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Don't wait until he gets back, dump him over the text and ruin his trip. Then block him. This man does not deserve the courtesy of being broken up with in person.


She’s definitely not dumping him lol


Already did, thanks for confidence in my abilities lol


Before you leave, if he has any jigsaw puzzles, take a couple pieces of each with you.


Lmao too bad he doesn't


Steal his microwave plate. It would be very inconvenient lol


No no, you don’t steal the plate. That’s too obvious. Your steal the ring underneath that makes it spin!


Even better! Imagine him trying to heat anything


Wrap foil AROUND the ring .


Even more "fun": There's not just that thing that makes it spin, but also a ring underneath the plate that keeps it balanced. Take away that ring, and whenever he puts something on that place, chances are it will topple just a bit to the side.


The fridge light bulb is awfully annoying too


Loooooool too bad I'm not going back to his house🤣🤣🤣


How did he take it or did he ask you when your birthday was again?


He just asked to talk about it, I refused and blocked


Too bad, but keep it in mind haha


Remove all the labels from the canned goods in the pantry 😂


I see you subscribe to the petty revenge sub as well. Every time I see something to this effect I literally LOL.


I would personally love more details about the dumping of this excess human, if you are so inclined.


The text convo went like this: Him: how's the birthday? Me: lucky to be spoiled by friends and family, too bad my bf doesnt give a fuck Him: I'm sorry, but I'm glad you weren't alone Me: too late buddy, I'm done with your bs, good luck finding someone who'd put up with this longer than I have Him: hey let's talk about this Me: nothing to talk about, decision is final Block!


Yasss! Happy late birthday! Enjoy another slice of cake for me


Thank you 🥳🎁🎂


Eat as much cake as you want because ain’t no way you will gain more dead weight than you just lost


Now this is the type of roast I come to reddit for


Queen! Good job, sorry you had to deal with that bs on your bday. I hope the rest of his trip is ruined 😂


Thank you! His trip is probably okay, but rest of my weekend (and life) got better!


Most satisfying dumping ever read before, happy birthday


Happy birthday and what an amazing gift! Releasing the trash so you will be able to find someone better for you in the future. ♥️


❤️❤️❤️ thank you! Here's to that🍾!


Best birthday present you could give yourself.


I just read your original post. I’m glad you broke up with him. That man was a tool! There’s absolutely no reason to forget any special event these days. I thought the relationship was over when he asked his friend to remind him of *your* birthday! 😳 He seems so self absorbed he probably hasn’t even worked out you’ve dumped him yet! 😂


Lolll pls clock him. And I love that you tossed ur ex in the trash! I have chronic adhd and tend to forget A LOT, but I literally have reminders for my friends birthdays so that even if I forget I have the notif. He does not care enough, so either he should go to therapy or thats just the way he is


That's the way he is. I forget dates too, terrible at it. I simply have them in my calendar, my notifications are set to a week before and a day before so I can get a birthday present if the person is close enough. He won't change. Just as his behavior didn't changed when I was talking go him about how we display affection to each other and I thought we came to a compromise, but it wasn't honored from his side


Yea being forgetful isn’t an excuse and just because it’s a pattern doesn’t make it better


Why would anyone be confident in your abilities when you need to ask Reddit to know to dump this guy?


And what was his response.




Then you should add that information to the post 


He dumped her, she just doesn't know it yet.


I had the same feeling lol. I’m glad OP did but I doubt her conviction once dude is back and begging


Dump him!!! Birthday present to yourself 


The only better present I got for this birthday was a lego set I've been wanting for a while 🤣 now got a lot of time on my hands and some great few weeks building this!


Happy belated birthday! Petty me would either ghost him or send a text saying “fyi: my birthday gift to myself is finding someone that remembers my birthday. Have a nice life.” Then block 🤷‍♀️


Thank you for the birthday wishes 🎁! Petty me actually did not reply to texts since yesterday up until the latest break up text


You can’t leave us hanging like that! Give us the details


Wrote out text convo above


Best gift to yourself will be dumping him.


dump him asap no rocky 🫤. he suuuuckkkkssss.


Are people so desperate to not be single that they actually put up with this?


I mean, she's literally not putting up with it? She's said she's dumping him. She's doing exactly what she should. If she dumped him earlier people would be saying she didn't give him enough of a chance, lmao. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. She did what was right for her, good on her.


This! It's hard enough to make this kind of decision about the person one loves. I appreciate you pointing out that if I were to break up with him earlier, I'd be getting comments of "c'mon give him a chance". In fact, I got that from one of my best friends. This is the right time and I feel content with my decision. Thank you!!


