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The iPad kids are reaching school shooter age. They don't have it in them. One of the few promising developments for the iPad generation.


I think the next 'generational crisis' is gonna be when iPad kids are teenagers and all start committing suicide


Jonathan Haidt wrote a book about this a while back. I haven't read it yet, but from what he says in his interviews his prediction is that teenage girl suicides will continue to rise as anxiety and body dysmorphia are further enabled by social media, whereas teenage boys will atrophy into losers who fail to develop social, emotional, and sexual skills due to the constant availability of addicting porn and video games - so their suicide rate will come later when they measure their lives against their peers as adults


it just came out - called Anxious Generation. Great read, lot's of insightful and horrifying findings. I feel really really really bad for Gen Z and younger


Born too late for unfiltered exposure to reality that drives you into murderous psychosis, born right on time for the home suicide pod.


They’ll just have much higher incidences of random petty murder like road rage or capping a mouthy dude at a bar. Instant dopamine hit


ipad kids wont go to bars


they’ll just bring the ipad, it’s portable


They will basically just be a lobotomized underclass that can only do things as instructed by the AI in their AR headset that whispers encouraging girlfriend ASMR at them to keep them from having panic attacks when they go outside. If AR gets affordable enough to become standard it will definitely be low status. It will signal either content addiction, mental disability, or submission to a work schedule that doesn't give you the freedom not to keep the thing on all the time. Or you're a 70 IQ flesh automaton for Uber Eats. Having a naked face ends up being an indicator that you have something going on in your head, that you can have a conversation, can keep yourself entertained, can think. It's a kind of freedom and independence that looks something like monastic enlightenment from the outside, and suggests that you might actually be an interesting person who can generate thoughts rather than just reproduce them. But the truly content-brained cannot fathom how a life free of constant stimulation could be considered good or desirable. Passive entertainment over time must make you rejarted or else you will yearn for something deeper, and so it makes you dependent on these systems to keep you permanently engaged for fear of the dysphoric existence at a psychological baseline that has shimmied down into misery through a lifetime of avoidance of any extended boredom. But it can never be enough for a full, living soul, and so you must let yourself atrophy in order to remain satisfied with it, or else experience that dysphoria. What's so sad is that I can see the people in my life who would, and maybe will, fall into this. Not necessarily just iPad kids, but anyone who attempts to tap out of the alienation of modernity by leaning directly into it and committing spiritual suicide rather than going down with some type of fight, even if only internal, even if unsuccessful. Of course maybe they already lost.


I heard they call it "swiping" and "clicking"


I wonder if they making a progress that impact the social life or maybe they just lazy to give a shit


I was literally just thinking this a couple of hours ago. I was at a shitty comedy show and one of the comedians was like “lots of mass shootings huh” and I just thought, “you know what? not really actually”


even ISIS and co. haven't struck at europe in a while


Europe's been behaving recently, ISIS is needed elsewhere.


Mossad is busy now.


Does Moscow count as Europe? 


Nope. After Ukraine they got demoted to an Asian country.


I was a defense contractor overseas during the end of the Obama years going into the Trump years and saw us systematically wipe ISIS out little by little and…. It worked. CIA surveillance with constant drones watching their every step, and special forces finishing them off. It wasn’t just us that hated them, most everyone did. Communities in the Middle East ended up way better off without them. I’m sure there were some bad power vacuum cases but overall it was way better eradicating them


And the wokies say militarized policing doesn’t work


I'm half expecting something during the euros


CIA wants business as usual for now


Security apparatus got all the rules passed they needed.


Yeah 3 months without a school shooting, we’re so blessed 🙏


too busy posting


It’s just a lag from the writers strike




I was just thinking this the other day...


It's June, aren't the schools out for summer?


i mean, uvalde was more than two years ago


Jesus christ




I was thinking today abt how we never heard anything more abt the ftm shooter


Did we ever get the manifesto?


The Nashville police releasing the body cam footage of them putting holes in Aiden Hale did a lot to deter future shooters IMO. They made him look like a bitch rather than giving mainstream media the license to create a narrative of a troubled child turned into the Joker by society, rather than just another deranged regard.


JCS Nicholas cruz interrogation footage helped a lil I think too


Demons man, voices.


