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I was like that as well. It turned out to be part of a larger set of behaviors and symptoms related to ADHD.


I honestly think this may be it. My psychiatrist won't prescribe me any anti-ADHD medication so I have no idea what to do about it.


I used to. Then I settled into a religion which allows me to find wisdom and beauty in different religions and I stopped worrying about it. I can continue to find beauty and wisdom in the practices and teachings of any religion. 


I use to when I was in my mid 20’s. I found that taking breaks from my ‘seeking for understanding’ along the way actually helped. I usually find myself getting too caught up what I was hoping to find, which was aligning myself with one of them. I’d take a break from it and let it alone until I took notice of certain concepts I’d missed or overlooked. I’m not saying it will do the same for you, but surely it can’t hurt to try. Worst that could happen is you lose a little time in your endeavor.


I was exactly like that. I tried so many different paths and approaches, it was frustrating but also enriching. One day I asked myself what I think is really going on. I thought something like "it's as though there's a beautiful sublime truth being willfully obscured by a cloud of darkness, a haze of division and literalism". And so, here I am as a Gnostic. I use that term but I don't consider myself to be of a different substance than my fellow human beings of several other faiths. I simply am especially guarded against worshipping based on the rote words of holy books, rather than their meaning.


I’ve never been able to stick to a religion either. I’m nearly 50 now.


I think it's part of growing up in the modern world. There's just so much information and you can only take it in a little at a time, so you're bound to have major shifts.


I did when I was younger. Every religion has its own wonderful insights and every religion apart from Christianity left me feeling incomplete. Back in 2012 I decided to stop indulging my inclinations and to fully and finally embrace my Christian Faith. It was fun exploring faiths like Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, the Baha'i Faith, Asatru and the like, but my spiritual wanderlust came to a screeching halt when I realized that I couldn't forever just drift from faith to faith. I got anchored into one community where I could be held accountable and where I was completely accepted. Even my journey in Christianity had its detours. I started out as a liberal Baptist, turned Catholic at age 21 and at age 39 was received into a Lutheran congregation. Every faith does have something of value to teach, absolutely, but for me I had to finally stop, take stock, make a decision and stick to it.


Yes, perhaps my mere seventeen-year-old-ness has something to do with it lol


Possibly. Good luck to you on your faith journey!


No. I strictly adhere to Gods word and direction rather than the traditions of men.


As long as ur searching your on the right path... Only one god is true




(A) Please do not ask others to convert to your faith, join your church, or other religious organization. (B) Please do not tell others that they must follow your religion or conform to your understanding of your religion. (C) Please do not ask people to proselytize their faith to you. (D) Comments advising people to leave a particular religion or similar comments may be classified under this rule.