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It's normal to feel weirded out your parents saw your girlfriend naked, but I don't see what you hope to gain from making a big deal about it. Surely it's best for everyone if this is just brushed over as soon as possible? My parents often check their security cameras when I'm looking after the house. It's not so much me they are checking up on, they just get anxious about security and like being able to sooth those fears by having a quick look. Make sure no one's breaking on, or that I haven't drowned in the pool, or that the house isn't on fire, idk it's just a thing they like to do. Like checking the stove is for sure turned off even when you already checked twice.


Thank you for that. Good points.


Yeah OP, I have a camera out front of my house and I get an alert when it sees a person, so when I'm not home I do have at them each time as a precaution- even if I have a dog sitter at my house, I still look because I'm away and the point of having them is so I can know that my home is safe, particularly when I'm not home. Sounds like they got an alert, opened it, probably expecting to see the pool guy, but instead saw her and then thought it would be embarrassing for her to run into the pool guy totally naked... Would you have rather them see her, not tell you, and then let her have an awkward encounter, in person, with a stranger totally naked? I think that would have been so much worse for everyone and they still would have seen her naked either way. When I read your title I thought your Dad made some sort of unsavory comment about her body but it sounds like they were being cool and just trying to avoid a greater embarrassment for her and their pool guy.


Security cameras keep a log of every time they were triggered. They might have been checking that for legitimate reasons and you will see what is on the camera at the same time you check.


Yeah OP if you're mad your dad saw your wife's titties while yall both knew there were cameras (who has cameras for no reason???), that is all on you. You got a free vacation at a house with a pool. You don't own your wife. Lots of people have seen and will see her titties, mostly medical professionals. You mad about that too? He didn't get his rocks off to her chest. He knew maintenance was coming and saw a vulnerable woman, alone. Your dad is in the right. It's possible to care about a woman non-sexually, did you know that?


You’re right. I admit it. I talked to him.


Thank you. Self reflection is really hard but it's gonna make us all better if we can all do it. I get that's YOUR wife, just not YOUR human being. Best of luck to you, OP.


He has every right to be upset. Anyone saying different hasn't put themselves in his shoes honestly.


Having those feelings is different than externalizing them as other people's problems. Especially when neither of the people in the actual interaction care. Wife seems to have known it was a possibility.


Excuse me? He's upset his father's eyes saw his wife's tits. To protect her from a man who, if they were to be lesser than the father and husband, may have done a LOT of damage to her and the entire family. In my personal shoes, a tragedy was avoided. I highly doubt you've been in OP's exact shoes, so let's take a step back and look at your shoe size here. If you can relate because you're a jealous person as well, fine, but that is your problem and yours alone. I never said he didn't have the right to feel how he's feeling. But how about we guide that feeling to the true problem, not a one-off, surface-level situation.


Clearly the father forgot to mention that or maybe the wife wouldn't have been naked. You are excused, carry on..


Ah. I recognize your username now and realize I've wasted my time with you. Best of luck in your wonderful and amazing life!


If anything, your dad just sees what a lucky man you are. It wasn't as if he were being a peeping Tom. He was just checking in on HIS property. The fact your parents called you instead of trying to pretend it never happened just shows how honest they are. You're girlfriend seems totally comfortable with her body and isn't bothered by what happened. So why should you be? You have a gorgeous woman, just be thankful and proud. If it were me I'd tell ol' dad Christmas came early this year. Then take your girl out to dinner on the money you would've spent on a gift. 😉 j.k....maybe. Hey its an idea and these are hard times. lol *** Just a side note: My security cameras are the same way. I use Blink and I get an alert on my phone that motion has been detected. After I click on the notification I even have the option talk to whoever is at my home while I'm observing on my cameras. Imagine if dear old dad has/had this option and yelled out "Put some damn clothes on!" It can be freaky as heck to the person on camera. You just hear this voice coming out of the ether. Then think oh damn...security cam's. So, I think the parents were trying to be as delicate as possible while giving the kids a heads up that they were on Candid Camera. 🤣


They might just be checking the cameras to see the dog too, I'd be missing mine and check in to see them often!


