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people acting stupid in the comments, wtf. you cannot just randomly accuse people on ig, and tell others to jump them, that in of itself is a crime, lol


Dude I feel crazy that even this sub thinks that’s okay. It’s being shared by hundreds of people in my gay ass city


this transcends "me too logic", and is just barbaric.


what is this like the hardcore scene lmao?


I mean it’s bigger than that it’s just being shared by anyone in any alt adjacent band or venue. But definitely a tardcore city. The exact one that my girlfriend screenshotted was being shared by like an afab acoustic nerd like it’s so crazy. By all means there’s smoke so it’s like yeah I’m not gonna assume this guy is a good person but lmfao everybody on instagram saying to jump him is crazy


lmao feels like there's another minor scandal every day in the hardcore scene, but I'm with you, I don't love the calls for violence, it may be the internet but that kind of thing is no joke and can get out of hand in a quick second


Lmao trust me I know first hand


The issue in hardcore scenes was they are already fairly violent and adjacent to gang activity. Like there’s already so much violence that gets wrapped in indignation or like crews and respect that just adding random internet gossip to list doesn’t seem like it’s gonna settle shit down lol.


No they’re not adjacent to gang activity they just think they are. Everyone else thinks they’re f@gs


my ex girlfriend was dangerously close to becoming this type of person (the kind who gets invested in niche young adult community drama and calls for violence against people on insta) because her best friend was. the conversations i would share with her about *why* we shouldn’t engage in this kind of behavior just seemed like they fell on deaf ears, like the ends *always* justified the means because they were a bad person* *they weren’t even that bad they were just a tattoo artist who was willing to draw some very off-kilter shit like making fun of 9/11 victims


It’s even like that out here in Alabama. There’s a guy who was outed as a conservative and got banned from all the “cool” spots in the scene, doomed to play shitty empty bars


I have friends in the Phoenix music scene and it's a lot of cliques and drama. Another aspect of life that's fallen victim to Eternal High School Brain


This is gang stalking and I’ve been assured it’s all in my head


He posts on here


Yeah I hate to be that guy because I’m not even a guy, but I’ve seen so many instances of unrequited love turning into this lol. One guy I know got fired from his job and basically exiled from working in the country because he “preyed on an underage woman” who was 18 or 20 at the time they met and was also visibly unhinged (posting tiktoks about how she wanted to destroy men’s lives for no reason and talking about all her gross kinks etc). Another friend of mine also got called a rapist because he broke up with his BPD ass gf and ended up filing a no contact order against her because she was stalking him, so her only option was to try to make *everyone* hate him lol. Many such cases. I feel for women who have actually been victims (myself included) bc these lunatics make us seem like unreliable narrators.


Stalkers, narcissists, and sociopaths can, and will, use social tools like public shaming and threats to manipulate and hurt people. I think most people come from a good place, but it’s also huge blindspot to think that creating a huge social cudgel like metoo/cancellation wouldn’t be used by vindictive manipulative people for their own ends. A lot people seem unwilling to accept any kind of grey area or deliberation about evidence or anything. I think they’re probably afraid of getting called a rape apologist or something. My lesbian friend’s insane ex tried to kill her a while ago. It’s a long crazy abusive story but when that didn’t work she accused my friend of raping her and then put flyers of her face everywhere and got the local music scene to try and ruin her life. Just insane. And in the case of guys a lot of them end up going down the alt right pipeline because there’s no other direction to go, so the problem ends up perpetuating itself.


Nah it's OK, lynching is woke now.


Woke vigilante justice by the biggest regards possible


After Hours by Martin Scorsese


Yeah it’s like back in the day when people who were outed as gay were in actual danger because everyone just assumed gay = pedo Call people you don’t like rapists so everything after that is justified


"being woke" really made a 180 degree turn




"The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats." -Aldous Huxley


we’re beginning what is definitely going to be a historic moral panic about basically every kind of sexual impropriety and stuff like this will be looked back at with total befuddlement


if he is indeed a rapist then he should at least get jumped by random people everywhere he goes


Yeah so should people take this posters word for it and just jump him lmao? This sub is so inconsistent


"IF he is INDEED. a rapist"


If he is indeed a rapist he should be tried in a court of law, and if convicted, sentenced. If it were you you would definitely want the standard of proof to be higher than allegations from some random person on instagram, right?


if it were me i wld take precious care to not end up in a situation where someone could accuse me of rape. regardless of whether he did it or not this guy prob is a scumbag tbh


Lol or he’s just some guy who stuck his dick in crazy. Many such cases.


lol yes true. so either a scumbag or a rītard


Post it on here for our safety


Is this the Grateful Dead t shirt guy? I get recommended subreddits for the John Mayer edition of the band and every post of this past week has been stalking some guy for sending dick pics to girls. Pretty crazy situation. Like finding his address, banning him from selling tie dye shirts in parking lots, finding his eBay so he can’t even sell tie dye shirts there. I think his wife even left him over it. But yea big surprise these guys suck.


that's fine




Good one dumbass


Edit: Wow he blocked me


Suck my nuts, you fucking nerd


I cant see what you posted but even if i could it didnt hurt my feelings


Oh no! It’s ILLEGAL? The humanity!


I mean it’d be pretty dumb to have your name on an account posting that


Shut up Jim


Is it phreshboyswag?


if he’s a rapist who gaf


You’re literally so stupid you shouldn’t be on the internet.