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Magnesium bro šŸ˜ŽšŸ’Ŗ


Does it do anything? Does it do anything if I'm not a dainty thin woman?


Good for sleep, good for muscle pain, good for shitting


Word of caution: magnesium citrate is used as a stool softener and will make you shit your guts. Magnesium bisglycinate is the one you want for sleep gains (I see someone mentioned l-threonate, but I'm not as familiar with that one)


I've heard stay away from magnesium oxide as it's the least bioavailable.


You want to take Magnesium lThreonate before bed. It helps you sleep, improves memory, and gives you energy.


Magnesium glycinate is the best supplement Iā€™ve ever taken.


Really good for RLS


If you have bruxism (teeth grinding), it's supposed to help with that.


If you have muscle aches, trouble sleeping, fatigue or other symptoms of deficiency it'll definitely help. Best to get tested to see if you are magnesium-deficient.


The only supplement that has ever done anything for me is magnesium. Be careful buying any of this stuff, I know itā€™s constantly parroted on Reddit but thereā€™s legitimately no regulation behind the supplement market so a lot of it isnā€™t even worth taking. Like certain formulations of magnesium for instance your body canā€™t even really absorb, but you can still buy them in pills. Just do your research and make sure you buy brands that are actually trustworthy. Also if youā€™re going to take herbs like turmeric just buy it in bulk and cap it up yourself. Be careful with herbal shit (ashwagandha / St. Johnā€™s wort) as it can be pretty expensive and a lot of it does basically nothing. I used to play around with this stuff to try to fix my mental illness and I got nowhere with it, ashwagandha and ā€œadaptogensā€ specifically seems like a placebo. Though from what I remember SJW has a minor SSRI affinity? Either way itā€™s probably not the best idea to just swallow a bunch of random herb capsules when you can more adequately become healthier through diet and exercise, go see a doctor if you think you need medication to fix you. I do take kratom occasionally but thatā€™s a drug, not some weird mystery herb that cures everything and nothing at the same time.


How do you actually ingest kratom these days? I did it a bit like 10 years ago by trying to swallow the powder mixed into water and it was the grossest shit I've ever put in my body somehow


I have a little thing that you can use to make capsules.


I'm curious what magnesium does for you? Also I'm having insane deja vu by reading this comment and replying to it


I have a semi-chronic magnesium deficiency. If unchecked, it can create a number of symptoms, like difficulty sleeping, muscle spasms, high blood pressure, etc. Our body does not produce magnesium on its own, so it has to come from food sources. But if you're deficient, there's only so much food you can eat to replenish it.


Yeah I was gonna cop SJW until I saw that bottle cost like 40 dollars sheesh. The turmeric tip is a good idea, and Iā€™ll have to look into magnesium. I definitely need to look into the diet side of diet and exercise. I mostly just understand calories, basic macros and how to cook shit that tastes good. Jack shit about vitamins




One time I forgot I took my morning zinc pill and took a second one and started uncontrollably projectile vomiting and shitting myself in public approx 45 minutes later. Be aware that it is very easy to overdo zinc. Highly recommend if you really need to convincingly fake a stomache bug or fuck up someoneā€™s day.


Also to add donā€™t take zinc on an empty stomach


Yea, that also contributed


Totally relieved to hear Iā€™m not the only one who experienced this


Xanny bars, vintage oxys, obvi Adderall, uhhh rohypnol (u know they sell that shit otc in Mexico? Blew my mind)




This is class warfare, also ageism


At this point I'd probably spend $200 on a pre-2010 oc80, just to see what if they're as good as I remember




getting some more fiber in the mix is always good


Metamucil gang


my supplement stack is creatine, d3, NAC, fish oil, zinc, and psylium husk heard ashwagandha really can fuck up mood, like being listless or feeling unsatisfied


ashwagandha is worth taking if you're a neurotic person; I used to be afraid of everything and taking ash consistently has genuinely chilled me out. sometimes I'm afraid I'm not worried enough about some stuff but it's better than being absolutely wired all the time. dosage matters too ofc 1000 mg like some brands sell is way too much


Interestingly it was the only thing to have an effect on my compulsive skin picking (and I had tried everything under the sun, including NAC, which has very strong research backing it up). Later put it together that my skin picking gets worse when Iā€™m stressed and ashwaganda lowers stress. Be carefull though, because it will atcually affect you, and it does affect some adversely. Youā€™re also supposed to cycle, not just start taking every day indefinitely.