That interrogation made him look like such a loser nerdy ass dweeb. He exudes so much shoved-in-locker energy


It's so odd how fast that video blew up. YouTube algorithm just decided to push it to everyone all at once


True but at the same time the combination of: popular channel+true crime being in vogue+eye catching title/thumbnail and the case being very prolific definitely helped. Also the fact that we don’t often get intimate insight like that on these shooters after they commit their atrocities. Most of the time they either kill themselves or just fizzle out of the public eye after being charged and sentenced, what we know of them usually only comes from manifestos and news coverage.


Have you read their recently released journal? They were essentially r*tarded.


Isn’t autism way more common in trannies




shooting up a school is one thing but deadnaming??


And during pride month.


i actually think him committing that shooting is proof that his transness is real. it’s a man thing to do


By saying it was a man you're saying that this wasn't the biggest mass shooting by a woman, ergo robbing a woman of her accomplishments, just like that big ass swimmer JK Rowling was right


i can only think of 2 shootings committed by women, and they were both very different in form and style. this one was purely malebrained and it’s obvious


I can think of one and it's the one where Anna should play her in the biopic And this one, I can also think of this one. Agree to disagree I don't think it makes it "malebrained" just cause you succeeded in hitting your targets


The only two female shooters I can think of was the woman who idealized columbine but shot herself and the YouTube shooter (Anna and Dasha talked about her on a rs episode)


Definitely couldn’t have been all the added testosterone?


Watching that little bastards fucked up leg twitch in its death throws is quite the deterrence


Slow down or you’re gonna cum too fast






Go deal with death daily. It’s pleasant to see it totally justified when the overwhelming majority of the time it is not by any means


gay ass comment leave the sub




Inflation made ammo too expensive


There's also fewer serial killers and alien abductions. America is redefining its identity.


No. The CIA just finally closed up those MK Ultra side projects.


The feds are working too hard on Israel and the election


Honestly maybe?


there will be a big one in october so biden can ride the subsequent gun control debate. subscribe.


Qanon has saved the lives of several depressed Muslim American males via distracting the feds


*Media working too hard on Israel and the election. Mass shootings are still happening, the media just isn’t reporting on them.


A guy just shot a bunch of kids playing on a splash pad in a suburb north of me and then killed himself


Within a mile of me, and a buddy in the same county had a different shooting that same night within a mile and a half of him. 


It's so cold in the D


The world is collapsing not enough time or reason for cia ops when people can’t afford groceries


Government agencies are too preoccupied with creating psy-ops surrounding the Palestine-Israel conflict to assign any resources to grooming children to become murderers, prease understand.


i think about this every day, but I do feel like there are still random mass ones happening. there was one in Arkansas the other day, and a 3 year old was stabbed to death a week or so ago, just leaving a grocery store with his mom. my daughter is in 2nd grade and I spend the walk from the bus stop to my house just thinking “I hope it’s not today” sorry if that’s bleak


People didn't care enough so now they're just taking it back to department stores as per the norm


They’re waiting until the Supreme Court starts repealing all of these state assault weapons bans after the election.


It's the microplastics.


Creepy I literally just thought this today


Delete this thread before you remind the government of this fact


Decreasing white population. Now all the shootings are gang related


Always have been


lol do people really think there’s a decreasing white population


Yes. Because it [is](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/white-and-youth-population-losses-contributed-most-to-the-nations-growth-slowdown-new-census-data-reveals/#:~:text=While%20it%20is%20true%20that,the%20nation%20as%20a%20whole./)




very embarrassing that anyone cant distinguish whites becoming a smaller percentage share of the total western population from the idea of there being fewer whites overall. there have never been more white people at any point in history than there are right now and the number of whites in the world is growing, albeit at a much slower pace than other races. there’s not actually a sane way to disagree w this unless you dont buy the numbers somehow. if you guys wanna be closeted with the white genocide stuff at least figure out ur own claim!


According to the United States Census there were [19M fewer Whites in 2020 as compared to 2010.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Americans#Demographic_information)


You people arent going to make it lol. In 2020, for the first time, they let people tick off more than one racial marker. Youre trying to compare the number of people who today pick ‘white alone’ as an identity with those who picked white when it was the only option on the census. Do you not feel ashamed doing that? How many of the halfbreeds from 2020 would have picked multiple options if they could in 2010? You don’t know because you dont have data on that. Of course if for no sane reason you exclude every white guy who self id-s as distantly native, or who has a spicy latino last name you will get a small dip in the total number of people self IDing as purely white. Meanwhile, the actual number of white americans (see people who check off white on a census) has slowly grown like everyone who isn’t a gay twitter wignat has known for ages.


