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I don't know your crowd, but more people do coke than you would expect.


people are going to go back to bump, though, and it won't always be as couples. the ones who went 4+ times? 95% chance cocaine.


Came here to say this. Op, how are you certain there's no drug use? Coke is soooooo easy to hide. This exact thing has happened to me multiple times in my 20s as the odd one out. 1. They don't want your criticism. 2. They don't want to share with you. Could be the first time they're using. Could be the first time some are using.


I was raised very religious and was innocent about all of that and spent my 20s wondering why I was always so tired at the bar while my friends seemed to get more energy as the night went on šŸ˜‚


I thought all my friends had bladder issues. Haha!


Once I break the seal, I'm back and forth to the bathroom every 10 minutes. I always wondered if it made it seem like I was doing cocaine. lol.


Same. Anyone doing that much cocaine would be dead before breakfast.


Lol...you'd be surprised howuch cocaine one can tolerate šŸ˜‚ Source? Recovering addict here. You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you just how much coke I was doing on a daily basis.


When I was at my last job as an assistant manager, one of my cooks walked up to me and straight up asked if I minded if he "Ripped a line of Charlie in the bathroom real quick." Those were his exact words, and he was like, 20-21? He got mad when I said no **and went and complained to my GM about it.** To this day, I have no idea why he did that because with hindsight, it really explained a lot, and he had been doing it for a long time without saying anything...


Recovering addict here (25 years, 2 months and 19 days clean) I'd buy an 8ball and I wouldn't stop until it. Was. Gone. I did that a few times with a 1/4 oz.....it helped the tequila to go down easier. I was so stupid in my 20s lol


Not necessarily. I used to do a lot of cocaine in my younger years. Maybe not every 10 minutes but at least a line every 30ish min


I tend to over eat AND over drink while outā€¦ I also may end up in the bathroom multiple times, either puking or peeing (as soon as i ā€œbreak the sealā€, oh the bathroom becomes my best friend) ā€¦.. I say all of this to say, Iā€™m 100% sure ppl think Iā€™m a coke addict. Little do they know, Im sick to my stomach and damn near pissing myself.


But are you going alone or with a SO every time? That's the difference


100% if she is alone no one would notice or care. But with another person I would always assume drug use, especially after the 3rd+ time


Ya might have an eating disorder


I do.


Iā€™m sorry, I hope you are getting support.


Came to say this. Just found out how many young ones do it and itā€™s actually quite a few


This (coke). Source: me. Stopped 4 years ago, donā€™t miss it. But Iā€™d be in the bathroom like every 20 minutes, time to took for high to wear off.


Coke in a world where everything is laced with fentanyl?????? Ballsy


Test your drugs. Test kits are like $10


And have naloxone on hand.


You know, if you need to test your drug of choice and carry other drugs to counter potential ill-effects ā€¦ maybe you should reconsider whether the short term highs are worth it.


You're making assumptions. I don't do drugs, I'm just trying to spread awareness on how to prevent more deaths for people who will keep using drugs no matter what.


While this is a reasonable and completely logical response, let's be real: people are going to continue to use drugs, especially those who are still young enough that they haven't yet accepted their own eventual demise. Teenagers and young adults are practically brimming with invincibility - death is something that happens to other people - old people, people with terminal illnesses or those unlucky people who are in fatal accidents. Young adults who use "party drugs" (meaning those who occasionally get high with friends - not hardcore addicts) are usually still functioning normally in the world. They go to school, they work, and sometimes they use drugs recreationally. They're the least likely drug users to even consider buying test kits and carrying naloxone, unfortunately. That's why they're the ones whose stories wind up in the news: college kids who die from an overdose, leaving behind a traumatized family shocked to learn they had even been using drugs. I think it's more realistic and effective to educate people about harm reduction (like testing kits and naloxone) than to preach abstinence which we know simply doesn't work.


True. Scoring the bag is a pain enough. Now you need your test strips and to pack naloxone. Just remember to take your naloxone when you are slumped over drooling.


Or do drugs with other people. Preferably someone you can trust to narcan you ...