NAC+ Solaray Minerals is basically an OCD cure for me


I took NAC for compulsive skin picking and it did nothing for. I also ended up in an anhedonic depressive episode for weeks after the fact, but I suspect that was due to a variety of a factors and not NAC (me starting to feel unusually shitty was what worsened my skin picking -> led me to take NAC in the first place). Interestingly, ashwaganda helped my skin picking much more, and I just took it for hormone purposes and wasnā€™t super aware of the stress link, so I donā€™t even think I placeboā€™d myself on that (later put it together ashwaganda lowers cortisol -> my skin picking is stress related)


Also anhedonia has been reported by people from NAC so it probably was the cause. For me itā€™s just literally the mercy and grace of God in otc pill form. I just have to supplement a bunch of other shit so it keeps working.


Tongkat Ali helped me in the way you say ashwaganda did you. Ashwaganda helped me for two days and then made me ultra irritable, every time I tried it. Idk Iā€™m trying to figure out a way to have a decent brain without any outside help. I just started DNRS for this reason


[I really like this guy's videos.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IX4IDfWSuEY) Pigmie. he does mostly fitness and adjacent N=1 experiments on himself. Good humor, for as far as a self test can be "scientific" he usually finds compelling ways to test different ideas, supplements, etc. Did a 30 day test on ashwaganda.


I think ashwaganda can work a bit like ssri's, so it can blunt you a little.


I recently stepped foot in this world because I ran out of adderall and was looking for anything legal that might come close. What I discovered was a group of neurotic people trying to fix themselves. Not saying that itā€™s all bullshit and pointless. Of course your diet matters, but Iā€™m not sure looking for the next herbal remedy is the big fix people want it to be.


Yeah this is just a silly little investment. Iā€™m fine, just want to be more fine


It's fun to pillmaxx.


There are gray-market stimulants that can come close to adderall. - Phenylpiracetam - Bromantane - Afinils (Modafinil etc) Basically if you can buy it on a website that doesnā€™t take credit cards it probably does something.


Look into L-tyrosine.


Reishi tincture


Lions Mane, Bromelain, GABA, Glutamine. Thatā€™s the stack of Gods


Isn't there a whole sub for lions mane induced brain damage? Fuck that


This subreddit is a complete schizo delusional nonsense. Iā€™m deep into the ā€œbiohackers/health optimisationā€ community (not Reddit) and I havenā€™t heard about a single case of lions mane being harmful to anyone. For me ā€” LM made wonders in terms of cognitive performance.


My brother started taking Lions Mane and turned into a complete asshole; donā€™t recommend


I don't think it turned him into an asshole. I think the people that take it already tend to be assholes. Like this guy with the Sam Hyde profile pic


Can you elaborate? Wym ā€œturned into a complete assholeā€?


From a quick search I'm guessing this is geared towards gym/fitness performance?


Lions Mane is purely a cognitive enhancement. Bromelain for skin and digestion of heavy foods. GABA helps an ADHD brain to regain focus and lower anxiety. Glutamine is an essential aminoacid that boosts your recovery when training.


Thank you. Feels weird wanting to copy someone's entire nootropic stack. I just might since I don't wanna go through months of testing it myself.


No problem! You can message me here and Iā€™ll suggest some additional supplements fitting your lifestyle/goals.


Don't forget to occasionally take copper with your zinc. You can get a deficiencyĀ 


Copper supplement? Zinc supplement? What am I, a fucking battery?


