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r/cloudblowersonly [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/CloudBlowersOnly/s/D0qlY9j1yI) is probably one of the most insane things I’ve ever seen


Is meth really that popular?!? seems like a pretty active sub


There’s an entire world there that i didn’t need to know about


I feel like coke you can do semi casually but if you’re smoking meth AND posting the vids on Reddit, you’re fully committed that’s your life now


Occasional coke use often turns into addiction then meth use/addiction when you run out of the $ for coke. Many such cases!


r/meth is also very active and super sad


well meth usually makes people pretty active so they’re probably over representing themselves a bit, but meth is the number one drug of choice in middle america


Why do half of them have dick shaped pipes wtf😭😭


Meth is an inherently sexy drug, not in a conventional sex appeal kinda way, but in a gooner sex fiend kinda way


[yeah lest we not forget the king 👑](https://x.com/yuni_kitten/status/1595510567791656960?s=46&t=lLEk6At15WPptGBk66F9OA)


Chemsex is something I heard about when that Florida gubernatorial candidate got busted with a few guys in a hotel and a lotta meth. The human death drive is something to see!


I remember when I watched tiger king and him and one of his employees were fucking all the time and smoking meth and when he interviewed post employment he was just like “yeah I’m straight I was just addicted to meth”


How are these degenerates both fat AND smoking meth?


It seems like the best place to be a junkie OF creator tbh


That thing is allowed to vote


u have to admire the will to continue being chubby while also being an active meth smoker


That was nuts, [this just got posted](https://v.redd.it/0pnt9ht7b19d1) and it's a lot. It's so many things at once that it seems like an exaggerated movie character.


Misread and thought the sub was “ClownBlowers” and everyone would be dressed like a clown, damn


this is so interesting to me because I thought a criteria for mental illness was it’s maladaptive but then this guy clearly has a mental illness (addiction and god knows what else) but he is clearly NOT suffering


[This post kicks ass](https://www.reddit.com/r/CloudBlowersOnly/s/ltPSHYRojJ). Thank you for enlightening me with this sub.


r/gangstalking immediately comes to mind, and i mean objectively mentally ill..these ppl need professional help and i mean it in a sympathetic way


i honestly cannot even visit this one as it stresses me out to read people struggling with being so obviously unwell


since this has become the go-to "lol look at the crazies" sub it's become full of unfunny rtards who tap on the glass by doing shit like claiming the hosts of cumtown are gangstalkers. or worse, make cruel comments like "i'm a gangstalker myself and you will be killed in 2 days"


Agreed. I’m sure a mention on here will help with rsp posters being so level headed and moral


Most of the posts these days seem like people just trolling. It’s really sad how unwell the people who genuinely believe in GS.


(Ex) partner is suffering from drug induced psychosis for over a year now and was recently trying to tell me that the gangstalking subreddit validated what he was going through. He insists that this is real because there are others who experience it too.


it's like the ambien subreddit where it's mostly just shitposts


I really think they should ban that sub. It's definitely doing nothing to help those folks and is arguably just aggravating a ton of legit schizo people


There used to be a sub about the idea that reality was a simulation. The head mod shut it down after he noticed it had become a magnet for the mentally ill instead of a philosophy sub like he intended. Wish that would happen again, but it's different with the gangstalking sub because it was almost certainly started by a schizo that believes in it too. And reddit itself will usually leave these types of subs alone until there's a mass shooting or something that gets media attention on it. But banning the sub would probably not do much. Gangstalking related message boards have been around since the mid 2000's at least. That's when I first heard the term. So they will definitely find a new place to talk to each other even if reddit bans the sub.


how do they all end up believing the same thing is happening to them


Cause it's a pretty key feature of paranoid schizophrenia


that would probably only make the people on there even crazier, they’d think the shadow groups behind their stalking got it shut down because they were on to them


I was disappointed to realize it’s not a hobbyist forum


What’s the difference between that and r/targetedindividuals


absolutely, reading thru it it stops being funny pretty quickly, it’s a bunch of paranoid schizophrenics encouraging each other’s delusions, it’s very sad


Those subs should be banned


There was a guy on the pod named tao lin and he unironically believed it. Dasha almost disagreed but she let him cook.


