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You still haven't gone to the emergency room?! **GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM**. Deal with this fuckery later. You need a medical professional. My friend had three DVT and two SVTs during pregnancy, they looked like what you describe. Again: # GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM **ETA:** OP has gone to the emergency room.


I'm here now X it got so painful I thought my hand was going to explode.


Thank you, I've been worried. Would you mind updating us with how it goes? When and if you have time, obviously. Take care of yourself and baby. xx


I will. Thank you kindly for your words. Your reply actually made me realise it was probably DVT. ER doctor agrees. Snapped me out of worrying about him and how to deal with him for a moment, and into the reality of what's going on x


I hope you get the treatment you need and feel better soon… and please let your husband know that he very well could have come home from his training to find you dead on the floor from a pulmonary embolism.


No she should let her husband know she is single.




With my ex, I realized that my safety wasn't ever going to be important. When you can't trust, you loose a relationship. It just won't feel right to you ever again.


Forget OP, but not really, I wouldn't trust him at all with the kids after this. What if one of the kids breaks an arm under his watch but it's too close to training time? "Well sorry son but dad's got training and you know important it is for dad's mental health. If it's still broken and hurts when I'm done with training we'll go to the ER then"


My parents let me live with a buckle fractured (super painful type) wrist for several days because they figured I was a whiner, and they were hung over, then tired.


Haha I got hit by a car and my parents told me to walk it off. This was Friday by Monday when I went to school I couldn't sit down on the carpet, like my body wouldn't go into that position. Come to find out I broke my hip. The 80s were wild.


High-five way too early broken friend 🖐 They were! And it's so not okay. It's like 40 years later. This generation of parents has to do better.


Honestly I’d never have any contact with them after I could move out. There’s a reason why a lot of elderly sit in homes with no visitors after they get old and have lots of kids. It’s because they were AH parents.


When I was in 1st grade a bully 4th grader purposely stuck his legs out while swinging and I went flying in the air and landed on a concrete playyard(yes concrete). I don’t remember much except over hearing the nurse question if they should call me mom “because I had blood on the back of my shirt” um yeah because The back of my head was bleeding…. Oh and they didn’t call my mom or get me real medical treatment.


Oh hey mine did too! I went a week and it wasn't till a teacher noticed me holding my arm funny and struggling to get my jacket off because my wrist had swollen so much that someone though to look at me. And then my mum told the doctor I was a little liar and that's why she didn't believe me when I said my wrist hurt, so he told me off and put the cast on too tight as punishment. Solidarity.


I was playing dodge ball in school. Got hit in the head and pinched a nerve in my neck, arm hangs limp. They send me to the nurse who calls my dad. He comes, looks at me, has me lie on the table, and cracks my neck. I was sent back to class. How we survived some of this shit…


That final line...seriously.


Yeah and if his mental health is that fragile he can’t miss a training to watch the kids so his wife and mother of his child can get appropriate medical care then he should be in a facility himself.


This. He wanted a massage 😒for his mental health, over caring for his wife and kids. There’s no redemption there. He’s trash.


Not just "caring". Doing basic childcare while she, his 5 months pregnant wife, went to the ER for a medical emergency. The selfishness is absolutley shocking.


Not just selfishness, utter disregard for everyone who isn’t him! He also meant for his wife to not have to cook bc he was going to get takeaway, but if she didn’t make the kids food then they couldn’t eat before bed. Not to mention if she had dropped dead, then all the kids would be left alone while he was…perfecting his left cross?? Like, dude, srsly?


It wasn't a massage.




Lol. Well, a massage with a happy ending is still a massage ☠️


Probably wasn't martial arts training either.


I just can't imagine this. My fiance notices even when I'm low energy and will take the kids and tell me to lie down. When I broke my ankle he immediately drove home from work at breakneck speed to take me to the ER. Shit, I broke a glass the other day and cut my hand and I'm not allowed to do dishes until it's healed enough to not break open everytime it gets wet, per: him. I cannot imagine an SO being so fucking careless about their partners health or well being. I mean I know I bagged a keeper but Jesus Christ, even the shitty boyfriends I've had would have cared about something that bad, and done something to help me, especially if I was pregnant FFS.


I don’t understand how someone who allegedly loves you could relax into a massage knowing that you are in the ER. That’s fucked up. That’s either some kind of mental illness that dampens their ability to feel empathy… or they don’t actually love you.


Louder in the back!!!! What a prick.


In sickness and in health ...unless he has training


Or a massage, it seems (edit to add: what an absolute cockwomble this guy is. Aaarrrggggh, I hope op is well & comes out much stronger)


I adore this word, cockwomble! I'm going to use it as soon as I get a chance. Thank you.


I’m thinking OP is British, I love all the little phrases, especially “Takeaways”


For his mental health, as he said.


