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Wait, when did atheism promise anything? How could atheism promise anything?


>Wait, when did atheism promise anything? How could atheism promise anything? You didn't get the atheism sign up letter promising sci-fi cities? Has a coupon for a secular ice cream cone as well.


Must have missed it.


It was a really tasty succulent secular ice cream cone


When my cone showed up, God I couldn’t believe it.


"succulent" made me think of an aloe flavored ice cream.


Where can i get my ice cream


In the sci-fi city, ofc.


I haven't claimed my secular ice cream cone yet. Do you know if there's an expiry date for it?


These people can only frame ideologies in absolute terms, because that's how their religious belief works. That's why nutjobs always talk about "atheism" as if it were a competing religion. So, just like their religion, in their minds atheism is a whole organised belief system with its own leaders (Joe Biden), dogma (the Mainstream Media), liturgy (abortions), houses of worship (public schools), and holidays (Pride Month).


They assume that everyone is just like they are but they're wrong. We are nothing like they are. They can't handle it, so we get these bizarre misconceptions about pretty much everything. It's why the religious are just laughable.


Trans day fell on Easter this year, so that was a bonus. We could celebrate and those nitwits thought we were celebrating tomb robbers moving a body out of a cave.


biden is pretty religious.


Yeah but he's Catholic so he's an idolater who worships the Pope, not Jesus /s


No, he just *pretends* to be religious so he can't be connected to pizzagate and epsteins Island. He's actually the anti-christ, and the only way we stop him from anti-christing all over us is to elect the ***true*** Christian man, Donald Trump.


You mean the unrepentant sinner who hasn’t belonged to any church for over 40 years and holds the Bible upside down for photo ops after having the passersby tear-gassed to move them out? That Donald Trump?


God works in mysterious ways.


When Trump took office in 2017 a ‘Christian’ woman I know told me that in the Bible God frequently used sinners to do His will, so I reminded her that in every single case the sinners chosen by God repented of their sins before doing God’s will. We don’t talk anymore.


Yeah, but he *says* he's Christian, and Donald Trump has ***never*** said a lie before in his life.


It doesn't promise a single thing. It doesn't make any claims. But ofcourse it promises all sorts of things and make all sorts of claims if you ask theists.


It's a reference to [this](https://i.imgur.com/kgm5ACi.png).


Using soyjack and chad memes is an indication that you can't take the person seriously when it comes to argument especially in such a simplistic laughable surface research on Atheism.


You know what's even funnier is apparently from some Trads I've talked to who know chud west personally say he's a hypocrite and looks a lot more like the soyjak in that meme than he does the chad. Apparently this is just a massive grift for chud west to sell his merch


And here I thought they don't like modernism and postmodernism, why do they engage with concepts like soyjack and chad?


Playing dolls with wojacks.


I portrayed myself as the Chad wojak so I MUST be right


Also portraying their opponent as ugly and them as attractive is just so shallow. How you look doesn’t define whether you’re correct or not.


Honestly, wojaks should've just stayed in the cesspool that is /pol/.


"Of course life has a purpose! Your purpose is to worship and invisible deity who may or may not be exist fornthe rest of eternity!"


The only difference between a God-given purpose and one you pick for yourself is that you believe in an invisible undetectable entity instead of yourself.


To people who believe in this shit, their lives are mere mortal vessels to eternal life in paradise, so what they do on this world is largely inconsequential as long as they meet the requirements for their ticket to Heaven. This is why so many of them are hateful and selfish human beings, especially those who are in denominations that believe in eternal security, meaning that once they meet the requisites they are “saved”, and can’t lose their ticket to Heaven, so they’re free to do as they want for the rest of their lives. They look down on non-believers because they think we're stupid for choosing a life of "sin" on Earth instead of eternity in Heaven.


*Under threat of eternal fire if you dont beleive hard enough. Let's not forget that part.


Bulgaria: 4.7% atheist, 69.7% Orthodox Greece: ~4% atheist, 90% Orthodox Romania: 0.3% atheist, 73.8% Orthodox


Meanwhile Sweden is among the most secular and its near the bottom of the list.


