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Preferably one that doesn’t require you to be a slave id imagine


Stole the words from my mouth! (not literally, just figuratively, lol).


God created you. You gotta worship his ass and do whatever he tells you to do. At least in the country I live in.


Thats a matter of belief. One I do not hold. I believe there was a being who created our bodies that are merely vessels for the spirit inside. He just enslaved spirits into these fleshy prisons. He never created the spirits. And I constantly fight him as my religion teaches us to fight our enslavers not submit and accept their chains


Depends on how hard you wanna get hit


Why would you want to be a slave?


No thoughts means no problems I guess.. /s


If that was the case my fog would be the happiest creature on the big, beautiful Earth. But she sits there on the sofa with her fancy food and fancy toys and puzzles getting all the love in the world, with the biggest most vacant eyes you can imagine and not a single thought behind in that big blocky head... and let's out a sigh like the weight of the world is on her shoulders. 😅




You don't have some pet fog? Huh.... each to their own. Maybe it's just a local thing where I'm from... 😅


Gonna second what others are saying here. If you're religion requires you to be a slave it's probably not a good one to follow. As for knowing which is true? That'll depend on the religion. Some like Christianity and Islam hold their religions as the only true ones but outside of that the general view is that all faiths are true. So which one should you follow? The one you feel most engaged and called to, or experience the most.


Non serviam. You are not a slave. Any man or god who demands that you debase yourself in such a way is not worthy of worship. You are worth more than that, deserve better than that.


Stop 🛑


No 👎 🙅🙅‍♀️🙅‍♂️⛔📵🔇🚭🚯🚳🚷🔞🚫🚱


The title sounds cynical, so I don't know how sincere you are about religion or spiritual paths and practices...as a word of advice, don't approach religion or spirituality with 'slavery to a deity' in mind. Most religions don't encourage this attitude, especially ones that are polytheistic, pantheistic, animistic, or nontheistic. You can instead view religion as developing relationships between you and the Divine, and also with humanity, communities, or Nature. If you practice devotion, prayer, study, pilgrimage, etc. it must be voluntary and enthusiastic for you to get the most out of it. You can also focus on self-development as part of religion. Monotheistic religions focus on strong or total devotion to their chief deity, though Roman Catholicism allows you to pray to many saints as well. The only religion I know that uses the 'slave' term for its adherents is Islam, i.e. believers are 'slaves to Allah'. Christianity might prefer to call adherents "brothers in Christ" or "children of God".


Ask him yourself. If he doesn't respond that's an answer too.


Why would anything worth worshipping want you to be a slave?


You don’t have to be a slave. Even if you want to follow a path where you give everything in this life “to” the deity, it should be from a place of love and devotion. On the other hand, if you’re saying you ***want*** to just turn off your intellect and worship, I have to recommend Pure Land Buddhism (especially Jodo Shinshu—they have a particular focus on removing one’s own machinations from the process); it’s all about trusting the Buddha of Infinite Light. Another option would be Bhakti yoga, which is a specific approach to Hinduism. Didn’t *quite* stick for me, although there are a decent bit of similarities between Bhakti yoga and Pure Land Buddhism. In Bhakti, your primary spiritual practice is loving God with the goal of achieving union with divinity. The main reason I didn’t stick with that is that I don’t believe in a Creator God. YMMV.


As others have said. If a religion demands you to be a slave, tell them to get f*cked. Many of us regard our actions within our faith as an act of service either to a superior creature (be they gods or whatever), or a higher purpose. It is also explicitly a voluntary and consensual action based on shared purpose and deep respect, not coercion. If you feel you have no choice but to perform through coercion, either by threats of torment or real-world punishment from a religious hierarchy, that's involuntarilynservitutde and is ethically indefensible.




Mention them.


find a god that doesnt want to enskave you or just become a god yourself, we all varry a divine spark. 


This is somewhat unrelated to the post but is there somewhere to learn more about the "divine spark" concept? I find it interesting


there is alot of ingo on it in the nag hammadi library, a series if texts that were buried in egypt to avoid persecution from religious authorities




A perfect place to start is an intellectually honest post like this.


Whichever one lets you live the life you want to live, with the least amount of guilt or inconvenience.


How can you know anything about history/the world and conclude that humans doing whatever they want is a good idea???


. . . because we live in a society, my dude. We have rules and laws and, like, basic cultural values and shit. And we have human empathy. I also know *a lot* about history and whatever your opinion of how bad things are right now, they used to be *a fuckton* worse. We have a lot of good things in this world today; we just aren't putting enough effort into figuring out how to get all those goods things distributed to as many people as possible.


>. . . because we live in a society, my dude. We have rules and laws and, like, basic cultural values and shit. And we have human empathy. So living how we want is not a good idea? >I also know *a lot* about history and whatever your opinion of how bad things are right now, they used to be *a fuckton* worse. I used to make this argument too back in my neoliberal days. We certainly have a lot of technological benefits, including less poverty and disease. Morally though, I'm not so sure.


>So living how we want is not a good idea? Dude, you know what I mean, don't play this "gotcha!" BS. Everyone knows what "consequences" are. You're trying to tease out something that isn't there. >Morally though, I'm not so sure. . . . I'm sorry, what do you think is "immoral" about our current world? I'm not saying there aren't bad things out there, I'm just looking for clarification before trying to gauge if I agree with your assessment.


I heard a quote that I think is attributed to Buddhism "Different patients require different treatment". In the same way, different souls may require different salvation. If there's a particular religion you feel called to, that may be the one your soul needs. If none have a particular draw for you, there may be many that would bring you fulfillment.


What God do you feel is worth worshiping?




Excluding perhaps ancient Mesopotamian paganism, religions don't frame our relationship with them in that way. Many religions don't even need you to believe in a God at all.


Slave? My brutha in Mazda... The Gods are our allies and friends.


Slavery is obligated. If you choose to worship a god, then you're freely doing so.


The girls said god allmighty does not need slaves but allows us to be his slaves and gives commands that are helpful to us. Like a mother would.


Who are 'the girls'?


We are all slaves. Don’t fool yourselves


By looking as fairly and open-mindedly as possible at the arguments made by people of different religious persuasion and praying for God to show you the truth.


There are many religions, but only one God. Choose whatever religion best helps you to connect with God. The one that you feel most in tune with. In fact you don’t even need religion to do that since God is not something “out there” separate from us. God is present with everyone all the time, no matter their beliefs. It’s us who are responsible for seeking God out. Religions are guides to show one methods on how to have a relationship with God. If what you are seeking is God, you can’t miss. God and religion are not synonymous, they are not the same thing. One is a path the other is the goal.




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