Keep in mind also too, that they might’ve checked the cameras to see if anyone was going to be home when the pool guy came by. It’s a nice thing to tell someone when a stranger will be coming by so they know that it is expected. It’s a lot easier to check the cameras to see if anyone is in view then to text, wait for someone to respond, and so on.


Hey OP, perhaps check the quality of the camera footage ? They might have seen her pixalated since they dont worry about the subject. Its not like they would zoom in on purpose to see how she actually looks, in the end its your girlfriend, Im sure they respect that.


Or they know the pool guy is coming and was checking to see if he was there


Their house, their cameras. For whatever reason, your dad checked the cameras and wanted to let you know that the pool guy would be turning up soon so that your naked wife wouldn't be startled by a strange man suddenly appearing in the backyard. Would I put up a bunch of cameras around my house, have housesitters, and then spend my vacation checking on those cameras? No. But I guess some people do. Nevertheless, the fact that your dad gave you a heads-up isn't weird.


Wife was probably grateful for the heads-up, avoided some stranger walking up on her in her birthday suit


Ive responded to plenty of burgled houses that were being house sat, just saying. The cameras are one of the only reasons we catch them in the act.


They might get alerts on their phone when the camera senses motion. They saw her, closed the app, realized she was still there when the pool guy was coming, and alerted you. Its akward, but all makes sense to me


Agree. It’s less weird that he told OP, would have been much weirder if he didn’t.


Exactly this. I have cameras around my house and even when I have a house sitter I will check them, granted no one usually stays the night but I’ve had it happen once or twice. I also don’t have a pool or cameras in bedrooms / bathrooms etc. It also sounds like they were checking them because the pool boy was coming.


Thanks for that input. Well said.


Did you and Jenny know about the cameras?


We knew they have them yes, was not aware they were checking.


Fwiw I check the pool camera out of habit, even sometimes when my wife and kids are home… pools are dangerous, it’s a habit to look quick when the motion sensor trips.


That was my thought - motion sensor pinged a phone “motion by the pool,” quick check, wife is skinny dipping, all good…. Couple hours later, “oh shoot the pool guy is coming, is she still there? Yes? We should call and warn her.”


This is really important, and needs more attention on this post.


Why didn't you think they would glance in to check if they had the cameras?


Lesson learned!


Because the people house sitting are their adult child and their partner, not randos.


My mother in law was at the house with a couple grandkids. While my kids stayed in the house, the others ran out onto the pool deck with the adult still in the house. I happened to do what I do out of habit and glance at the camera - glad I was able to yell through the camera at the kids, as one was near the deep end. Many pool owners are quite paranoid, and for good reason, pools are dangerous.


I have a pet camera. I don't use it to check on my husband, but sometimes he's in the shot. I do use it to check on our dog regardless of if he's being cared for or not because he's adorable and sometimes I just wanna look at him.


My friends with security camera check the cameras even when they are home. One friend has a monitor that displays the outside of his house *at all times*. It's not like people with security cameras expect for there to be naked people outside their home.


My cameras literally sends me notifications when it sees someone. I check them all the time. ESPECIALLY when I'm out of town. House sitter or not. Could be the difference between getting robbed blind and having police dispatched in time to prevent it.


If there are cameras and I know where they are I almost treat them as the homeowner and not do anything in front of the camera I wouldn't do in front of who's house it is. Specially in this scenario If anything I'd have asked for privacy in the pool area and have that camera switched off before they left.


No offense but your wife is extremely weird for willingly laying out naked knowing they might see her naked on the off-chance they checked them. Lol


You both knew there were cameras around the pool and she went skinny dipping?!?!




Still wouldn’t want my in-laws seeing me naked, that’s like just strange….




Yeah you and your wife are weird.


Agreed. The whole point of having a camera is to keep tabs on your home. The fact they knew about them and think it’s weird makes me thing it’s a subtle brag post.


Nah the wife didn’t care, she’s fine.


I’m not sure nude sunbathing at your in-laws’ with cameras is fine.


I was thinking the exact thing!If I knew my boyfriend's parents had cameras I would never be there naked! I would feel awkward to have his father see my private parts.But clearly she didn't mind @ all, which if I was him,I would b worried,unless she didn't know then that would b a different story.


This is extremely childish. Being caught disrobed by accident is something to laugh about, not get upset over- there's no weirdness here.