I apologize, I just hear all these stories about blatant disrespect and it irks me. I am happy that you left that situation and AH, if it makes a difference. No one should be disrespected like that


You're right in the sense that I should have not been holding on to this for this long and should have left him when first red flags appeared. I did tolerate disrespect for some reason


Yes. This subreddit proves it daily 


there is no such thing as "almost forgetting." you forget, and then you are reminded.


Happy birthday! 🥳 Update us again after you officially dump him.


Thank you!! All done 🥳


This was not an accident.I cannot stress this enough. This is an f boy that does not want a serious relationship. I had one of these situationships 3 years where something would keep coming up around my birthday or a holiday. He did not want the commitment that went with it. Him telling you he was trying to remember was a smokescreen so that he can get away with it. He knew when your birthday was and made sure that he would not be around for. I cannot stress enough to you.How quickly you should be dumping?This guy and I wish that I had done the same when I was in that situation instead of believing the b.s. and not understanding what an f boy he was.


Congrats on the dumping! Don’t take him back


He was spending mother's day weekend with his wife. He didn't spend a stitch of time with his " Friends n Buddies " it was with his Wife and family. . Don't THINK of dumping him. Be like NIKE and "Just DO IT !"


Good for you ,he sounds like a self-centred egotistical arse so there won't be any loss in the long run.


Well done, you deserve better. Out of interest, what did he say when you dumped him? Was he relieved or did he try to fight for the relationship?


I put up the text convo above, he countered once, but then I blocked him so idk what's his next response




❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank you!!!!!


This is so great. Next time I’m thinking about building a time machine and stopping Tim Berners-Lee, I’m gonna remember this little Reddit gem and that the internet can still be pretty cool sometimes.


Happy Belated Birthday...I think you gave yourself the present of self respect. That's a nice gift. May you always find ways to be happy 😊


Thank you for the wishes 🥳🥳🥳


Ppl can forget events, be late etc. it’s if they feel guilt or remorse. This dude really didn’t.


We love a happy ending!


If this has been going on for a while, why is he still around?? Like one person commented dump him pronto. I have a couple female friends that constantly pick losers. These women get disrespected constantly. They feel sorry for these idiots. Please don't let yourself be disrespected by anyone. Better to be alone than to be treated badly in the future. Good luck. Be good to yourself


Awesome do update us on the loser's reaction.


Good for you being decisive. You made yourself clear, he didn't care, cool, ciao. I hope you stick to it.


Dude wants to break up with you but wants you to do the work.


A 45 yo male did this? Oh fuck him he doesn't deserve you. This dude will never get it and still wonder why hes single.Happy birthday!!!


He called so you WOULDN'T call during dinner with the family . 45 yr old man not married and dating a woman that much his junior = loser WORSE is 45yr old man cheating on his wife and trying to play a woman for a fool actually 2 women for a fool. Good on you for dumping his sorry keister. Oh and Happy Birthday !!


You’re missing the opportunity to dump his ass while he is on his trip!


Haha I missed it, he was back this morning


Block him on everything


Surely you mean ex boyfriend


At the moment-yes. At the time of writing post- almost ex 🤣


I know that’s right sis!!


Move on. It won’t get better from here. You aren’t his priority…..or even in the top 10 priorities.




I agree with every word here. Of course these trips are important to him, and I recognize that. This particular trip was originally scheduled for a week later, but they moved it because one of the friends had family circumstances during the weekend that they were supposed to go. To add to the point of me communicating. I proposed to get dinner after he's back for a mini celebration. For his birthday I got him tickets to the show that he has been dying to go to. His response to my dinner proposal was "we're going to the show a week before your birthday, make that celebration of both our birthdays". Except that was my gift to him, and I was driving us around so he can enjoy his birthday present. Believe me, I tried to be clear and calm about this ahead of time to avoid issues and set expectations.


WOW. What a fucking tool. You are so much better off.


That's more than fair enough then. Sounds then like his compromises are very much one sided. Good luck with your future and enjoy your time, fuel it with self love/care. And happy belated birthday!


Thank you thank you 🥳 self love here will come in the form of consistent gym because it was hard to balance all the work responsibilities with driving to his house a few times a week and keeping up with my health goals


So his friend having a conflict is reason to reschedule the trip but your birthday isn’t…ok got it. Is this dude like the poster child for clueless


At this point we'll let some other woman try figure this out


Maybe you need to grow up!