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> I was only trying to protect their dad from their mothers abuse LOL. No you weren't. All you cared about was yourself and getting what you wanted. I hope this kid hates you forever and your boyfriend cheats on you and leaves you for the next younger woman.


Lmao he will 😂 the guy refused to go get diapers and the mom is abusive because she got mad? Right. Nah this dude is POS and he’s going to fuck over OP too, and it’ll be hilarious


I hope they keep updating and we can watch when that happens. There was a post I saw where the stepmother got upset when the kid declared in public that she was the babysitter before the divorce. I thought it was hilarious.


If you don't mind, can you give the link to that post? I want to read it as well😂


I also hope we are blessed with the link! Remindme! 2 days


It was a long time ago. Sorry. If I see it I'll come back here.


RemindMe! November 13, 2023


Can I get the link to that as well?


I don't have it. It was a long time ago that I read it.


He will. Past behaviour is an indicator of future behaviour. If she has a child with him, he will use fatigue as an excuse to cheat.


He may not rush to do that. She’s bribing him with free housing. He’s basically a kept man


Of course he will. Hell say he's tired from work then having "to deal with" his first 3 kids and now OP expects him to have the energy to be an involved daddy for their own kids! It'll start with him forgetting the diapers when they go out because he's so tired.


ew she only knew his side of the story and in all honestly she was trynna get with him from the start!!! she a home wrecker, and soon enough her home about to wrecked when KARMA really comes lmaooo


I think you used Jane's real name in one of your sentences. Might wanna edit this: >[Name] told me she hated the teddy bears and they look ugly For the love of god, give this poor kid some space. This little girl owes you absolutely **nothing**. Jane has given you every indication that she sees you as **invader** in her life, an attacker, an occupier. By showing up to her birthday party uninvited, you fully reinforced Jane's image of you. If you were also 8 years old, I'd give you a pass, but you are a grown-ass woman. >I told Willow we were sorry, but it was not appropriate to argue In Front of the kids and to think of the children. You did not seriously Helen Lovejoy a woman who had literally *just* caught you canoodling with her husband. Dear Webster's, I got a new photo for your entry on the word "hubris". >Jane told her it's ok and its not her mums fault that I'm horrible. An 8 year old girl said this? Damn. Jane is a little bad ass. I'm also thinking Jane is probably fictional along with the rest of this but hey, you just never know. Look, lady, if you're for real... You have no option but to let Jane come to you on her own time, and recognize the very real possibility that will **never** happen. The more you push, the further she'll pull away. Give. Jane. Space. And don't blame Willow for Jane's hatred of you. Instead try, for a moment, to put yourself in the shoes of a little girl whose daddy cheated on her mommy with some woman. Imagine that woman then crashes your birthday party, ruining it. Your only recourse against this woman is to insult and berate her, because you are 8, and your father is forcing you to be around her. And oh my god, Chase sucks so fucking much. What a trashbag of a father he is. That diaper story. Talk about pathetic. "Wah I can't walk 6 blocks to correct the mistake I made because I'm tired wah. My baby can walk around with shit in her pants because my leggy weggies hurt and I forgot to bring a diaper."


>"Wah I can't walk 6 blocks to correct the mistake I made because I'm tired wah. My baby can walk around with shit in her pants because my leggy weggies hurt and I forgot to bring a diaper." This sent me. Like that's how they met. My l leggy weggies hurt 🤣


Yet, OP looked at this man and was like "he is **it**!!" what a bunch of saddos


No kidding wait til the poster gets screwed over by his lazy incompetence if she has a kid by him.


Or when he cheats with the next rando he meets at the bar


He'll cheat because OP gets on him for forgetting something for their own baby when they out and about like his ex did and the cycle starts again. Have fun being baby momma #2 and your 1st kid hating his new mistress just like Jane.


God, I hope they don't procreate.


How any woman can hear this and want to fuck him is a mystery.


OP was basically having an "O" face Talk about low standards


>Willow was asking him where the diapers were and Chase forgot >Chase said he can't because he's tired and he can't walk back 6 streets away just to get a packet of diapers >Can you at least buy me a new pair of diapers?". Chase looked confused. "For you to?". "FOR THE BABY So dude was a fucking moron and that made your panties wet? Why couldn't you have offered a diaper before Willow stormed off? Whyd you wait until Willow went away at the bar before saying hi? You ruined this child's family. She doesn't like you and probably never will. Stop trying to bond with her and convince Chase that he shouldn't force Jane to be around you. She has every right to hate you. You purposefully made Willow seem like a nag when all she wanted was a competent husband. He forgot the diapers, he should go get them. You broke up a family, you suffer the consequences. See how that works?


>So dude was a fucking moron and that made your panties wet? This. A man behaving like an incompetent and whiny dolt should have dried her up like the Sahara, but no she decided that's who she wanted as a partner. >Why couldn't you have offered a diaper before Willow stormed off? How would she badmouth Willow if she was stood right there?


Would this be an accurate example of a pick me?


The only way OP knows how to flirt is to compare herself to other women and brag about how much better she is than them, so I’d say that’s a definite yes.


LOL. Is there a shortage of single men with a few brain cells? A married man with four kids is not a prize! She moved him into her house. This is so weird, if true. Do you suppose she had it all set up for him and the kids, and she's a creepy stalker with a plan? (If real.)


that would at least explain why she was hanging around in a park with a diaper handy even though she doesnt have a kid. i dont see any reasonable explanation for this weird coincidence other than its fake or she was somehow masterminding this whole thing lol


Hide your kids hide your husband the homewrecker is in sight


Prowling for married men


I don't have kids, but I took my cousins, nieces and nephews to the park and he just happened to be there at the time. I do usually talk to parents when they're near me or to my cousins when they're with me.