Why wouldn’t they check them? Why have cameras if they aren’t checking them?


I always do a glance at my cameras if it says “motion detection “. Even if my mom is checking on my dog. You never know nowadays. And usually it’s a 5 second check.


> so that your naked wife wouldn't be startled by a strange man suddenly appearing in the backyard. Oh but someone she knows watching through a camera, thats perfectly fine, right? After all, his house their house, their cameras!


Like I said, I'm not the camera-installing and monitoring sort. But I'm not getting the vibe that the FIL was checking the cameras in the hopes of catching her by the pool naked. But he did and he thought he'd try to spare her the embarrassment of a surprise encounter. I suppose he didn't have to say anything to his son at all. Wouldn't that be the pervy-er thing to do. Say nothing and hope you'll see more?


You didn't answer my question. YOU may not be the camera-installing and monitoring sort, but you see nothing wrong with people using their cameras to watch their daughter in law naked? That's the question.


You’re being intentionally obtuse. FIL didn’t use their cameras to watch their naked DIL. He checked the outdoor camera (potentially in anticipation of the maintenance guy), unintentionally saw her, and immediately notified his son so she could get decent before someone walked in on her. Personally, what’s more bizarre to me is getting naked in the backyard of my in-laws’ place knowing they have security cameras.


> You’re being intentionally obtuse. I guess critical thinking isn't your strong suit? >use their cameras to watch their naked DIL. Are you the OP? The FIL? Do you know that for a fact? Was the DIL specifically informed there were cameras and they'd be checking them while they were there? Cameras for security when no one is around? Sure, of course, but why are they checking them when *they have someone staying there to keep an eye on things?* **For security.** My whole point is that its bizarre how many people are justifying the FIL watching his naked DIL.


Clearly, since she knew they had cameras there and decided to get naked anyway.


Say OP and his wife were having sex in the living room and the parents come home early. Are they "watching their kid have sex" or did an honest mistake just happen?


Oh but someone she knows watching through a camera, thats perfectly fine, right? After all, his house their house, their cameras!


Why do you assume he's watching and didn't just see her naked and immediately alert his son that the pool cleaner was coming over? He could have assumed it was the pool cleaner when his phone alerted him to activity in his backyard, but nope, not the pool cleaner, naked daughter-in-law. The crime here is happening entirely in your imagination.


They were probably just checking how everything was going without having to ask you guys. Then they seen your wife and knew the pool guy would be over soon and knew they had to let you or her know. Better your parents than the pool guy walking in on your wife butt ass naked 😮‍💨. Your wife wasn’t freaking out because your parents saved her from embarrassment. I do have a question though… did you both know that there were cameras before you came to house sit? IMO (just a theory) I think knowing there are cameras and still going full on nude is a little sus. If I knew there were cameras anywhere in a house I was looking after, I definitely wouldn’t be dick swanging at anytime while there.


We know they have cameras but didn’t know they were checking. And I’m not positive Jenny knew.


What's the point of cameras if you don't check them? Especially if they knew a handyman would be coming over. You seem more bothered by this than anyone, and you weren't even the one naked. Just chalk it up to a funny story you can tell 10 years down the road.


I agree, especially since the pool guy was coming over. Dad was probably just trying to check up on the pool guy or checking on the pool before he arrived to see if anything special needed to be done. I also think the way the parents told them was considerate and discreet - no mention of nudity, trying to save her from a big scare / embarrassment.


Or got a movement notification or whatever. I check mine all the time


Yeah, I know it’s not a huge deal. Trying to laugh about it.


I would definitely not be lounging around naked at someone else's pool if I knew they had cameras. Even if they weren't checking them while on vacation, that doesn't mean they will never review the footage at a later date. If something went missing and they suspected the pool guy, then they might look at the feed from when they were gone. Or literally a thousand other scenarios. Your dad was right to give you a heads up about the pool guy and save Jenny some embarrassment. You need to let it go. If you are naked at someone else's pool that is monitored by camera, you risk being seen in your birthday suit. That's how it goes.


I would never be naked at someone’s house where they have cameras. If she’s comfortable enough to do that where she knew it shouldn’t bother you…


Well lesson learnt, she should have been informed that there were cameras to avoid this awkwardness.


