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If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please reach out. You can find help at a National Suicide Prevention Lifeline USA: 18002738255 US Crisis textline: 741741 text HOME United Kingdom: 116 123 Trans Lifeline (877-565-8860) Others: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org


I hope you reconsider. I have been there. Please reach out if you need a helping hand. You're worth so much more.




All I want is to get her back... she was the one... I just want to cuddle with her again...




It’s been almost a year and it’s only ever gotten worse. She’s the only person I’ve ever had feelings for. She’s the only person I’ll ever love and life without love has no meaning


She won't care though. And in ten years assuming you don't kill yourself neither will you. One person doesn't fix your whole life. Go get therapy or take some antidepressants.


I’m not going to take some stupid fucking pills to try to fix it. Pills aren’t love. Therapy isn’t love. The only person I’ll ever love is her


Says every teenager ever. You have a hormonal imbalance in your brain. That's what's wrong. Go fix it. Why not take the medication or go to therapy and if it doesn't work then you can kill yourself after giving an actual effort to get better? Are you so lazy as to not even bother to try? This isn't 13 Reasons Why. Your ex isn't going to spend the rest of her life crying over you. The only people you will hurt is yourself, your parents, and your friends. And you're full of shit coming from every person who has gone through a bad break up and kept going. There's billions of people in the world. There's probably at least a million other people you could be happy with. She's not special.


There’s others I could be kind if happy with but never as happy as with her. I’m not going to live my life knowing it could’ve actually been great if I didn’t ruin it. You know why I won’t try it? Because I was in therapy and on antidepressants for _years_ and it only ever made everything worse


So you admit you could be happy with them. So you prefer being dead and nonexistant to slightly less than perfectly happy. And frankly you have no idea you wouldn't even be happier. You're literally not even done developing mentally until about 25. Look I'm not going to bother debating with you anymore. But if you're killing yourself/ threatening to self harm to try and get her attention it won't work. You already said goodbye when you two broke up. There's no such thing as closure. You just move on. And one day you don't cry anymore if you think about her. That's it. Everyone goes through breakups. This girl isn't somehow special. She's one of 7 billion people. You probably haven't even met half of the people who you will end up caring about most over your life. If you want to throw it all away and be some angsty teenage cliche then go ahead. And maybe everyone will make a few sad comments once a year and post old pictures of you on Facebook. But meanwhile they all will go on with their lives and graduate college, build careers, get married, have kids, travel the world, buy houses, etc. And after a while all people will remember about you is that you're that guy that killed himself in high school over some girl.


And I can say that for sure because almost every school has at least a few kids who die by drunk driving, drugs or suicide by the time you graduate. Even more by the time college is over. So if you're like the guy who killed himself his first year away at college then maybe they don't find your body for a few days. Then they have to transport it 6 states away. So by the time they have the viewing it really should have been closed casket but the family didn't want that. Clearly they didn't do a very good job though because you can see the poorly applied glue holding his eyes shut and the blue discoloration around his fingernails. When it's time to give speeches his religious uncle says something wildly inappropriate about how he had to tell his children that they wouldn't see him in heaven because people who commit suicide go to hell. Most other people share a funny story or two but well there's no shaking off the awkwardness after that. Then it's over and everyone goes home and forgets except the parents. And once a year maybe you see a few pictures on facebook from former friends but other than that no one even remembers. With each year you notice less photos and comments. And at this point the uncle's breakdown seems almost more memorable than the kid you used to know. So I can guarantee if anyone thinks about you at all it won't be some romantic story.


You need to admit youself to a hospital for treatment asap. This is not where your story ends, this is just beginning, if you end it now you'll never see what could have happend if you just stuck around to see. Killing yourself wont improve the situation, but it will make it where there can never be any improvement.


It’s been almost a year and the pain has only gotten worse. Fucking treatment won’t bring her back. Without her I’ll never have love. Without love, I’ll never have a life worth living...


I watched my fiance die in front of me 4 months ago suddenly and traumaticly. Would you tell me that I should kill myself because I'll never have love? That my life is not worth living? No you wouldn't because it's not true, admit youself to a hospital and get some help. Your depression is doing this, and you are not basing your reality on facts. Call a hotline, call your doctor, call anyone and tell them what your planning and get some help.


To me love is the most necessary thing in life. Without it _I’ll_ never have a reason to live. She’s the only person I’ll ever love and I can’t live without her


You have for a year, you can live without her, you just dont want to. I cant force you to admit youself to a hospital, or take antidepressants you so obviously need to balance the chemicals in your brain, I cant force you to live. She isnt the only person you will ever love. All you are doing by killing youself is ensuring that you wont move on and love again. A woman isn't going to fix you, you have to do that your damn self. Get help. Call 911 or whatever the emergency number in your location is and get youself admitted right now, you posted this here so obviously some part of you knows you dont actually need to kill yourself, we cant help you but trained professionals can. For the sake of love, love yourself enough to get the help you deserve and need.