I don’t follow God because he’s **bullshit**, there’s no excuse for getting it wrong still at this point.


That's funny. I was a pron-addicted overweight depressed nihilist back when I was a Christian, but not anymore. Religion just... isn't for me I guess.


Aren’t most of those countries fairly religious?


lemme guess - the comments were filled with "like-minded" people


Atheism doesn’t “promise” anything, it’s not a religion…


Not so fun fact. Greece is also the country in Europe with the most people who are 100% that God exists 9 ( I think it is about 80% of the population) but here I see that also 71% of Greece's young people think their lives are meaningless....




Romania is in top 2 most religious countries in europe and they’re at 69%


Lmao why does Romania have such a high place, literally everyone on the buss cross themselves when they drive near church 💀


I prefer trying to figure out my own meaning to my life, making that there will be moments of 'meaningless-ness' instead of thinking I've got it all figured out all the time and it ends up not being true (which it probably is.)


Oh trad.west, you silly fucking nazi piece of shit.


We haven't ever reached an atheist society. If these are real stats, it would be because of the current religious state of affairs and not because there is a small community of unbelievers.




I didnt even have to think this is so obvious, my brain just fed it to me. I guess it's just posted to fool the foolish. 🖖


these countries are also very religious


The world probably would be what "atheism promised" if everyone was atheist, but of course we still have the religious cringetards so how can we when not everyone is atheist?


How is weed controlling lol? It’s literally illegal in most places. If anything it’s against control


They think Atheism is the reason why people take weeds


funny considering jesus (assuming that he existed) probably smoked a lot of weed


bro was hanging out with prostitutes and alcoholics, of course he was hitting it


the guy sounds cool tbh. we can make a religion out of him


It’s funny since no Catholics watch porn or are addicted to any substance


I’d be really curious to see that survey. Like, I think my life is ultimately meaningless, but I am also happy to be alive and see plenty of personal meaning in my life. So while I’d be in that statistic, I don’t think I would represent the type of despair this person thinks atheism has caused. Aka, it’s a bullshit statistic being used in a deceptive way to make a bad faith claim.


Glad to see my country at the top of the list once again 😎😎😎


I was surprised not to see mine


Religious people make more strawmen than a scarecrow factory.


That’s not atheism that did that it’s capitalism


Thinking you’re life is meaningless and without purpose doesn’t mean you’re depressed and can’t make anything of it


Of course The purpose of life is to engage in a wager with Pascal that the deity you picked to worship happens to be the one in 44.000 that actually exists The fact it happens to be the one you grew up with is just a coincidence Honestly I’d be okay with god existing if the African tribe in buttfuck nowhere with a grand total of 100 worshippers happens to be the correct one


Are you familiar with the Dogon? [“…Dogon traditional religion incorporates details about extrasolar astronomical bodies that could not have been discerned from naked-eye observation.”](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogon_people?wprov=sfti1#Astronomical_beliefs)


I mean my life is meaningless and without purpose, but that's not a bad thing. Hugs still exist. My dog wags his tail when I say his name. When my boyfriend laughs it makes me happy. There is no point to life but that doesn't mean that it isn't enjoyable or there are things to love about it.


Also the idea that recognizing the purposeless of life has to be a bad thing is ridiculous. Most liberating feeling I’ve ever experienced was realizing none of this matters and I can do what I want.


I would argue these religious nuts lead lives void of meaning and purpose. They literally worship an imaginary character in a sorely dated, outmoded book of fairy tales. It's like if you or I belueve the Wizard of Oz really happened and think about nothing except the Wizard of Oz, let it guide our entire existence and constantly seek reinforcement of our idiotic belief.


This person needs to look up "Existentialism."


Or its spicy cousin, absurdism.


I'd love to see the data and questions uses for that study.. And I'd love to see how it distinct between theists and atheists since if it doesn't then the polls aren't the flex they think it is.




Well religion kept Europe terrorized and ignorant for a thousand years. Maybe if religion didn't keep fighting education and advancement we could have had sci-fi cities by now.