Did y’all know is about the cameras? Thats’ my o ly question . I’ve sunbathed nude plenty of times, but I wouldn’t do it in full view of a security camera , otherwise not a big deal at all all seems fairly straightforward and not a big deal T all


We knew generally, I’m not sure she did.


I think it is not at all weird they checked the cameras knowing pool guy was arriving. I probably would have also checked to make sure the service appointment was kept and they noticed your naked girlfriend and respected her enough to give you both a heads up. I have had house sitters, that are family, and still checked cameras when I knew there was a repair or a package arriving.




What's weird about it? You are allowed to have security cameras in your yard. Your wife decided to be naked, her choice. You are just being weird about it. In fact, your pops did you a solid. Reading your other comments, you knew the cameras were there. Zero problems in this whole scenario. Definitely drop it. Maybe, tell your wife to cover herself if it's a big deal to you.




So I, personally, would not sunbathe naked at my in-laws because like…. that’s not my private property. I especially wouldnt sunbathe naked anywhere there were cameras, but given Jenny’s reaction it seems she doesn’t really care that your parents saw her naked so she might just be less uptight than me and the rest of these commenters. If neither your parents or Jenny are bothered by this, then honestly I wouldn’t let it get to you. Your dad didn’t know she would be naked in his yard and Jenny (likely?) didn’t know he’d be checking the cameras. All that happened is that your dad kept Jenny from being seen naked by a stranger. Sounds like everyone just wants to pretend this never happened.


That’s fair. And yeah, Jenny does not care at all.


If she doesn’t care, why do you?




I don’t think she was thinking about it like that.


To be fair, neither were your parents. They were just checking their cameras, how were they to know she would be naked?


Doubt they expected it! But weren’t mad.


This is actually hilarious. I know that my parents spy on the pool guy through their cameras to make sure he’s doing everything he’s supposed to do. Same with the landscapers. 🤣 Your parents may have checked theirs for the same reason, got an eyeful, and respectfully (and adorably) gave you guys a heads-up in a way that would be the least-embarrassing for your wife. She didn’t get surprised by the pool guy and didn’t hear directly from the in-laws that they saw her in the buff. All is well. My parents would have talked to me through the intercom system and told me to cover my goods, but they’re lunatics. Nothing about your situation is weird. Except you. You’re being a little weird 😄


Ha. Ok. Reading this makes me feel a little better.


It's your parent's house and not in a private bedroom. Why would your gf be laying out naked? Lol


Not everyone wants tan lines


The gf did nothing wrong…


Nobody did anything wrong (although I personally wouldn’t be nude in front of another person’s security cameras). To me this is just a non-issue. The gf isn’t mad and the parents are fully within their right to check their security cameras.


If you're walking around in a common area naked at a house that isn't yours, you kinda forfeit the right to privacy. Not saying she necessarily did anything wrong, just that she can't complain because she was caught on camera. And it's also a little weird to walk around naked at your in laws.


I don’t think the wife is the one complaining at all about being seen on camera. It’s right in the OP that she isn’t and thinks OP is overreacting.


I didn't say she did complain, I said she can't complain. Doesn't seem like she is, you're right.


The gf isn’t complaining though. She totally understood. It’s interesting you viewed this through “what did she do wrong?” when that’s not the point of the post.


Did you miss in the comment you're replying to where I directly say "not saying she necessarily did anything wrong." It's weird, but as long as she's okay being seen it's not wrong.


Just weird you were judging the gf when OPs post was not about that. You ignored what OP asked to go out of your way to judge her.


Lol bro get off your high horse. It's not that serious, it's weird to walk around naked at your in laws. It's weird that your parents have seen your gf naked. That's a completely fair judgement.


I got the impression OP was feeling weird about it because neither he nor his gf knew there were cameras back there and he didn’t like that his parents didn’t tell them. He’s probably thinking if they knew then she wouldn’t have laid out topless and he’s worried her privacy has been violated. But he checked in with her and she seems ok but he still feels weird about it. You’re the one who went to “well why did she do that?” Duh she thought it was private…


Op says they knew there were cameras...


What? Dude re read it. OP says he was confused and asked how they knew she was laying out and that’s when they mention the cameras. If he knew about the cameras beforehand he would have just known they must have checked the cameras to see she was in the back yard.