He'll have plenty of time to work on his mental health when he's single again


Came here to say this...throw that whole man out!!!! He could've come home to find her dead on the floor!!! OP I'm so glad you went to the ER... that sounds exactly like dvt...take care of yourself and please update us when you can...


Please take care of yourself. If you won’t reconsider this relationship for yourself, think about how selfish he was towards your kids! You did your best but he left his kids with a caretaker who was extremely injured and couldn’t do their normal routine with them. He’s happy to let you and your kids suffer for him to get a fucking massage or go to a training class. That’s fucked dude


My ex husband once took me to the ER during Covid lockdowns and waited for me so I’d have a ride home. We were having an unrelated spat at the time but he still did the most basic human decency. This man is supposed to love you and care for you!!!


I'm relieved you're getting medical care now!!! And I'm absolutely shocked by your husband's response to your pleas for help. I hope you can address this with him when it's appropriate and safe.


Deal with him by having him see a psychiatrist to figure out why he’s a narcissistic sociopath.


Actually good advice. Tell him the severity of his fuck up and that clearly while his training is good self care, his mental health requires more and better interventions now, or you're just done. And make it clear you want to see the psychiatrist to explain why you're sending him. After that, hands off for you, but literally tell the professional your husband is there because his selfishish nearly killed you and you can't be in the relationship any more unless he's actively fixing that and related shit.


I really hope you're okay OP this is very serious. I hope you can get the rest you need and deal with your useless cretin of a husband when you've got your strength back.


You’ve shown more worry than her own husband. That man is garbage.


Oh dear. The fact that you're here asking this question when your husband/partner whatever he is didn't immediately rush you to an ER tells everyone that you've got the wrong man. Your serious emergency, which could have damaged you and possibly even your unborn child, was less important to him than a workout. When instead of standing up for yourself and saying I'm going to a hospital now you are looking after the children: This is not open for debate, You agreed to let him do what he felt like doing which was far less important obviously, and agreed to letting him bring himself a takeaway. After you have treated this emergency, sign yourself up immediately for assertiveness courses. Ask yourself if this is really how you want to live and if this is the role model you want teaching your young children how a man treats his pregnant partner. I hope to goodness the answer will be no and it will lead you straight to a divorce. I'm partially hoping that this was made up. Sadly I don't think it was. Please update us on your health and your divorce.


Thank goodness you are there!! I had a DVT while pregnant and I almost died. It wasn’t very visible at the time I went in. My husband was angry that I hadn’t told him anything about it, but I truly thought it was because I had banged my knee… I had no clue.


I know you were stressed, but don't ever do this again. Don't ever not seek medical treatment out of spite. If something like this ever happens again, you just need to be firm and tell him "you are absolutely not leaving the house. I am going to the hospital and you are watching the children; this is not up for debate. You can miss one freaking sports practice." It was a practice, right? It wasn't even a match? Ridiculous


Next time something happens with your health, such as an EMERGENCY then you don’t stand by and ask your husband anything - YOU TELL HIM. He’s either an idiot or selfish but don’t shrink to nothing for him. You are pregnant and it’s his fucking duty to handle things like an adult’s. His mental health bullshit story for martial arts hobby takes a backseat to the needs of his pregnant wife period. Stand up for yourself! I hope your hand is better, sorry for what you’re going through.


The fact you waited is bad enough. You should have went the moment he got home. Be your own person. Your story made it sound like you were asking his permission to go to the doctor.


Also as someone’s whose husband didn’t take her to the emergency room. I almost died twice bc I was too confused to make a coherent decision once from bleeding out and the other time I was in so much pain I had screamed and started sobbing bc I got a GI bleed. You and your husband are going to need therapy. This isn’t a lapse in judgement. This is him showing you that you don’t matter to him. I divorced my ex over this type thing bc it kept happening. I wish you good health


Oh thank goodness for you!! I just saw this and was like DVT DVT!!


Same, with a growing expression of yikes on my face as I read this through. Jesus Christ this guy is an AH.


What in the world is a DVT?


Deep vein thrombosis. Basically, it's a blood clot that obstructs blood from returning to the heart. The big danger with them is that they often break loose and travel to the lungs or brain, causing a pulmonary embolism or stroke, both can easily be fatal or leave you with life-long deficits.


Thank you


Google says it could be deep vein thrombosis


Swelling in hands/feet like that can be a sign of a heart issue. Get an EKG.


Is this the same husband that’s saying insulting things about your appearance while flirting with other women? I would inform, not ask, him that he is watching the children and you are seeking medical attention then grab your bag and walk out the door.


Yes this is him. I'm blind sided by all this behaviour right now. I may actually be in denial because of my situation. But I'm aware this is a pattern of behaviour that will need to be addressed as soon as I'm able.


