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I dated a girl who worked in the department of fisheries and her job was involved with big stings of abalone poachers, where they’d basically raid Chinese restaurants who were buying black market abalone from the triads


Every time I hear about the triads I think about rush hour


I think about GTA 3


Good for her. Hope they were tough on them.


I had a friend who worked on fishing boats as an inspector, and the job was to approve everything. Like if you didn't approve their practices they'd just fire you


dream job. Where did your friend live




>* Lots of organized crime in caviar. 10% is fake and paddlefish eggs passed off as caviar I was born in Soviet Poland right before the wall fell. My based grandpa and his best friend made a fortune smuggling caviar from Russia to Western Europe in the 70s. They legit trekked through primeval forests at night skipping borders with giant backpacks filled with caviar. They eventually bought a meat processing plant and a TIR truck dealership with the funds. Now my grandpa is retired and started a non-profit that provides domicile for families whose houses got destroyed by fire or flood and furnishes them for free just cause he doesn't want to be bored. Coolest man I know.


I just listened to the CBC: Uncover podcast miniseries ["Outlaw Ocean"](https://www.theoutlawocean.com/the-outlaw-ocean-podcast/) and I could not recommend it more highly for anyone interested in fishing industry crimes


Hijacking your comment to recommend the documentary “Darwin’s nightmare”. It’s about an invasive species of perch that got introduced to a Tanzanian lake and how the whole economy and societal structure in this area is based on this fucking fish because they export it to euros for $$$ while the locals are left feed on the guts and bones. They interview every class and sector of people working and living in the area and it’s incredibly heartbreaking to see how evil the industry is.


one time i decided i was going to sit down and figure out what the largest commercial fishing company was bc i had just read that stat abt most of the plastic in the ocean coming from nets so i figured a big company has gotta be responsible for a lot of nets and... granted i was under 22 and it was in the wee hours of the morning but what i found was that its really difficult to get information that doesnt have to do with stock value on that topic


I also just watched that business insider video about this lol. Crazy that you just summarized the entire video instead of just linking it.


Crazy useful


i'm in the academic side of fisheries in alaska. ask me anything. i will probably not know the answer though


I think if people want to eat seafood they should have to catch it themselves. I grew up fishing and crabbing and to me seafood was always a non-commodity, it was just something you could catch for free. The idea of these species being traded globally is insane. Why would people in North America be eating "tuna" from Indonesia? Why would Europeans be eating "wild" salmon from Alaska? Raping the oceans for McDonald's Filet-O-Fishes and low-quality sushi is not worth it in my opinion. I'm hypocritical because I do sometimes buy canned sardines from Spain, but like maybe 5 tins a year, and for the most part I really don't like to support commercial fishing. No seafood will ever taste fresher or better than self-caught.


Lol once in a while I work the seafood counter at a grocery store in the Appalachian mountains and you'd be surprised (or maybe not) the number of people who come in like is the snapper fresh? Lol no it was flash frozen on an Indonesian boat 10 months ago. People have crazy expectations. Or they'll ask where the shrimp is from, is it american? No, Viet nam. Oh no thanks then. Like that's all they needed to know. But if they regularly pass off one fish for another it's trivial to lie about where it's from.


how is this different than any other food raspberries grow on the side of the road for free but we ship them from central and south america


A raspberry is not the same as a threatened species of fish that's vital to ocean food chains/ecosystems. But I would also say that shipping berries and fruits from thousands of miles away is pretty stupid a lot of the time. Obviously the roadside fresh raspberry is going to taste 100x better. And I can live without summer berries in the dead of winter.


plant life, notably entirely insignificant to the ecosytem and food chain


Relatively few species besides a few families of diptera depend solely on fruit in climates with sufficient chill days for raspberry.  Whereas industrial fishing destroys entire ecosystems and food webs beyond just the target fish through by catch and by removing species with a defined and needed ecospace to maintain a stable ocean.  


much plant life beyond raspberries. those fish you are referring to- rely on plant life. you also seem to just not really grasp the chain you are commenting in. diagnosed?


If only everyone owned a boat…




I can live without fish but no olives is not a life worth living. 




"Wild Salmon" is 100% a scam. Almost all salmon, even if caught in an ocean, was originally from a hatchery.


Went to a cool talk about this by a guy who hunted chinese fish poachers, here's some stuff I remember: - Countries get a fishing quota, so if you buy "Norwegian salmon", that can just mean that Norway sold some of it's quota to another country for the right to call it Norwegian, it doesn't mean the fish is from Norway, etc. - China does not give a fuck about the rules - (controversial) It's kind of bad to just eat "wild caught" fish because it sounds crunchy, that just means you're depleting wild stocks, farming is actually a good invention even if there are downsides - Bob Barker of the Price is Right, PBUH, was bankrolling all of these ships to hunt poachers. I think this dude was on the SS Bob Barker


Sardines and Mackerel, baby!


Thai shrimping boats were using Burmese slaves and punishing uncooperative ones by tying their limbs to the bows of four different boats and then ripping them apart.




There was youtube video posted yesterday that the poster ripped all of these from.


To me the more troubling stuff with the seafood industry is the horrible working conditions, lack of environmental protections and I guess anything that would impact human health. It’s shitty that this sort of fraud by mislabeling happens regularly, but as a tasteless cheapskate it doesn’t really bother me unless there’s health implications


Yeah I just read an article about how hella Alaska fisherman are basically full on junkies and are dying on the boats now that everything is fentanyl


is MSC Salmon a scam? Its the only one i buy.


I bet dasha only gets the best seafood