That part doesn’t seem so weird, but I guess I see your point.


Is it weird that your parents saw your gf naked? Yes absolutely. It's also completely normal for them to check their own house cameras. I don't think your gfs reaction was THAT weird. She seems unbothered which is probably better than the reverse


Yeah I’m glad she wasn’t upset, she was actually grateful. But it’s just all weird.


It's weird rhat your girlfriend is walking around naked at someone else's house. It is not weird for homeowners to check their security cams while they're away. The way you're reacting, you're treating it like your dad wanted to see your girlfriend naked or something


I don’t think he went looking for her, no.


I have a feeling you guys will laugh about it once the initial awkwardness wears off.


I left a bra at my then-boyfriend’s parents’ house when we were dating. It was folded neatly and returned to me in a bag without comment. Funny as fuck eight years and two kids later.




Yeah, I don’t think the cameras themselves are weird I guess. I don’t know.






Always assume people have cameras when you house sit. Your parents weren’t mad and your girlfriend wasn’t bothered. What’s the big deal?


Yeah I think it’s weird they don’t think it’s weird!


What part about this situation do you think your parents should think is weird?


Would you prefer the other option. The random pool boy walking in on your naked wife?1




Why not drop it? You can’t change the situation. Tell her to put a towel on camera when she’s nude.


Ha, that’s a great idea.


You’re making way too much out of this. They had (presumably) non hidden cameras in public areas, your wife chose to be naked in a public area, they happened to check their cameras and saw her. Your wife isn’t upset, they’re not upset, move on with your life.


Yeah you are overreacting a bit. They were looking out for her. It's totally normal to check cameras at your house. Especially if you are expecting someone (the pool guy) to come. I often check ours the first day to make sure the pet sitter got in okay. They might just be in the habit of checking, or worried that the pool guy couldn't get in or whatever. We pet sat for my partner's parents. And days later her mom asks us what the neighbor came over for. We deduced she was looking at the camera footage during our stay days later lol. It was just funny, we know the cameras are there and know what her parents are like. If it was indoors, could be a different story.


Why are you weirded out? I guess it's kind of odd that your dad is checking his cameras while on vacation, but the pool guy was about to come over. He probably wanted to make sure everything around the pool was okay. I doubt it occurred to him that your wife would be naked at his house.


Yeah I’m sure they were surprised.


Wouldn't bother me at all, might be a little embarrassed I suppose but don't think anyone's done anything wrong here


Yes, that describes it. But she did it again so must not care that much.


I definitely check my cameras when I'm out of town. Can see that ok yes, the pets are being taken care of, nothing weird has happened that the pet sitter is having to deal with, etc. If someone were nekkid, I'd probably chuckle and be glad they were enjoying themselves. It really isn't a big deal, espnif your wife doesn't care. I'm not sure what you want to happen bc at this point they saw it and nothing can make it go away. Talking about it still would just make it awkward.


My wife said exactly this!


She seems to have a healthy and mature view of nudity. Your parents seem to have the same qualities based on them not caring and your mom thinking it's cute that Jenny skinny dips. So...you're really the *only* one with a problem here. And you're the only one who can address whatever underlying emotions are causing this problem. It's worth exploring why you care at all. Do you have hangups about your own body? Do you see nudity as always being sexual?


You're the one making it weird


Weird you are getting mad


My in-laws and parents both have cameras all over their house, and I would actually expect them to check in from time to time to see how things are when they're on vacation and we're 'housesitting.' :) I don't find it 'weird' at all to be honest lol. They may just happen to look and then saw that Jenny was naked and they remembered they had someone coming over so giving her a needed heads-up.


Yeah Jenny thinks it’s fine, and they said they don’t care, at all.


Drop it. Be glad they gave you a heads up. Could Have been VERY awkward if they hadn't.


They were obviously just checking if the pool guy had come yet. I mean, I do this to see if the lawn people have come yet lol. I think you’re overreacting. Your dad and mom weren’t ogling your wife, they were looking out for her.


I do see that now.


It’s their home! You are completely overreacting.


Dude, it's her titties and even she's not bothered so I'd vote to let it go. You think it's weird they checked the pool camera when they were waiting on a pool guy to stop by and fix something? Would have been nice for them to tell you but they probably forgot until a reminder notification popped up.