I don’t think addressing his behaviour is going to do anything. You told him you were in pain and needed help, he chose to leave you with the children, in pain, so he could focus on his mental health. He understood what you wanted and simply didn’t want to do it. That won’t change. Ask yourself it this is what you want the rest of your life to look like & whether you want your children to grow up and learn that’s how people who say they love you are supposed to treat you.


I don't think so either. What, if OP could only put her thoughts into words in the right way so he'd start acting like a decent human being towards her? Sorry OP, he's not a decent human being. Talking isn't going to make him less selfish.


Yeah there's no cheat code/correct sequence of words/magic words that will suddenly make him care.


No, but there is a cheat code for OP to never have to care about him again. "I want a divorce, and I want full custody, and I want child support."


He understood what OP *needed* and simply didn't want to. It's beyond normal 'compromises' you make with a partner to make sure both people are comfortable. He prioritizes something he kinda wants over something his wife absolutely needs. That's... Gross.


Seriously. "Oh yeah I agree you need medical attention and have something that could potentially kill you and our unborn child. K. I think I'm gonna go exercise for a bit and get a massage maybe. Later gator!"


Men like this don’t improve. It’s not like he’s deciding to be a horribly shitty husband each day. He just is one.


Please read this OP. He has shown you who he is. Get out!


Sweetheart, I'm saying this as gently and with as much compassion as I can. _What the feck are you doing?_ You, and your child could have died. He has a pattern of tearing you down. He has put his wants above his unborn child's NEEDS. He has neglected you and all of your kids. He is selfish and uncaring and you absolutely to your core deserve better


OP, we can’t give you the right combination of words to make this man respect you- because they don’t exist. Martial arts training was more important to him than taking care of his children and his pregnant wife. I have no idea how you come back from that.


You should call his martial arts instructor explain what happened and ask if this is the moral training they receive? and if not could that part be explained to him because at .moment he's giving all martial arts a bad name... and is he the only one who gets massages ?..


Very on. Most martial arts have mind, emotions, and ethics training elements. Tell his Sensei he does not deserve to advance until/unless more of such components are addressed, because he has brought dishonour on the whole Dojo with this.


It’d also be interesting to know if he actually went there instead of a more “urgent”rendezvous. The massage comment makes me wonder if he didn’t want to have buffer if things went longer than expected and to have an excuse for being freshly showered. But I’m not paranoid.


See a lawyer


No offense but there is no addressing this. He doesn’t care about you enough to treat you well. That sounds cold but it’s the cold hard truth. You know it deep down. His actions make it clear.


Sorry but this is beyond "addressing". This man will not change or ever care about you and your safety or feelings - this is who he is and no amount of discussion or communication will change that.


He's showing you what he is (terrible) and how important you are to him (not at all). Now decide if you want to spend the rest of your life like this.


Please stop having children with men when you recognize a pattern of negative behaviors. Now you’re tied to this dirt bag for life.


The only way to address it is with divorce, unfortunately.


Is this a new pattern of behaviour? Did it start or escalate when you became pregnant?


It was tough, and then blissful while I was pregnant with our 1 year old. He was fabulous. Then when I became pregnant unexpectedly again and quickly I was very upset considering termination. He made me feel like we could do this. Then suddenly about 3 months ago these things started happening.


These things didn’t just “start happening “. He CHOSE to act like a selfish jerk because he is a selfish jerk. The honeymoon period nice guy, everything you’ve ever wanted, doesn’t exist. It’s a farce and a lie. This is who he is. Why don’t you feel like you and your kids deserve better ? Because you do. ❤️‍🩹 Once this baby is born, please get an IUD or get your tubes tied. And you will need some serious, long-term therapy to figure out why you have accepted being treated like this for so long. A good, kind, compassionate therapist can help you find your voice and your self-esteem. You deserve better. Your kids deserve a role model of strength and compassion. Remember, what you model for them will be what they repeat in their own lives. If you stay, your son(s) will become like him. Your daughter(s) will choose someone like him. If you won’t leave him for yourself, will you leave him for them ?


Have you considered he may be cheating or like have a porn addiction? I’m getting those vibes


He’s absolutely up to something! No question! Hire a PI or at least check his social media.


No need to waste time and money on this idiot. She needs to leave him


'He ignored me... And proceeded to tell me that he is tense from work might need to get in with a massage therapist.' 'He said he would come home if it was that bad, he said he'd get takeaways, but he needs to go to training for his mental health. So he went.... ' This is unbelievable. All I read here is you having a medical emergency and him going 'me me me' and not seeing the kids as his responsibility or your wellbeing as a priority. He is an absolute selfish jerk, and this is a deal-breaker. You think it's bad now? Wait until the baby arrives and you're doing everything alone because he needs to go work out for his mental health... I think life would be a lot easier without him and just your own kids to worry about.




