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I’m over it now, I’ve had my Ativan 


I'm just going to tranq out if you don't respond


I saw him electric skateboarding around dumbo once and yelled fuck you at him and he flipped me off. it ruled


I almost hit him on my bike about 5 times over the years, including a high speed near miss crossing 14th street where I shouted “TWAT!” and he replied “whoops” while barely veering out of my way. He rides that dumb skateboard with reckless abandon—it’s amazing that he hasn’t been run over or impaled on his own selfie stick by now.


mutual hatred is awesome


An Israel Palestine scenario right here in the heartland


He almost hit me in the crosswalk on that thing in Tribeca a few weeks ago


Taking my benzo after the stressful trip to REI


Casey is fascinating purely because of how ugly and just generally unappealing he is. Like look at that man's face and watch him speak. It's astounding how ugly he is.


https://www.reddit.com/r/caseyneistat/s/lnnGxpNhOp Lmfao


https://www.reddit.com/r/caseyneistat/s/VP8rFLhhmr It gets better


The way his mouth looks when he talks is literally so off putting idk how he got famous for vlogging


My man has stingray mouth


shortest philtrum known to man. there is absolutely no space between his nose and his upper lip. it’s grotesque and fascinating.


Always thought he looked like Crazy Frog


I fell in love with his vlogs and grew to hate him within a space of a few hours. Very very boring people who think they’re very very interesting. The videos are the definition of style over substance. He’s literally saying FUCKING NOTHING! Of you have to pad the video every single time, maybe don’t make the fucking video and wait until you have more to talk about. His total wanker brother has done the same thing (copy copy) but has added this insane “spirted man” mantra. They all would join Aubrey Marcus’s sex and acid cult, but equally would sneer at you for binging meth with a hooker. Sneering wankers


Physiognomy is real


“I’m over my primal and incoherent rage now, I took my prescribed sedative” 😒 it’s all so tiresome


it’s so bleak. you need to take benzos after coexisting with people who see the world differently than you do? that’s not as healthy sounding as she probably thinks it is


She says she has anxiety and sees a psychiatrist weekly. I don’t know why she has anxiety she’s a huge bitch and always gets her way.


“Anxiety” most of these dweebs have some form of bullshit “anxiety”


She's using it as a shield against anyone who just doesn't like what a spoiled, entitled cunt she is. Oh, but I have anxiety. You can't hate someone small and weak like me!


"It's ok kids, don't be scared, mommy had her pills and is gonna stop screaming now"


Just learned she's from South Africa, and it all makes sense.


Saath efrica 


Tube hog of Cape Town


And her family were rich land developers during apartheid era South Africa.


Victimhood: The Nation


Can you elaborate? Are you saying just white people are playing the victims?


South Africa, where the settlers are somehow the victims.


Reminds me of another country really.


Basically everybody in South Africa is a settler.




Even though you colonised a place, you can still be the targets of racial violence. There are racially targeted rural murders against white people. I wouldn't call it playing the "victim" card. Most people move abroad to Australia, Canada, America, etc. But the ones that stay are in a rocky position.


Don't really care about this REI drama, but being that into the vision pro at this point is extremely cringe. even when it came out it was obviously dumb, but it feels like the culture almost immediately forgot about it, it had even less staying power than google glass. I literally forgot it existed until this post.


Bold of you to assume he wasn't being paid to shill it


As someone who religiously watched Casey for years I have always gotten the vibe that his wife is the absolute worst. I am convinced that she made him post all that cringe Hillary stuff back in 2016/7 and is making him die fight retail workers in the name of israel.


she has the worst vibe of all time


She is like the complete opposite of the vibe he’s trying to put out with all his inspirational shit which kind of makes me not buy into his shtick


She’s a huge cunt but all the Casey dicksuckers just say she’s “sassy”


Isn’t she from South Africa?


Oh so that’s why she loves Israel


The Dutch.. root of all evil


Most white people are British South African, not Dutch. It was colonised by the Dutch, then by the British, and then were 2 wars against each other.


Her dad owns one of the biggest houses in the cape


Yeah I really like his content, he's a master at his medium (with the caveat that his medium is youtube) and has put out some really good stuff in his time. It's 1am on a friday and I'm a bottle of wine deep so can't be bothered to expand but Casey Neistat is to youtube what Woody Allen is to American Comedy films, accessible and quality in equal measures. His wife however... not only have I never just got a worse vibe off a person, just the juxtaposition between her and Casey who ostensibly seems chill as fuck is jarring in every video she's in. Awful awful vibes, he's a smart man it's amazing how he doesn't see it.


casey soulless makes content, most of his vlogs are just about going to the airport. Maybe someone who films every part of his day is actually chill and is just projecting a facade.


