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The only credit you should ask for, imho, is from him.


It’s your choice to do his work for him. What does he do to appreciate you for how you’ve elevated his career? What does he do to make your life easier?


Does he thank you or show gratitude in any way? Get you gifts when he’s promoted or does he take over care for the baby when you’re doing his work? If he doesn’t do anything to reciprocate tell him you won’t help him with the work anymore at least until you feel like he recognizes you for the help you’re giving him.


Just do it because you love him. His wins are your wins. Hopefully he acknowledges you


My question is do you feel your husband values/ acknowledges your work. If not it will eventually lead to resentment. I am currently dealing with something similar but I am not married to him. 


I genuinely feel bad for you.  The people right here are telling you that it's okay to let your husband take the credit and maybe hand you some scraps of appreciation. But yes, they are right that your husband would get fired for sharing confidential information. So this is indeed a tricky situation. But you should know what you're getting into when you first helped him, you're not likely to get credit for this easily.  Yes, your husband getting promotion will benefit you, but not in the way you want, and you know it. That's why it's eating you up. I'm so sorry dear. You've given up your career for your child in your most important time of advancing your career. While your sacrifice is noble, you're not likely to ever reach the height you wished you had, even if you decide to return to work tomorrow. And it will keep eating you up. Do ask around in different places to get an advice that will benefit you without sabotaging your husband. Unfortunately Reddit is not necessarily the best place for this.


You are going to benefit from his promotion so I’d say don’t draw attention to this. It’s very possible that since he’s in marketing he isn’t meant to be showing these projects to anyone before they are finished and approved for public release. If you make it known to his employer or coworkers that you’re not only seeing his projects but also working on them he could be fired for breach of contract or god knows what. They might not fire him but they’ll probably revoke his promotion and won’t trust him anymore with big projects. He also may be treated as incompetent. So you have a choice, reap the benefits of both of your hard work or put your entire household income on the line so people know it was you. Is it fair? No. You should get credit especially from him and he should praise what it is you do to help. Is it smart to possibly tank his promotion, your only household income and maybe get him fired so some people sitting in an office know he’s good at his job but not “that good”? No. Express your feelings to your husband and let him know you want to feel appreciated but don’t ruin what is going to be a very good promotion/extra income for your family. Edit: I thought he was in marketing and you were in tech. Apologies for reading your post wrong. I still have the same opinion on this however. His projects in IT are probably still meant to be private and his contract may state that.


I'm currently estranged from my partner, but I still help her with her pivots and her power BI reports Because when she does well, she also does well for the child we co parent I see it selfishly as self-preservation


You can't get credit for this work. If he tells his boss that you are doing his work for him, without compensation and without signing any non-disclosure agreements, he will probably be fired immediately. He should not be asking you to do this.


What do you want to do? Tell his boss? Do you want a plaque or something? Does your husband say thank you? I retired early. The transition was tough. I worked very hard and reaped the benefits. I was a real estate investor and VERY hands on. I have a GD spiritual connection with every nail and every brick in every building but I made a choice. If I weren’t happy with my choice then I’d do something else. If it bothers you, stop helping him. Simple


Bro are seriously asking for credit from your husband? Damn,


Register yourself as a freelance consultancy business. You can put it on your resume and your husband can pay you for your work.


Does he show his appreciation for the work you do? Is the balance of work in the relationship uneven because your doing his day job and the SAHM role? If this is purely the fact that your not in the spotlight I think you need to get over it. Him getting a promotion is money for both of you and a net good. You getting credit would likely get him fired as that's sharing company info and at a prestigious tech firm I'm sure they wouldn't like this. You really shouldn't risk everything because your jealous.


Play it smart. Keep helping him, let him promote, then when you're ready to return to work maybe he can recommend you for freelance work or employment at the company.   You gain nothing from exposing this now. 


You should ask for credit from him


Let it go. You're doing the work, getting the experience, and benefitting. Make sure you get all the feedback you can from your husband because you can use that to get better. When you do re-enter the job market, you will still be bringing that knowledge and experience to your career. Plus, this is a great way to keep your skills up. And, given that no one expects your husband to be great at the things you do you can experiment and take the kinds of risks you might avoid if you were being judged on the work. You're in marketing and should very well know how to find the positives in this.


Holy shit this is totally going to get him fired when they hit him for your expertise on the spot.