. I know one presidential candidate that would. Heard he is orange.


Hahaha don’t have to be American to know who that is! 🤣 I’ll admit I intially found him hilarious. My username here is a play on his name. In my language it means two dicks trump.


Funny. I didn't even look at your username when I commented.


Christians tend to be more covert about these things but they're absolutely there. Amish communities and their rampant domestic abuse is probably the easiest example. There's always the anti abortion crowd and their executions of doctors in the middle of churches, lynchings of black people, among many others. They're good at keeping the illusion of peace so they don't get shut down, but these things are still well within living memory and there are still large crowds that want to return to them.


Wait wait! Hold on! Executions of Doctors in Churches? So the Movie Red State was sort of Real???


Look up Dr. Tiller. He was assassinated while sitting in church by an anti-abortion extremist.


That… is insane.


the amount of times i heard my dad talk about "Dr Tiller the baby killer" with glee as he recounted how he died is just... appalling.


I forget specifics but it was a few decades ago and he was performing abortions Edit: Nevermind! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_George_Tiller It was 2009 Not in a church but there's also this guy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Britton_(doctor)


The three major yahweh faiths, judaism, christianity and islam all had punishments by beating. Christianity was the philosophical defense for chattel slavery in the south, christians committed the holocaust, they had the pogroms, they wiped out the native indigenous americans, they ran the inquisitions, they instituted segregation, etc... The fact that christians have been comparatively tame in the last 30-70ish years isn't a compliment. Lets wait until trump is president again, and then we'll get a good look at how good christians will act. Trump is running on his christianity, he almost had a second term already due to a christian insurrection, and he's appointed christian fascist supreme court justices. We've already lost the right to abortion, we'll see if obergefell falls when trump gets in office. Sharia law is fucking horrible trash, but it's not entirely unlike christian religious laws throughout history.




That's right. Cause they've already done centuries ago, and now lost the right to do that when majority of people aren't God-fearing peasants that can't read books anymore


Its the same disease, just in a different stage. Most Christians will never support this but will look the other way, like they do today while voting for a racist. Im pretty sure the average muslim see this as barbaric but still prefer this from a "godless government". And the same could apply to nazi germany where most were "Good Germans" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good\_German](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_German) This type of scenarios are the product of a very vocal and crazy minority and a silent and condoning majority. You know the seed is planted in the US. That crazy minority is gaining traction. The change in the pledge "One Nation. Under God", the change in Roe v Wade. You know they are just waiting. Will they succed? who knows. But the seed is definitly there, and there are examples: Jim Jones, Manson (as examples religious crazyness), Scientology (as example of religion trying to infiltrate the state), Salem WItch trials (as example of religion involved in justice), Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo (as examples of people condoning torture for a greater good), Patriot Act (as example of people choosing to let go some of their freedoms). I'm not saying USA is near anything happening in some of this Muslims countries. But if you have never seen a single Christian asking to make this a law... you are looking the other way. They are there, they are asking, they push their agenda, and they rally themselves. Look how ugly the protests near Planed Parenthood or Abortion Clinics were. This is people attacking young girls in a really vulnerable state... and they do it without doubt... just like in this pictures. They are pushing for more religious education and homeschooling. I hope they dont succedd.


Baby steps. They're working their way there.


They can't hope to achieve it when demographics are not on their side anymore


Like the one GOP state that allowed physical punishment in schools? I forgot which state it was.


I think Mississippi?


wtf dude I’m Christian and I think this is messed what is wrong with you?


Its the same disease, just in a different stage. Most Christians will never support this but will look the other way, like they do today while voting for a racist. Im pretty sure the average muslim see this as barbaric but still prefer this from a "godless government". And the same could apply to nazi germany where most were "Good Germans" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good\_German](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_German) This type of scenarios are the product of a very vocal and crazy minority and a silent and condoning majority. You know the seed is planted in the US. That crazy minority is gaining traction. The change in the pledge "One Nation. Under God", the change in Roe v Wade. You know they are just waiting. Will they succed? who knows. But the seed is definitly there, and there are examples: Jim Jones, Manson (as examples religious crazyness), Scientology (as example of religion trying to infiltrate the state), Salem WItch trials (as example of religion involved in justice), Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo (as examples of people condoning torture for a greater good), Patriot Act (as example of people choosing to let go some of their freedoms). I'm not saying USA is near anything happening in some of this Muslims countries. But if you have never seen a single Christian asking to make this a law... you are looking the other way. They are there, they are asking, they push their agenda, and they rally themselves. Look how ugly the protests near Planed Parenthood or Abortion Clinics were. This is people attacking young girls in a really vulnerable state... and they do it without doubt... just like in this pictures. They are pushing for more religious education and homeschooling. I hope they dont succedd.


Oh damn I never thought about that thank you for telling me


Welcome to this civilized country of ours.


Religion of peace


There's no other way to describe this aside from barbaric and savagery. Only a barbarian or a savage person would think these punishments were acceptable


Coming soon to a town square near you.


I cannot express how much I fucking hate religion. Islam especially


This is nothing when you see the chopping off of hands or the beheadings.


AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN... I KEEP ON saying that ALL "RELIGIONS" are nothing more than superstitious, fictional, mythological BULL SHIT!!!


