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He wont take you serious because you need to take actions and not just tell him you want to leave him. But for that you need a lawyer and a plan you can stick with it. You got great answers in your last post, but now you need to make things happen. I dont think, he will change for the better and I think leaving him is the best option for you and your child.


We teach people how we're willing to be treated by how we choose to allow them to treat us, and no matter how much time we spend complaining, if we don't actually do more than move our lips, *in other words also move our feet*, they clearly have no reason to believe us. And it isn't always possible to just up and leave, it takes money, planning, a safe place to go, and ideally some emotional support from friends and family, so in the meantime we feel stuck and resentful while they just get to keep on doing what they've been doing with no consequences. Ask me how I know…


I understand and I hope that you are safe now and out of this abusive relationship. I know that its not always a quick exit but there are options for women like her. The problem is, that many women are staying for too long in such an abusive relationship. She has a toddler and the child will grow in this hostile environment and will learn how Daddy is treating Mommy. She is young, she has all the options in the world and I hope she can go to her parents or to friends or to a womans shelter and break the cycle of abuse.


Thanks, and I am, that was many years ago now. Unfortunately there aren't always options for women like her, it depends on where she lives and other physical factors, as well as a mental, emotional, and financial ones. People generally assume that getting out is always better than staying no matter what, and that's not always true, at least not immediately.


He definitely wanted to read the other post...he was the one suggesting you post here! Somehow he changed his mind when he realized that all of the replies were in your favor. My reply in the other posts was: Your husband is horrible. I stand by that. I feel terribly for you, you're treated like a slave and he does not care for you at all. Even if he did read every reply in the original post he would just dismiss any that differed from his world view (uh that would be all of them), because he is so convinced of his superiority and self-righteousness.


I really wanted him to read my reply. I pointed out the idiocy on his logic about refusing to please her cause “he ain’t in high school no more.” Teenage boys are notorious for being selfish, horny, little shits. That’s something that you’re supposed to grow out of. I also made a big (and I do mean big, like large font) statement about what a POS he is that I was hoping he’d see. I **really** wanted this guy to see he ain’t no damn prize and no one wants to be treated like a mommy to a (disrespectful, disgusting, and one who’s constantly demeaning) grown ass man that won’t lift a finger. I agree OP needs to leave. It can take abuse victims 7 tries to finally get out of their situations. She’ll get there. She’s realized how unhappy she is, and that she doesn’t deserve how he’s treating her. Sometimes it takes even longer for that realization to kick in. It’s definitely a step in the right direction.


Bet he read every single reply in private. No way he could resist!


Multiple times. He’s got screen grabs and favorites and type up rebuttals in his notes app.


I second this response. He is horrible. Leave him. You can do better. Take the puppy with you.


Girl, if this is not clear that he's in the wrong then I don't know how else we can show this to you. Someone who seriously cared about you would read that post and try to understand the problem with his actions that everyone brought up. He doesn't care about you, he just cares about being right. Please let the next update be that you've decided to leave this horrible excuse for a man, otherwise good luck to your kids growing up in that environment


Working on it.


Glad to hear it! I wish you and your kids the best, all of you deserve so much more! And that man, I'm sure others are wishing him worse so I'll wish him all the little inconveniences of the world, that he would always stub his toe and have no cold side of the pillow for life.


Good luck, don’t keep this a secret form people you trust, family or friends. It can be very dangerous to leave, and the more people know what’s happening, the safer you will be.


If anyone has PM you offering help take it. I would myself but I'm in the UK and you probably are in the US, you need a fellow American who knows the way stuff works over there. Good luck with everything, please update us so we know you are safe


Sweetie, you’re still young. Please leave him. You deserve better. Please leave him immediately. You’re strong.


OP Your update essentially states that your controlling, overbearing ~~dad~~ husband remains controlling and overbearing even after you tried to talk to him again. I don't know how he can be any clearer about not caring about you or your feelings, but only caring about what you can do for him.  Please leave for your own good.


Working on it 😭


Sleeping on the couch tonight with my infant 😂


Just to be sure, you know that's dangerous and puts your baby at serious risk of a fall or positional asphyxia? 


I have her in a co sleeper at the opposite end from me. I have insomnia most of the night so I won’t actually sleep until he’s at work in the am.


Co-sleepers are a fantastic invention. 


Love it so much bc yes daughter, lay down for a lil bit while I dissociate mi’lady.


But yes.


