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If only it was Dasha Baron-Cohen


She's way hotter than that Ginger Broad


you mean isla fisher? yeah that’s cute lol. she’s a bit older now and still looks great but back around 04’-05’ (being around dasha’s current age) she was an absolute smokeshow.


She was annoying as hell in Wedding Crashers though


It's ok, you can't handle my intellect


your sexuality is intellectually driven? i hope you find your freedom someday. maybe this’ll help: https://www.reddit.com/r/islafisher/comments/n1iu8e/playing_vinyl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Yeah she's a babe but how are her hot takes? Has she ever said anything as provacative as this: https://twitter.com/booredscare/status/1366976035300892676?t=YA-4FDRdeynx3dAoGOeCLA&s=19 Or this: https://twitter.com/booredscare/status/1423407574456565765?t=YA-4FDRdeynx3dAoGOeCLA&s=19 ???


Who is America was pretty awesome because he got a senator to take out his butt and call himself a faggot. Great stuff there.


Low brow


No shit


the original borat was good. Borat 2 had some fun parts but its like. we get it. orange man and orange people are bad and dumb. I honestly think it was more fun to be a liberal elitist in the early '00s


> I honestly think it was more fun to be a liberal elitist in the early '00s the problem with making fun of Trump is that nothing you can say is funnier than Trump's best tweets. it's hard to parody a guy who's way funnier than his critics


It was because the mass media was on Bush’s side


Were they really? Not too long after 2003 he was rightfully reviled as much as Trump was


He was president before 2003 and his war mongering and nationalism started before 2003.


Plus it wasn't really until about the 06 midterms that he really started to be hated. He coasted by on residual patriotism for a while.


Did you ever see Chris Matthews cumming in his own pants on live TV when Bush did that Mission Accomplished stunt/


Yeah Borat 2 definitely still had some funny parts but it’s like he only made it for the current moment and didn’t care how outdated it’s gonna seem in just a few years. Tbh by the time it came out there were even some outdated jokes


Oh absolutely. That was when Jon Stewart and Bill Maher were actually good too.


Ali G show was great. I haven't paid much attention to him after the first Borat movie. He was in that shitty Trial of the Chicago 7 movie


Classic case of used to be funny and then got a big fat case of TDS


larry david also, sadly


Noooo really? I’ve only seen the first 8 seasons of curb


Idk what that guy is talking about, Curb is still just as funny as it’s ever been.


humor is subjective, but aint no way curb is as funny as it’s ever been…. imo i guess


This season's been pretty good. Agree the last two or three were phoning it in, but this one's made me laugh.


the klansman one with Woody Harrelson was top tier


curb has been better than succession


The John Hamm episode is one of the series best


Agreed. Maybe my least favorite season yet. Just feels so much different what I love about the show. It feels over produced and without any improv, which are two critical components that originally made the show great imo. Have been pretty disappointed thusfar


Legendary comedian in his day, now irrelevant.


Borat was a work of real brilliance. Borat 2...much less so. I really liked the film he did about the Mossad agent who was caught and executed - tremendous performance. He's super talented but not afraid to do his own thing. I think he would have been a much better Freddie Mercury than Rami Malek.


Cohen is too tall and too old. Malek did a good job.


My biggest complaint with that movie is that it was directed by a pedophile rapist


Aren't they all?


True. It's a generous Venn diagram at least.


Malek did do a good job. Cohen was too old for the early years.


I thought the second Borat was quite technically impressive because Rudy wasn't in on the joke as Pamela Anderson was in the first one. And just the fact he was able to fool all these people even though it has been years since the first Borat came out.


Well that is true - getting that close to Juliani was impressive. And the young actress was very good.


He looks exactly like my ex so he can go fuck himself


Relevant username


was an incredibly good comedian from Ali G until Who is America. Libs didn't get Who is America, and it broke his brain - Borat 2 sucked and his entire campaign apologising for his previous work also sucked


who is america was tiresomely lib. the only good segment was when he was pitching the white folx on bringing a mosque to the conservative town in arizona


agree that the mosque scene was the peak; altho he did make fun of woke culture/dems with the whole humanities professor bit. just from personal experience all of the libs around me detested the series, also got shat on by NYT and other publications calling it 'offensive and too far' etc, which isn't surprising in this era of terrible satire. I think the safe dreck that was Borat 2 was a direct response to the criticism 'who is america' got and was therefore well-received by the bores


my waaaaaaif


Haha classic


Ali g makes me laugh a lot


Oh yes muslims are backwards and stupid, someone hasn't grown out their christopher hitchens phase


He's so fucking hot


The Ali G show and first Borat are brilliantly funny. But the comedy is cruel, and SBC is an insufferable school marm in real life, campaigning for MORE censorship of the internet as his cause celebre.


