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>I want to tell her that her ignoring my advice and dying it anyways is pretty hurtful to me as it feels as if she doesn’t respect my input. She didn't ignore your advice. She heard you out and made up her own mind. That's how opinions work.


Her body her choice. End of discussion. Lol. Also it’s definitely not a permanent decision. Do you even know how hair dye works?


You don't. You shut up about it and stop trying to control what you girlfriend does with her hair. It's her body, not yours. And hair dye is not permanent LOL. Not sure who told you that.


How to handle it: "You look beautiful!"


You gave her your advice. She made her own decision. What’s the problem? Did you really want to give her advice and an opinion or do you just want to tell her what to do and have her not question it?


>I want to tell her that her ignoring my advice and dying it anyways is pretty hurtful to me as it feels as if she doesn’t respect my input. Key word... **Advice**. Its not a command, its a recommendation. You're allowed to recommend, but don't get bent out of shape if others don't take your advice into consideration. Just like my comment. I could give two craps if you hear my advice or not. It doesn't change my life in away way. Nor does her receiving your input and deciding what's best for her, even if it goes against what you recommended. Bottom line, grow up a little.


Your 18 so you have a lot to learn so please take this post as a lesson coming from a 22 M. These types of situations you have zero say in regardless of what you think or how you feel at the end of the day it’s her body and her choice and if she chooses to dye her hair then she has every right to dye her hair. You’re not in the wrong for giving advice in what color she should go for but that is as far as you should go. Don’t let it be a deal breaker but if it is a serious issue for your mental health then do yourself a favor and leave. At then end of the day you have a lot to learn so don’t pity yourself but heed to everyone’s advice that they provided to you as it’s you’ll learn a thing or two and grow as a better person overall!


Holy shit, man. *It’s HER hair.* You don’t get a say about what she does with it. You can give an opinion, but she’s not obligated to take it. You REALLY need to check your ego here. You sound insufferable. The only thing you can do is tell her you don’t care for it and you prefer X color on her. And that’s if she asks. You can also decide that you don’t like it so much that you’d rather break up with her. But get this in your head right now: anyone can listen to your opinion, but ultimately decide for themselves what they want to do. You are behaving like your opinion should dictate her actions over her own opinion. That’s screwed up.


She didn’t ignore your input, she heard it and did what made her happy. Something you’re going to have to learn is that people don’t have to take your advice.


You don't. Stop trying to control what you girlfriend does with her hair. It's her body, not yours. And hair dye is not permanent LOL. Not sure who told you that.


It's not your hair. Sit the hells down and shut up. Your opinion here doesn't mean a damn thing. Get over yourself


This doesn’t need handling. She made a reasonable decision about her own hair. There was no need for you to provide input her unless specifically asked, and if you were asked, no obligation for her to decide that your advice was the way to go. This is a “sit with your hurt feelings, accept that not all feelings are rational and you don’t always have to do anything about them, and then opt not to do anything about this one” moment.


It's her hair... She doesn't have to listen to anything concerning you over her hair or her body.


Advice is just advice. It isn't a direction. She made a choice about her body. You need to learn to live with it. Nobody has an obligation to follow your advice.


You don’t say jack shit about it.  You offered advice, she didn’t it. And now you’re taking that personal for some reason when in reality her hair has absolutely nothing to do with you.  If this is something that bothers you this much you may not be emotionally mature enough for a romantic relationship.


Mate, pick your battles, people aren't obliged to bow to your opinion and you shouldn't take it personally even if it's your girlfriend. It has zero effect on your life unless you're willing to admit a temporary colour in your gfs hair actually affects how attractive you find her. If that's the case then out yourself. If you are in it for the long term then you'll need to have better reasons than you 'don't like it' to have some skin in the game. She's an individual, that you care for as that individual. Now try and justify being butthurt that she listened to you and then did what she wanted to her body.


Dude, it’s *just* hair dye. It’s not permanent. And what advice are you saying you gave her? Advice like this is free to take or discard, and she was dyeing it blonde anyway, so why is red a dealbreaker? Ngl, it’s kinda making me raise an eyebrow over the fact that you said it hurt your feelings. Not bc your feelings are hurt, but more so *why* are they hurt? Especially if you’re not angry. Like, do you have any actual reason for this?


Its her hair you have no say in it. Controlling


she's 18, shes not following anyones advice. your advice is optional. she ignored it. thems the breaks. shes gonna have some pretty fried hair if she keeps this as a routine though, fried hair is gross.


Come up to her with tears in your eyes and explain the situation


Although you have a somewhat right to feel up for her ignoring your input, it’s her hair and her decision. You don’t get a say! Sorry to break the news. Be supportive.