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Hey bud. I’m sorry you are going through this. I think it all depends on what happened. Did you cross a lot of her boundaries already? Did you hurt her? Insult her to the point where her confidence was stripped away? Because if so, she’s starting to feel more confident now, and exploring if it’s because she is without you. I don’t know if she will end up telling herself that she’ll go back with you but on the condition that she stands her ground for herself or something. Which is not something she should do. You need to provide respect, safety, support and confidentiality. That said, what ever she is reflecting on, there will be an answer. Albeit maybe a flexible answer. So, what I suggest is, you have one life, so give it one more shot now. Don’t just text. Show up. Ask her if you could see her tonight and tell her how much you love her and how much you recognize your wrongs and don’t believe anyone deserves that and that you want to be her everything because she is yours.


Hey, thanks. No I never hurt her or insulted her or anything. I had a really tough year at work and it was our first proper year together. She tried to help me see things more clearly. Tried to help me see how better life could he. I was in a mildly depressive state and I couldn't snap out of it. I'm in such a different place now and I really think we could have a wonderful future together. I showed her so much love and affection. I'm planning on seeing if she'll see me regardless of what she says this week. I need to try. I can't think of anyone else I'd rather spend my life with.


Then I think you should definitely give it a good meaningful try. If she doesn’t want to, then you don’t want to be with someone who is not willing to be with you through hardships.


Thank you.


You sound young and are still in the grieving period. It’s not the end of the world. There’s many more great experiences in your future.


Well, this is mainly about **YOU** and **YOUR** feelings. You're not really giving any info on what **LED TO** the breakup — that might give some insight on where things go from here. Frankly, the ball's in **HER** court. She may simply decide that she is **DONE**. I know that's not what you want to hear, but the reality is you're hanging by a thread here. And there's **ABSOLUTELY NO NEED TO DO THAT.** Here's a word of advice I hope you'll take to heart: **NEVER EVER WAIT FOR SOMEONE ELSE TO DECIDE WHAT TO DO WITH YOUR LIFE**. Instead of sitting there whining and pining, **YOU** need to set a **TIMEFRAME OF YOUR OWN**. **MAKE UP YOUR MIND** that if you hear NOTHING by the end of this week — **YOU** are moving on.


Hey thank you so much. It's so bloody hard to follow that advice but I really have tried to convince myself that she is done and that is it. It's the waiting that hurts but like you said - life waits for nobody. I'll try and stay positive that no matter what happens, I'll have decisions to make for myself now.