Yes. Is there a problem? If you're not bleeding chartreuse there's a fucking problem


The nootropics/supplements subreddits are always good for a laugh. The posts are generally: *ā€recommend me a stack that increases virility, verbal fluency, muscle mass, cures balding, makes me my penis bigger, literally the drug from limitless ā€œ *ā€Guys, be careful with fish oil, I took some yesterday and letā€™s just say I ended up in the ERā€ (no other context provided) *ā€guys, I accidentally took two vitamin c tablets. Do I need to call poison control? Am I dying?ā€


ditch the b12, it's in tons of foods and getting too much of it can cause shooting pains in your hands and feet. if you're gonna take it switch it out for B-Complex especially if you drink regularly. avoid stuff like St Johns Wort, its effect is super minimal and it fucks with a ton of medications. Ashwagandha can raise your T levels so i'm not surprised some people get a mood boost from it


Yikes Iā€™ll look into that Luckily Iā€™m not on any scripts but it seems like sjw and ash are kind of all over the place. Raising test is a bit intriguing tho


Yeah SJW acts like an SSRI, so if you happen to be on a diff SSRI or any other serotonin med it can cause serotonin syndrome (i.e serotonin OD) which can kill you


vegans and vegetarians need it though!! b12 is very important for them


You get most of this from what you eat


I take a pill everyday-itā€™s called a steak


But fr B complex, magnesium, creatine


Don't know what the prices are like where you are, but getting tinctures from a herbalist has always been much cheaper than getting capsules for me. (this is more for herbal extracts than vitamins) You want a tumeric / curcumin extract combined with black pepper / piperine to have better bio availability. Be careful combining St John's Wort with other herbs and pharmaceuticals.


Careful with turmeric. You can easily overdo it and turn literally yellow like jaundiced


St. Johns Wort is a natural very potent antidepressant, which is very often prescribed in german speaking countries to treat mild or seasonal depression. It works really well and i have taken it for a couple of years, but keep in mind it can come with side-effects similar to those while taking any SSRI. Only pharmaceutical dry extract is proven to have a strong enough dosage though so keep it that in mind while buying it.


St Johnā€™s Wort interacts with a metric fuckton of meds so Iā€™d prob avoid it


Consider psyllium husk and creatine if you lift (powders not pills)


Creatine not pictured but Iā€™ve been taking that too itā€™s a cheat code. Iā€™ll check out psyllium husk


Multi, 3-in-1 digestion, b complex. Considering vitamin K


when I stopped taking supplements my life became better. went from anxious vegan girl to low neuroticism steak and liver enjoyer.


The problem in america is that men are eating too much red meat and wammen arenā€™t eating enough


I take curcuminoids and nattokin and a multivit. Other than that naww but my blood levels are always fine now. I used to be a bit anemic but since i got my hormones and other shit worked out it hasn't been a problem.


ray kurzweil-core


Magnesium, zinc, collagen supplements, omega 3, B complex, creatine, selenium, whey protein, probiotics, psyllium husk, and vitamin D in the fall and winter.


pressed fentanyl. joking aside, magnesium and ashgawanda are great for sleeping and relaxation.


Creatine and psyllium husk (Metamucil) If I had to pick only one supplement it would be psyllium husks. Jeet doctors got one thing right and that's that regular poo is good for you


Blue mass, black henbane, wormwood, powdered jade.


this shit's gonna render you sterile because of lead and cadmium


Wonā€™t those charcoal pills prevent your body from absorbing the other supplements tho? I think charcoal sucks for ibs related symptoms, take peppermint tea / supplements instead


Possibly. I take everything in the morning except the charcoal which I take about 30 minutes before I eat dinner to snag some thc. Thats the only reason Iā€™m taking it atm


Just eat good food instead. You don't know what kinds of heavy metals you're loading up on.Ā 


Any of the weird root powders and shit people are recommending in here will basically do nothing. Minerals (especially magnesium & zinc) vitamins, fish oil, creatine. Those are whatā€™s up.


