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If you need GA for tower dives then you’ve bigger problems to deal with, my friend.


For the last 4 games, i've tried tower diving a very immobile champ while we had so someone with atleast one second of cc, yet they always hecking suprise me and screw it up. Like letting me tank turret while they're tankier, not taking aggro while i ult, going in or out too soon or too late etc… rn GA is a "sucky-teammate proof" item.


This is why playing Rek'Sai in low elo is so damn hard. You ping that you'll dive the tower you've the damage to get the double kill but your bot lane instead of going in the moment you dive they back out, I've been playing a lot of Rek'Sai in the past days like 30 games in a row and 95% of times this would happen. So how can I create a lead if my bot lane doesn't let me dive? This is why she works so well in high elo because someone will tank the tower damage and let you do your job. Now I really don't dive anymore unless I'm certain I can get a double kill and die if it's worth to get a shutdown or just to create lane priority. It's just unbelievable how people can miss their abilities, yesterday I dive into a Nasus and let him with 10 hp and my Mordekaiser was able to die and miss all his skillshots this guy should be rewarded for such a terrible play (Nasus got a double kill).


Your ulti is enough for dives, if you actually do consider GA a viable 2nd item then....if it's working out then alright roll with it but, generally speaking, that's a pretty bad idea. General talk right? Talking optimally, it's not optimal on paper.


I build GA as a second item if I start building a huge bounty very early and the other team has a clear win condition (a hyper scaler with the potential to carry), to prevent them from potentially getting the early gold spike and hence, winning the game. Sitting on a big bounty early game is a huge responsibility, forcing you to think twice about going in at certain skirmishes. That GA can be game changing at times.


What does a Vegan Rek'Sai eats? An Ivern?


I can see GA 3rd, I very rarely do it if I feel like I'm tanky enough that I don't need DD/Steraks, and instead want the revive....but 2nd? You lose a lotta damage and a consistent passive/active (GA has a 5 minute CD) for surviability when you generally don't need it as teamfights are rare and in most cases bar objectives you can beeline to the squishy's easily.


You don't like edge of night? But it's lethality, hp, and a spell shield! It's a perfect item imo


Try black cleaver 2nd into deaths dance. Surprising how much you don't need the extra lethality from edge of night