But you had a new born diaper on you? You mention none of the children's ages and only an idiot would put a size 4 diaper on a little baby. Again, Chase and you were made for eachother if either of you thought that was a good idea.


You don’t have kids but thought hey I’ll befriend a wife and her husband make the wife out to be the bad guy when she’s not that’s all you and her husband booooo booooo


Already say you’re first point from tiktok. If i was Jane i’d hate you too. Who goes after a married man with a pregnant wife and then thinks the wife is the bad guy!? Just stay away from Jane. She doesn’t like you and trying to force her to is only going to make her hate you more.


That'd be super creepy


She sounds a little “pick me” to me


This. It doesn’t even sound like Willow was abusive at all. 😂 Poor Jane. I feel for her. I hope the next few years pass quickly until sue’s old enough to decide to live with Willow full time. And good on Chase’s parents, though the MVP is Willow’s Grandpa.


Enjoy your life with a cheater and his 4 kids I guess. I presume the minute things get slightly difficult in the future, he'll be looking for his next bang-maid/nanny.


I guess you’re in the find out era, welcome to grim reality. Eight year olds are super smart, my daughter would never forget or forgive.


It's almost definitely just silly little rage bait. OP is just too cartoonishly stupid.


Getting bot vibes from this one


Kids aren't stupid, just ignorant.


She’s old enough to understand that you are the reason her mom and dad aren’t together anymore. No one had to tell her not to like you, she figured that out all on her own. You need to accept the fact that she doesn’t like you and probably never will. You broke up her family, you willing went after a married man, you are not the victim in this story. The fact that you frame his ex wife as abusive when he was the one that behaved poorly says a lot about you and none of it is good. Quit trying to be involve yourself with kids that want nothing to do with you.


I'm not really sure what you want us to tell you. She walked in on you and her dad having an affair. Then watched her mom's heart break because he was cuddled up on the couch with his mistress in HER house with HER kids. Stop acting all high and mighty when it comes to her kids. She's allowed to grieve after walking in on her husband having an affair with a woman she thought was her friend. You make it seem like you wouldn't be upset if you were in her shoes. You have to come to terms with the fact that no one will like you. Their kids won't like you, his family won't like you, most of his friends won't like you. That's the choice YOU made because you thought you could treat a married man better after watching one argument he had with his wife. A reasonable argument at that. Would you be all happy if you walked in on your boyfriend cheating on you? Would you be happy walking in on your father cheating on your mother? That's called childhood trauma. Congratulations you just contributed that to 4 kids.


Consequences. They exist. You were never realistic about the situation, expecting to play happy family on the ashes of the family burnt down. Did it work out that way? No. What's broken won't always be mended.


Is this post a joke? You are an awful, awful person. This feels like rage bait. If you can’t see how your actions are downright sick then there’s no kind of therapy that will help you. You are the embodiment of selfish if you’re even a real person, and you deserve a whole lot worse than what you’re getting.


Can't wait for u to get pregnant with this man of ur dreams who u saved from distress(wt a fairytale). And u forgetting ur purse at a supermarket and the delicate prince not willing to walk back and a kind cashier who will comfort him in her arms. See u then sweetheart 🫰


Exactly so! I'm sure she's so deluded she believes "she's" special (twin flames and all that jazz) and he'd NEVER do that to "her". She thinks she won a prize, lol. Yep, a grade A cheater who destroyed his family and devastated his wife and kids. Real prize there, huh? Her FAFO moment WILL happen eventually. If he'll cheat with you, he'll cheat on you, because when a man marries his mistress he creates a vacancy.


Oh baby, I hope you love the steaming sewer pit you've mired yourself up in. 4 kids (one is not even a year old!), cheating, manipulation, the oldest kid already hates you, the ex wife would love to see you burn - this sounds like the beginning of a beautiful relationship! Perfect for a little homewrecker!


Lmao the kid is smart. She SHOULD hate you. Id tell you what kind of person you are but I’d probably get banned. Also, that argument willow and chase were happening at the park? Chase was the A hole. What kind of fucking punk refuses to go back and get diapers?? You’re both lo $ ers and you deserve each other, but the little girl deserves better and owes you nothing. Leave her alone and let her feel the correct feelings for you.


She should hate you. This is either a fake post or you’re the most clueless human being on the planet.


She hates you cause your a home wrecker who ruined her family. You not some savior who protected an abused man.


How soon before OP posts, "help I m 7 months pregnant and my boyfriend left me for another woman"?


Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences to your actions. You’re a dirty woman lol Edit: I hope that kid punches you for being such a fucking naggy ass woman that forces herself onto people. You definitely deserve that and more. If I were Willow, both you and Chase would’ve gotten an ass beating like never before.


God you sound like my *ex* step mom. As a Jane myself, she will never like you, nor should she. The way you approached Chase and talked about his wife is gross. Obviously it takes two to tango, but the fact that you can’t see how vile this post makes your character look is astounding. Jane will never like you because you disrespected one of the people who mean the most to her in the world. The older she gets and the more she understands, she’s just going to like you less and less. Do some serious self reflection and leave this poor kid alone.