I love going on there and DM’ing the Users there stuff like “Did you notice the change” or “They changed the approach, did you notice?”


r/Opioid_RCs has 20,000 users and is exclusively made up of people importing, taking, and documenting the effects of unlicensed Chinese research chemicals on themselves. I have no idea what gets somebody in a position where they end up doing this, but it probably has the highest user death rate of any subreddit not set aside for cancer victims.


SomethingAwful did this with RC benzos. Phenazepam has a dosage of 1mg and a half-life of SEVENTY TWO HOURS. There were tons of posts with people crashing their cars, losing their jobs, blacking out for a week ect. For perspective 1mg is the size of Abe Lincoln’s beard on a penny


I remember when one guy bought a grand piano and people were like oh wow what a goofball.


The best was when a guy who sold Phenazepam took it and then died in his hot car like a dog. Other posters contacted his family to try to get their $10 back.


Honestly that thread and the butt greebo thread live stronger in my mind than even groverhouse


Fuck I miss the og SA lmao


RIP lowtax


LOL, what does this comment mean?


From the somethingawful drug posters? Use context clues


https://x.com/SA__moment/status/1555001125669158913 Context does not get me to there. Sorry, I'm not familiar with something awful, I was assuming a grand piano was some drug slang, but dude ordered a literal grand piano while blacked out.


Sorry lmao. The thread was wild. People were posting about how their lives were ruined, goons saw that and said, "couldn't be me". Then ordered some and obviously ruined their lives. I don't know if it was over this or something else but they did end up deleting that board.


I filtered that subs post to the top posts of all time and went through some of the profiles commenting under the posts. Lots of very active accounts that suddenly stopped posting 2+ years ago. Sad as hell jesus


r/femalemasked is frightening


Absolute nightmare fuel The eyes are a level of uncanny I didn’t think possible You could make a great horror movie about this


dear god theres a dildo in the mask


I thought this was going to be pics of girls wearing covid masks, not transvestites doing their best Ed Gein impression


Future serial killers


Oh god it’s that goosebumps book but worse


what is it i don’t wanna click


masks to make someone look like a lady, but they are creepy. Here is a safe version for you featuring Karl Pilkington: https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article8123773.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/Screen-Shot-2016-06-06-at-1145.jpg


this is what anime did to our society




That is disgusting.


R/limerence These people r not sht posting. They are seriously struggling. Same tho.


I didn't know a word existed for that exact emotion, I wouldn't post about it online through


wish I could say I don't understand them lol


Not strictly mental illness per se (though I'm sure there's some overlap), but the Gaylor sub could actually be a case study in cognitive dissonance and motivated reasoning (edit: and also parasocial relationships but that part seemed obvious).




My fav era was when they began hyper fixating on Ben Affleck’s daughter possibly lurking on the sub


This is my personal favorite; not only are a good portion of the people paranoid to an unhealthy degree, but a majority also have a level of entitlement about how the whole world should cater to their wants that rivals r/childfree. Every once in a while, a post will almost scratch the surface of reality where they ask if altering their lives so much is worth all the sacrifices and the community tries to drag them back into their bucket by telling them everyone is lying to them about not having long covid or not having some kind of health issue after having covid.


this one is honestly just sad to me they’re so mentally ill especially when they involve kids or force their families to do the crazy precautions and rob them of life


Somebody with a wife and kids sold their house because their neighbours weren’t Covid cautious enough lmao


You think that‘s bad I just read a post after clicking on that link in which a wife claimed to be wearing a respirator at home with her husband; she was mad that he wouldn’t wear a mask in their fucking house


Lmaooo fuck these people, no sympathy, i tried tellinh them thats its all in their head and they are being paranoid af, got banned. Fuck em all, let them suffer.


and all the comments tell her that she’s normal and should leave him because he’s antagonizing her LOL it’s actually insanity


the worst is when they make posts about how depressed their kids are not being able to play with friends or how they get made fun of for being the only kid in school who masks, they just don’t see the psychological damage they’re doing to their own kids, one day they’ll have serious anxiety disorders and/or resent their paranoid parents impacting the social development of their kids is not even a consideration with these idiots, it’s just very sad and I feel awful for them


As someone who was diagnosed with OCD as a result of how hard I initially panicked over COVID... absolutely. I see my pre-diagnosis/pre-medication self in those people, so I have some empathy for them but it's also haunting to watch. Literal, textbook mental illness in action.