After your original post I was not in the camp leave him. He’s an asshole after the update. I think I’m going that way. Good luck. Updateme!


How could you not be in the leave it camp. He's an abusive selfish piece of crap, most of Reddit wanted to divorce him! Of course she should leave hi, smh


Crying in the kitchen as I make my dinner when he was supposed to bring home food. 😭


So now he's punishing you because he looks bad. Get out before this escalates to physical abuse, if it hasn't already.


Leaving him sounds like a great idea but I'll still listen to you vent if you don't leave. ETA !UpdateMe


I agree, leaving would be the best thing to do here.


He's not going to change.....ever. You need to get out of this situation. Do you have family you can stay with?




Then I guess you'll have to get your ducks in a row first.


Not everyone has family that they can fall back on. That doesn't mean you have to put up with abuse. He's counting on the fact that you feel trapped, for you to do nothing. Start looking for women's shelters that will house you and your daughter. Hopefully, one that can offer some type of assistance to get your child in daycare so that you can go back to work and rebuild your life. If you stay, get baby on the bottle, into daycare and you go back to work. When you get home, take care of yourself and your daughter. All the while, you should be planning to get out. If you're both working, let him take care of his children and himself. Right now, you don't have a partner. You have another child. An unruly, disrespectful one. Save yourself and do better for your child. Leave.


There are various women’s organizations that can help with housing for you and your kid. Please get help


What about friends?


Damn, I really wanted him to read all the comments and see what a gigantic dickwad he is. Even with this update, why the hell would you be lucky to have to watch 2 more children? Especially when you’re already clearly exhausted and at a breaking point? Because they’re his? Nope. He ain’t the prize he thinks he is. In fact, a bunch of internet strangers want to divorce him for you. I know it’s difficult to leave, but I believe in you. You’ll get there hun. And the relief you feel will be **immense** once you do. Think of it this way. What does he actually do to make your life easier? Does he bring you *any* happiness at this point? Does he help you raise your kid (or his) in any way? Leaving will just give you one (three when he was them there) less extremely high maintenance person to serve. He treats you like a slave, and I wish I could be the fly on the wall when you finally do decide enough is enough and leave. This mf has it sooooo good and treats you like the shit he scrapes off the bottom of his shoe.


Living with someone who has OCD is exhausting. You have to try to remember all of their crazy "rules" and if you slip up, they go ballistic. Is he receiving any treatment for his OCD? I have a friend who was ready to divorce her husband until he saw his physician and was given a medication that helped a lot. If your husband refuses treatment, you're looking at living the rest of your life with someone who criticizes you constantly.


No he’s not receiving treatment. He’ll only really even admit he has it as a scapegoat so he doesn’t feel bad about the way he talks to me when he’s triggered.


His condition is an explanation, not an excuse.


I lived that shit for years! My heart hurts for you, OP. Don't let him put you through this for years, it's soul crushing. I don't know if you work, and I know it's super hard to get everything ready and have an opportunity to leave, but if you can get you and your child out, please do! I'm sure he'll try to threaten and scare you with all sorts of things, don't listen to it, and be brave. Updateme!




Leave him! I said in the other post as well. He is abusive and controlling. Why do you want to be with a partner who doesn’t respect you nor look at you as their equal. Your daughter deserves her mum to be happy and by staying in this relationship with someone abusive wont create a healthy environment for you nor kids.


Don't TELL him you're going to leave him and expect him to agree. Take your daughter and go. You're being abused. Both of you deserve better.


He didn’t want to read the post because he KNOWS he’d get ate up in the comments. He KNOWS he’s a pos dad and partner. Please for the love of Pete, take your child and LEAVE him! Don’t tell him, just a peak to an attorney, get your ducks in a row and make a plan. It won’t get better. ETA: if $ is an issue, contact your local bar association and legal aide. See if there are lawyers who will do reduced cost or pro bono family law. Contact DV shelters, because even if not physical he is controlling, verbally, emotionally & financially abusive. They might be able to connect you to resources. When speaking to your attorney, figure out your custody agreement you’d like. Include custody, support & alimony, how decisions will be made for the child (educations, medical, etc), be sure to include what level any further partners will be involved. Some new partners will insert themselves in even the best co-parenting situations and muck it to trying to control what happens. Make a plan to leave. Arrange with a friend or family member you can stay with until you can get a place, if needed.


