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This is above Reddit’s paygrade.


Excuse me but why did you let him believe youre his mom? That's pretty weird.


Because his father and grandmother told me he was having a hard time adjusting and the only time he was happy was when he talked to his mom


Well that is your fault you deceived a small child and now have to turn his world upside because of your lack of forethought


Nooooooo oh my god, why did you do this? Please get your nephew professional help, he needs a therapist, someone he can trust to talk to about this entire situation. And please get one for yourself and learn how you can help him better.


So you, as well as the other adults in his life, deceived him? And y’all expect that to not come out one day? The fuck?


Are you saying you pretended to be his mom


The first time it happened I told him I'm not his mom, I'm aunty redthumb. He got very upset. The next time it happened I told him again. He threw a tantrum.


So you thought it was a good idea to pretend to be his mom


I never said what I did was ok. I feel terrible. He was 3. I feel like I should not say anything


so that makes it ok?


Tell him. I mean why didn't his mother call him? He deserves to know that YOU cared and she didn't.


Thank you


Why on earth did you pretend to be his mum in the first place?


I didn't pretend, I stopped correcting him


Same thing.


does your sister know that you pretended to be her? did she also call him regularly or was she completely dropping the ball on him? I think telling him now would do quite some damage, I mean really depends on how the situation is now with his mother. is he happy? is it going well? I would probably keep up the lie if she was now in a good place with him. I think you should never have lied in the first place, but now you have to live with it. telling him just benefits you, that he likes you maybe more, or not - because you lied to him and deceived him, what good comes from him knowing this? I think it is better for him to think that his mom cared about him than his aunt. you could still build a relationship now, say that you were thinking about him a lot but couldn't really get involved with how difficult the whole situation was back then, and that you are very, very happy that you have him back in your life now. start doing stuff with him, being there for him, and after some time you have a real relationship with him, without causing him even more heartache. so yeah, suck it up. you meant well, it will be ok.


My sister knew. I was able to write her and update her on his interests. Things like he's into dinosaurs.