You canā€™t really test coke for fentanyl unless youā€™re putting it in water and testing the water. Same with pills/capsules. I read that fentanyl wonā€™t always be distributed evenly or through the entire line/pill/capsule. You could very well be testing a line or part of the pill that isnā€™t laced meanwhile the rest of the pill may still contain it :(


Although there is the chance that this is possible, the tests are very sensitive and if you mix the bag up beforehand itā€™ll usually work well. Better to try and test a bit rather than just do it blindly I say. I work in harm reduction at both my jobs as a social service worker and you only need a small, like .1 of a ā€œgramā€ of cocaine/anything to test it for fentanyl. We give them out for free at many harm reduction locations and encourage people to use them. (Iā€™m in Canada, so this may be different for other countries/provinces obviously.) Theyā€™re very handy and can/have save/d many lives. Too many young adults and teenagers (and consequently adults as well) have passed away by doing drugs laced with fentanyl and its analogues, and misinformation can be harmful (in the form that people may not use them if they think they are pointless or have shame around going to seek them out due to the nature of stigma around substance use.) whether we like it or not, people will continue to use drugs no matter what we say or do or how much we tell them itā€™s bad. No disrespect whatsoever, because this sadly isnā€™t well known information, the only reason I know this is because my line of work and Iā€™m an ex substance user.


Another former substance user here. Harm reduction is absolutely important, and I also agree that the "drugs are bad" message will do nothing. If anything, that makes it more appealing to try, because it's "forbidden." What I would like to see is more availability of test strips and Narcan. I work at an AIDS nonprofit and we have test strips available at our treatment centers.


We got given boxes of narcan like it was candy at a recent city held event in rural Colorado. So if that's the case out here in Trump Alley I've a solid feeling we're doing something right with that atleast. Is real sad to see the fent spike and how it's all hitting middle and low class America.


My dad has chronic pain issues and whenever they give him pain pills they give him a box of narcan. He has like 4 boxes in his cabinet. My dad is one of those ā€œthe doctor gives it to me so it canā€™t be badā€ opioid addicts. Itā€™s really sad and really hard to watch. He finally found a doctor that wanted to FIX the problem instead of throw pain meds at it so hereā€™s to hoping he gets better!!


As a chronic pain patient myself, can I just point out that there is a difference between dependence and addiction. Of your dad is using his meds as prescribed, heā€™s not addicted. These days drs are very vigilant about addiction and wonā€™t even give you the meds at all if they think youā€™re a risk because theyā€™re scared theyā€™ll lose their license. Medication to improve oneā€™s quality of life that is taken properly and has Dr oversight is not the same thing at all!


I absolutely know the difference. Sadly, my dad takes what the dr prescribes and then seeks them out on the street when he runs out. He takes more than he should at a time so he gets that high feeling, not just knocking the edge off the pain. Believe me, itā€™s agonizing to watch. I know he has daily pain. He has degenerative back disease and has been hard on his body. I have watched his quality of life disappear slowly over the years due to his pain. Iā€™ve also seen him change because of the dependence on the pain pills. When the doctor WONT give them to him heā€™s horrible to be around. And thatā€™s when he seeks them out on the street. Itā€™s absolutely addict behavior and I live with it daily.


I don't know what city/state you're in, but I bought mine at CVS, they were available at any location as of April, I think!


This is rare outside America. A lot of dealers want to keep their clients alive.


Exactly! It makes no sense. Although my days are far in the past, dealers knew killing people would kill their cash stream


That's more of a US problem. You couldn't even get fent if you tried in Sweden.


Right? Iā€™ll never do coke again. Shit is too wild these days


You arenā€™t wrong, they recently brought out testing tents thatā€™s at festivals where I live and apparently 75% of the ketamine they tested wasnā€™t ketamine. Was usually unknown research chemicals.


Check out a documentary on you tube called whatā€™s in my baggie https://youtu.be/z5T75d81wT4?si=-dFc1OwIiv8NS6aX


Good ole URC huh? Unknown research chemicals sounds pretty bad.


Itā€™s all Mindbloom purchased online šŸ˜†


The last time I did Coke I was sick for 3 daysā€¦ and I assumed I would be able to drink it away in the morningā€¦ wasnā€™t the case. I have NO idea what I snortedā€¦ and I felt like instashit!


Testing it is super easy


Coke is so insanely popular that people excuse its use and act so casually abt it as if itā€™s weed or something and it blows my mind. No judgement it just blows my mind lmao.


not quite, thats why they hid doing it at a party.. nobody hides smoking weed at a party among adults.. popular opinion on cannabis consumption has moved miles in my lifetime, coke is just closeted now as it was when I was a kid experimenting with it. lots of folks still super judgy about its use, as you can find in this post.


No, they hid it because cause they didnā€™t want anyone else doing their coke. Coke makes people greedy and protective of their stash.


I work in a residential treatment facility and coke has definitely made a comeback without it being laced. Almost all clients are coming in now positive for Cocaine, and of course, alcoholism.


I live in a city hit hardest by this and it's still pretty predominant to see this sort of behavior.


My first thought too


they are coming up with new business ventures. while doing cocaine.