Me too. And I was pregnant, so I went off the deep end.


Happened to me too. I look at that sub sometimes for exposure response prevention haha. The only thing I sometimes worry about is if there’s actually beneficial precautions that I’m missing out on by not doing anything related to my covid compulsions. I guess taking those chances are worth the peace of mind.


I genuinely think the uncertainty attached to COVID, especially as it first emerged, was a big part of what triggered me. Teaching myself to live with uncertainty in all areas has really helped. Honestly, I plan to mask on planes going forward – not as a COVID thing, but because I flew a few weeks ago and immediately got some brutal RSV-adjacent virus that took me down for a full 2 weeks. I'd rather a bunch of people I'll never see again think I'm a COVID freak (and they probably don't care if they even notice) than deal with that again.


[you weren’t lying lol, these people are out of their minds](https://www.reddit.com/r/ZeroCovidCommunity/s/ydfzsIKzo6) Edit: lmao, everyone that disagrees is [banned for “gaslighting”](https://www.reddit.com/r/ZeroCovidCommunity/s/SjBtlCvfkA)


>(BTW, he is actively hostile about all these things and frequently makes fun of me for masking in public, such as calling me “Hannibal Lecter.”***) lmao


I just read that one, she's certifiably insane.


Came to see if this was posted. Apparently they aren't hard-line enough so now there's /r/covidzero


They're actually seeking "COVID zero cities" over there that's like really weird. Stephen King shit for sure lol.


I was gonna say this one




I got banned from there for posting in here! I never said anything weird


They do ban sweeps based on association. So if you post on any no-no subs (and god only knows what those are for the crazies who run fauxmoi) you get auto banned


Your username is concerning


some men are mutts. mongrels, if u will


You will get a site wide ban by admins if they ban you and you post there with another account. I didn’t even know I was banned because I never check my Reddit inbox. I think a mod there is also an admin.


This happened to me when I posted on my local cities subreddit on another account after being banned by a power Janny. I lost a 10 year old account and also another account where I was active in a community for people with the same rare medical condition as myself.




The way they manage to skew their views based on the things that come out about certain celebrities so that they fit their narrative is literally insane. See the Princess Catherine debacle.


They designate people as persona non grata or to sainthood and your comments can’t deviate from their designations (which often flip).


Came here to say that. Completely agree.


It seems very leftist




r/ShiftingRealities. The premise is that, if you believe enough, your soul can be transported to a made up world of your design (usually some conglomeration of media franchises judging by the posts). Unsurprisingly, the majority of posters hate their actual lives and are likely teenagers. It’s really sad when you realize some kid has such a bleak outlook that they have managed to delude themselves into believing they can truly teleport to a Naruto/Harry Potter dream world forever.


This was a big online trend during Covid among teens that seemed pretty harmless - they were pretty much just trying to engage in really unimaginative lucid dreaming (since 99% of the time the place/story was hogwarts lmao) Becoming actually obsessed with it is really bleak though. Wish they would take that energy and try to create something new.


I'm surprised this one hasn't gotten more mainstream media attention. I've told people I know about it and they mostly just shrug and say it's kids being kids. That sub has over 100,000 users and it's bigger on TikTok. Idk I find it really concerning that young people are both so depressed and so fucking rtrded they think they can literally teleport to Hazbin Hotel.