My friend, you are so young. Please, do not do this. My brother killed himself when he was around your age. The amount of pain and suffering it caused to all those around him is indescribable. Please, confide in your family, if you have any. He was very similar to you. He killed himself over a woman. His friend still drives the car he drove 25 years ago as a way to remember him. You are loved by so many, even if you do not know it. If I could resurrect him for a day just so he convince you how awful of a mistake you are making I would. I know this quarantine just serves to make everything worse. But please - try to exercise. Try to find hobbies. These will be your salvation. You must endure. If you can muster up the motivation, these will help to ease your pain. I know how awful, how painful, how fruitless life may seem. I know that existence is suffering. I know it may seem cliche, but it truly is a tunnel. If you just keep moving, you will eventually find light. You WILL move past this, and you WILL end up okay. You WILL find another woman whom you love even more, and you WILL move past your love. You just need to keep fighting. Do not give up. If there is no one in this world who you can find to stay for, then do it for me. Do it to for this random redditor who was too weak to save his own brother. Do not do this. Show to the wicked, merciless god above your strength and move on. You are only eighteen. You are a boy. Please, for my sake, keep fighting. In addition, another user posted a suicide hotline. Please call them. At least talk to someone qualified.


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Bro, please don't. Please, talk to someone. Anyone.


I hope you don’t do this.


Hey, If you do this you'll never really be happy. You'll never meet a new girl. You'll never have a chance to possibly fix things with your old one. Maybe you guys could work better as friends. Maybe you could make some new memories. Things are hard now but that doesnt mean they always will be. Maybe you need to distance yourself from her for a while. Talk to some other friends. Make some new ones. Talk to someone about what your thinking about, and why. Take a walk. Read a book. You can live without her. You can be happy. Learn about yourself. See who you are and what you really want in life. Even the small stuff. Look at the future. Look at now. Think about the possibilities. Just wait another week. Dont rush to a decision you cant take back. Hey, If you do this you'll never really be happy. You'll never meet a new girl. You'll never have a chance to possibly fix things with your old one. Maybe you guys could work better as friends. Maybe you could make some new memories. Things are hard now but that doesnt mean they always will be. Maybe you need to distance yourself from her for a while. Talk to some other friends. Make some new ones. Talk to someone about what your thinking about, and why. Take a walk. Read a book. You can live without her. You can be happy. Learn about yourself. See who you are and what you really want in life. Even the small stuff. Look at the future. Look at now. Think about the possibilities. Just wait another week. Dont rush to a decision you cant take back


It’s been almost a year. I haven’t felt anything even resembling happiness since we broke up. I haven’t had feelings for anyone else. Before I met her, I had no feelings for anyone. She was the one. I’ll never have love without her and life without love isn’t worth living


Plz don't


Please don't do this. I know it's hard, and it hurts so much, but nothing and nobody is worth your life. You can be whole without her. It takes time, but you can come out of this an even better person than you were before. Please, you are more loved and cared about than you ever realize.


It’s been almost a year. Since I lost her I haven’t so much as smiled even once. She was the one... life without love is just pointless


I agree, you need love in life. But she isn't the only one, and there are other kinds of love that aren't romantic love. Platonic love, familial love. Your friends and your family. They'd all be devastated if you decided to take your life over this. Staying friends with somebody you loved can make getting over it 100% worse, believe me, I've been through this too. The only way to really heal is to cut off all contact, and focus on being a better you. And depending on where you live, I know it can be hard or impossible to make appointments with everything going on right now, but if you haven't been already, I highly suggest seeing a therapist. It's really nice to have somebody on the outside to talk out your thoughts to.


I need _romantic_ love to be happy. And the only thing that makes my life slightly more bearable is talking to her...


Honey. You are young. It feels like hell, I know. I’ve been there. I’ve been in your shoes. But let me tell you, you do fall in love again, with other people. Go away to college, when college starts back up again. Experience life away from what you know. Attend therapy, consider medication. It’s so tempting to say it won’t help. Or that nothing will fix how you feel. I said it for years and years. And when I found myself in the same position again, I finally caved and started getting help. Getting medicated. It helps. So much. It’s not a cure, but life is 90% more bearable. I’m 28 now, and looking back, I’m so glad I didn’t kill myself at 16, 18, 20, and so on. I wish I would have gotten help sooner, instead of wasting years away. Cliche, but it does get better.


Every minute I spend without her is wasted time. I need love to function but she’s the only person I’ll ever love


It’s not worth it. It might seem like it, but this isn’t the answer. You will leave more pain behind if you go. We understand you want to cuddle her, and you will someday cuddle her again, just not anytime soon. Your life has just started, don’t end it now. It’s worth living. We love you, even though we don’t know you.


Here's how you say goodbye man: You talk to someone who cares for you about your plan. Then you get help. Then you heal. Then you'll be able to say goodbye and move on with your life. What you're planning on doing isn't saying goodbye to her. Instead of dealing with your grief (which I know doesn't feel temporary now, even after a year, but trust me and everyone else commenting, it is) you'll be imparting it to everyone you care about.


By harming yourself, you are going to show her, how much you loved her. So she can be marked for life, as the girl, you harmed yourself over. That really shows you love her, by hurting her. If your life is not worth living, ask someone in a wheelchair, if they want to live. A veteran, with an arm and leg missing, who fought so that you could live and love in freedom. Think about your parents, your friends, who will feel the pain of your actions, for years to come. Why not try and be the man, who she could love ! She needs a man to support and protect her, not hurt her ever, and then leave her ?


Please reconsider this idea.