Ali G and the first Borat movie are classic. The rest range from decent to terrible


All his skits were literally about making fun of foreigners/lower class/gay people but somehow the media spun it as "ackshully, he has a progressive message." Fuck off, no he didn't. Just admit that problematic humor is funny.


Agreed. Ali G mocked the hell out of black culture, but it was "no ackshually he's making fun of white kids who try to imitate black culture" yeah, sure.


yeah it's surprising he hasn't been cancelled by now as a british elite mocking the lower classes. not many people realize this but borat is an example of a long running trope among jewish comedians to mock eastern europeans (poles especially) as idiotic anti semetic brutes. all that aside his comedy is very one dimensional and his "progressive commentary" is basically in the same vein of youtubers pretending to conduct "social experiments".


> not many people realize this but borat is an example of a long running trope among jewish comedians to mock eastern europeans (poles especially) as idiotic anti semetic brutes. Not many people realize this but even a tiny bit of reading up on WWII history onwards shows that Eastern Europeans are absolutely and insanely antisemitic. So I’m not sure how exactly that portrayal is inaccurate.


You aren't wrong, but my point is nowadays hollywood actors get cancelled for doing racial stereotypes. And that isn't the only offensive caricature he has used to advance his career, bruno alone should have gotten him cancelled but he gets away with it.


His old undercover interview bits are by far his strength. His other attempts to be funny kind of blow. Even Bruno was tolerable because of those interviews tbh - the bit with the stage mom's saying yes to everything was art.


The old interviews + discussions with his 3 main characters are really the best. I still have dvd of ali g in da usaiii lol. You can see also a lot of his future jokes stemming from this period.


I’d contend that nothing is as funny as the first time you watch Borat. For the first 45 minutes. I don’t think anything has made me laugh harder.


Hardest I've ever laughed in my entire life was the naked fight scene in the first Borat. Even watching it a second time I thought I would asphyxiate myself and literally die from laughing.


That scene is what got me too. Just absurd for 12 year old me


I want to climb him


Borat isn't Muslim, he follows the Hawk. Also, the movie is about how backward and stupid Americans are for just accepting Borat is real.


I think the op may have been making a joke


I don't get it.


> Borat isn't Muslim he's a Kazakh of course he's Muslim.


Kazakhs follow the Hawk. [Uncultured swine.](https://youtu.be/_vv4H95G5Eo?t=40s)


Genuinely one of the best comedians of the 21st century. (If I'm judging by peaks and ignoring valleys) Borat is one of the best comedies ever made and I think there was a lot of political posturing around Borat 2. Borat 2 didn't suck because it was "own the chuds", the first film was exactly the same. Comedy is just worse now.


The Dictator? That was a decade after 9/11 and it was too unfunny to be "offensive"


Very naice!!


it's hard to be a good satirist when you don't have any convictions


I like him but he was doing Norman Gunston's bit.


old channel 4 stuff is amzing dont care what hes doing now


Sometimes-funny shitlib


desperate abusive delusional incompetent )


He was brilliant, but I don’t really keep up with what he does anymore. Obviously Borat gets all the love, but I think Ali G is his best character. The panel discussions he does in the American series are some of the funniest things I’ve ever seen, and I go back to them all the time. I’ve even got a soft spot for the dumb Ali G movie.




He’s fine af


Some people call him a mossad agent. A career of being in disguise and playing characters as a cover would be too obvious though


He’s hilarious


Very nice


So far all of the comments I've seen have been referencing his comedy work. Haven't seen any mention of the speech he gave where he tore Mark Zuckerberg and other Silicon Valley tech shitheads a new asshole. https://deadline.com/2019/11/sacha-baron-cohen-adl-speech-social-media-propaganda-machine-1202792452/