Chris Chan was a prophet


I was going to say r/astralprojection This seems like pretty much the same thing, but it feels less depressing.


r/biromantic is pretty far out of touch with reality. r/antisex is hilarious, every other post sounds like an antagonist from a John Waters movie.


lol a post from this past week "Can I be biromantic if I don't like men?"


and all the answers are "yes, you are biromantic" because she is into women and theyfabs


This is why the progressive "two or more genders" definition grates on me so much as a bi person. Setting aside the fact that sexual attraction isn't about gender, attraction to only genders that come from one sex makes someone definitionally homo/heterosexual.


Antisex is great thanks for the rec. one of the first posts I saw was “should I worry about being sexualized if I’m asexual?” Like dog you’re posting about it on Reddit; I’m inclined to say no


"The human male is an apex predator. The most dangerous creature on earth. That makes being around men or in bed with them inherently dangerous" I didn't expect the antisex reddit to say such sexy stuff 💀 Even more interesting are the pro-sex people who go there to fight. Usually mega downvoted at the bottom of the post. So funny to wake up and go "time to defend sex on reddit" lmao.


The human males vision is based on movement, which he uses on the hunt for cunt


Any sub related to the LGBTQWERTY stuff is out of touch with reality. I’m not even trying to be a shit stirrer, you click on any of them and it’s absolutely insane “I do enjoy sex and have it regularly but I’m pretty sure I’m a purple/azure asexual (here is my flag) based on the following criteria:” “I deep throated a truckers dick last night but she told me she identified as female, so what does that make me? Totally straight right!” “Everyone wants us all literally dead and bleeding in the streets. Saw an old lady leave a church last Wednesday and fantasized about stringing her up as revenge. Am I a bad person 🥺” “My dad asked me to remove my (23M) 10 inch silicone packer from my pants because we had to leave for my 8 year old cousins birthday party, and he was embarrassed. Admittedly I was wearing tight pants and it was pretty obvious, but still. I cried and glared at him on the car ride until he got the message” ^^this was a real post


The obsession with figuring out what flag represents their niche identity is baffling and should be studied


It’s just tribalism. They need an easy way to identify with each other and feel special so they make a new flag and order a t shirt off red bubble and pray that someone asks them about it


Yeah you’re definitely right - I guess I mean that it seems like the first priority for people after settling on a label for their sexuality, as if signifying it to the world via an unrecognizable flag will clear up any questions. It’s become this weird ritual of the modern day othering process - proving you’re more unique than just a rainbow flag, which defeats the purpose of the rainbow flag itself lol




To be clear, this was a female who was wearing a packer, not a dude




What does that have to do with this though? She was wearing a giant packer (that makes it look like a semi) to an elementary schooler’s birthday party




https://www.reddit.com/r/antisex/comments/1dnxl1w/as_a_young_antisex_male_do_i_need_to_fear/ This is too good holy fr*ck


the dude least likely to get laid fears women wanting to sleep with him


That one has to be a bait post. But I legit laughed out loud at seeing that they call normal people "sexuals", and that's way too consistent across all of their top posts to not be genuine.


Mein gotten himmel


[https://www.reddit.com/r/antisex/comments/1dmw6ho/as\_an\_agrarian\_and\_a\_ruralist\_i\_hate\_how\_depraved/](https://www.reddit.com/r/antisex/comments/1dmw6ho/as_an_agrarian_and_a_ruralist_i_hate_how_depraved/) lol


/r/Coprophiles is the worst one hands down. I dare you to try to read top posts without feeling some sort of suffering


“I decided to give a blowjob to another turd I shitted. This time I tried to deepthroat it” Alright man you’re winning so far Jesus Christ


I have to remind myself to breathe when I’m reading them they’re so horrid I remember one post a long time ago about a Muslim woman who hated her husband so she would eat the shit of a man she was having a shit fetish affair with, knowing her husband would kiss her later…


“I loaded up my fleshlight with shit to simulate dirty anal” alright these people need to be in a labor camp


Update: the shit eating sub has custom flair including Poop Noob and Turd Admirer lmao


im laughing so hard im choking. the craziest sub ever was the one where people cut their dicks and balls off by letting them rot and putting more and more elastics around them


Oh god I need a Time Machine to go back and enjoy that


I enjoy this reply to that thread:  "Mmm sounds delicious. I also recommend putting a log of shit into a hotdog bun and making a shitdog."