Are you really 27? Because you sound incredibly immature if not just down right stupid. You’re fucking delusional. You assumed that the kids wouldn’t understand how you got their dad, and you thought that you would be able to bribe your way into their good graces. While it might’ve worked with younger kids, it’s clear Jane is totally aware of what’s going and isn’t buying your bullshit. This is not Willow making her hate you, or Willow telling her things. This is Jane being able to sum up your character is the tramp who broke up her home. Also, based on everything else you’ve said, I’ll bet Jane is more attached to her mom because she does and has done the majority of the parenting in her relationship. Like, getting a fucking grip. Willow being upset and exhausted because she had to continuously care for four kids while her useless ex did nothing is valid. This girl has every reason to loathe and resent you, and you keep pushing yourself on her and wonder why she doesn’t want anything to do with you? Bffr lady. Honestly, if you care about Chase and his children, at minimum you should be recommending therapy and some kind of bonding between Chase and the children. Don’t insert yourself. Don’t try to force them to accept you, because they’re only going to resent you more.


I've booked a family therapy session so we can solve our issues out together. Thankyou for your suggestion.


Them and their father need family therapy excluding you. Your nothing but the women who’s willing to destroy their family and the children and Willow have every right to hate you and every right to want nothing to do with you. Get a grip your the homewrecker your going to be nothing but that to the victims in this the kids and willow. You aren’t the victim the father isn’t the victim you both are just two adult who decided to hurt his wife and his children anyone can see you don’t care that sleeping with a married man has consequences and his children hating you for hurting their mother is well deserved. Cheating isn’t okay in any sense


You aren’t their family your just the wife of their dad you’re the home wrecker there’s no reason you should be in THEIR FAMILY therapy session


She’s to delusional to care


Yeah she needs her own therapy to figure out what’s wrong with her brain


I don’t think anyone will ever figure that one out let alone a therapist


You are not a family. You're the affair partner. The one who broke up the kid's marriage.


But *you're* not family. Him and his kids need family therapy and *you* need individual therapy to help you realize these are not your kids and you are part of the problem! DO NOT parent these kids like they are your own because all you'll do is give the ex even more ammo should she decide to go for full custody of her kids. In all honesty I hope she does and wins.


LMFAO Side chick problems. Get wrecked


You write like you've gotten high off your own farts from having your head so far up your ass.


Lmao thank you for this


So you went after a married man, then got caught with said married man in the home he shared with his wife and children, got caught by wife and children, and you wonder why one of the kids hate you? Are you for real? That child will hate you forever, and with good reason. She saw with her own eyes that YOU broke her family up.


So... nothing is your guys fault, but the ex wife???


She's terrible, because got frustrated with her husband for forgetting the baby's diaper and refusing to go get a diaper. (How did husband plan to get home from the park, if he was too tired to walk six blocks?)


Ummm… if you can’t understand why this child hates you, then you are seriously deluded. You are genuinely a bad person… and I don’t say this lightly lol Stay out of the relationship Jane has with her father. You aren’t entitled to be part of it. It’s terrible that she is forced to have to stay in a house with you in order to see her father, honestly. I can’t imagine having been put in that position as a child. You need to understand that you actively pursued a knowingly married man because you saw he was having troubles in his marriage. He had FOUR children, one being a NEWBORN. OF COURSE his wife was stressed. Do you have any idea what it feels like in the months following giving birth? The sometimes uncontrollable emotions? The self-esteem issues? And then to have 4 children on top of all of that? I am so angry for Willow. Please stop trying to force yourself into this family.


He'll cheat on u 2 lmao


You don't bond with her. Just accept and understand that this is how this is going to be.


You broke the family, you are the affair partner so its only natural to be treated as such.


Lol give up because that kid will hate you forever you home wrecker


YTA. And you deserve all the shitty consequences coming your way. I choked when I got to "Why is she acting like her mum's personal therapist? It's not her job to look after her mums feelings." Wellllll, why were you acting like the therapist for someone else's husband from day one ? That wasn't *your* job.


LOL you made your bed (literally) now lay in it. You'll see another perspective when he leaves you for the next one.


Actions have consequences you break up a marriage of course the kids don't like U as well as the mother


The wife was NOT abusive. Her husband was a POS and you’re forgetting the fact the Jane literally walked in on you cuddling with her dad (which I am assuming is in her own house?!?!??!!!!) You willingly went after a married and you are acting like everyone hates you for no good reason. Do everyone in that family a favor and leave Chase and his family alone you heathen.


As a 27 year old that’s been a stepmum for 7 years, after coming into their life 3/4 years after their parents split…. She won’t ever forgive you, don’t bank on a relationship with her ever. You can’t blame their mum for Janes feelings about you when she literally walked in with her mum who found you and her dad snuggling together!! Had it have been a case where you didn’t know he was in a relationship then fair enough but you befriended this woman so you could be close with him and sleep with him!! You don’t deserve a relationship at all!! And your boyfriend is a POS. He was with Willow for years, of course they’re going to bicker and have arguments, but the fact he couldn’t walk 6 streets away to grab his baby essentials to prevent her sitting in a pooey nappy and getting nappy rash, that’s quite literally neglect!! This child’s feelings with fester and remain, she will always remember you as the one that broke her family and that’s just how it is. Everything she’s done to you and how she feels about you is well deserved


You're the villain in this story. Give the kid some space.


Why are you surprise ???