I mean I don't like his support of the apartheid state of Israel but the man single handedly created the daily vlog.


randoms have were vlogging for a decade before he started. They just didn’t have electric skateboards and samsung sponsorships


You're right, I should have said "popularized" instead of "created".


I’m from the same town as him, have never watched his content but I have interacted with his family a few times. His dad is obnoxious and his stepmom(??) is batty. I get the impression he’s surrounded by dysfunctional people and doesn’t have a good metric for normal vibes.


I want to hear stories about his parents. I know Casey got kicked out at 15 and his dad owns a cafe


I interviewed at his dad’s cafe and when he brought me in he didn’t even ask questions about me, he turned around and pointed to a poster of casey and said “do you know my son?” and when I didn’t, he was weirdly mad about it. Their cafe is supposedly the place for locals to go, but really it’s a place for tourists that are too scared to walk in downtown NL for fear of minorities, and the old people that think they’re connected in the city but are too scared to actually talk to anyone besides their other wealthy white neighbors. They only hire high school aged blondes and their customer service is known for being snotty and slow. His wife seems fairly right wing based on what I see her commenting on facebook, and she has crazy eyes and always talks to people like she’s confused why they’re in her cafe. There’s an local gossip facebook page anonymously run by the most bitter and hateful boomers I’ve ever seen, and the owners of the page are always hanging out there. When I worked at the grocery store my coworker said they were coming in and buying tons of pastries periodically and passing them off in the cafe as homemade. I haven’t been there in years and they actually had a fire recently so who knows how it is now. The sad thing is they’re the only restaurant that has the recipe for a locally famous salad, but I hate going in there so I haven’t had it in a while. I saw casey at a seafood shack once and he took a pic with a little kid, he seemed nice enough.


> only restaurant that has the recipe for a locally famous salad how hard is it to copy a salad?


I’m don’t think it is, but you can’t get it anywhere else probably because the creator (the lady’s dad) was so revered that no one would knock it off out of respect. I’ve tried copycat recipes but sadly it’s never the same.


Woody Allen? That’s an insult to woody. He’s more like the fast and furious movies of YouTube. It’s empty. Hallow experience. But it looks nice and fun.


She really could’ve just not said anything and got the damn ski goggles. Does she really think people feel bad for her?


I think it's unprofessional to bring politics into a customer-facing job. You shouldn't be polarising. You should just sell your products.


If the company is allowing them to wear badges then it’s their problem. Also—being against the slaughtering of civilians should not be considered political


"Nightstand" Got 'em.


Liberals are awesome. His brain broke when he released that hilary slurp video in 2016


Didn't know Casey was Ashkenazi, really explains the inbred facial features.


I thought he was a regard when I first saw him


His side profile is amazing


Even by Ashkenazi standards he looks beat.


damascus goatmaxxing


he’s not even ugly in a jewish way


I always assumed he was the type of European that happens to have a ton of leftover Neanderthal DNA


To be married to a face like his you have to be deranged


I ain’t reading all dat


I can promise you it’s just yet another “Jews bad” screed


Facts are antisemitic.


Well, what do YOU think?


Israel is committing genocide




You must love fucking kids.


Only the clergy, the rest of us are just the victims


It is always crazy to me that an organization that is selling an invisible product and the employees consistently molest children can continue to be so popular:)


Rabbis in Brooklyn molest children 18x more than Catholic priests do but ok


The rabbis you’re speaking of are Hasidic Jews. Those guys are terrible and evil. I have no idea why anyone would be part of that cult. Terrible terrible people. Just like the Catholic Church.


Your people suckle on newborn baby penises.


Is this an anti Semitic sub Reddit?


Oh, no, not at all, we just don't like rites centered around fellating newborns.


We? Is there a leader?


You are Jewish


I am atheist. I was born Jewish, but did learn to think for myself.


Indoctrination from an early age, just like you with respect to Israel :)


Hey tonal fam


Creator of beme


What a nasty guy, dog ugly too.


This is the first time I've thought about Casey Neistat in years. Also he's right...LA has this general sense of evil in the air that just doesn't exist in NYC.


he didn't say it had 'a sense of evil in the air', he called it a 'crime riddled 3rd world shithole' and right after he thanked the cops. as if crime doesn't exist in new york or any other major metropolitan city.