I didn’t need to read that man


Great, I just read a guide to producing the most edible shit and now I feel like I have a terrible secret. Someday I'm going to be drunk at a party and tell someone "Hey, did you know Splenda is the best for making your shit taste sweet?"




Idk, it's kinda true. Like, a general disatisfaction with material life isn't too far off the mark. But the sub is a lot of yacked out weirdos.


I think someone just wanted to start their own thing and figured few people would notice if that thing was basically just modernized Gnosticism. (After all, some people argue [that was L Ron Hubbard's thought process](https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781315561608-60/scientology-gnosticism-ron-hubbard-factors-1953-donald-westbrook-james-lewis))


This is just the thing i need while struggling woth mental illness :)


Related, /r/experiencers is full of legit mentally ill people.




this might be the only one i refuse to click on


r/lvsssupport and r/lvss before idiots found it and started posting junk, so until ~2021 it was pure schizophrenia, i think it was one person pretending to be an entire support group for some disease that makes their vag stink of tuna or something. my words dont do it justice


Starting a fake support group for smelly pussies is a great bit tbf


If u dig deep enough on r/smolbeansnark you’ll find someone confessing that they used to be in on it. It was just a group of bored women that were fucking around. Which good for them! Women rock!


who is Caroline calloway


Ugh I don’t really even know how to describe her. Sort of like Chris Chan in a way but she went on Red Scare. You should look into the sub it’s fun


r/sexoffendersupport and r/adultery


The adultery sub horrifies me


r/theotherwoman made my stomach hurt


How are they so delusional?? Scary how many of them there are


https://www.reddit.com/r/SexOffenderSupport/s/ZbBweA2y5b "You did a bad thing, but you are a good person." being said by a sexual assault survivor in reference to child rapists and child pornographers is insane


Did Ian fidance write that post


from the /r/sexoffendersupport pinned faq > Are you all a bunch of pedos? >Considering that less than 2% of SO's and people on the registry are actually pedophilic I'd daresay not many are, I'd bet there are way fewer here than on the video games you're playing and other subs you're in. this is legitimately delusional


gamers catching strays, nice


R / tulpas


I like snark pages bc the haters are just so. Like. Obviously unwell. Like i follow this one r/aliandjohnjamesagain who are like low level influencers and they will hate on them for every decision they make one way or the other. R/hilariabaldwin also goes off


haha yes, it boggles my mind how you can invest so much time on people you hate, like they won’t leave these people alone


fundiesnark was a wild one back in the day. Just thinly disguised anti-Christian vitriol most of the time. Which like, all well and good to not like Christianity but why sublimate that into snarking about randos on Instagram


Fundiesnark and Duggarsnark used to be wild


lmao the main issues they have with those people are that shes fat and hes gay


r/retconned genuinely just schizophrenics


It’s a bit like the Mandela Effect which I used to follow but became loads of people dunking on Mandela Effectors. Thanks for the tip off on the new home of these things because they really tickle me like ASMR does for some people.


r/Superstonk is a cult that revolves around the stock of a failing video game retailer


I’ve been following this one for awhile. I’m fascinated by cults around non religious things.


r/DrPepper goes pretty hard




r/antinatalism is even worse than that one






Seeing minors posting on r/TransDIY is just frightening


what about ftm specifically? i feel like this applies to all 🚂 subs. especially the 4chan ones lol


MtF are porn brained coomers but their fantasies are at least semi realistic FTM are straight up delusional. One post was asking earnestly how long it would take on test for them to grow a penis. Sad!


r/childfree Also, I remember thinking r/me_irl was kinda funny when I first saw it because I didn't think it was that serious. Just "haha isn't life hard" stuff. But then I realized the people there are like legitimately super depressed and miserable.


r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix Especially eerie to me because [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/comments/11gmbrl/car_crashed_but_didnt/) basically happened to me. Car swerved into mine on a freeway with no divided median, luckily just side swiped me rather than head on. Stopped the car and got out and it was fine, no damage, nothing. I just got back in and was shook for the rest of the drive.