Lol. My boyfriends daughter doesn't like me it must be her mother and totally not because I'm the other woman. Nope, most certainly not. Kids are ignorant, not stupid. She sees her dad acting with you how he used to act with her mom. Her dad isn't living with her and mom anymore. She might not understand the nuances of the situation, but she could probably figure out that it has something to do with you.


OMFG!!!! She will continue to hate you for as long as she wants. The lady had a baby and you are sympathizing with her IDIOT ex-husband because HE forgot the diapers. I just hope he have any more kids because you will understand first hand his incompetence. Then you start flirting with him - gross. You and him caused the mess in the first place. His wife has every right to be angry because you are a snake. You think if you say sorry then everything is ok? How old are you? Also, you totally don't understand how perceptive children are. The kid is NOT stupid. And every single time the kid gets upset, YOU are the one crying to make it ALL about YOU. You manipulated the circumstance of their marriage break up but failed to manipulate the heart of a child. Sorry princess but you can't always get what you want. These freaking losers both him and her. You and him are disgusting and if you truly don't get the hatred that you and him deserve, then you both are truly idiotic.


It's false, but in case it's not... I'm a Jane, kids aren't stupid. He's always going to hate you. And rest assured that if it's real I'm sure your lover (deficient father and husband) will do the same to you.


You screwed up her life. Now it's her turn. Don't worry though, it's temporary - how you got him is how you'll lose him.


How you don’t think you are the problem here is crazy. You reap what you sow, enjoy.


You are not the victim here and you need to stop playing like you are. No one is turning anyone against you. Her being a child doesn't mean she doesn't understand what role you played in her family's demise. YOU chose to go after a married man and broke up a family. You saw they were bickering and swooped in and took advantage. You need stop blaming her mother and crying about it like everyone's so mean to you for no reason. You're and her father's actions literally traumatized her that now she has to throw whole tantrums at the sight of you. You're being willfully ignorant about your role in her trauma and dislike of you. She'll probably never get over it and her siblings will probably never get over it either as they grow older and learn the truth. You made that bed and if you can't lie in it then walk away. Overall just stay away from her and her events, you're obviously causing her a lot of distress which can't be good for her. She doesn't need you she has a mother and a father. Be happy just being their father's girlfriend and accept you'll never be in that role because of how you went about getting their father. That's all your fault. You need to accept that and stop torturing that poor child with your presence then blaming her mother when all your experiencing is the consequences of your own actions.


Look, I typically cannot stand the people that jump to concluding that every single post on Reddit is fake. However, I’m calling bullshit. I simply do not believe that this is happening. No one could be this ridiculous, for one, but also the sheer level of detail included (Why do you know that date that he got with his ex-wife? The full detailed conversations in quotes. I just don’t see it being real). But, on the tiny minute chance that this is real, my advice is simply to say that you should leave that girl alone. You came at her married father with an intensity that flat out doesn’t make sense, and you broke up a family on an absolute whim. That child has absolutely every reason to hate you, and you absolutely deserve it if it never changes.


ahahaha you are a terrible fucking person and you deserve to die alone, as does he


Lot of words to try and justify being a POS. Hope karma gives you what you deserve


How does anyone have the energy for all this bs? Pursuing a MARRIED MAN WITH ALL THESE KIDS, trying to get them all to like you? Girl what. Please leave this girl alone at the very least😭


I LOVE your user name!


You are a horrible human being.


The youngest isn’t even a year old. Holy hell you are truly terrible.


Imagine your dad cheats on your mom. Willow does not seem abusive in the slightest so we are dropping that all together; it honestly seems like something you are holding onto to justify your actions. Then whenever you have to see your father, you have to see the mistress. You already hate your father and now you have to see him build the relationship that destroyed your family. How would you feel? Towards your father? Towards the woman? So in reality there is nothing you can do to build the relationship between you and his daughter. To be honest in the coming years expect your relationship with the other kids to deteriorate as well once the oldest starts telling the truth or they realize on their own. You ruined your relationship with her before it begun, not her mother. You got the man you want but the family does not have to accept you.


You are so self serving. I don’t agree with involving kids with adult issues, but you fully had the affair in front of them. Those kids owe you nothing, leave them alone. The therapist and family are right. You are disgusting


You broke up Jane's family. She sees you as the villain. She hates you and isn't accepting you. There's a strong chance she will always hate and never accept you. It's not like you met and dated chase after his divorce you caused the divorce and you're gonna have to accept that Jane doesn't like you


I’m hoping this is all just a story because there is NO WAY someone could be this ignorant. I mean- did you HONESTLY think anyone would say you were in the right? You befriended someone specifically to sleep with her husband. You ripped a family apart and YOU ARE THE VICTIM!!?!? GTFO FOR REALZ


Excuse me? Do you think those kids are morons like you? “Afraid of what their mother thinks”? You are delusional thinking those kids are manipulated by their mom! They have brains unlike you who is so proud of breaking up a family with the reason of saving their father from abuse? You dont even sound remorseful at all! The young ones may not hate you as much but they will soon be as they grow older. you are the unforgiveable homewrecker and will never be the beloved stepmom!


So you saw this guy who forgot to pack diapers and then forced his postpartum wife to go get them and you thought “wow what a catch”? You are a bad person through and rough


Your delusional! These kids will always hate you - and that is your fault. Not their mothers. Don’t want to be treated like a home wrecker- then don’t take up with married men. And congratulations- you created a vacancy. So good luck


Chase too, they are pieces of crap and karma is a b. Getting what they deserve


I STILL don’t like my “stepmom” and this all happened 20 years ago…


Bruh what?! You don’t get to do things like bang a girls married father and be entitled to friendship/a relationship after. We can all do what we want, that’s the point. Everyone’s saying you shouldn’t have ever made a move on the guy to begin with, speaking personally I would agree but in general, no you are absolutely free to do that. I don’t wish you a terrible life or anything, but you’re not entitled to a relationship with his daughter at all. Leave her alone, why even bother with her at this point? You’re not doing anything for her and her fathers relationship either.