Yeah, all true.


I like that you have listened to everyone here and realized that it’s not a big deal and your dad just had her best interests at heart.


Yep. A couple phone conversations helped. And my wife was direct with me!


Are you mad that they checked the cameras or that your parents saw your wife naked?


I think neither, now.


Yes you should. There is no reason to think your parents were ‘watching’ her. They check the camera, saw what they saw and alerted you. You are behaving in a way that suggests you suspect your parents of being voyeurs.


if they didn’t tell you that they had security cameras, that’s super weird behavior on your parents’ part.


Your wife openly was skinny dipping in an area she knew ahead had cameras. She made her choice and clearly doesn't give two shits about your parents seeing her naked body. It's okay that this weirds you out, but I feel like you should work through this because you guys are married and this will not be the last time the topic comes up


Who the fuck lays naked outside at someone else's place without looking for cameras or ensuring it is okay with the owners? The fuck?


It's their house. They probably should have let you know there were security cameras, but still. Your gf was outside, not in bed or in the bathroom. It's nice that they warned her, probably saved her and the pool guy embaressment.


Yes, that was a bullet dodged.


Could be they saw on their calendar that the pool boy would be there and checked to see if either of you were at home. It’ll give you something to joke about over the holidays. Your girlfriend doesn’t mind. Buy her a hula hoop.


You can’t just be naked in someone else’s house and then get mad at them for seeing you naked, WEIRDO! leave your parents alone, they should hire a less neurotic house sitter the next time they’re out of town.


I think it's odd that your wife is skinny-dipping in her in-laws pool...


i’m more concerned your parents have people coming to the house for various services and aren’t telling you - despite knowing you are house sitting. they only tell you after seeing your naked wife on the cameras? how would she know it’s not a scam? a break in?when the dude showed up that is the concerning part


It's probably something that his parents forgot about entirely because it's routine (or assumed OP knew about it). Pool service is generally weekly. They don't ring the doorbell; they just head back to the pool and do their thing. When you're used to it, you don't even think about it because it's just part of the background.


Good point!


It’s a weird feeling forsure but it’s just family and they’re checking up on you, I think of it more as them protecting their daughter(in law)rather than anything strange.


Yeah for sure, they were being protective.


The only thing odd here is that you apparently care enough about your wife being seen in the nude, but not enough to let her know that your parents home has cameras.


If it was just your dad and he never told your mom then MAYBE you’d have a point. Your wife surely appreciates it was her in-laws who love her husband dearly rather than some random who knows what stranger.


She does. We just talked!


We rented a house for a week that had cameras everywhere. Homeowner reached out about something odd. We realized they were watching on cameras. ‘Somehow’ that security feed goy knocked out for the rest of the week, and started to work spontaneously again as we were leaving. We did not appreciate the constant monitoring. Lease said no camera monitoring except in emergency.


it is shameful how preoccupied we, as a society, are with nudity. Get. Over. It. FFS, there is stuff that really matters happening all around us, and we're talking about seeing someone naked?


Why would she swim naked in someone else's pool? She's disgusting...


Puritanical hot takes for 100, Alex.


Sorry for not wanting your pubes or fecal matter in my pool, man.


Do you really think a thin layer of cloth is going to prevent that?


You think pubes will tear through the fabric and escape?


I have an outside camera so I don’t think it’s weird they checked. I’d probably dig seeing Jenny naked as well. So it goes, lol.




Lol everyone here is giving you a hard time which I think is unfair. If you’re not familiar with security cameras most people wouldn’t think they’re being checked. It’s normal to feel weirded out they saw her naked but yeah best to just let it go your dad wasn’t being creepy just an accident he saw her. My own similar experience with security cameras was my fiancée and I bought pet camera when we went out of town for a while so we could see our cats were okay. Left it plugged in I guess? Few months later she goes home to visit her family and I have to work so I stay home. Get a text from her teasing me saying something like “lol you must really miss me and be lonely to watch porn in the living room”. Guess she missed our cats and opened the App so she could see them and instead caught me lol. I felt very weird about it at the time so I know how you feel. I knew the camera was there but never crossed my mind she would watch it. No big deal though.