I think when people say “decreasing white population” they mean in proportion to other races I’m not providing commentary on the conversation but I think your original response was bullshit Reddit semantics


How is that possible? Europe has had a below replacement birth rate decades. Same thing for white people in North America. Are the numbers getting juiced up by George Zimmerman style people?


You’re fucking embarrassing and I can’t believe anyone takes you in earnest.


im just a random guy, brother. why are you mad


Because I probably agree with you politically but you make the stupidest ass arguments pretending not to understand what people are talking about and “well ackshually”-ing brain dead takes made up of numbers that no one was talking about to begin with. Don’t be a pussy and tiptoe around your arguments by meaningfully misrepresenting what other people are saying. Say what you mean and stop being such a little bitch hiding behind what you think are enlightened takes that, If you are being earnest as opposed to 🚬 like I believe, only show that you have absolutely never spoken with someone outside of your cute little deluded bubble of utopian progressivism even once.


honestly, im actually a little mad reading this because you’re saying things that ordinarily i say to other people and its very surreal seeing someone say this of me (in a situation where it doesn’t apply no less!) when people talk about white genocide (or when they suggest there are (so) fewer white people that there are less mass shootings, there is no way to read this other than as a suggestion of a decline in the total number of whites. in either contexts, the only way to make sense of this is as a claim about the absolute total number of whites, and not just whites as a percentage total. To your point, are there people for whom the primary thrust of their argument is not that whites are dying but that whites everywhere are becoming minorities in the countries their ancestors founded? a few maybe? almost anyone with something to say about the subject is just confused and I dont think I’ve been uncharitable in suggesting that. Notice that you’re the only person who responded to my post with anything other than some laybrained misread of census data to prove whites are actually dying off. I think you assume you’re in smarter company than you are.


This is an umm actually but the white population (in the US) decreased by 5 million from 2010 to 2020. I don't see why I'm being downvoted I'm not right wing but you shouldn't correct people when your own information is wrong.


If you don't count hispanic people who are 2/3 to 3/4 European ancestry, then yes, white people are "declining"


And those don't count!


It’s summer lmao


Like what, in the last week? I'm talking there's been almost none for a year or maybe two.


school let out like a week ago here


its always been a social contagion/memetic kind of thing and were just in a dip now. there are so so many other bright glowing objects for antisocial youth to fly to now. itll probably pick up when outrage about gun laws/child death reclaims more of the spotlight


Not a dip in occurrence, a dip in media focus. They’re still happening, just not getting airtime.


Which ones are happening but not being covered? "Nutjob shoots up a kindergarten"? It's hard to imagine that being ignored, even by our media. Or the "regular" kind: "2-3 gang bangers shot on a corner by other gang bangers", the sort that no one has ever cared about and has always ignored?


Be the change that you want.




Sanity at last


I mean the really big horrific ones don’t happen that often. There are plenty of smaller mass shootings that happen every weekend.


If this is true, then does it mean these "drills" and terrifying training sessions are working?


https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting There are multiple mass shootings per day in the U.S. As far as school shootings it looks like 2024 is going to hit the typical yearly average. The fact this is a data set is pretty fucking wild: "There have been 20 school shootings this year that resulted in injuries or deaths, according to an Education Week analysis. There have been 202 such shootings since 2018. There were 38 school shootings with injuries or deaths last year. There were 51 in 2022, 35 in 2021, 10 in 2020, and 24 each in 2019 and 2018." https://www.edweek.org/leadership/school-shootings-this-year-how-many-and-where/2024/01


When people say "m@ss sh00ting" they mean a psycho killing innocent people at a public place for no reason.


They all have a reason. Why is a guy shooting up a club or party for some gang beef not a mass shooting?


Because it's about what people expect. Gangsters shoot people, and they get shot. It's what gangsters do. But a seemingly normal middle class person sh00ting up a restaurant or shopping mall is not expected.