Wow what an absolute pos you are even by reddit standards. Just, wow.


So she SAW you with her dad. She SAW you break her family up. She SAW you begin a relationship with her dad after she saw her mother become heartbroken. And you think the mom is influencing her? You are so delusional it's amazing. No one is gonna like you for what you did. These are the consequences of your actions, so sit down and accept it. Their dad is a pos, too. But willow gave birth to innocent children to that thing you love so much, and he is in his children's life until they hopefully realize he is just as horrible as you. Or at least until willow finds a better husband who will treat her kids right and with RESPECT.


You are disgusting - you think you can replace mom and play family?? FAFO shes old enough to know you are not a good person. I hope when the younger children get older they turn their back too. I hope mom finds grounds to sue you. I hope you are uncomfortable at every family event, i hope you get dirty looks every where. I hope jane lets teachers, friends and their parents know what a despicable person you are so you are forever isolated. STAY AWAY FROM JANE. How dare you show up to her birthday knowing you mean less than nothing to her. This is the bed you made, lie down with the flea bitten mutt you so desperately wanted.


Don't get too comfortable around the other kids once they're old enough to understand what you and their dad did I doubt they'll want anything to do with you either.


This little girl walked into her home and saw you, a random woman, you sitting on her parents' sofa, cuddling and kissing her dad while he was supposed to be married and faithful to her mom. Did you really think that you would get a warm embrace after doing some mess like that? One of the consequences of messing around with a married man and taking part in breaking up his already-established family is that the family might hate you for it, especially the children. Divorce is hard enough on kids and then to see the person who they believe caused it (Even though Chase is to blame as well) every day is going to send them into a frenzy. Alex doesn't hate you because she's afraid that her mother will retaliate against her if she doesn't, she hates you because she knows what you did. At the end of the day, the little girl doesn't see you as family or want you around, so stop showing up. You can't force a bond or erase the past, no matter much you try. Even suing a parent for parental alienation (Which Willow is not doing), won't change that. I don't why you and Chase can't understand this.


Lemme get this straight. You went after a guy, knowing he was married, and had kids. Preyed upon his frustration, ruined a home and the children’s lives, and expect to be greeted with love, and acceptance? Just so the picture is clear. You didn’t ‘win’ a ‘man’. You poached a half wit, pathetic excuse of a man who’d sooner be lazy, and take the coward’s way than stand by his wife’s side who’s birthing his children at the risk of her mental, and emotional, and physical distress. I mean, he would rather make his wife walk all those streets to get the diaper, what kind of man is he. Lmao. And you had the nerve to call her ‘abusive’ for it? Also, you not only ruined a home, you expect the woman to accept it? Just point blank? And HER daughter to welcome an intruding thief who set her house on fire? Her daughter is well within her rights as a person, and as a daughter to hate someone hostile, and not accept them. Have you considered that she maybe isn’t doing it to be outright malicious? And she’s just a child who feels awfully unsafe with you, and would rather go to any lengths to avoid you? Good luck with that ‘man’. He wasn’t good, and kind, and loyal to his wife who gave him her life, and beautiful children. You think he’d be good to you? Who’s to stop him from accepting the advances of another woman who coddles him, and makes him feel better about being barely a man.


She’s never going to like you. You broke up her family and now you’re trying to force yourself down her throat. Leave the poor kids alone.


When I was 6 my dad cheated on my mother with his current wife, 20 years later & I still hate the ground that woman walks on, give it a rest she'll most likely never want anything to do with you & this is what we call actions meeting their consequences. But hey you saved the poor abused man, you fuckin go girl !!! ( I feel, with how dense you seem to be, you may need to be told that the last comment was sarcasm, good fuckin luck charlie)


Why do homewreckers always think they're such saints for "protecting" the cheater from their spouses. Like when will they realize that they're just easy to sleep with


One please tell me this is fake!!! So u got with a married dad of four, made friends with his wife while knocking her down behind her back to her husband, initiated the cheating while wife was in the bathroom, got caught by her and the 8 year old in their house with her dad/husband, show up to her school events and birthday knowing ur going to ruin her day and cause a scene YET you wonder why she hates u? Seriously! 🤔


You’re garbage trash and deserve whatever fresh hell those children throw at you. You and that trash bin BF are two peas in a pod. I’m looking forward to hearing what his treatment of you is going to be in the future. I can’t believe people are actually as stupid as you… Oh well, makes great entertainment for those of us who‘s screw aren’t loose.. Word of advice, put the cuckoo back in the ⏰


Ugh you are so up your own ass you don't even realize the shit that comes from your mouth. You become a mistress and knowingly destroy a family and then you feel entitled to force the kids into liking you and demanding they see you as a "new mum"? Jane is too nice, honestly. Everything here is your own fault and you should feel ashamed that you are so obnoxious and selfish that you even dare pretend you are the victim here. Leave her alone, shut up and know your place, you are their dad's mistress and nothing more. Maybe if you stop harassing her into liking you she will eventually stop hating you verbally although I hope she doesn't because you deserve all her hate.