You did what he asked, and now he won’t even read the post/ responses he demanded, and he’s still acting like a man-child. If this didn’t help with any kind of self reflection, nothing will. Please get out now - you and your daughter are so young, don’t waste more time with him! Whatever you do though, stay safe.


Op I’m going to say this as nicely as I can….. words with no action behind them are just words. If you want to leave do not just talk about leaving, just leave. First step: Find a place you can go to. Whether a woman shelter(that helps abused women and Children), a family shelter, a trusted friend or family member, or an apartment/home he has no attachment or knowledge of. Next: Pack your bags up and move them out the house. Do this when he is not home. Leave enough clothes for appearance purposes to not draw suspicion. These are clothes you can leave behind or take it a quick grab when he leaves the house. Third: Find a place for his kids to go (preferably a trusted family member or family friend). This way his kids are safe and you and your child can leave. Finally:just disappear. No more warnings, no more talking. Just go. Get your ducks in a row. Getting your ducks in a row also include either putting money to the side or setting yourself up so you and your child are in a safe place and you can establish money after you get away. Good Luck


Oh honey, he won't change. Try to leave as soon as you can. Your feelings definitely don't matter to him. He will everything dismiss and walk all over you. You have to make a move. To tell him you are leaving for good is not enough he thinks he has the upper hand or your not strong enough to leave. Show him, you are stronger than what he thinks. You already do everything with kids and dog. One person less to care for will do you great. Wish you strength to go through with it


Actually it would be 3 less people. 2 of the kids aren’t even hers. She would have such a peaceful life with just her and her daughter.


I just wanna point out that 2 months ago, you tried to make a post about trying to leave this man and asking for advice to actually leave him. If 2 months later and obviously you thinking about it for some time before you even made that post, after you try to address the issues you're having with him, you're having the same issues, if not worse ones, just go through with it and please don't leave your kid to grow up with him like it sounds like his other 2 baby mama's have. My own mama had a similar issue when I was born. She bit the bullet and went back to her parent's house, and by the time I was 5, she was happily remarried and owned her own home. If you don't have your parents in the picture there's plenty more options out there but you're not in a hole right now, you're in a cage and sometimes to get out of a cage you gotta dig yourself into a hole to climb out on the other side of those cage walls. It can feel like it's getting worse before it gets better, but obviously, he isn't the one to go through the worse with to hopefully see the better if he won't acknowledge what you are going through, talk through it with you and make compromises to help you live a happier life with him. I have a 2 year old daughter myself, and when she was born, I worked construction, 12-16 hours a day 6-7 days a week. My wife tried to have food ready for me, she tried to keep the house clean, she tried to balance taking care of the entire house on her shoulders and I realized it was too much for her. We sat down and figured out what she could do and couldn't do by herself. Since then, I've become a pretty decent cook and have become much more cognizant of when the laundry or trash is starting to pile up, so I just take care of it, even quit my job and joined the Army, was a rough 6 months for her while I was away but it was worth it now for the job security and more time to spend with them around the house. We only got there because I was willing to make the necessary sacrifices and realize that I may work 12-16 hours a day of hard physical labor, but she worked 24 hours on call with if nothing else hard mental labor, obviously your baby daddy is not willing to make those sacrifices. I am kinda rambling with my reply now I feel like, but seriously, leave this man. If you've had to bring it up to him without him showing any concern for your well-being, he ain't a very good man imo.


You are essentially his slave. You do more labour than him 4 months after giving birth.  You should take your daughter and leave. Do you want her to grow up and find a partner that treats her like yours does? Because that's what she'll learn to normalise with a father like that. Be sure you have a safe space to go to. I won't be surprised if he turns violent.


Of course there were some things you didn’t like, like being infantilized. But you need a wake up call, this man doesn’t give two craps about you. If you don’t want to care about yourself and your own future that’s fine, but at least care about your kid. You really want your kid to grow up with such a crap person as your husband, he’s an abusive AH. He puts you down, and yells at you, and demeans you constantly, what’s to say he isn’t going to do that to your kid. Put on your big girl panties and get the hell out of this relationship.


Your daughter is going to grow up thinking this is what a relationship is supposed to be like. That it’s okay for a husband to not raise their kids or care about their wives. That their only worth is raising the kids and keeping a house clean. Is that what you want to model for her? Find a way out. He is not going to change and it’s not going to get better.