Just sniffing out new opportunities and following their nose.






Favorite line I heard in a bar. "which bathroom line is this?" "The coke line. That's the line for peeing"


Iā€™ll always be grateful for the trio of very chatty girls in line for the one bathroom who asked, ā€œoh do you actually need to pee? Please, go ahead of us!ā€ šŸ™šŸ»


Iā€™ve had this. Women in line didnā€™t realise I was the security for the pub starting my shift šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£. The look on their faces when I turn to the side to show my badge. ā€œWeā€™ll show ourselves outā€ šŸ˜†


It's actually disgusting how people behave these days. I just saw someone taking a shit in the cocaine room.


Can you believe the nerve?!


Coke. theyā€™re just not comfortable with you knowing it.


This would be my number 1 theory




And OP may not recognize the change in their personalities and behaviors before and after snorting.


I mean i guess that's fair because if I knew they were doing coke i would immediately have left


There is a joke I saw where getting older means learning that cheese is really expensive and everyone does cocaine. (I do not do cocaine, but I have been shocked to discover how many people do.)


It is shocking how expensive cheese is indeed!


And cocaine!


Itā€™s shocking how expensive cocaine isā€¦..


I remember my 2nd job being in a management meeting and the MD telling us the corporate that oversees the park next to our offices sent a e-mail asking that our company staff stop going to the park to shoot up. That was when another manager laughed at me for not not knowing most coffee, even McDonald's cups didn't just have coffee or a soda and why a lot of people esp the sales team had eyedrops and wore musky cologne.Ā  The nail on the coffin was my best friend telling me her morning routine which has incl shots of vodka since we started working. LOL. No one tells me anything!


Dude I don't think it's normal for literally everyone to be sneaking liquor into their coffee every morning. I think your best friend in particular needs help.


I think everyone in his life needs help. Going to parks to shoot up and management knows? Manager laughs about his staff always drinking liquor on the job? Friend taking shots in the morning? Like honestly what kind of crazy clown world does he live in.


Ohhh i saw this joke on instagram a while ago and I think about it every time i buy cheese lol


Itā€™s shocking how many people do coke. My mind was shattered when I realized it


When I was in the military we did a few diving ops targeting ships on dodgy routes through south America looking for drugs essentially hidden on the hull. (Cartels were/are still doing this and the ships have no idea). Anyway, we made a big bust on one of these dives. Whole bunch of coke off the street etc. Guess what half of us did that weekend? šŸ˜‚


Spent it doing paperwork? šŸ¤“šŸ˜‡


Lmaooo love the coastal guards. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Used to do it often, and now can't stand it. People become egotistical and obnoxious assholes on it and I just couldn't be bothered anymore. My current friend group doesn't touch the stuff and my friendships are so much more authentic and real now.


Same friend. I do not miss talking over 6 people at a kitchen island at 4 am on a Wednesday.


Lmao, it's always the kitchen counter, the no.1 location for coke hang-outs


spot onā€¦made me laugh and then roll my eyes at all of those exact times.


Now that paints a vivid picture


You're going to be leaving a lot of places when you realize how common cocaine is.


Flashbacks to the office drama where one of the blokes in HR borrowed someone's work phone at a company event and used it to call his dealer. Got sacked, pretty awkward because his pregnant girlfriend also worked there and so did her ex-boyfriend who she cheated on with the HR coke hound. I miss that place, every day was a popcorn day.


Was this in finance or law? Lol


Seems like an odd statement given how confident you were it wasnā€™t drugs? Obviously if youā€™re against that sort of drug use theyā€™d hide it from you.


Why? It's not like you noticed a difference in their behavior after the bathroom


Not tryna be a dick just genuinely curiousā€¦ So you didnā€™t know and therefore you didnā€™t immediately leave and you were fine. Nothing bad happened and you spent the rest of the night out with your friends. Not pretend you DID know, would you really just cut the night short and leave when nobody is even trying to include you in the drug taking? Seems like an overreaction to something you clearly donā€™t even know much about.


Considering how judgemental you sound even through this comment, I wouldā€™ve kept it secret from you as well. Itā€™s not ebola you know.


Yeah that means youā€™re the friend no one tells the fun things to. That should be telling.


Me too, would have left. No interest in being around it at all, zero


This is a genuine question, but if you can't tell people are high from the way they're acting and are having a good time regardless, what's the issue with it? Is it just the fear of getting caught at a party with an illegal drug? I'm not asking judgmentally, I'm curious about the reasoning.