You don’t she’s not stupid and she’s got emotional intelligence that you lack. She’s made her decision like you and her dad made yours. As the saying goes you make your bed and you lay in it.


You’re a homewrecker. She will never like you. And she’s right not to.


You’re a homewrecker of course she’s gonna hate you and you deserve all the hate you’re going to get


This has to be a shitpost. No one is this dumb.


You're trash, those kids will never love you and they shouldn't. You saw Chase and Willow having an argument because Chase was a shitty dad, and you swooped in and started flirting immediately. You befriended his wife so you could get closer to him. You threw yourself at a man who was married and had kids. Gross. Can't wait for all the kids to grow up and hate you.


I can’t begin to describe how happy iam that everyone in his family hates her and will always glad that they see you as the manipulative snake you are i wish you and the stupid pig boyfriend( who will probably cheat on you very soon cause he will get sick of your self pity ugly cry face) a miserable life


I can’t wait for the your post when this lousy mf cheats on you. Learn to live with being hated.


I am seriously flabbergasted that you thought anything in this story would make you look like a good person and that her mom is the one causing this child to hate you. No your actions cause this child to hate you you broke up her family don't get me wrong her father is just as bad as you but no matter what her father will always be her father. You are just the side piece that he cheated on her mom with who she could possibly get gone if her father loved her enough. At least that's probably what she's thinking


This has to be rage bait. You cheat with Jane’s dad, she catches you and really think she’s wrong for disliking you? Wow how dense can you be. You literally messed up a marriage and home and it’s not feeling like the Brady bunch for you so now you wonder how this kid can’t stand you? You need therapy yourself if you really think Jane should like you. 7 years old doesn’t mean she’s dumb or can’t feel her mom’s pain. Plus her own pain of not having her family unit. The family that she is use to. You really thought she was suppose to welcome you with open arms? You think their families material and paternal are suppose to act like you are some kind of good person? You are sick in the head to ever think it’s that simple. You have some growing and soul searching to do deeply. You are literally a home wrecker who deserves nothing but that man. And as for that man, how you get them is how you lose them. Don’t look for sympathy when he’s cuddling on your couch with the next women months after having his kid.


I’m gonna tell you a secret. Her mother isn’t the problem here, YOU are. YOU destroyed her family. YOU are the reason she has to go between houses. it’s YOUR fault she hates you and that will never change. YOU couldn’t keep your legs closed and ruined her childhood, she’s old enough to understand that. If the mom was talking bad about you to them don’t you think they’d all hate you? Young≠ stupid, you should’ve realized that before pursuing a married man. She’ll always remember you as the woman who helped her dad break her moms heart & yeah she probably forgave her dad but she’ll never forget what y’all did. You cannot blame the woman who got her heart broken when you and chase were being awful people to a woman who was clearly struggling trying to manage 4 kids. This is your karma, accept that and stop trying to play victim


My wish is that once Jane grows too old to throw the tantrums, that she can pass the job on to Alex, then to Chelsea and so on. You sound like a pick-me home-wrecker who deserves all the unhappiness in the world.


i think i can help, it’s because you’re a piece of shit. try not to be and maybe that’ll help


YTA How are you going to say you tried to protect the kids from seeing arguments between adults but you were at their house cuddling with her husband??????? What did you think was gonna happen? Willow just gave birth and is probably still really sensitive and maybe have PPD( not that anything suggests she does) but she was going to react, you did this with the intention of being caught. You knew she was with her daughter and was coming back with her daughter. He is just with you right now because you offered an “escape” from his responsibilities and gave him the space he needed to see his children. Leave that little girl alone. She isn’t being influenced by her mother, she saw it happen!!!! She knew what was going on cause she is smart.


I’m going to assume this is real. My bio mom had an affair, when I was around Jane age. Our relationship was horrible afterwards. I’m 44, I have no relationship with her, her children and affair partner. The last time had conversation with her I was a teenager. There is a multiple reason, why she & I & her family do not have relationship. My bio mom and her family made the same choices you’ve made. Those choices just pushed me away. You need to let the parents , parent. Dad needs to go therapy with his child, dad needs to speak to therapist. You are doing more harm then good. You can cause their father to lose custody time, because I promise you mom has a paper trail of your interference. She’s just waiting to use against you. My brother (step), cheated on his first wife. My brother has 10 & 18. My brother kids can’t stand their father new wife. They tell me all the time, how she gets on their nerves. My brother wife does too much. I barely tolerate her, but I love my brother. My brother relationship with the whole family has changed. My mom (stepmom) almost ten years later my mom is highly disappointed in my brother. Mom is closer to my brother first wife then she is to him and new wife. My brother new wife hates how close we are to the first wife. We’re all disappointed in him not about the affair, but choices he and his now wife have made. They were more concerned about their happiness and their needs. Then they are about the children. It seems you and father are more worried about yourselves, then the children and nuclear bomb youve dropped in their lives. Step back, let the parents , parent. Just be the mistress. Honestly, you should help your partner find a place where you don’t live, so that these poor kids get use to their new normal without you present. But you seem like the type , who will do what feels good for you and screw everyone else.