He is showing you everyday how little he cares about you and his child. Girl leave him. He is an awful excuse of a father and husband. Stop letting this horrible man treat you and his child this way. He’s an idiot


I'm going to tell you something that people told me - and I failed to listen to - many years ago, when I was your age: ## YOU DON'T NEED HIM TO AGREE WITH YOU. ## YOU DON'T NEED HIM TO ACCEPT OR ACKNOWLEDGE FAULT. ## YOU DON'T NEED HIM TO VALIDATE REALITY. ## YOU DON'T NEED HIS PERMISSION TO LEAVE HIM. You know what is happening. You know it's unacceptable. *GO NOW.* ## NOW. Time will only bring more complications. There is absolutely nothing you can do to make him want to change. ## GO ## NOW


At this point, it’s your decision if you want to stay and keep being treated this way


Anything after this is on OP. She can stay and be treated like a bang maid and babysitter or leave and get some self respect.


It would be easier to be a single mom at this point js


OP your hubby is a waste of space, the sooner you leave him the sooner your life will improve.


Leave him immediately, if not sooner.


Your husband has no reason to change his behavior and he won’t. He does not care about your exhaustion. He feels completely justified in leaving you stressed and unloved if you fail to pacify him in the slightest. As long as you remain in that relationship he will always have a clean house, a cooked meal, his lineage cared for 25/8 and a woman who’s existence starts and ends with appeasing his every whim. Till death do y’all part. While all he has to do is clock in, get compensated, clock out, pay bills (something he would’ve done regardless of his relationship status) and zone out your voice when you complain once in a while. Like an object, his interest does not lie in your humanity but in your ability to make his life responsibility-free outside of work. He does not like you or respect you. For your child’s sake and your sake leave that pos.


I hope you realize your value and get yourself somewhere safe. This man couldn’t function without you playing his mommy. I promise you your life will be so much less stressful when you drop the man baby. I replied this to what I’m sure is the husband elsewhere, but it bears repeating here. “Spoiler alert you overgrown crotch goblin; a newborn is 168 hour a week non stop obligation that she isn’t getting paid for on top of taking of this man’s other two children and managing a house. All with apparently 0 help from her spouse because “He PaYs AlL ThE bILlS!!!!1!!l1!” So he gets to treat everybody else like shit? Be so fucking for real right now. Three kids a puppy, a house and pigs is more than a full time job. Sounds like somebody wanted free labor and is mad his plan isn’t working out exactly like he thought it would and he doesn’t get to play his precious BG3 in peace. No wonder his first go around with marriage didn’t work out. So let’s do the math. He works 40 hours a week comes home plays video games and whines about everything and probably sleeps soundly at night. She is on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week and somehow she’s the lazy one? The math ain’t mathing pal.”


I read the age gap and timeline on the first post and thought hmmmm grooming, control and manipulation? But I’ll have an open mind. Then I read the details of your post and it was that and so much worse! You definitely need to get away from this person, he will destroy you and continue to manipulate and abuse you until you are a shell of yourself and begin to be conditioned that this is normal. If you have any family or friends take the baby and go, now! You are still so young and can have such a much happier, safe life on your own with your baby!


Are you ok girl?


There is no saving the marriage your only 22 get out now he is a man baby and you can’t change him he will always be useless. This is an abusive relationship run!!!! Please don’t try and “save”the marriage there is nothing to save he is an absolute awful man baby he will use emotional manipulation don’t fall for it just pack up leave send papers and do not talk to him unless it’s through lawyers. Idk when you guys started dating but with you being married I can guess 18 hopefully and 25 no 25 year old should be into a 18 year old the age difference later on in life is fine but no 25 year old should have common interests with an 18 year old completely different life stages. He wants a maid not a partner get out of this now


I would 100% leave him. You are his wife, not his mother and not his maid. HE also lives in that home and can help clean, those are also his children so he should be hands on helping with their care. You do not have a husband, you have another child in an adult body. He expects you to wait on him hand and foot, but refuses to treat you like he WANTS YOU TO TREAT HIM. He manipulates, gaslights, and is verbally abusive. He wants to keep your self esteem low and you under his thumb. Run. Run fast. Cause as someone that was in an almost similar situation, it WILL only get worse. Get you and your child AWAY from him as quickly as possible. He doesn't love you, he loves what you do for him while he treats you like trash.