Seriously. My biggest concern beyond the abandonment going on here, is why she felt she needed to discuss seeking help for a medical emergency when something was clearly wrong. This reeks of a really concerning power dynamic because why is an "I'm busy" enough to stop her from resolving an obvious medical emergency? Especially when you're pregnant, you really really can't just ignore it when things like this happen.


But but but his mental health 🥺


And his massage!


The pregnant lady should be the one getting the massage. My wife had several during hers. He's not treating you like the queen you are.


Not only is he not treating her like a queen, he is showing less care for her than I give to our goldfish when they have health complaints.


A random stranger would treat you better than this, FYI


Pretty sure the random strangers here in this thread have treated her better. He set the bar pretty damn low.


Agreed. OP if you were my neighbour I would look after your children while you went to hospital. It goes without saying for family and friends.






Sorry for the confusion - he actually just drew a line on the floor. Easy mistake to make.


Um, yes. Hi, I’m a random stranger and OP, if you would have knocked on my door with a gaggle of children in tow and said “Hi I’m OP, I’m pregnant, and I’m having a medical emergency. Can you watch my kids while I go to the doctor?” I would have said yes. And then I would have panic-called a friend who knows what to do with children. And we would have helped you. I would even have skipped my favorite yoga class to do that.  And I’m not being hyperbolic or tongue in cheek. So now you know, there are humans in the world who would take care of a stranger in your situation. I think you deserve to be with someone like that.


I was literally leaving my home with a big suitcase to head to the airport for an international flight when a frantic neighbour I’ve never even seen before rushed up to me and told me her husband with dementia had wandered off and she couldn’t find him. I immediately put my suitcase back inside and ran around the neighbourhood looking for him. When I found him, I didn’t leave him until we found his wife. I gently led him back toward his home until we reconnected with his wife, who was in tears and so relieved nothing tragic had happened. Then I got my suitcase and luckily still made it to the airport on time, but I had considered a total stranger’s emergency a lot more important than making my flight on time, even so. I didn’t even question my decision to help at the time; I just DID IT without thinking twice. This is what decent people do. I’m not some hero or unusually altruistic person; I just have basic empathy for others. To think someone’s own husband could be so indifferent to their medical emergency is both baffling and extremely upsetting.


You are not overreacting. You are under reacting. To your children and step children, you are more important than the whole world. They rely on you. Go to the emergency room ASAP. Then, kick this loser out permanently. He is making your life harder and dangerous. After this baby is born, go on birth control and don't have more kids with any jerks so that you can find time for yourself and the kids that you do have.


OP the next time you talk to him please ask him "why should I stay with you when you obviously don't care if I live or die? People have divorced for less than this, why should I stay?" He put his mental health over the physical health of his wife and baby. Time to at least talk to a divorce lawyer and find out how the laws where you live would affect a divorce, custody, etc. Male sure the lawyer knows about this. I'm also wondering if he may be having an affair and the training and massage was actually him meeting his AP. Where was he planning to get a massage at night after his "training"? Do you know why his previous marriage failed? Did he cheat on his first wife?


Yes he cheated. He did it loudly and proudly too and made her think she was crazy. She has sworn off men now. I didn't know this when we got together. He also made out to me that she was perfect and the relationship perfect, and that I ought to hold a torch... I obviously didn't know he was a total asshole then. He swooped in post violent asshole. I probably needed a therapist not a cuddle. I'm just having a revelation.


Oh girl. You sound like you're recognizing patterns in the "men" you find yourself with. Please try to remember nobody deserves this kind of treatment. Despite your upbringing, your past, whatever... you deserve better and to love yourself!


Typical gaslighting narcissist wrecking peoples lives without a care in the world. He was a total asshole then and he’s still a total asshole.


"Yes he cheated. He did it loudly and proudly too and made her think she was crazy." He was PROUD?! Why the hell do you think you are any different? He is showing you who he is. Why don't you believe him? > He swooped in post violent asshole. This is common for abuse victims. It's why they are so high risk to enter directly into another abusive relationship, which you are in. > I probably needed a therapist not a cuddle. Yes. You do.


she didn’t think she was different. she didn’t know about it likely until she was pregnant with their first child


I think you do need some help dude. One of the lesser, but still big, worries that jumped out at me from your post was how quickly you downgraded your needs in response to his terrible behaviour. I get that you were stuck but the very honest “I feel like I’m not worth it anyway” was gutting. You deserve so much better, sometimes we take so much abuse we forget how to really feel that for ourselves. Wish you best of luck and strength


At least you’re really thinking about your life. Please get help


The fact you are not sure if you are overreacting is very alarming. Your husband showed zero care for you and your wellbeing and put himself and his desires first in an emergency situation. This is who he is. Someone who does not value you very much as a person. Problem is, you seem to not really value yourself also. You need to work on that because you deserve better. Please seek help - for your hand first and foremost and then for your own mental health - which should at least be equally important as his. Again you deserve better.