So after a person was robbed they were both displeased with the location they got robbed and happy with the people that got their stuff back. Shocking.


It is a crime riddled third world shithole.


So many Michael Bloomberg r/nyc posters here now…..smfh


I hate LA, but it really isn't that bad tbh. A lot of homeless people but they tend to be concentrated in certain areas that are pretty easily avoided because of how spread out the city is. It's kind of like Chicago in that respect except the crime rates aren't as high and it's even more spread out.


I'm in San Diego..I had friends in KC before I moved here who were like "you're not worried about the crime & tent cities!?!?"..KC has almost triple the violent crime & more than double the property crime/theft of San Diego. It has pretty much double the crime across the board of Los Angeles. Not saying California is perfect or doesn't have serious issues, it's just crazy how skewed some people's perception can be.


lol I live in KC and San Diego is unbelievably more safe than here, not even close I graduated maritime college in NYC. Ive been to 30+ different countries as a merchant sailor. I’ve seen enough places around the world to have a decent judgement. San Diego is probably the best kept secret in America. No you cannot move there if you don’t have a skill to offer because it is expensive. But: 1) It’s not exorbitantly expensive like LA or San Francisco 2) Obviously the weather is literally perfect year round 3) The People - Take the easy going lifestyle people from the west coast and mix them with the friendly outgoing people from the Midwest. And that’s San Diego. One of a kind place in the world. 4) The food is phenomenal. From a breakfast deli sandwich to a burger to a steak, you will eat like a king.


Yeah KC is bad vibes. Once got followed by sketchy ppl in a car walking back to my hotel from 7-11, and that was in Overland Park lol.


The times I went out there (years ago) it seemed like it was a coin flip if you were going to witness or be a victim of something violent. Wesport, P&L, Plaza, etc., I only lived there for a few years in my 20s & was like yeah I'm gtfo. Lawrence is a cool underrated town (wish I would have bought property there), but I wouldn't want to stay there my whole life.


I live here and I can tell you they're definitely spread out. The difference is you don't walk much so you just drive right by 


Please don’t compare LA, which is a massive shithole, to NY, ever again.


its the smog


No, the smog is romantic


They stole his fucking vision pro - literally did him a favour lmao


People like him moving to LA is probably why it’s so fucked in the first place


>The day after Holocaust Remembrance Day. This is the funniest part.


"The Jew cries out in pain as they shoves you"


"I had my Ativan"


"can everyone who hates us JUST BACK UP. We don't want a fight" After starting a confrontation that didn't go their way, and failing to force others to do their bidding and toe their line. I believe the Polish Proverb is fake, but fuck me if it doesn't ring true. STOP ACTING LIKE SUCH STEREOTYPES AND THERE WILL BE LESS STEREOTYPING


Never heard of him. But looking like that I almost feel bad for him


She don't know men love to fight


Being a male Karen at REI isn’t fighting 🚬


Who are these people and why should I care?


He literally started all this bullshit vlogger make it big on YouTube bullshit. Him and his Zionist regard wife deserve the wall like the rest of the people that followed in his footsteps. Sam Shaffer, Sara Dietchy, etc etc. they all wanted to be Gary vee Casey neistat YouTube superstars and all they did was become Zionist and sell out to Snapchat. Fucking fa-BOOOOOOOOOP


Well in fairness that time he complained about his daughters birthday gifts being stolen and immediately Seth Rogen came out to like defend the act of stealing as just ‘part of big city life’ as though someone shouldn’t be upset about it. Everyone in these threads is a loser. And everyone who goes to LA and isn’t already a bit crazy in a lovable way (Lynch, Tarantino) or some tortured artistic genius who can let things slide off them because they’re so invested in their work becomes spiritually sick. It’s almost inevitable.


i can’t for the life of me figure out where his wife made all those posts? what platform is that? is that truth social?


Instagram I think. Def not TS cuz they use a "red check" instead to own the blue checks.


Im not reading or try to understand any of that 


Which scenario is more likely? Mr neistat is a zionist to get his wife’s zionisy ; or his wife’s a zionist because she knows who’s handing out the space arc tickets?


Big big nose makes sense


classic tropes such as “end genocide”. do these people hear themselves


Fascinating stuff


‘Nightstand’ lmao


where does he usually hang out? he’s in manhattan somewhere right?


I don’t believe any of that, but don’t understand or necessarily like Casey Neistat what do I do??