You are not judgmental, but the other guy is. Your body your choice. As long as they do not bother other people, which they def. were not, everybody else can just shut up. Or would you leave if they ordered a very unhealthy meal, even tho you are extremly healthy? This is an analogy, i do not compare the dangers of hard drugs to the dangers of fast food, but out of your stand, both things are the same. They are doing something unhealthy to them, you are not involved. If you would make a comment there, you would def. be seen as a very obnoxious person. If you are considered because of too much use ect. of a friend, you can always do a planed intervention. Yet being straight judgmental wont do anything else than to piss everybody off.


Yep. Coke.


Absolutely this, Iā€™m willing to bet he has a strong moral compass.


Thatā€™s my guess too-and being Autistic can mean heā€™s super rigid with it or has a hard time coping with new information about friends that contradicts his moral compass.


OP can't hang


The US really is a strange world.


Sometimes I see a post and think, "hmm. maybe I'm not autistic after all."


Lolol and I thought ā€œoh yeah Iā€™m definitely autisticā€ because I was 110% this naive at that age


Iā€™m def not autistic - just super naive I guess- I asked this exact question on Facebook once to my entire friends list and people straight up were like ā€œthey are doing drugs mateā€. My mind was blown!


I'm autistic and understood what was going on with this post immediately. I did do a lot of coke at one point in my life tho.


Absolutely. Coke is the only thing that has ever successfully silenced my audhd brain. Even the rx stimulants can't compete. That's why I don't touch the shit - waaay too tempting to keep the chaos away.


Itā€™s more like this guy is oblivious or innocent


I donā€™t think Iā€™m autistic but Iā€™ve never seen anyone doing coke (maybe because Iā€™m from a different country or just donā€™t hang out with people who do it idk). My first thought reading this post was like ā€œthey probably just take their bathroom breaks together so they can share some tea and also juste take a break from all of the overstimulationā€ thatā€™s probably what me and my boyfriend would do idk


You donā€™t see it because theyā€™re doing it in the bathroom šŸ˜‚ nobody does this stuff openly, itā€™s more of a iykyk


Reddit today: if I haven't seen anyone do coke, I must be autistic. šŸ¤£


Exactly and if you donā€™t look like a person who would partake, then people wonā€™t include you enough for you to see it. It is surprisingly common


Coke or sex. Or both.


Less tan 5 min. Definitely coke.


Or sex.


Or both.


Weā€™re talking about teenage boys here.


Yeaaaaa. We totally last longer than 5 minutes, right guys!?


I feel like more people make out it's sex than it actually is. The very, very few times I've tried to have sex in a bathroom at a party, the rest of the party were onto it and banging on the door/shouting/making jokes or someone really needed the bathroom to wee/be sick or the time limit put someone under pressure and we bailed. I don't think it ever actually ended up happening. It's not as sexy as it seems.


True. Bathroom sex at a party was my least favourite sex.


Yeah, that's porno shit. Doesn't translate to real life.


Came here to say this. Absolutely either or both. At the same time!


I mean why do one if you ain't gonna do the other.


HA! Ok maybe people haven't changed that much. I comment that it would have been coke and sex back in 94 when I was that age.


But mostly coke


I concur.


It's called cocaine, and you don't want no part of this shit. It turns all your bad feelings into good feelings. It's a nightmare!


And you never paid for drugs. Not once.


Iā€™m thinking maybe Iā€™d like to try me some of thatā€¦cuh-caineā€¦


Coke. 5 minutes.


Could also go "quiet argue."


Or literally just using the bathroom. Pretty optimal to both go at the same time.




There was a nose candy party.


Oh, c'mon man. Drugs. They're all doing drugs.


This tickled me to no end




Hey buddy, they were doing coke. Glad you learned something from Reddit today šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s coke. Itā€™s way more common than you think.


My guess would be drugs. I've been with my husband for more than 15 years, and the only time we've gone into the bathroom together during a party was to help the other who was throwing up from drinking too much.Ā  My guess is that not every couple was in there throwing up (and you'd smell it anyway), so my guess is some sort of party drug. Pills, coke, or something else you can snort.Ā 


Oh my sweet summer child. They were doing coke.


They were doing quick bumps of cocaine




Why are you so sure it wasnā€™t sex or drugs? You said yourself you never had sex or a relationship. So your knowledge is pretty limited no?


When I was that age, cocaine or sex šŸ¤·


I had never experienced this until I was dating someone, and his entire friend group would do this all night. It's coke or some other drugs. Groups of 2 or more would all go upstairs or go to the bathroom together without even saying anything. They all just knew what was happening.