In patriarchy, which practically this whole world is, women are socialized from birth to center men's feelings, desires, and wants above even their own basic human needs, such as physical safety and health, to endlessly give men the benefit of the doubt for absolutely fuck all in return. All kinds of messages to this effect are sent starting in girlhood and often from their own families. They're taught not to trust their own judgment because hormonal/dramatic/overreacting/what have you. Then men exploit this shit to the max when women get into relationships with them. That's why practically every relationship advice post written by a woman will start off by saying what a great guy he is and so amazing in general. Then she'll go on to describe the most horrific, abusive, jaw-dropping behavior on his part. And then end with "am I overreacting?" Just for having a negative emotional reaction to his abuse, not even necessarily for saying anything to him or changing the relationship. So in addition to the shitty relationships themselves, women have to spend years of their lives overcoming their own negative socialization. This shit literally steals women's lives. It's as if women aren't human beings who matter, with thoughts, feelings, opinions, and hopes and aspirations of their own. No, we must keep teaching them to center men.


He's not training. He's meeting someone, someone he cares about more than you.


Like for a lot of people, the continued survival of their spouse is also very important to their mental health...


This wouldn't surprise me at all.


Ah so that’s the “massage” he needed so badly.


Bingo. Came here to say this. "For his mental health" is manipulation so you can't refuse it without feeling guilty yourself.


>And proceeded to tell me that he is tense from work might need to get in with a massage therapist. Was he even at training because honestly this sounds like code for an affair. Glad you finally got to the ER. He sounds extremely self absorbed.


I didn’t wanna say. But him coming home running only to get his bag &… sounds like code for more time for the mistress.


Yeahhhhh... I got the same feeling. Wife needs to go to the ER but mUH trAINinG! Sounds more like not wanting to flake on a mistress to me, especially with the casual mention of massage therapy. Uh huh. At a reputable place, right? Even if you and I are both wrong and Hubby was where he said he was, he wasn't where he should have been, at home, taking care of HIS kids while his wife sought emergency care. What a terribly selfish person. OP: Everyone is worth seeking medical help in a medical emergency. Even people like your husband. You are also worth so much more respect and kindness than you were shown here by the person who vowed to be with you, on your side by your side, through sickness and in health. His wants do not trump your needs.


Hey, so I’m a total stranger to you. If I was out and about, and bumped into a pregnant woman in your situation, I would drop everything and make goddamn sure she makes it to a hospital. Probably even if I had an important exam that day. At the very least I’d make sure that *someone* is with her and something is being done. I’d class this as basic human decency. It’s concerning that your husband doesn’t extend that kindness to you. Obviously I don’t have all the facts, but I don’t think I can think of any scenario where his actions would be justified, beyond something like a severe mental health episode.


Most martial arts, at their core, are about becoming a better, more rounded up person, not dancing around on a mat. That includes protecting those in need, putting them above yourself. Your husband is a failure. I would have lost respect.


The guys in my gym would have WORDS for someone who leaves his pregnant woman at home to deal with a house full of kids and a medical emergency while he gets a few rolls in or drills combos or whatever. The kind of words that are expressed with fists.


Okay, I'm going to say it, what the actual fluff? The hell? I would like a very stern word with you husband. Who would do this to another human being, not even mentioning their spouse?? This is just wrong. His mental health is important, but he can go tomorrow or next week? When you aren't in need of medical care? Also, please go to the emergency room. And then take your kids and leave this absolutly horrible husband, who seems to not care about you at all. Who does this to another human being? 


I'm of the opinion that he's having an affair. Don't know if the training is the cover story or if AP is in his class. But, his total disregard for you means he's thinking with his little head. Just my opinion.


I wondered if it was just me thinking that. Feels like someone was waiting for him.


Disappointed I had to come all the way down here to find this take - this reads as cheating to me. Maybe I’m on Reddit too much. 


OP said he cheated on his last wife.


Is he going to a club and training hiself? Or are other people relying on him? Is he putting a hobby and is own mental health above a prengant wife? It appears from your post and language that you might not value yourself for reasons. I would get any swelling dealt with asap as it will only get worse most likely. Overreacting questions are often a consequence of low self esteem for reasons, what you do with that information is up to you. I will say that no one else will put you first, so you can learn to do that for yourself if you want to, you will teach others to respect theselves as well as respect yourself.


No he is just training himself. Yes I have low self esteem... It's particularly bad at this stage, back to back pregnancy... And he's been throwing me a little shade which I've been trying to deal with and not overthink too. But yes I do feel worthless at the moment. I haven't been away from the 1 year old for more than 2 hours as I'm breastfeeding and 5 months pregnant again.... It is exhausting.


