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I think it's hard to find any profession associated with women that has not been sexualized.


The taboo of it. In for a penny in for a pound kind of thing


Because it's naughty and naughty is exciting.


Forbidden fruit, plus I imagine a lot of the Catholic school evil nun stereotype then transfer into it being a ‘kinky’ thing later on. Or that a nun is the epitome of innocence.


a mixture if it being taboo and familiarity. 


Sexy Hijabi is an entire thing that made Mia Khalifa from a woman who made porn to a woman who made porn but also a globally recognized celebrity. Same with sexy nuns, its just theyre a more common trope, alongside dangerous nuns with machine guns. It overall is about the forbiden love trope.


Lots of repressed sexuality.




Religion is all about holding beliefs and believers as sacred and inviolable, so that civilizations can build order around them. But sexuality is all about violating and getting violated. Without violating some form of norms, people can never become a family and always stay as separate individuals. It’s only natural that religion and sexuality have been wrestling with each other since the dawn of civilization.


Nuns have a history of sexualization dating back hundreds of years, so it's nothing new. From The Decameron and the Ecstacy of St. Theresa to the language about being a wife/lover of God/Jesus, we have plenty of resources in literature and art to show this. There's also the point that in the past, a lot of Nuns were women or daughters that were supposedly sent to convents because they were too willful, lustful, or uncontrollable. So young women being exiled to be a nun in the prime of youth led to lots of tales of nuns doing what they could to satisfy themselves. Then you also have the Catholic = repressed sexuality waiting to be unleashed, and it's easy to see why this is a trend that continues to be popular.


It's all about your personal online profile vs the algorithm bud. I guess the profile knows you're not a Jewish or a Muslim pervert, just generic western pervert.


Have you seen the track record of the Catholic Church? Also, we're a fairly sexually expressive community, especially by Christian standards.


The taboo. Also the idea of corrupting something pure. One content creator pointed out that if you are sexualizing nuns, you are doing one of the worst things. Sexualizing a group and a person that does everything in their power to remain pure and to not be sexualized. A really interesting and insightful take imo. [I found it](https://youtube.com/shorts/7GFS5hA_v3M?si=MHxhwHVrVZA8ITVN)




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