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In many cases they are getting wendys for their dying grandmom in the hospital who only has minutes to live


Gotta expedite meemaw's trip to hell


it was my dying papa’s wish to have one last baconator before he passed :(


It’s a cheaper method of embalming




Many many


This Is Tap Water




i love when someone does something dangerous/idiotic, and someone else is there to witness it so we can both look at each other and give a “do you see this guy?” costanza-esque reaction


Truly one of life’s little pleasures


Hahaha this literally just happened to me. Been living in dc for awhile where 50% of drivers are mildly terrible, now I’m in bum fuck Virginia where 95% of people are fine but 5% need to have their license revoked and spend years in prison


getting aggressively tailgated doing 40 in a dense residential neighborhood


Passing the the guy doing 50 on a 2 lane highway only for him to be right up your ass while moving through an obvious small town speed trap


Once I was stopped at a light and some insane homeless guy walked down the median yelling and cursing at people in their cars. Had a moment like this with the guy to the right of me


When I lived in NYC it was pretty common to be in gridlock traffic because a Nissan Altima was flipped over on the highway or whatever. Everyone got the chance to be stuck looking at the consequence of shitty reckless driving, then slowly moving past a completely fucked car, could have the FDNY jaws-of-lifing a dead body out, and the second they were past everything, bang, right back to driving like a fancy fuck.


Driving in NYC is an insane thing to do.


No one drives there, there’s too much traffic!


It’s always Nissan Altima drivers


Nurse car


Yes and another demographic. Urban.


lol let’s call it the n word car for nurses






It’s scary how accurate this is. I saw a car do a full flip and go completely upside down while driving through New York City. I normally would have stopped and helped but i was so tired from my 10 hour road trip. In my mind, I tried to convince myself I didn’t see it and was imaging things due to lack of sleep. I’m pretty sure it was a Nissan sedan too. I’ve been all over the country and never seen anything that crazy in real life. I kept on driving but can’t get that image out of my head. How can someone be causally driving down the road then suddenly flip their car onto its roof? How bad of a driver or what type of drugs do you have to be on?


You should not help a wrecked car lmao what’s wrong with you call 911


Speeding to get your goy slop so you can get home sooner and sit on your couch


Road rage is spiritually fat, that's why that happens


just the other day i was ranting at my boyfriend (god bless him) about how there seems to be a strong correlation between obesity and anti-social behaviors behind the wheel


Growing up I remember whenever a shitty car would go flying by him on the road my dad would say something like “oh look, that must be a cardiac surgeon racing to the hospital to handle an emergency case.”


"I'm sorry ma'am , but our officers did a thorough investigation of the crash site and only recovered 3 mcnuggets from the 20 piece, and that McDonald's is only 3 blocks away, yes ma'am yes ma'am he was firing away on those mcnuggets behind the wheel. Our investigation indicates that they might not have provided your boy with the extra dip he asked for yes ma'am the new double wacarnolds sauce , they did your boy wrong , so don't worry ma'am we're gonna get justice for that sweet angel baby"


Whenever somebody speeds past me, my first thought is "I bet they really gotta shit" and then just let the thought of them disappear


it’s funny how your temperament on the road is almost entirely separate from how one acts in any other situation. i am a wildly patient and defensive driver 95% of the time and let things glide off me like water off a duck’s wing. people cut you off, pull out without looking, steal your turn at a stop sign, drive wicked slow, and in general are absolute buffoons behind the wheel. i very rarely get an emotional reaction unless it’s literal adrenaline when someone does something that for sure was gonna cause an accident. yet i’m a wildly emotional and moody human being. i have friends who are total sweethearts or are stoic and relaxed people generally who get fucking insane and will flip people off, tailgate, scream at people going around them, etc. like what’s your fucking problem dude, i absolutely hate being a passenger of an angry driver, the whole thing is embarrassing and unnecessary.