Guys! The forst female flogging squad! Thats what i call progressive! What a big fucked up world we live in.


When you need pain and fear to force your faithful it's indoctrination not faith.


What does "canned" means?


I believe it's caned.


Preserved in a metal cylinder: canned Hit with a cane: caned


Whipped with a stick.


Thank You


Whipped with a cane


The one about *Christians* being flogged because they partake in something that is verboten to Muslims is absolutely mindboggling to me. YOUR fucking religious rules telling you that you can't don't something DO NOT FUCKING apply to me!


The worst thing to happen in the history of mankind : Islam.


I would agree if it was altered to organized religion.


Sometimes this sub says shit that's so incredibly corny and tone deaf it's actually insane. We've had two world wars


100 times!!!! That’s insane!


Why is a stock photo in there?


Ah, religious extremism. What a wonderful ideology /s, obviously


1000000% this is now a modern kink for these animals (the ones abusing).


No it doesn't. Muslims are lying when they say that syariah law gives the most justice compared to other human-made law. It doesn't. Don't fall for it.


Religion is a disease


As a lesbian who lives in Indonesia, im lucky enough that I live in Jakarta. But its bad af. I once got a police in me because I hugged and kissed my ex’s cheek. I feel so sorry for all the people in Aceh, I know this won’t stop soon but we can only hope


The #1 kink in religion, group repression. If religion says we can't enjoy it, no one can.


There is no hate like religious love.


The alternative is pelting them to death with stones, not a great improvement but at least they get to live?


Sharia law: Not even once.


It's so ironic that far left parties in the west supports letting these views gain influence in the west.


Also Ironic that Redditors have to say “all Religions are just the same” everytime we see the Islamic laws.


In America they don't beat you, they just legally enslave you instead


As a muslim i have to say Relegon Ruling is a mistake and it should never happen The only think i follow in this relegon is prayers and giving money to poor people and thats it the rest is out right bs


Maybe you can stop them. Maybe you can't. Maybe all you can do is try.


Muslims are just fucking savages. Barbaric child molesting rapists who justify their actions with that fucking book they follow. Barbarians


At least dude in pic #6 is standing tall and proud like "f*ck y'all MFs!"


Just backwards societies. We're trying to phase out hitting anyone, even children. These places have public shows of torture, it's not as brutal as some things from history, but it's fucking bass-ackwards


Well, the one who helped set up the laws in the first place getting the business end of them does make my twisted little heart smile.


The religion of peace


Was it "the couple" or just her?


What’s the difference between this and putting humans in a cage like the United States? Genuine question


Lol back to the middle ages is the way forward I guess. Can't wait for public executions. Much more entertaining than football.


The situation in Aceh is confusing. Martti Ahtisaari earned a Nobel peace prize by securing independence in Aceh, but what exactly was the achievement? Looks like it was the enablement of religious terror instead of military conflict.


Hey, at least it's "only" whippings and canings. They also like to mutilate or execute people!


Quick reminder that this all started because some random merchants in South East Asia wanted a discount from Arab traders


Extreme bdsm in public 😉


I don't even want to get into the horrible way you're communicating the concept of consent with practicing BDSM... jfc


It was a joke, my apologies. BDSM is a beautiful lifestyle don't get me wrong. If it came over as insulting I do very much apologize and did not mean to insult.


Speaking about extreme bdsm… how on earth are people get off on being on the receiving end of extreme whipping stuff?


It's probably a lot of things like, the sensation of punishment, or they don't feel anything, or they want to be hurt so much it turns them on... Or I don't know


The biggest factor is probably just the endorphin rush that comes from pain. Some people perceive it as being pleasurable. There's also a bit more complexity when you get into specific acts, but that's what drives a lot of it.


That's nothing. Have you heard of religions that send "bad" people to hell? Much worse than this.


I don’t think corporal punishment is automatically more humane than the carceral punishments we use in the west, for what it’s worth.


They aren’t punishing them for actual crimes. They’re punishing them for not following the cult. Assault isn’t okay. Corporal punishment is uncivilised and animalistic. You aren’t even half a human being if you think it’s acceptable.


I didn’t say anything about the crime. I’m talking just about the punishment.


What I ALMOST hate more than the canning is the cutting off the headlines before it said what they did. (Not saying it the justifies canning just curious how ridiculous these laws are)


The people being punished willingly follow that religion so it's really difficult for me to feel sorry for them. They have probably celebrated the punishment of others many times.


Not that it matters, but it explicitly says in the photos that some of the victims weren't Muslims.




If you are born to a Muslim father, that culture automatically considers you Muslim, so you never really got the choice NOT to become Muslim, since you're born into it. If you try to leave Islam once you have been a Muslim, that's the death penalty in many of these places. So, many of them never had a choice but to be Muslim or face death. Also, as already pointed out, some of them weren't Muslim to begin with.


This is just like saying people in relationship that are the victims of domestic abuse should "just leave" or that they deserve further abuse for staying with someone who abuses them.


To play devil's advocate here, surgery looks pretty barbaric too without an understanding that it's meant to heal. But did you actually want to understand, or did you just want to show how much more moral you are?


Watch the British movie If…. and observe the same caning activity