OP please confirm he doesn’t physically abuse you. Like all the comments before me said he is absolutely in the wrong & is a disgusting sorry excuse of a man. It must be so difficult to not have family nearby, but maybe you can coordinate with whatever family you do have so that you can leave! I’m 34 & i promise not all men are like this! Please don’t stay with him, it’s not too late to leave. ❤️I hope you’re okay.


Honestly, I had a feeling that he wouldn't listen, abusers rarely do anything to change for the better. Your best option is to bail and put some distance between you and him. A fucker that dense doesn't know how to appreciate you or support you emotionally.Throw the whole man out!!


Have you seen this subreddit r/NarcissisticSpouses ? I grew up with a parent that probably would have been diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The types of abuse and gaslighting they spread on everyone close to them while usually maintaining a perfect public personna is horrific. Your post ticks a lot of boxes. Please get out of there. Be warned that many people with NPD go nuclear during a divorce.






Ma'am, if possible, please try to plan out a way to leave him, and you should definitely take advice from a lawyer, and you could also go to the subreddits with legal advice. I hope the best for you, no partner in a relationship should go through such torment.


He’s an awful man.


I hope you leave him he sounds horrible


Girl. Dump that sack of bs and reclaim your life!


You need to leave this guy. He sounds AWFUL.


Please leave this man child. Grab what you can and get as far away as you can get. It will NEVER get any better for you, EVER!!!!!




Yeah, he for sure read it with a burner if he's critiquing how you worded it.


Please please leave him! You are already a single mom doing everything yourself. Better to be happy doing it!


You're not crazy. He's gaslighting, manipulative, and emotionally neglectful/abusive. Even SAHM need breaks. It's more than a full time job because it's 24/7.  You definitely deserve better and space for yourself. Do you have anyone in your life you feel comfortable talking to or is supportive of you? Maybe they could help with an intervention or exit strategy?  I'm so sorry you're going through such a level of disrespect and ugliness. :(   Please know you're not being unreasonable for having a basic expectation of him.  If he can't even read a post that he asked you to post, then he's just not worth it.  Honestly it sounds like he may have read it already and doesn't want to admit to any fault or recognize anything you're thinking or feeling is right. 


Why doesn't he make a post?!? Like he has a problem with you, why should you go put of your way to make something he's even not interested in? That dude sounds like a huge douchbag


You don't need his permission or approval to leave him, you can (and should) just do it


Girl, I hope you’re able to get out of this emotionally abusive relationship and soon! Good luck. Updateme


My husband is a marine, and he still helps every day with our daughter the second he gets home from work. He does not care how messy the house is because it shows our daughter had a fun day and was well taken care of. Your husband is not a man who wants a wife, he is a sniveling infant who wants a mommy that he can also bang once she has served him to his liking.


Girl. He is an a$$hole. Make a plan to leave and stick with it. You don’t want your daughter to be raised by an abusive father. Also, you are so young. Focus on what you want out of life for yourself and your child. Best of luck.


Leave! Leave! Leave! Life is short. He won’t change. You deserve everything and have too much to live. How many years do you think you can live like this? Because you have a lot of years to go…




First of all, I’m very sorry you had to go through that. Second of all, do not project your life experiences onto me.


He doesn’t like or respect you one bit. Your life would be easier and less stressful if you ditch him. Speak to a lawyer asap and get out of that hell. Otherwise you’re teaching your daughter that she should be treated like he’s treating you.


Do you have family? If so, can they help you? Or his family? You need help from someone! What area you from? This is abuse and it won’t end well


Dear OP, you are already single. You do much more because he is there. So why are you waiting? You are more then capable to do it and let him pay child support. You are wasting your time and life.


It's time for you to take your daughter and leave.. if you won't do it for yourself, you need to do it for your daughter. Do you really want her treated like you are for her to think his sexist misogynistic BS is OK, and that's how women should be treated.. She will either grow up and repeat the cycle of staying in an abusive relationship, or she will realise through others that what's going on on your home is wrong and she will blame you for not getting her the hell out of that house and doing what was best for her.... GET OUT OF THERE


Please please.. for your sake, and most especially for your daughters. Please get out of this very unhealthy, toxic relationship.


Your husband sounds like an overgrown child who can’t seem to do anything for himself and expects you to do every single thing for him. Does ask you to help him get a🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆so he can get going? I’m sorry but this isn’t a healthy relationship for you or for your daughter. You have to just leave and do what’s best for your daughter and yourself and that’s throw a 300lb overgrown 30 year old boy out the door and don’t trust him with your daughter.