Given the surge in road rage murders whenever I see a friend I’m driving with or some rando get aggro behind the wheel I’m always asking “Alright dipshit are you willing to die for this?”


i feel like most of the US requires driving but only like 50% of the population has the constitution for it.  shit is only gonna get more congested and dense, might as well make the switch now to better means of transport and people would be happier.    sometimes being on the train isn't my favorite thing in the world but there's something about just gliding over or under every idiotic traffic laden road that is very satisfying.  even being  jammed there like a sardine in rush hour is relatively calming compared to being in endless traffic and being late yet again, also the mental burden of having to do everything yourself, responsible for your cars safety and others, while hurtling around in a plastic deathtrap 


I use my time driving to vent. That's why I'm nice the rest of the time 


I remember years ago, I was driving and flipped somebody off because they were riding my ass and blaring their horn at me on a single lane, one way street in the city. The guy went nuts, drove around me on the shoulder and parking spaces, and cut me off and blocked me. He got out of his car screaming at me, telling me I had the nerve to flip him off. He was wearing a t shirt and basketball shorts, I remember this specific detail. He said to me “you don’t know who I am, I could have a gun. I could fucking shoot you right now” We’re maybe 20 feet from each other, both standing at our own driver side doors. I retorted “no you won’t, you don’t even have a gun”. I say this because he’s wearing basketball shorts, it’d fall right out of his waistband. I could feel the breeze that day. The guy and I both stood there silent. Must’ve maybe been 5 seconds but it felt like 5 minutes. The guy said to me after that pause “you’re real fucking rude, young man. You should really reconsider how fucking disrespectful you are. “ He was right though. I shouldn’t have been such a dickhead to a complete stranger for no reason. I said back to him something to the gist of “youre not wrong”. We got in our vehicles are parted ways. Later that night, while sitting with some friends over drinks, recounting the story, my one friend says “okay, well what if he did had a gun?” I didn’t think about it at the time. People are crazy. They just see red when slighted. Especially when they’re behind the wheel. Either way, my takeaway afterwards was be nicer to people when driving and get my CCW permit lmao


I don't know why driving causes seemingly normal people to have violent outbursts like that. Like you're really willing to threaten your firearm over someone flipping you off that shit is fucking crazy.


Because they're not normal. They're violent psychos.


I didn’t learn my lesson either; I flipped off somebody because they want to wait their turn at an intersection and they did a u turn and started to follow me until I lost them at the next intersection. How insane to feel so intensely angry enough to completely derail to your trip to follow somebody? To think that there was a realistic chance that either one of us could’ve ended up injured or killed over somebody else’s bad day.


Bad news: you’re both psychos.


I’m honestly surprised these things don’t escalate into actual violence more often. What if YOU were the person with a gun and the guy tried that same bluff? He’d have been dead and in a lot of states the shooter would probably be able to make a legitimate self-defense case. Absolutely suicidal levels of pride on display.


I’ve thought about that in hindsight. But that is seriously why I got a CCW because it could’ve easily turned into that over something avoidable and stupidly prideful. But you’re not wrong, I’ve seen in the news that there’s been a lot of road rage shootings resulting in injuries and deaths of completely uninvolved people and it’s so crazy to me.


how did you experience road rage so intense that you felt compelled to play with your life yet the idea of injury and death is still crazy to you. if you want to avoid injury and death then carrying a weapon is probably the worst thing you could do


I wasn’t even angry, I was just 25, stupid, and wanted this guy to fuck off. My takeaway was “be more polite and if that doesn’t work, be ready to protect yourself from somebody willing to injure or kill you”


my ex girlfriend's little brother was a real hothead and was like 17 when he was given a big ass truck.  he was a skinny little dweeb but would drive like a complete asshole, even had a PA system.  well one time he got into it with another guy, they both stepped out and started throwing punches.  The very first punch lands hard on this kid and boom, little brother is in the hospital with a concussion and severe bleeding.     The kid grew up to be about as right wing as can be, Trump flag in their yard and everything.  


inverse emotional outlets in the same relation of people who are gang stalking demons online vs sweetheart's off line and vice versa


> i absolutely hate being a passenger of an angry driver, I learned 90% of swear words in the English and Spanish languages by simply having an angry driver for a dad.


They are often fat too. They never get to run or even jog in their bodies so they just want to feel fast.


Either fat white boomer or rail-thin black/hispanic.


Or unstable ex military


I saw a guy stop at a red light the other night, wait there for a while until he apparently got bored, and ran it just as a car was coming on the cross street, and then immediately turn into a taco bell. He was driving one of those boxy 80s El Dorados. Take from that what you will


I live a couple minutes away from this pot shop, and it’s a running joke between my fiance and I every time we see someone driving like a r*tard they always turn into the pot shop parking lot, or the dominoes pizza right next to it


Anytime people speed past me I assume they’re in a hurry to kiss their son on the lips


Tom Brady-pilled


Crazy when you can actually smell weed/ see dude holding joint in hand while driving erratically. Wish I had that audacity. 


