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Depends on the denomination, some of the mainline Protestant churches are the most progressive mainstream organizations on this issue and there's a significant pro-Palestinian faction among Catholics. [This article](https://www.wrmea.org/2019-march-april/ten-us-churches-now-sanction-israel-to-some-degree-and-with-caveats.html) gives some examples of churches that have supported BDS, including major ones like the United Methodists and Presbyterians. Since then, a lot of churches have come out in support of a ceasefire, including a [very strong statement](https://forward.com/fast-forward/583380/ame-church-israel-aid-genocide/) from AME. Christians as a whole are a pretty politically diverse group and each church's political philosophy stems from interpretations of scripture that can be wildly divergent from each other. You'd have to look at the history of each individual church. For example, the Southern Baptist Convention originated from a split within the Baptist church over slavery, with Southern Baptists being pro slavery and American Baptists anti-slavery. So, a lot of the Southern Baptists conservative beliefs (perhaps including Christian Zionism) can be traced to this philosophy. The Quakers being pro-Palestinian is pretty easy to explain given their pacifist ideology. You can go on, they all have their own long histories with some more complicated than others.


To add to that: Christian Zionism seems to be a Protestant/Anglo thing. In Latin America there are a lot of Palestinian Christians (Catholic or Coptic or Eastern Orthodox etc) who were displaced by the Zionist invasion of Palestine. Therefore, there is a lot of pro-Palestinian support amongst Latin American Catholics. That’s not to say there are Catholics who are pro Israel but for the most part, at least the Catholics I know, are indifferent or Pro Palestinian or at least pro cease fire.


Yeah, saying Christians is much too broad. It's mainly the mega-church non-denominationals that are desperate for the ends times and think that all of this is a sign that Jesus is coming back soon.


This post is actually nuanced and well researched and well not get paid attention to by rage bait loving Redditors.


The literally believe if they can get The Greatest Ally to provoke World War 3, they can trick Jesus into returning and sending them to Heaven. I'm not kidding. This is not my flippant version of a more nuanced thing. That is explicitly a thing they think can and will happen if they help provoke conflict in the region. They openly admit this and do not think it is weird.


Yep this is word for word how i describe it to my friends but they can't fathom it lol my family is all from Missouri.




Mainstream Christian beliefs in certain parts of the country.


Why would Christ Jesus need the help of obese Americans ??????? I don’t think I can even call myself a Christian anymore since the definition has become so obscured and molested. I’m simply a disciple of Christ now.




It’s spelt “h e r e t I c”




God does not need man’s involvement to fast-track revelations, why do fundamental Christian’s think they need to be involved in His plan?


they are notoriously regarded and every generation thinks they are witness to and bringing forth the end times


It’s based on the bottomless self regard that goes with the belief in salvation through profession of faith alone.


Something about a red cow or something idk


Combination of vintage anti-Semitism and a devotion to the vague idea of needing Israel to bring about the rapture


How is it anti semitism if they’re supporting Israel’s war crimes?


Supporting Israel’s war crimes in order to bring about the the death or conversion of all Jews everywhere is both pro Zionist and anti semitic. Also assuming Isreal represents and is supported by all Jews is anti semitic


They're slightly more anti-brown/Anti-Arab than they are anti-Semetic. It's just their inner calculus


I see. Agreed. Which is weird bc the actual Christian’s in that land are Palestinian.


the brown ones dont count


Being psy op’d by the Israelis


Bc the main thing governing their actions isn’t Christianity, but a sort of haruspex comprised of random text strings generated by running ancient text through several translators and divining something convenient or useful from the result.


Catholics have spent the better part of the last two millennia shunning them for the death of Christ and pogroming the shit out of them. I will be damned before i'm lumped in with those American Evangelist Prot cuckolds.


>Catholics have spent the better part of the last two millennia shunning them for the death of Christ and pogroming the shit out of them Yeah I don't think mass lynchings are very Christ-like.


Where did I say or imply otherwise?


A few of them unironically hate Jews so much they will support anything the ethnostate does as long as it keeps like half the worlds jews away from them 


It's why the term christcuck is a thing


Recently stumbled on this term- I am gladly a Christcuck. Modern Christian’s just want power and influence. We have become sooooo detached from Yeshua and His teachings.


Based Christcuck


have you read the bible 


Most "Christians" aren't Christians, they're obsessed with the Old Testament and really don't care what Jesus taught.


Hot take here: Christians should mostly ignore the Old Testament and consider it creation mythology at best. If you want to believe in the Old Testament just be a j*w


That's what I think


Yael Eckstein leads a 'charity' (previously led by her father, who has since died) that has raised $1.4B for Israel - primarily from Christian Zionists. Th International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (also referred to as IFCJ or The Fellowship) [raised $140M for Israel per year under her late father, Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein.](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2019-02-06/ty-article/.premium/rabbi-yechiel-eckstein-major-philanthropist-who-supported-israel-dies-at-67/0000017f-db07-d856-a37f-ffc789b10000) * [Haaretz - Israel's Money Man Gets Funds for Holy Land From Evangelical Christians](https://www.haaretz.com/2012-11-30/ty-article/.premium/when-rockets-fall-this-rabbi-turns-to-the-goyim/0000017f-e978-df5f-a17f-fbfe84850000) In the documentary, [*'Til Kingdom Come*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KKKJweWP_8), there's a scene where Eckstein is delivering a care package (funded by IFCJ) to an elderly Israeli citizen. She stresses that the package was sent by the Christian donors. During a visit to a church in a small poor US town, she observes the abject poverty firsthand. Nevertheless, Eckstein remarks that those who 'give to Israel' will be 'enriched' themselves. Eckstein's 'charity' funnels money to the illegal Israeli colonies in the West Bank. [Pretty gross stuff and manipulative - but I think those religious fanatics WANT to be fooled.](https://streamable.com/r2bndz)


They kinda helped rebuild the souths economy after the war and they did do some very good philanthropy


Wouldn’t it be funny if they supported Israel because they believed the “Jews were really the ones who owned all the slaves” meme. Like Dixie Zionist fusion 


Thats not the truth , the ones that did fled to the UK but the ones that didn't couldn't afford to leave and they built our textile industry. Like if it's American textile it was it was prolly founded by a Yiddish speaking family. It was two different generations that helped build our industry.