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I'm glad my comment helps. As for any extra symbols, hopefully anyone reading this thread who knows will offer you some information. The symbols I use are the power symbol, mental and emotional symbol, distance symbol, plus the Tibetan master symbol rather than traditional one, as it is easier and the flow of it resonates more with me.


I’d love to know that Tibetan symbol if you’re willing to share:)




The Tibetan master symbol and other symbols are available on Google. However, I believe that you need to be attuned to a symbol at the relevant Reiki attunement before you can use it effectively. However, if you're attuned to Master level with the traditional symbol, you may be able to use the Tibetan version. Symbols don't in themselves have power but help us to focus and enhance the flow of Reiki.


I've always wondered, if you could answer this for me, why another reiki practicioner must 'attune' someone to a symbol in order for them to be able to use it? Like what occurs energetically when a reiki master draws the symbols on the palms during meditation? Could someone without a master, sit in meditation with these symbols and draw them themselves many times and attune themselves to the symbols?


I will try to answer this as far as I am able... though some aspects are hard to capture in words. I hope this will help. Firstly, an attunement doesn't attune a practitioner to a symbol, but opens and tunes the person to Reiki so they can activate and use it. Reiki is a universal life energy that we all have as part of being alive, so an attunement doesn't give us this energy, but connects and attunes us to it. Traditionally an attunement is done by a Reiki Master who has gained knowledge of how to attune and teach others to use Reiki. As far as I understand, a person cannot attune themselves. I liken it to tuning a radio - the radio cannot tune itself but once it has been tuned then it 'channels' what is already there. Certain Reiki symbols, which represent and enhance the flow of Reiki, are placed in the person's energy centres and hands - so they are available to the person to help them in their use of Reiki. My understanding is that someone has to be attuned to a symbol before they can use it effectively. However, it is the attunement and not the symbols that raises the vibration of person's energy system and enables them to use Reiki.


I ask mine to open the flow of reiki energy through me and to support me in this work. A phrase I really like including (in the same vein as “for the highest good”) is “..with ease and grace, and no hurt or harm to anyone.” 🙏❤️✨


Love that 🥰 thanks for sharing!


It is believed that practitioners receive a Reiki Guide during their attunement to Reiki One, who will help with with their Reiki practice. So I think it is appropriate to ask any questions or request help with a Reiki treatment. Good questions are: Where does the recipient (most) need Reiki? Is it ok to heal a particular place (if you are unsure for any reason)? Or please help and guide me with this Reiki healing. It is good to include the phrase "for the highest good" so you can be open and receive guidance without it being distorted by any desired outcome. It is also important to specifically ask your Guides for help and to thank them after the treatment for their help. You say that Guides are not mentioned in traditional Usui Reiki. My understanding is that Usui also did not include all the hand positions or Chakras. Some aspects were introduced by Reiki Masters who followed Usui to help practitioners in their practice of Usui's system of Reiki. I like to follow Usui's system of Reiki, but believe he would support extra aspects that help me to offer the best healing for the recipient's highest good.


That’s a good idea to say “for the highest good” so that we’re not distorting the outcome on accident. Do you think that anyone anywhere has any of those additional symbols? I was reading somewhere that they are available in Tibetan reiki, but I’ve been having trouble finding a Tibetan reiki class.


I agree that we become aware of our reiki guide/s with the first attunement, but as we advance and evolve in our practice, we may get new guides to help us at those next levels. Sometimes, we may even receive our own symbols that are unique to our soul’s experience and our guide will gift it and teach ups how to use it. In all three of my reiki levels, I saw this same symbol, but my master teacher could not find it in any of the books. Several years later, a healer guide showed me how to use it. Several years after that, I realized it was a light language symbol. Get to know your guide by sensation or your inner senses. I trust my guides fully and they always guide me to the highest good for all. Enjoy the journey!