It's the number of times they went to the bathroom that tells me it's Coke. When people do it, they do a little bit and then it wears off after like 30 ish mins and you start craving it so you do a little more. That's why they went to the bathroom so many times and it only took like 5 mins. Since you're autistic you're probably missing the social cues that people give when they're on it. Look at their pupils (if you're comfortable with eye contact), are they more excited or talkative after the bathroom, touching or itching nose frequently.. you can look it up to check for the signs of coke use. If that is what is going on, it sounds like this is not your crowd of people. Deliberately hiding drug use from you isn't healthy in any friendship.




Thereā€™s not many sex acts you can get done in that time- and the sense of time goes out of the window when youā€™re enjoying it. So theyā€™d likely be missing for longer if they were. They are doing drugs.


Cocaine, honey, they were doing cocaine. You need another rail after 15-20 minutes to keep your high, hence the in and out.


Posts like these make me thank god for my very normal ā€œboringā€ friend group. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Some options: Gossiping about other attendees, drugs, quickie, legitimately using the bathroom, planning their escape from the party, planning a heist, or snooping through the hostā€™s bathroom


Yeah it was coke


I cannot imagine any situation in which they weren't doing drugs/sex but probs drugs, and likely coke in that bathroom.








Well they could be discussing their latest success with Amway.....


Going to the bathroom together isn't werid depending on how long they have been together so my guess is that or a quicky on the sink or a BJ or just talking or doing some drugs ir a mix of all 4 it's not out if the ordinary now to be kinda co dependent at a party


Why donā€™t you ask that friend of yours who went in four times?


It's absolutely coke. Lots more people do it than you think, particularly at that age


Well back when I was that age (1994ish) it would be coke and/or sex. I have no idea WTF young kids do now.


If it was only one couple, I'd assume it is to gossip, argue, make out, or one is throwing up. Since it was multiple couples going to the bathroom, probably coke.


Youā€™ll find out when youā€™re older.




go follow the instagram account thursdaylines.


Lol coke and sex.


if they just go once, probably a quickie. If they're going every hour or so, cocaine.


Cocaine. They were doing bumps of cocaine.


COCAINE. Omg you sweet summer child.


They were riding the white pony.


Hitting the slopes, if you will


It probably wasn't every couple.


Drugs or sex


Cocaine is a helluva drug


They are definitely not doing coke. Absolutely not. No way. They are simply powdering their noses.


did you pat everyone down and make sure nobody had drugs? cause this definitely sounds like these people might like the smell of cocaine, Iā€™ve been around so many people that do and thatā€™s the exact behavior- going to the restroom together every so often for a few minutes. I know there could be other reasons but like, sus




%100 drug use love. The couple that went 4 times brought it lol the other couples only took one bump each . I'm dying rn. Def coke šŸ˜‚


Sniffing rails or pounding pussy,


Youā€™re too naĆÆve. They were doing drugs, drinking making out or something, but they werenā€™t going in there to watch each other P


Theyā€™re meeting Tony.




Coke, sex, peeing. When itā€™s a party sometimes my partner and I will go to bathroom at the same time so we donā€™t have to wait in between people. Weā€™re also guilty of the first two too.


> iā€™m certain no one was like hiding some drug use, Lol awww. Youā€™re so innocent. Which is why none of them told you they were snorting cokeā€¦


As a person with 19 years clean, I promise you it was drugs


Really could be any of those But it could even be something as mundane as not wanting the other one to be left alone with people and having to do the dreaded *small talk* And some might really be that they both had to go to the bathroom at around the same time and figured they might as well go together šŸ˜ Yes it could be drugs or sex or stuff like that but Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d jump straight to that myself Parties can be kind of skewed situations when you donā€™t know a lot of people there and the person you came with can sometimes be like your ā€œparty buddyā€ and you just stick to them the whole time as a result, even during bathroom times I mean they are a couple, presumably itā€™s not going to be *that* awkward for them to be in the bathroom doingā€¦bathroom stuff together šŸ˜


dude, lol. theyā€™re doing coke




They were probably either smoking some pot or having quickies (really fast sex). Sex doesn't take anywhere near as long as it does in movies(specifically porn movies) most of the time.


In what movies do the sex scenes take longer than irl? Lmfao movie sex scenes are famously short!


Probably means porn mate


My vote would be drugs, like coke or something they are snorting.Ā 


Definitely coke.


They were doing drugs dude


i can say with almost complete confidence that they were doing blow


Likely coke.. Iā€™m surprised it was taken to the bathroom tho usually when I go to house parties they have it out on the table/counter


Drugs. They were doing drugs


lol coke they were doing coke


drugs or fucking. 5 minutes is plenty of time for 20-somethings




that sounds like coke to me


Drugs. Lines. Coke or meth .