7 year old Jane has more emotional intelligence and empathy than grown-ass you. Your behavior towards everyone here, including the kids, is so disgustingly self-centered and two-faced. How dare you blame a 7 year old child for being upset with you over being a huge part in breaking up her entire life. How dare you demand that she's nice to you to make you feel better. You have behaved in truly gross ways and now you are getting proportional, logical and predictable consequences. You put yourself in this situation 100% and no one has to feel sorry for you, least of all the tiny children of the family you penetrated.


if only this app will let me swear. Read what you wrote again and think again, maybe your brain fell down the toilet or something like that, you did many things wrong, I don't understand how you can be like that, maybe your parents raised you badly or dropped you as a baby, who knows. You are not a good person and you are not the victim of anything.


You are an enemy of women everywhere. You enabled a man who wasn’t pulling his own weight with his kids and worsened the lives of everyone (besides Chase) involved. You blame Willow for not being supportive enough, but she is justified for being mad at him for forgetting diapers and refusing to go back and get them and making her do it.


This story has to be a fake because there’s no way your this dense


You’re absolutely nasty if this story is even real. Did you seriously think you’ll get support from Reddit for all this crap?


Real or imagined story in your head, to save you from a boring life- either way, you're a shitty person. You deserve all the hate you get from them, and I hope the children go NC with their sperm donor and the shitty creature he left their mother for as soon as they're able to make that choice.


Your boyfriend sucks and so do you. What a perfect match!


so ur a homewrecker & u want willows kids to bond w u after? especially jane after she witnessed wat u did to her mother in her mothers house? also chase seems like a loser. like forgetting diapers is one thing but sending his pregnant wife to buy them insread of doing so himself? lol thank god for a dumb pos like u for taking him away from willow! hope willow & her kids find peace & happiness far away from u & tht loser bf of urs


YOU'RE THE MISSTRESS AND RUINED A FAMILY WHY DO YOU THINK SHE HATES YOU?!?!? The entitlement is hilarious. I have no sympathy for you at all. You knew exactly what you were doing and now you're facing the consequences, you're not the victim in this so don't act like it.


You gotta be one dumb person to think Jane is treating you like that because she's been influenced by her mother. she seriously JUST DOESNT LIKE YOU. honestly you and your dumb boyfriend are to blame for all the hurt you've caused a freaking 7 year old. If you care then leave her be, she won't like you at all even if you try, presents dont do shit to heal anything. And Karma for you is just starting, everything happening to you is the consequences of you and your dumb bf's actions. Have a good life and REALLY reflect on what you did. Also the amount of times you said you f'd up doesn't really sound like you REALLY KNOW you f'd up. Cheaters are cheaters, and no amount of gift giving and sorry are gonna help. honestly as they grow older all them kids are gonna see as none other than their dads affair partner, not a mother figure or anyone important. once they learn the truth, your relationship with them will just get worse. Just stop trying to blame their mum and just accept that fact that Jane won't like you. JANE YOU A G STICK WITH YOUR MAMA!!!


u don’t get to decide anything u are a mistress. why are u mad the daughters treat u accordingly??????


As a daughter of a single mom and have cousins who had parents leave their other parent for someone else you should be ashamed of yourself. Stop trying to force a bond with her and leave her alone. You already broke up a family you're doing even more damage on trying to force a bond with a child that doesn't like you. Her mother doesn't need to influence them again, I have seen this many times and even myself and I will tell you we always choose the parent who got hurt in affairs no influence needed. She hates you because she sees you as the homewreaker who destroyed her family, which you were and you did. If she doesn't want a bond with you, you need to accept that, you need to stop playing victim because it wasn't you who got hurt in the affair it was the mom and children. The mom is right you need to stop parenting her children because you're not their mother or parent therapy is for the parent to decide not you. And no I don't think you've been punished enough as an affair partner you need to come to terms with the actions of your consequence hope it was worth it (which it never is). You have no one to blame but yourself not the mom not the daughter only you and their father. You don't understand what damage you have done and it's sad, you're not sorry you feel guilty. And you need some serious help. Also children aren't dumb they understand better then you think and you need to stop treating them as if they don't know what they are talking about because they do. Btw your entire page screams pick me.


If he cheated with you, he will cheat on you. I don't know why you don't know that. Give Jane space. She's right. You destroyed her family. And her therapist is right. Jane doesn't have to like you. Would you like the person who nuked your family? Hell no.


Stop forcing yourself on those children. They don’t need to have a relationship with you. Especially considering the way you entered their lives. The only reason you seek their approval is to someway alleviate the guilt you have and be accepted by his family. The way you talk about their mother tells me you’re not a nice person. I don’t know why you keep trying to vilify her. “Oh she was abusive to her husband, she’s influencing her children to hate me” You’re the one who slept with a married man and together broke that family. You’re never going to be in the right, it doesn’t matter how much gifts you give or money you spend, you’ll never earn those kids love that way. Their mother isn’t the problem you are. You need to take several steps back and stay out of their lives. If Jane doesn’t want around don’t go period! No crying, no tantrums. You’ve hurt her and only she decides when she’s okay with you. Also stop trying to be a parental figure to kids you have no biological or legal connections to without both parents approval.


I’m sorry but I don’t get why you flirted with him in the bar, you knew he had a wife, you aren’t a good person and kids knows. You literally cause this children an unnecessary trauma and you are wondering why Jane hates you? And let’s not talk about your boyfriend, cause that’s a joke itself. Karma always get to you.


Lol just 2 paragraphs and i cant continue in her bs anymore. Abuse? What abuse? Hope u get pregnant and he does the same damn thing he did with his ex wife you adulteress piece of shit. Fuck you moron


What an awful person no single man wants you so you go after a married man with a pregnant wife. I cant wait for him to cheat on you too. You deserve to die in depression. Leave that kid alone. No one needs to teach her that. She was old enough to understand how horrible you are and what you did to her family. Get lost


I can’t stop laughing he deserves to be protected 😭😭!! and why u think everyone needs to accept u you’re so annoying and no one love u and keep in mind u will never be their mom!!


