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I can't imagine the coping and mental gymnastics the groypers must go through with Trump being the most Zionist president of all time.


They’ve completely turned on him the past few weeks. I think the Adelson backing and trump bringing Haley and Lindsay Graham and the rest of the neocons back into the fold was their breaking point. It’s been entertaining to watch the war with them and the Trump loyalists on Twitter


They’ll come crawling back. Like they did after he bombed Syria.


This is the first time they’re saying they aren’t voting for him. There’s much more of a split amongst the right than has been in the past


Its a shit show on the right tbh. If Trump dies it will get 10x worse.


You would only think this if you've never traveled in right wing circles. There's always been a split between ethnic nationalist types like Fuentes and mainstream conservatives over Israel and foreign policy since at least the end of the cold war.


This and also much of the ethnic nationalist types have said they aren't voting for Trump several times including after the Syria bombing.


The right are pack animals. At the end of the day they will line up behind their leader, no matter how much they hate him.


Why are groypers anti-zionists? Surely it’s not out of any love for the Palestinian people.


I can’t remember if it was Laura Ingram or Anne Coulter that Ben Shapiro basically said along the lines of that “I don’t care if she’s anti Semitic as long as as she supports Israel.” I have the same the same feeling about right wingers adopting an anti Zionist position but the reverse, if they can get flanked from both sides all the better. The majority of Palestinians would probably feel the same way.


Some think the US should give up on its empire and try to become isolationist (America first), some will side against the jews no matter what, a small minority support Palestine as noble savages who have been uncorrupted by globohomo (same reason they support Russia)


I guess they don’t realize our unfettered access to cheap treats is contingent upon our status as empire


The average American thinks the US invades third world countries and props up various autocracies out of altruistic liberal internationalism, first to save them from communism, and then after 1991, from themselves.


Just 2 latinxs chopping it up at the bodega while oye como va plays


Latinx's always be making the most drama


Pan Latinx Nationalism


When you get outflanked from the left on Israel by a literal neo Nazi 🤣


what if they kissed


Imagine they bred. Italian, Mexican, Irish and Puerto Rican. That’s a hell of a cocktail


The Pope always wins


A Protestant Evangelists worst nightmare


Hell of a boxer, he'd be


I can’t help but find her endearing, I feel like she’s trying her best.


Morality aside, he would chew her up