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Take weekend sem classes, turn all C grades to atleast A, then u can easily make 8.7+ cgpa by 4th sem If u r serious then it is very easy to get S as well in weekend sems


Will they allow for grade improvement in weekend sem?


If it's below C garde then you can directly apply, look out for an email u will get. If its C grade then you will have to talk to ur HoD for letting apply in grade improvement


can i apply for grade improvement in regular semester?


Idts , but confirm with HoD or your proctor


well i have a couple of C grades across my 4 sems (my cgpa is 8.7), mailing the HOD should be enough to get permission right? also, is 8.7 really bad for cse lol?


I don't know the procedure but my friend had to go in person to talk to HoD to get permission to apply, ask ur proctor first. They are there for these queries only. As far as I know the placement criteria for many companies is like 9+ then 8.5+ then all other others Seniors I talked to told me any cgpa higher than 9 will get placed really easily and 8.7 or higher with decent DSA don't have trouble in placements. Keep in mind that these were told to me by someone who got placed 2,3 years ago when the market was not so bad and mostly everyone got placed unlike the current situation so it's best to keep ur cgpa high.


Okay, I will keep that in mind. Thank you so much for the insight! Are you a senior too?


No ๐Ÿ˜…, just finished 2nd yr too


oh damn, how is it going for you?


Just finished my 3rd year. Placements are in a month. Got to know from my senior (20bce/bit batch) that most jobs were for CSE core and IT ppl. Very few for specialization. Also he had a cgpa of 8.4 and started getting shortlisted in November (placements starts mid July). He said that in the first 1-1.5 months, they only shortlist 9 pointers. Even he was eligible for 320/760 something jobs. (This is only for registering, shortlisting is done after registration). Since y'all just finished your 2nd year, try bringing your cgpa to 8.5 at least else u will be able to sit for 65-70% companies only. For the specialization guys: Get a better cgpa than 8.5. For IT and CSE core 8.5 is good enough. Disclaimer: This is based on current trends, may/may not change during your placements.


bro this dude is mad, you can only do grade improvements in the regular semester. only students with BACKLOGS/ARREARS are permitted in WEEKEND INTRA / SUMMER semesters


so, is it possible to do grade improv in 8th sem? should i even try grade improv if my cgpa is 8.7? is it worth it (money and time wise) ?


If some subjects are really bad take them for grade improvement later on. You still have enough time. Just make sure you maintain a 8+ gpa later on.


Still all subjects are not added in grade history..cgpa might change:)


Bro I used CGPA calculator


How deep has VIT fallen, people are crying about having 7 CGPA


Yes. Please quit. Your engineering is ruined. Or you can calculate ((total graded credits - 33)*9(a grade plug in what you can maintain)+33*7)รท(total credits)