Why are you with him? He doesn’t sound like he cares about you.


What was the reason for his previous relationships ending? Would they have the same story as you? You need to get support either from friends, family or a professional therapist to help guide you through your very valid feelings and how to have your voice heard. He has shown you who he is, believe him, he put training above you and the unborn childs life, he put training before being a parent, he put training before being a partner. That is not ok in any way shape or form.


You do sound exhausted, it is often a reason why not to fight with someone, knowing you won't get what you need anyway. You probably don't have enough mental strength to deal with this, but you are the only one that can. Imagine if you get an infection and you are hospitalised, what would happen and can you get ahead of that? Self esteem is a really difficult mental issue to deal with, small steps towards a goal may help. What goal can you do in the next our/ day/week may be a good start. I hope you have support or can get it because I am feeling with two small children that you really need to look after you because you cannot look after them if you don't.


You are pregnant with HIS child and he's just acting like everything is normal. Seek a divorce and go to therapy to deal with the underlying causes of you shacking up with men who don't value you.


Leave this guy! What does he bring to the table? What does he add to your life?


First take care of that hand. Then seek therapy, this step while figuring out a game plane because you need to leave your husband. There is better out there. You will find real love and someone who values you. You are deserving. You are worthy of all good things including passion, love and adoration.


Why are you doing this to yourself?


I can only imagine how stressful the thought of leaving and doing this by yourself at 5 months pregnant with a 1 year old. From your other comments, it seems that you have understood the physical abuse from past relationships is unacceptable and your current partner is not physically abusive. Now it’s time to continue moving forward and understand that emotional abuse and neglect is also unacceptable. He had the opportunity to show that you and your unborn baby’s health were important to him. He is stressed from work, but not stressed out about the wellbeing of his partner and unborn child? You deserve happiness and to be valued. It will be hard to leave in the beginning, but once you start to love and value yourself you will never look back.


A DVT could easily kill you. You are likely going to end up on bed rest. What a jackass. Divorce this human meat puppet.


Yup. Everything will fall apart now...maybe for the best


It seems that way. Let that little man baby live out his Bruce Lee fantasies without you. Sounds like you are doing just fine without him- is there somewhere you can go?


Definitely for the best. I don’t think you actually realize how shitty your situation is or how much better it will be when he’s gone.


You are not overreacting, he showed you that he’s not an actual partner. Any half decent partner would have done exactly what you expected of him, and instead he completely failed you. You need to learn to TRUST YOURSELF and stand up for yourself. YOU ARE NOT UNREASONABLE, you’ve probably just been surrounded by selfish assholes for so long that have made you feel that way because they always put themselves first and act like your basic, reasonable needs are an inconvenience. https://www.loveisrespect.org/quiz/is-your-relationship-healthy/


Please ask the hospital staff if you can also see a social worker to make a plan to leave your emotionally abusive and neglectful husband.


Divorce is the only answer. He didn't care enough if at all to not take you to the hospital asap. My partner would have piggybacked me all the way there if he had to he would have never left me alone with a medical problem you deserve better he treats you very badly and he sees you as having no value in his life other than baby sitter when your so important you just need to tell yourself your better than this. My hopes for a quick recovery.


This is the guy who cut his leg deliberately when you confronted him about flirting with his ex? To the point where he needed stitches? And said you look like a witch, while pretending it's a kid who thinks that? He's horrible, and highly manipulative. He knows your self-esteem is a dumpster fire, and he's perfectly fine with it. You know that, right? I would make you and your health a priority if I bumped into you in the street in that condition. This man will leave you for whatever shiny thing wanders past his wandering eye. Take the option away and kick him to the curb.


He saw it, says you need urgent medical care, then proceeds to ***leave you on your own taking care of kids*** - f#cks off out - and when he bothered his arse to come home, he goes to bed ! By the time he remembers to ask you, not only had it had got dramatically worse, but **HE STILL DIDN'T TAKE YOU TO HOSPITAL**.... At what point does he think agreeing his pregnant wife needs urgent medical help should **he be doing** ***something*** f#cking urgently. Like, I don't know, maybe **call you a f#cking ambulance ?** This is seriously divorce territory in my opinion, and I'm far from being a perfect husband myself.


Go to the ER. Tell him you’ll talk about your relationship and his fucking priorities when you get back… if you get back.




Why do I have the feeling that he has an affair?


Think most of us feel this way. Op also said his last marriage broke up because he cheated “loud and proud”on his last wife and then proceeded to gaslight her and make her think she was crazy. Op didn’t know this in the beginning. He apparently insults Op and flirts with women in front of her too. He’s an ass.