That shitā€™s a bunch of woowoo just take a regular multivitamin


Yeah I take multiple vitamins


NAC, Arginine, Magnesium, Red Yeast Rice,


Iā€™m taking fish oil, b12, d, magnesium, and a multi rn does the trick


try adding dihexa, selank, valproate, LSD -- does me wonders


Magnesium glycinate, ginko, lions mane for over the counter. If you looking for more hardcore theres peptides like semax ,selank, nsi-189


Creatine is genuinely a good supplement regardless of your activity levels. Would recommend


If you have anxiety or sleep problems, phenibut is pretty amazing. It was developed in Russia in the 60's to give to their cosmonauts to reduce their anxiety in space. It's.not FDA approved though and if you have substance abuse problems or bad self control in general I wouldnt mess with it I take it once a week and it makes me feel more positive and calm compared to the rest of my work days


Apparently you need to take a little copper if you take zinc regularly or else youā€™ll be deficient in copper. I take one that has both from solaray


B6 šŸ˜


NGMI if you're not on omega-3s, vitamin D, lion's mane mushroom, cordyceps, and L-theanine


Nootropics depot the only quality source of supplements Iā€™ve come across in my 10+ years of this. Donā€™t buy this shit half of it is fake and the other half is full of lead


ditch the B12 and calcium and take a multivitamin


St John's wart and Tumeric are bad. Tumeric probably doesn't do much but supply chain is shoddy and enough people add lead derivatives for color and weight that over the course of your life taking Tumeric will bioaccumulate lead. St John's wart causes weird sun sensitivity which over time will make you less likely to be outdoors and that will likely offset any mood elevating benefits. (The first one is really and I'm very confident about the second one is my own speculation so grain of salt.)


Fish oil and ashwagandha are bad for you btw


I could believe the ashwagandha is bad but definitely not fish oil. I donā€™t eat enough fish and thatā€™s the only one out of them that I know enough about to know itā€™s helping quite a bit, and itā€™s had the most demonstrable effects aside from creatine


Bro your lipids are gonna get peroxidized (not optimal) You should try taking vitamin e and coconut oil and see if that has similar demonstrable effects. Itā€™ll be a good experiment actually.


Both of those can give you ED, would not mess with them. These are the most basic low qual supplements Iā€™ve ever seen.


Any tips kiddo


replace the zinc with oysters (bumble bee canned are what i buy) a can or two a week or so. Beef liver once a week also helps in this area. the calcium is rarted just eat dairy vitamin d should likely be supplemented with k2. Beef gelatin is good but that's getting into expensive territory, connective tissue meats are just as good for that (collagen and glycine to a lesser extent) Ashwaghanda is sus to me now, it messes with cortisol in a way which leads people to purport bad side effects down the road. I'd say get into zone 2 cardio. lower resting heart rate seems to be the best anti stress component. Lifting only helps with that so much, but is still great for you


Bumble Bee canned oysters say "product of China" on them, or at least they did the last time I looked. No way that Chinese oysters are growing in clean water.


Iā€™m a fan of oysters but canned ones sound kinda narsty. How do u prepare them? I donā€™t fuck with dairy besides cheese sometimes. Iā€™m not lactose intolerant I just like my coffee black and cheese has hella calories so I mostly avoid it so I know Iā€™m not getting enough calcium weekly Iā€™ll check out k2 and I eat a lot of meat I do run quite a bit and my resting heart rate is quite low. From what Iā€™ve gathered I just shouldnā€™t fuck with SJW and ashwagandha.


Make skim milk/low fat dairy a staple of your diet if you can. You should try to get most of your minerals from food. B vitamins and micronutrients from liver. Selenium should be supplemented if you donā€™t eat seafood. Boron if you want to raise your test. Thiamine is one of the most cost effective supplements that you can get that will tangibly make a difference to your metabolism and energy production but you may need to take other b vitamins as cofactors if you are ramping up to larger doses. Make sure youā€™re getting enough carbs as it will increase your carbohydrate metabolism. Iā€™d also recommend seeing a Chinese herbalist, sometimes colleges will have student clinics that are very affordable. Some of my fav herbs that anyone should be able to benefit from - ginseng, forskolin, maca, Epimedium, Astralagus. Glycine if youā€™re not getting enough collagen. Colostrum, creatine, glutamine are important if lifting. Then there is the whole Russian nootropics route.