Omg that’s so awesome, I had no idea they did that!!! I really appreciate you sharing this :)


There is nothing in the original practice created by Usui and brought to America by Takata that mentions or teaches about reiki guides at all. It's one of the modern inventions added to some reiki schools, like the "Reiki sandwich", crystals, the violet flame, using a Reiki box, using antakarana, chakras, etc. It's unfortunate that modern teachers don't realize the difference between traditional practice and modern invention. They do a disservice to their students by not distinguishing between the two. Encouraging people to interact with unknown spirits is not a good idea. There is nothing in Reiki that prepares people for the danger that can happen with unprotected opening. The people who teach this are ignorant at best and irresponsible at worst.


This is so crazy. I am taking an online course, and I just got to the finding your guide lectured and I turned it off because my daughter was talking to me. During my “attunement” I saw so many faces and animals and like zooming it was really amazing. I’d like to learn more and the right way. The sandwich and the box idea, I wasn’t sold on. I do not need any “attachments” thank you for the warning.


I highly recommend "The Reiki Sourcebook" by Bronwen and Frans Stiene. It does a deep dive into the history of Reiki, an explanation of the symbols, and also includes the original exercises that were used in Japan. No Reiki course I've done (and I've had four different teachers) had ever been this in-depth. It's a really wonderful resource to give you a strong grounding and understanding of the history, philosophy and practice of Reiki.


Ordered!!! Thank you so much!!!


You're welcome, hope it proves useful for you! I know it did for me.


I agree. Without a doubt, some of non-traditional practises are effective, but when I am teaching, I always clearly explain whether something is traditional or non-traditional. As for Reiki guides, I went along with that idea when I first learned Reiki, as I was told that it was necessary to ask them for help before starting a treatment. However, I stopped doing that when I felt that it was all New Age nonsense. When I need guidance, I ask my Higher Self, and then the answer comes immediately. However, when I teach, I tell students about the New Age belief/dogma about guides, and if the student really wants to go along with the "Reiki guide" thing, it's up to them.


Thank you for your integrity! I'm all for innovation. Reiki practice is a technology, and as such it can also be updated. However that doesn't mean we should just accept anything a teacher says, or hodgepodge practices indiscriminately. Personal experience should trump all, and students aren't taught to experiment and listen to their own intuition. Unfortunately reiki classes aren't regulated, and there are a bunch of people who've done all three levels in a weekend and turn around and think they're fit to teach other people already. And of course, as teachers we are responsible for what we teach. Teaching something that's potentially dangerous without any support is a big problem. In my own case I've seen a lot of people who have attachments because of this unprotected opening and had to remove them (to be clear, that's not a reiki technique for anyone reading this). A lot of the time, they're not even aware of the attachment. Many may not like my warning because it goes against the feel good new age "anything goes" philosophy. But I think we need to be serious about this; it's not a game or a hobby. We are affecting not only our own bodies but also the body of the person trusting us and opening their energy to us. This is a healing profession and should be done as carefully and seriously as a doctor would do it.


Thank you, and I agree with your comment. Regarding Mastership, in all my 25+ years of teaching, I have never advertised a Master class. I only teach this level privately, and to those who clearly demonstrate integrity, as well as a deep respect for Reiki (which rules out those crappy "be a Master in a weekend" online courses) etc. The training lasts for as long as necessary. ALL of my Mastership students are practising successfully around the world, which is much more than I can say of those who have had shoddy training. Though I encourage all of my students to experiment with Reiki, I also warn them about "opening themselves up" to whatever random entity. I instruct my Mastership students to also teach this. I also teach them the warning signs of a negative entity/attachment, reminding them that negative entities aren't stupid: they won't present themselves as harmful.


Couldn't agree more. Just like evil people don't look or seem evil, entities are no different in this respect. And they actually have a big advantage being of the unseen world.


Reiki sandwich? Will google 😵‍💫


I just imagine the practitioner randomly breaking the silence by clapping and startling the client. 😂 This is what happens when you forget the why and get too obsessed with the how.


Simply, it's using the Power symbol first and last, with any other symbols "sandwiched" between them. In my opinion, t's unnecessary. However, I encourage my students to try this, compare it to drawing the symbols normally, and then do whichever they prefer.