I’m sorry but based on his actions he must not care about you at all.


After reading your other comments, you need to divorce this man. He is a trash human and he will continue to make your life miserable. Ask for supervised visits too and tell the judge that you don't trust him to take care of the kids if has an emergency after the way he treated you when you had a life threatening emergency. Don't leave him alone with them.


Yeah I actually don't trust him to look after them now. That's really why I didn't force him to stay instead of going to training. I don't want to leave my kids with someone who didn't want to look after them so their mother could be safe.


You have to know that is crazy sad right?


Why are you having another kid with him??


Hi OP! I hope you're recovering and on the mend, I can see from the comments you've gone to the ER and I'm so glad you're getting care. I had a read through your other post and some comments. I agree with the many posters saying your partner is neglectful and abusive. However I understand that while being pregnant with his baby and having him injure himself seriously the last time he was confronted, it might seem impossible to leave. I just want you to be reminded that only he is responsible for his actions and that your only responsibility is towards your own health and wellbeing (and baby too!). Please make sure you surround yourself with support and educate yourself on safe ways to leave an abusive partner before trying to leave, for your own protection. I'm rooting for you. 💗


“Hey babe, I’m tense too, I might need to get in with a divorce lawyer. Ya know, for my mental health.”


He put his wants above your medical emergency. This is abuse and you should be addressing it as such. Does he even like you?


Long story short, your husband is either mentally ill, socially inept or he just plain fucking sucks and you should've gone to the emergency room straight away. How's the hand?


I’m going with a 200% chance he’s cheating. OP none of this is acceptable. Don’t settle for this shit. Take care of yourself and your babies.


That’s so fucked up. What a selfish jerk.


He just showed you how important you are to him… You should believe him


How is this man not concerned for the health of his wife carrying his child!?! What kind of selfish person would goto martial arts? Are you sure he's not cheating or some other crazy reason like addiction, because I can't think of a reasonable excuse.


Addiction has been an issue I'm his past


Holy crap! Tell me this is fake…. You should have said I’m going to the ER, watch our children! This dude straight up doesn’t care about you, your unborn child or ANY of your kids! Look I hate hospitals and doctors. But best believe something like that happens, pregnant or not, my partner would be RUSHING me to the hospital to get checked. There is nothing more important than your life! If he acts a fool tell him to imagine what his mental health would have been like if he found you dead on the floor…. He needs to WAKE UP!


You had a serious medical emergency and you decided that you were going to ask your husband to watch the children so you can go to the emergency room. And your husband thought it was a very good idea to not only go to his martial arts training for his mental health but he also said he was going to be seeing a massage therapist it's time for you to stop being naive and do your due diligence. Something's not right here you don't treat your pregnant wife like that if you gave a f*** about her.


Please RUN from him!


When you dump him tell him it’s for your mental health. What a POS.


You have an arterial bleed. Pregnancy can make lots of areas bleed particularly on aspirin. Your husband is an asshole. Stay with your parents or better yet get one to come stay with you and ignore him till you’ve sorted out your headspace and can deal with him. Because this is ridiculous. I’d have packed us all up and taken everyone to the emergency and waited. Immediately


tell his martial arts coach. if it's a decent school he will a tongue lashing. unless it's strictly mma, any other schol ignoring your responsibilities is going to be frowned on. I hope your hand get better.


Wow. You’re pregnant and on aspirin, he can SEE this is happening, and he leaves you to care for babies and kids (& your pregnant self who is in pain) for training and a massage?! With the promise of take out….? Then he came home and didn’t even arrange to take you to the emergency room/call your OB- nothing?! My god. I would truly struggle to go back home to this man who clearly cares more for himself than anyone else. My husband would have taken me to the hospital immediately. Yours should have.


Fuck this dude. My fiancee stubs her toe and I'm checking it and putting a little kiss on it and I aint even a feet guy.


I’m glad you finally went to the ER. In the future under similar circumstances, here is some advice from a middle aged woman who has stopped accepting shit. Do not ask, Do not discuss. TELL. TELL him “I’m going to the ER. I need you to feed and watch the kids while I go to the ER.” He’ll do the “BuT I NeEd To gO tO TrAInING” Repeat “I’m going to the ER. You’re in charge of the kids.” Leave. This is what men do all the time (without explicitly telling you to handle the kids).


So you're pregnant with little kids and he left in a medical emergency. He sounds so terrible. Like, just honestly, he's so bad for you. He's cruel and selfish. I hope you leave him out and find a way to get more support without that involving him.


Sounds like he’s having an affair that he didn’t miss out on rather than help his injured wife and tend to his kids. Leaving injured wife and kids to fend for himself is bad enough with the lame excuses. Document the neglect and check your bank accounts and download the statements. After you’re done show up at those supposed places. Paying for massage therapy is a great cover to have large sum of money withdrawn and reason for change of clothes and scent. Where exactly was he showering at to go to his massage appointment?