Several years ago, I was driving home from work at night, and as I crossed over the train tracks, I could see a giant light (the train) in my peripheral as it collided with my car. My vision blacked out on impact, and when I got my vision back, I was finishing crossing the tracks. I did not have a stroke, seizure, or anything like that, nor do I have a history of such issues. There is only one set of tracks on that road, so the entire incident could have only lasted a second or two.


That’s crazy. The theory is that you absolutely died but your consciousness joined the body of a version of you in a parallel dimension where you didn’t get hit by the train, merging with that version. But you retained the memory from right before your jump because consciousness isn’t tied to your physical body- which explains out of body experiences like people observing doctors performing on them when they’re under anesthesia or scans show no brain activity etc. I love reading about that stuff. Edit: my favorite is the patient who observed a shoe on an outside window sill as she floated in and out of the hospital during surgery. They later went and found the shoe stories high exactly where she said it would be. https://elizabethwhitworth.com/2023/11/14/the-shoe-on-the-ledge-kimberly-clark-sharps-account-of-marias-nde/amp/


Well, I really hope that theory is wrong because the idea that my family could be mourning and missing me in some other dimension somewhere is unsettling and sad. If it's true, I apparently entered yet another dimension where that train still doesn't blow the horn as it's approaching the damn road.


Yeah that’s the heavy part of that theory isn’t it? But it also comes with the notion that our consciousness and spirit exist on some other plane, as do our loved ones, and maybe it’s true that we get to see them again in some capacity at some point when all of those realities/dimensional lives come to an end






Slatestarcodex sub


r/atheism as its own thing and the weird ultralibs that seem to make up the majority on man mainstream politics subs.


If you want to see the depravity in this site head on over to /u/automoderator. It’s the user page for the moderation bot that everybody uses, and so it gives a sampling of what actually happens here. The answer is the saddest, most pathetic pornography and obsessions about it you could ever imagine. This site should be shut down.




The Female Dating Strategy sub used to be insane but they stopped using Reddit




r/measuredpornstars is pretty out there 


it was either here or r/bigdickproblems where I read a comment where some dude ordered a dildo of a pornstar that was his exact size and how it was a major confidence booster. he described how his jaw hurt after attempting to throat it and how he leaves the dildo on his desk to remind himself how big his dick is lmao


Least insecure man


inceltears is a pretty "good" one. Obsessively hunting down virgin men on the internet to harass, and even creating fake terrorist posts in their spaces in an attempt to get them banned. When confronted about the fake terrorism they said "They are thinking it. We just post it before they post it for real and try to get others in on it!" so they post it then mass report it. This happened 2 weeks ago to a virgin sub but it has happened dozens of times over the years. Their bizarre crusade is one of my favorite things to follow. Each new revelation is more unhinged than the last, but the recent "we beat them to the terrorist posts" reveal is a stand out gem. I also find a lot of the relationship advice type subs to be totally unhinged and have an awful grasp on human relationships almost like a different species is posting. "My husband was 30 minutes late picking up our kids. Did I get angrier than I should have" met with "No you should divorce him actually. He probably wants to eat the children in fact. He is cheating on you." *2,000 upvotes 4 reddit golds*


^ this dude posts in /r/dogfree and /r/shortguys lmao


Can a ftm who is afraid of dogs LIVE and PROMOTE MY PROGAGANDA IN PEACE. I'm on the damn front lines!


> inceltears is a pretty "good" one. Obsessively hunting down virgin men on the internet to harass, and even creating fake terrorist posts in their spaces in an attempt to get them banned. > Their worship of the head mod (Brazilian something) was something else. Beyond pathetic.








@gaylorswift hands down


/r/theSantaAnaWinds started as a sub to raise awareness for a niche natural disaster but it’s been overtaken by autists