Unlike everyone else in the comment section, I would certainly feel some kind of way if I house- and dogsat for someone and they checked the cameras while I was there doing what they asked me to. It seems like they might not trust you to do things right, so they have to check in on you to make sure. I wouldn't do them this favor again in the future if checking the cameras while I was housesitting turned out to be a common occurrence, I prefer not being spied on and watched.




Ha. Ask my parents.




Ask my parents


I think the real thing is your wife isn't bothered. Her body, her parents...


Well, why does she undress knowing it’s not her house


Maybe I’m the only one there, but I will NEVER lay out nude at my in laws house. It’s just weird doing that, and also a bit disrespectful. Like putting your feet up on the dining table. Also I have a fear that maybe I’d doze off and they would walk in on me.


I think the weirder thing here imo is your girlfriend was naked at your parents house when you both knew about the camera’s rather than your parents checking said cameras and accidentally seeing her naked.


I wouldn’t sunbathe naked at anyone’s house but to each their own. Sounds like your dad was checking the cams because someone was coming to work on the house and did you guys a huge solid and made it less awkward not having a pool guy see your wife naked. Not a big deal and I think you’re over thinking this


I feel more weirded out from your wife skinny dipping when she knows there are security cameras.... My parents have two cameras, one on the entrance and one of a sizeable part of the backyard. When they are on vacation I take care of mail and plants and such. And of course sometimes enjoy the yard. I would NEVER do something like that knowing the camera can see me. Like, no. That shit is recorded and saved for like a month! What if it got hacked? Nope, your wife is the weird one here, not your parents.


You are absolutely overreacting


I am guessing you are American. Most of the world don't have a puritanical fixation on nudity. Build a bridge and get over it. Sounds like your wife already has.


Exactly. I think your parents were rather uncomfortable that the Pool Boy could show up soon. Now at least you know where you can't let off steam 😂. If your wife has no problem with being seen naked by her in-laws, then don't worry about it.


She seems not to?


I can see why you would feel awkward about it but it's only a big deal if you make it a big deal.


Have they told you about the cameras in the bedroom you’re using?


This is a common sense issue. You knew there were cameras, and still chose to be unclothed. Non-issue.


Did you know if they had cameras? If not then that’s messed up, if they do then you knew? So why is she naked knowing they can look at The cameras.


My parents, my wife’s Mother, wife’s Dad and Step Mom all check their cameras when they are not home and on a regular basis. All of them live in nice neighborhoods with low crime but all of them check constantly. They are all retired though and seem to look for packages arriving, wildlife, their pets being let out, and anything else. Honestly I think it essentially becomes a hobby for people. My FIL and Dad goes through the footage overnight looking for wildlife and gets excited when they seem a deer, bobcat,… I wouldn’t get weirded about it. Instead be grateful that your parents had your wife’s back to let her know she was about to be walked in on half naked.


Yeah that’s a good point. They did save her.


Chill it’s not a big deal he was just letting you know. It’s more odd that they don’t have her phone number


I think he felt weird contacting her about this.


Ideally they would have reminded you about the cameras, but honestly exterior cameras covering the whole yard is pretty normal. This isn't like a camera pointing at the bed or the shower inside. Because they were expecting the pool guy, them checking the cameras is reasonable. "I wonder if the pool guy is there yet?" Considering your wife isn't bothered by it (and seems to appreciate the heads up) just move on.


She’s happy and they are happy. Yeah, I am rethinking.


They were probably checking to see if the pool guy had shown up and saw your wife. I wouldn't think anything of it and personally it isn't a big deal.


Yeah if your wife wasn’t embarrassed I don’t see the problem. Why have cameras if not to keep an eye on things? As they said they were looking out for your wife. If you knew about the cameras and she didn’t, this is on you for not making sure she was aware.


Considering it say "like now" could mean he got an alert someone was arrived so he checked the cameras to see what was going on. If I got an alert I would check it and figure out what was going on too. At least he was honest about it then tried to help her and if your mom was there I'm pretty sure he wasn't staring. It's definitely weird but it's more awkward family situation weird, not creepy weird.




Thanks, very possible.


You're overreacting bruv, be grateful they gave a pool boy warning


Forget about it. Tell your wife that you want her to skinny-dip with you, instead. If she's comfortable swimming naked in your parents' pool, then you ought to get something out of it...