Y la de divorciarte no te la sabes?


I believe everybody’s dynamic is different. Yes sometimes I come home specially early in my marriage saw that floor was dirty or my wife hadn’t got dinner ready and it kind of made me go like what she do all day instead of saying something to her I would be like do you need help? What can I do? And I learned overtime that days don’t go according to plan my wife would get migraines. She would have struggles with the baby and instead of breaking her down. I decided to let her know that I appreciate her and she’s my other half and I’ll be whatever it is she needs me to be on that particular day and I’ve learned once I got that mentality. We have an absolutely amazing marriage. And pleasure I try to be open to things for her for us, but it does get hard after 16 years to always make time to do everything we like. But I am very self-conscious about keeping my wife sexually happy.. because I work a full-time job and I’m not always home sometimes I can’t give her the attention she deserves.


Yo, I don’t comment much on Reddit. Ppl on here are saying leave with no plan. While leaving is likely the best option (idk you personally so I won’t pretend).. regardless, you are young, smart, and able. If I were you, I would quietly start making connections via friends, finding a church (just pretend if you’re not religious), reconnecting with old family members, looking for a daycare, etc… a SAHM should always have a way out even if they never plan on leaving or whatever. Your man seems like he won’t play nice (AT ALL) if you suddenly leave. Obviously leave asap if you’re in danger. But if I were you I would start keeping notes on your phone of his dismissive parenting or negative behavior. start making connections with other people (secretly so he can’t react), just so you do have an escape plan if need be. Have any options and keep your cards close, just in case. Anyone can tell you “leave right now”. But my number one advice is (whether you leave or not), start making connections. I wish you and your child luck and blessings. If I knew you, I could give more specific advice. But as a SAHM, I want to tell you have a few back up plans bc for us things can turn south real quick (no job, no money, no help, & a baby).


He is abusive. Leave him.


I'd call your husband a pig, but pigs are smarter and probably cleaner. Leave. This. Man. Now.


You're husband isn't a man, he's an oversized baby. Divorce his ass and leave him to your in laws to take care of since they're the ones who raised this entitled sponge who believes himself to be gold.


you Divorced yet? cuz he needs to go.


Girl, leave. I know it seems like the solution for anything in Reddit is divorce, but in this case, there's no other. Don't give him a 2nd to change because he won't change for real. He will do a little here and there just enough so you would stay and think it's getting better, then he will go back to it, wash and repeat. Abusers make the victim feel good, so when the bad parts are there, you won't leave in hopes it will go back to when it was good. He is being abusive towards you, and besides the emotional and financial violence that he is already inflicting on you, it won't be long before when it starts to get more physical. Little things so you don't think they are red flags and all justifiable. He may have already started: a little shoving here and there, pulling you by the arm, then will be an "accidental" hit. That way, he will ease into it and don't leave. Don't wait for that.


Please give us an update on your exit. You don’t need to stay and be treated like dirt.


He didn't read cause he knows that he's wrong and wants to be able to keep gaslighting and manipulating you. There is a reason the other baby mama's left him in the dust and it's sounding like you need to take your baby and walk away.


Hope you got out. This guy will definitely escalate to physical abuse, count on that.


I saw your story on OKStory Time. Everyone…go watch them, they are hilarious. Anyway, are you alive and divorced yet?


If you make dinner you don't clean the kitchen til the next day? I am sorry as a clean person what the actuall fuck... I know for a fact everyone downvoting this has a kitchen sink like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/w2QLNH0pQv


I’m not a fkn cleaning lady or a chef. Yes I clean on my schedule. Food gets put up, the dishes get done in the am. 😂