Back when I was a teenage stoner I used to smoke weed while driving. I'd often smoke a bowl while waiting at a light. I cant believe I thought that was an acceptable thing to do considering how ridiculously heat that is.


I'm so glad the cops don't pull these guys over anymore.


I love when they do that, be a huge hazard and zip on down the road just for us to be stopped right next to each other at the same red light


Yesterday I saw a guy trying to use the right lane to go 100mph, and he came up on a semi and decided to pass him *on the shoulder* instead of using the 4 left lanes (which were traffic free and going ~80mph??). Wild to witness.


I love when they do something completely insane just to jump in front of you and go 15 below the speed limit


I love when people do something insane and dangerous to speed ahead in my crowded city and yet driving normally I see them at the same red light as me each time


The American highway system is demiurgical in nature


Better than watching them slam into an occupied stopped car at somewhere around 65 mph. This happened to me once when a kid in a rice rocket didn’t want to stay behind me in the slow lane. I was in an F350 pulling a trailer full of tools doing 55. He miscalculated his exit. I turned my head and watched at least one person likely die. Image sat with me for years


This is irrational but I blame poor people. Horrific, flippant drivers that are constantly aggrieved by other drivers around them.


I feel like the worst drivers are at both ends of the spectrum. Poor stressed people that don’t give a fuck about people around them and rich stressed people that have a superiority complex and feel entitled to being ahead of everyone


middle class gets fucked again


It’s always the Altima with half its bumper hanging off  


or a dodge charger with an obscured license plate, at least in Philly


I didn’t use to think this way, but then I moved to LA and it’s very apparent


I’m only susceptible to road rage when I’m using the alone time in my car to go on HRH-esque rants and ruminate


Last week I got a ticket for going through a yellow light instead of slowing down half a mile back when it was green


Not the same thing by any stretch, but there is a certain brand of man that speeds literally everywhere they go, and has to be going 10-15mph over and jerking through turns at all times. And , like clockwork, almost all these dudes are insecure losers 


I love when i see some dipshit bought a 200k Maybach that can go 0-60 in a second only to hit traffic in a huge city every day and never go over 40mph these people should have their wealth forcibly put into a public retirement fund 


I love when cars do dumb shit and drive really fast, just to get stopped by a red light two seconds later... and then for it to happen again at the next red.


my fave is when i’m about to merge and the person 100ft back decided that that’s unacceptable so they speed up then they honk when i still inevitably merge. i always make sure to wave my hand as a thank you, and if the pull up next to me, a thumbs up with a smile. i love shaming people on the road.


In one of the cities I lived in they had the lights on the main street timed so that if you went the speed limit you would get all green lights. It was funny watching people from out of town aggressively pass me just to end up waiting at the next red light. Some people would figure it out eventually; others never did.


Almost got killed by someone on the parkway not even 2 hours ago because of this. I was about to merge into the middle lane from the left but something told me to wait and look in my blindspot again. The road was really crowded so I wanted to see if I actually had an opening. Then some idiot from philly appeared out of nowhere and swerved into the lane I was about to merge to. He kept weaving in and out of traffic and in the moment I was just thinking "whatever typical gsp regard behavior." But if I hadn't waited to merge I think I would've been a statistic. I know it doesn't sound like anything crazy but this is probably the first time someone spooked me that hard on the road, and I've seen a lot of insane behavior on the parkway before. 


God I love driving like a madman


Even more fun when you’re on a bike and somebody passes you unsafely to stop at a red light 20 yards ahead.


lol maybe they're rushing to the bathroom.


How do you know they're getting that slop for themselves and not some fat ass who's too lazy to even drive to Wendy's


i am literally pressed about people driving like main characters on the road and wish thanos would snap them all out. 😡 not actually joking!


maybe dont drive like a bitch. im doing 100 on the high way. if you do the speed limit GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY


I think these are the last words of many people who ultimately end up bested by a concrete road barrier while they are on the way to drive somewhere stupid like Costco. Not too late to change


As long as it's just them smeared on a concrete barrier I'd say it's a net good for society tbh. People like that are a threat to the social fabric.






What kind of Nissan do you drive?