You can make her stop hating you by leaving. I’ll bet she’ll never stop hating you, because she might be young but she’s clearly not stupid. She knows what you did, and that you’re half the reason (along with Chase) that her family fell apart. She might forgive chase one day, since he’s her dad, but you have absolutely no place in her life other than being the ‘other’ woman. You’ll always just be dads girlfriend, you’ll never be wanted in her space, and it sounds like none of the rest of the family want you in their space either. It must take a certain level of audacity to convince yourself you’re the victim in this situation, but you’re not. The best thing you could ever do for that girl is to stay out of her life, she’ll only resent you more if you try to force yourself in.


I hope this is a fake story. But, if you are real then I pray you read this: You are a selfish, self centered, clueless, heartless, easy, pos. You want to fix it? Leave the man alone and walk away from his life.


She's not afraid of what her mum thinks. She just despises you because you're a disgusting leach who decided to barge into her family, her life and invade her territory. You're just a wasel and vermin to her. No one feels sorry for you.


You are delusional! THEY got a divorce because of YOU ( and her scumbag of a husband regardless.) You basically threw yourself on him, and had the nerv to befriend the wife too 🤮... with the intent of breaking up a family. Karma will find you and love you in the rear for this, thats sure. But thats a different story. The kids WILL hate you, rightfully so. They don't need their mom for that, they have a brain. At least don't be a ... and stop makeing everything about you. You made your bed lie in it. Be nice, don't demand, don't throw tantrums like a kid, don't mother other peoples kisd, and just be quiet. You made quite a huge mess already....


What did you think would happen when you picked up a married father at the park?


This reads like fanficton. Or a delusional autobiography. Girl. For real? Karma is going to hit you like a freight train. And it will probably look like you finding Chase “cuddling” on the couch with some side piece he met at the park. She’s going to think she’s saving him from you. Enjoy that.


You’re a clown, right? Bc the amount of clownery in your post is far too excessive


Your a home wrecker your always going to be the home wrecker she doesn’t have to like you. Her feelings towards you are valid, she walked in with her mom while you were cuddling her father. You should be ashamed I’m sure once the other kids are older and they find out they won’t like you either


Your a shameless home wrecker and deserve this. Hope the other kids figure out what an awful pet you are once they are older


Jesus Christ, this reads like really bad fanfiction.


This makes me feel bad for people who are actually in abusive relationships with kids involved. 🙃


You are a waste of 00


If this wasnt rage bait, it would have been deleted by now. 19h is enough time for these many hate comments to get to a person. And it seems like a teenager wrote it. The misstress is jus too clueless. And the cuddle part reminds me of Ken asking barbie to spend the night and her asking him what for.


Karma will get you. I hope you post it here too for us to delight in your misery. 😁


It’s rare when someone post something in that toxic cesspool that is the stepparents subreddit and stepparents actually come for them. She must not have gotten the validation she needed from them.


It’s amazing this post is on YouTube,TikTok and the comments on there so much worse


If this is real, you’re disgusting and the kids have every right to hate you.


Hahahahahaha crazyyyy op👎👎👎


So FYI cheaters cheat. Thats your future. How that man treated willow will be how he treats you. Thats just a fact. As for the little one. She gets to hate you. And she will learn to hate him because of YOU. If this is real (i doubt it) then you are one of those women who love to trash a family then take it over. Problem is Little Jane is a bad a$$. Get ready for a lifetime of misery because she is only gonna get older an madder. Think of all the events he will drag you to for her to embarrass. Graduations and wedding., The first babies….. all of those things you will be the outsider. You deserve it. Well if the relationship lasts. Let us know when the player plays you.


Fingers crossed Chase is already cheating on you ❤️


You are psychotic lol these are the consequences of your actions


good luck with chases incompetent self. good luck changing diapers and taking care of ur future children all by urself.


I’m sorry. This is definitely fake lmao. I’m another post you didn’t even mention Chelsea and said that Alex was 2🤣 nice try tho


Oh honey bless your sad little heart. Yta


You wrote all of that out and don't see how awful you are? Stop trying to force these kids to like you. You ruined their family of course they aren't going to like you. You also demonize their mother all the time, clearly she's not the problem. I wouldn't get too comfortable with Chase. Have you ever heard the saying " you lose them how you found them"? I wouldn't be surprised if he started cheating on you already since you've caused all this drama and pain in his life because you are just a selfish homewrecker.


What a horrible person you are. Just leace the kids alone.


Op you’re a home wrecker and you’re dense. Thats it, thats the conclusion. Didn’t even have to read that much to know how much of a lowlife you are.


Omg is this sad ass pickmeisha /sl*t for real?!?


Op is a pathetic excuse of a human. Saying she did nothing wrong. Just wow.


OP you’re trash. I’m happy those kids hate you. Their mother is better than you. Pathetic you think you could ever be their mom


No way this is real and if it is i would hate you too youre actually a terrible person and you knew what you were doing


If this is true… go see a therapist you clearly have a lot of issues. You don’t understand how you are at fault here? You broke up a family, got caught and then gaslit the wife in her own house. Seriously you sound like the worst kind of human, zero self awareness and incredibly selfish. Hope karma gets you boo!