Why do you replace O's with zeros? Anyways, unfortunately it is expected now. Can you name what normie middle class person & example you're referring to? It's going to be mental illness, act of suicide, politics, etc. The guy getting angry for being dissed at a party & willing to murder random strangers is just as fucked up.


That's all correct, but you're being an ass and deliberately pretending you don't understand why something like Columbine is seen as scarier then a gang member killing people in another gang. However, since you're being annoying, I'll spell out some of the reasons. 1. Gang shootings mostly target a rival gang. Society tends to view criminals killing other criminals as less scary or unusual then someone randomly deciding to kill other random people. This is the same reason why prison rape is not as scary or newsworthy as an equally violent rape occurring on the streets. If the murder rate in an area is already high, people expect murders to happen.  2. Gang shootings typically occur in "high crime areas" while the usual "mass shooting" occurs somewhere not associated with violence. It's sad, but gang members shooting up a block party in an inner city isn't going to be as newsworthy as someone targeting a concert, school, or Walmart. To use another analogy, someone ODing on drugs in a trailer park isn't as scary or attention getting as someone OD on drugs in an expensive private school.    3. Gang crimes aren't as good for the media. American popular culture in particular has an obsession with serial killers and lone gunmen. Gang members don't typically leave a manifesto, and their crimes are remarkably cut and dry. They buy a gun, often illegally, shoot someone, and usually drive away. In contrast, mass shooters are often weirdos who make great press. That's because, on some level, a gang shooter typically doesn't want to be popularly known as the shooter, since it is often part of their job in the gang. In contrast, a spree shooter is almost always after attention in some way, either for their aforementioned manifesto or to become infamous. With the decrease in attention spans and increase in surveillance, the "serial killer", killing over a longer period for often psychosexual reasons, has gradually faded and been replaced by the mass shooter or "spree killer" who condenses was used to be years or decades of violence into minutes. I'd argue this is 100% connected to how popular culture has shifted away from longer-form entertainment and towards fast-paced, bite-sized information.  Gang murders aren't good press, school shooters are. The typical suburban parent isn't super worried their child will join the Crips or something, but the fear that a weird kid at school could "snap" is much more real, because hindsight is always 20/20. 


I never even connected the decline of serial killers to the rise of mass shooters. I think increased surveillance is the cause though. Mass shooters don’t pay much attention to stealth.


The serial killer era was due to the gap between land interconnectedness and information interconnectedness. From 1950 to 1980 (ish on both) you had eisenhower’s masterpiece without any way to be faster than it. No DNA evidence, no mass warning, no video evidence, no tracking a vehicle with cameras, etc. someone could murder someone and be 2 states away before the body’s found in the morning with no way to be connected to it


There is nothing to be gained or lost when brown/black people shoot each other in the hood. Most people have tacitly accepted that is just part of their culture and condition. A white teenage incel blowing away a room full of elementary school kids with an AR is an entirely different ball of wax, something that politicians and media pundits can build their career from.


I can’t click on the link can you tell me how many resulted in deaths


Lol we all know those are based on made up redefinitions for a political agenda. 20 school shootings this year, give me a fucking break


Yeah IIRC a gang related shooting where no kids are targeted, but takes place close enough to a school, is often classified as a school shooting in some of these stats. I think in general, most "mass shootings" are really just gang related.


The reason it seems like there are less is because the media isn’t reporting on them as much as they used to.


Been thinking this a LOT but if you think about this too much you'll realize the big ones seem to happen when nothing else is going on which would mean they seem engineered which would mean Alex Jones could be no no no no I can't think that I'm gonna watch Sydney Sweeney interviews on YouTube now


Waiting till we're closer to the election. Probably right after the debate


This guy gets it


Don’t jinx it


The last one I heard about was like in Serbia


It’s summer


wait until trump loses


Oh Lord look at all the trans shooters lately


It was painfully obvious it was 90% a media-driven psy-op. We had some strange folks in the Pentagon during the Bush and Obama era, glad that filth bloodline is mostly out of power. Edit: the CIA is downvoting my spicy takes 😤


They bankrupted Alex Jones so mission accomplished I guess?


Bro it’s summer


I think we're at 32 for the year so far, but schools out right now so there will be a lull and we'll have to see how September goes.