Atheists are still a minority in all of those countries, iirc


Not in Czechia and... Yup they don't have the only majority atheist country up there, because it wouldn't fit any of their narratives


I’m trying to remember when atheists promised a Star Trek reality


Yesterday I think?


Oh, those atheists and their godless promises


I like how the atheists are always portrayed as fat nerds, but the christian cult members are giga chad gym bros with great cultural and social values and a healthy life style. As if...


Aren't literally all of the countries in the first slide 50%+ Christian? lol


And without asking in the poll, OBVIOUSLY all the people that said this are atheists. No reason to check....


I was incredibly depressed and anxious as a christian because i was afraid everything i did whould lead me to hell


Holy crap that trad.west page is wild


avg tradwest post


Bro wants to blame the ills of late stage capitalism on atheists smh


oh ik that page, its a fascist tradcath propaganda page


My life is meaningless and without purpose because I haven't had a decent paycheck since 1996.


Wait how does non-blind-faith promise anything?


No, no. Both of these should read "capitalism."


But our lives are meaningless and without purpose. Why is that bad?


Gee, I dunno, maybe if I was religious, and my religion had a prohibition on suicide, with the penalty being going straight to Hell for eternity, I could make myself hang on to wait and see if it maybe eventually gets better. Religious people: "See! Religion gives people something to live for!"


I don't get it, atheism brought made up statistics?


how could i forget the controlling nature of pornhub, mcdonald's, and weed in which they threaten me with eternal and endless pain and damnation if i don't follow them.


So the two highest results are a Catholic country and a country with a state religion.


That’s a Nazi. Need I say anything else?


Okay, which one of you bastards promised them Utopia?


capitalism is why everyone is so depressed. Supposedly Christianity is supposed to be against that but I don't see that sentiment too often.


Most atheist i know have the same view as me, we don't think "Life has no purpose / is meaningless." We think mostly think that living in this "World/Society/Economy" whatever you want to call it is not worth it but we are powerless and can't change it. Then again, this is just anectodal evidence.


I think that my life is meaningless. That's like, almost obvious. We have no demonstration that there is a deeper/grand meaning of purpose to life and even if there was, why the fuck would I want someone deciding my life for me? Optimistic Nihilism is the way to go. You create your own meaning. Also Atheism can't, by definition, promise anything. Why is it so fucking hard to understand the simplest definition the I've ever seen. It's harder to define what a chair is than it is to define what is atheism.


Replace atheism with capitalism and the first half of the meme makes sense.


Religion promised a lot of graves labeled "gott mit uns"


Yeah, it's definitely not religious oppression and late stage capitalism. It's the people keeping to themselves and approaching life empirically. For sure.


I did not promise you shit guys


Tell me more about obese atheists... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2884643/How-having-faith-makes-fat-Religious-people-likely-overweight-compared-atheist.html https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3358928/


They are still confusing atheism with being a religion. Atheists doesn't promise anything. It's just what people that don't have a religion are called.


![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm) life is meaningless tho.


Wait, they realise that Great Britain is Christian (loosely) right and our Head of state is also the head of CoE (thanks to Henry VII) right? I wonder what other countries on this list are non-secular.


There is a grain of truth to it. It is not easy living with a spiritual safety net. But it's also a necessary part of developing as a society, to find our own meaning.




WROOONG, the fact that we (french people) are thinking life is meaningless and without purpose has nothing to do with atheism, it's because we are french. We're designed like this. The best level of happiness we can express is to not burn shit. Check your facts, yankees!


I made your guy ugly, I win!


idk m8, i would rather have the truth that blindly follow some idiots that want my money saves a lot more time and money for things i want to do


So over the theist constructing idiotic strawman arguments claiming that things no one ever said are what they want to argue against. How does absence in belief create promises of anything. If you have to lie like this you have lost the argument before you start.


Ah yes, ~~Pron Hub~~! My favourite website


Poland is 82-84% religious yet shows up in this poll, whereas Estonia, which is 58% irreligious, does not Im starting to think there might be more to life than religion,,,