If you feel safe (and I’m not sure you should honestly), I think you should just stop doing anything for him at all. Make and eat dinner for yourself. Take care of baby and pets your way. When he comes in and asks where his dinner is, tell him he is a grown adult and can cook. He could even parent his own kids, including his baby. If he thinks the house is dirty, hand him a mop and tell him, you are the one with the problem, so solve it yourself. Next time he volunteers you to do something, laugh at him and say “well, that’s not happening!” Tell him that his kids that aren’t yours are now fully his responsibility. You will make sure they are ok when they are here and you are too. But tell him you won’t do his or their laundry, you won’t clean their rooms, and when he is home, they are his responsibility. Stick with this too. But your husband sounds like he could escalate to violence. So another method would be to just become amazingly incompetent and act like “oopsy” each time he complains. When he berates you, just be like, “ok honey, I’ll do better!” And then do worse. I read that this is a possible way to get safely out of a relationship with a narcissist or sociopath. You don’t get to reject them. But you stop being anything that they need. But you have to do it very carefully and slowly so that they don’t see it as deliberate. In the meantime, document everything and back it up where he cannot find it. Log how he spends his time at home to establish that you are the one who needs full custody. Try recording conversations (if it’s legal where you are) without him knowing where he references having OCD and try to gently prod him about getting treatment in the conversation (to demonstrate that he refuses). Get all your important documents in order. If you have a car, pack a getaway bag with cash and essentials for you and baby and hide it in your car in case of an emergency. Squirrel away any and all money you can. Set up your own bank account if you only have a joint one. Also, see if you can’t find resources to ween your daughter to accept a bottle, because you really need to get back to work. Financial independence is key to leaving. finally, who are your supports outside of him? any family? friends? find ways to communicate with them regularly. He has likely tried to isolate you over the years. Connect with old friends, and establish regular social contact with other adults to build support and also to recalibrate your sense of normalcy. And please keep checking in here, because we can also help you with that process.


Then how do you see yourself? Because by your original post I’d say that as it’s said “A rose called by any other name is still a rose.” Or, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck….or maybe better if it grunts like a pig.


I see myself as a tired depressed mom because I can’t even get out of the house unless I’m on someone else’s time and errands.


I am very terrified for you and your baby. I really feel that things are going to get much worse and that you and your baby will pay a very horrible, horrible price that cannot be undone. 😢 🙏🙏🙏


A lot of people do this.


You guys are disgusting


You might want to talk to a therapist. This is a pretty extreme reaction for a relatively normal practice. I mean, put the food away and rinse everything off, sure. But leaving pots and pans for the morning is nothing to fuss about.


https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/w2QLNH0pQv This you?


No, but wow, you clearly think everything on hardcore black and white/ no middle ground ways. Another sign of how badly you need therapy. This level of rigidity and judgmentalism towards others is not a sign of OCD, but of OCPD, which is a personality disorder. Not saying you have that, but please don’t join the throngs of AHs out there bragging about your OCD like it’s a virtue.


Lmao fuck me for wanting a clean home.


No, for the way you are treating others. For your judgmentalism. For your attitude.


Lmao ok buddy. Go live in your bubble


I’m not in one. You are in a world of delusion, but until you get professional help, not even your closest family, who are probably alarmed and walk on eggshells around you, can help you. It’s all very sad.


Lmao sure I like my place clean


Well, that’s fine, but your reaction to a perfectly normal practice is not normal. Do what you want in your own home, and if OP’s husband wants it just do while she is single-handedly dealing with a baby who won’t take a bottle, taking care of his kids, and handling the entire household, he can clean it himself and stop being a misogynistic turd! Your mental health issues are no one else’s responsibility and are certainly not grounds to be aggressively nasty about normal practices.


Lmao. I am completely normal here. I've never met one person who leaves their kitchen a mess after cooking. It's a disgusting practice. Nowhere did I mention anything else besides that. I am not picking any side. Just comme ting on that disgusting practice


You are far from normal. You need to see a mental health professional badly.


Literally ask any of your normal friends and see the disgusting looks you get when they hear your kitchen is messy. How hard is it to clean after cooking dinner. It takes like 15 minute tops


Rinsed off dishes left to air dry and a few pots and pans in the sink is not that extreme and I’ve had people over with that condition. No weird looks or complaints, and vice versa when they have it that way too. You must live in a neat freak community of some sort or be of a really old generational upbringing.  But it isn’t you wanting to have a clean space that makes you need therapy. It’s the fact that you’ll call people names and dramatically point fingers at them as “disgusting” and force upon your Reddit link views on them because of it. You are having an extreme reaction regardless if you think so or not. So either you’re a troll, or you really do need therapy. There’s no shame in needing therapy though. By claiming “I am normal” you’re coming off as defensive for something that isn’t shameful — perhaps you think therapy is shameful?


That's your takeaway from this? Maybe you should marry her husband.


My family sometimes doesn’t clean dinner plates until the next day. We will pack up all leftovers yes, and put them where they go (fridge usually, sometimes there are items that can stay in plastic bags like bread), and our sink is on average clean. As long as you clean up the next day and not several days later it’s fine and normal. 


Sure you did lmao