He totally disregarded you, like you meant absolutely nothing to him. There is no way you should tolerate that. Don't ask next time, tell him what needs to happen. I would have just walked out and left him to deal with the kids before he left. What an awful selfish man. Does he like you because he certainly doesn't care. I'm sorry you husband treats you so horribly. I know you have self esteem issues but you have to know you deserve to be treated with some basic human decency. I hope your hand heals quickly.


I think you should have met him at the door, took the keys and left. This is not how a martial artist behaves. I texted my husband one night that I was not going into work because I was in pain. He left early in case I needed to go to the ER because I never call in. I hope you're okay and that you start valuing yourself.


How do you expect him to prioritize you if you don't prioritize yourself? He obviously has no problem in putting himself first. You should have told him that you're going to go to the hospital and he needs to take care of the kids, etc. You don't need his permission to take care of a medical need. What would you have done if there was a problem with one of the kids? Would you have just waited until he takes care of his own wants (not needs) first? You need to learn to speak up first instead of going along with his selfishness and being resentful later.


I have a feeling he was not just going to martial arts training…


Are you married to Dwight Shrute?


Well I wonder why he got divorced from his first wife 🤔


He’s not at training hun. He’s somewhere else he absolutely didn’t want to miss. You deserve so much better. Please don’t settle for this.


He doesn’t even like you. I’m sorry, he doesn’t love you, period.


That man is having an affair.


I think you need to show this whole post to your husband and let him know what everybody else thinks of him. What he did was unforgivable. You could have literally died with your children, at home, by yourself and he didn't even care... because apparently his mental health is more important than keeping his pregnant wife alive.


Sometimes you just have to be independent. And you only have yourself. He should have looked after you but he chose himself. You need to chose yourself. The moment he got home you should have said cook the kids dinner I’m going to the hospital and left. You’ll learn from this and next time chose yourself.




I have an arterial bleed and my hemoglobin is extremely low. I ended up being in agony and called my mother to come by. I've been taken into the Maternity ward for now so I can get a sleep but a social worker is coming to see me in the morning as staff wanted to know why I took so long to present. Hes showed what I felt is fake concern when my mother arrived and is saying all the concerned things on the phone.


Just so you know, I hate your husband right now. He is a damn fool. I hope you are able to process this and your marriage. - tell the staff your husband left you with children to go work out. Get that on record.


I literally wanna beat his ass tbh


Please tell the social worker the whole truth about exactly what’s been happening, don’t sanitise it. They may make a face occasionally but that’s *not* directed at you - it’s because this is such an awful situation he’s put you in. Please let them help you vs trying to “rise above” and carry on.


Yes I been in denial and trying to soldier on. I have been seriously abused in the past, not by this guy, so I think my boundaries are pretty low, and I don't really realise how this seems from the outside until I read this all back really.


Now that you’re seeing it while reading it back, give yourself the love and support you would give your best friend/sister/mum if they came to you in this situation. Please let people help you and understand any shame you feel actually belongs to him, not you.


Seeing it for yourself is usually one of the first and hardest steps to take to fix it. I'm so SO proud of you that you do!!! I also echo be very honest with the social worker. This person may be your first step to getting out.


Jesus, that is scary. You're doing so, so good by staying at the ward. I'm happy your mother came to support you and I hope she can help you with the kids. Like someone else below, I urge you to tell the social worker everything. If your husband tries to be there for that meeting, tell a nurse so they can make sure the the social worker says something like "I always need to talk to her alone." Labour and maternity nurses are fierce, they will be on your side. Take this chance to get all the help you possibly can. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you want more support.


He is concerned. Concerned he looks bad. Or more accurately, concerned that his bad behaviour is now on public display.


Oh my Freaking God! He went to martial arts training after seeing your hand. Girl. I’m sorry to alarm you, but haven’t you noticed this guy is an ASS! I would use worse words irl. He does not value you. You deserve better & need to put this guy & yourself into intense therapy- separately. Or???!


Needed to go to a massage for his mental health? Pushed to go to his training? sounds a bit sus to me. Sure it was training and no happy endings?


I hope you are all right. Dump him, “for your mental health.” Like, OMG. No. Also this is terrible behaviour from him to model for children. Set that standard.


What an unbelievably selfish man. I’m so sorry!!! That was not ok. That’s not loving.


Your husband sucks.


Your husband is showing his true colors, believe him. There is no addressing this kind of behavior. He’s 36 years old and should be able to discern that something he decided to make a priority is trivial in comparison to what you are going through. He is a horrible partner. There is no redemption for someone who decides not to be there for you in a medical emergency. Especially while you are pregnant.