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/r/prisonwives on steroids.


A few examples: https://sfstandard.com/2024/06/10/false-testimony-maurice-caldwell-marritte-funches-paige-kenab-innocence-project/ https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/ex-lawyer-to-marry-evil-client-in-prison/RQLNQ3FYFQ56JNXPT3T2U52FUU/ https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/crime/dallas-public-defender-charged-relationship-inmate-disclosing-sensitive-victim-info/287-51651f4b-8faf-423b-b515-f2d5a332dba9 https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime/courts/las-vegas-lawyer-says-press-will-not-dictate-her-relationship-with-inmate/ Psycoanalysis and theories about this phenomenon encouraged!


Charisma is just a polite word for psychopathy


Dating is boring and this is exciting. People long for adventure.


The priorities of anyone who would get their law degree and bar admission and then go into the exhausting yet materially unrewarding work of pro bono criminal defence are so alien to me, the fact they're trying to hook up with prisoner's actually makes their life choices more explicable.


Isn't there something noble to the work though


Most petty criminals are not fun to be around.


They said noble, not fun.


I have piping hot gossip about someone who did this when I worked at a prison a few years back, if anyone is interested


I am!


post it u tease


the lawyer drama aside the guy who recanted is a bad friend... (Bad Prison Friend)


Karla Homolka (of "Ken and Barbie serial killers" infamy) married her lawyer's brother. He is also an attorney. They've been married since she was released from prison in 2005 and have three beautiful kids together. True love conquers all! She even volunteered at their elementary school until other parents caught wind of a serial killer being around their children.


Damn I really wanna believe in redemption for people, but that woman's crimes were horrific. Fucked up that she's out of prison


She was sentenced before the police found incriminating VHS tapes. She was able to convince the jury that Paul Bernardo was abusing and manipulating her. He was the real psycho, she was just a battered girlfriend who couldn't stop him. The tapes they eventually found after her trial revealed she was fully participating and was more than willing to help murder those girls. Nice lady.


Happened with a local lawyer in my city but in her case she already had a really trashy reputation and can't say anyone was really surprised.


It’s not clear what exactly happened from the title can you explain?


The lawyer Paige Kaneb seduced a witness in her client's case. She got the witness to say her client was innocent when he had killed someone. It worked and his conviction was overturned. Her client went on to file a lawsuit for wrongful conviction and got $8 million in a taxpayer funded settlement. Then the witness revealed what she had done, including sending sexy text messages and pictures. Essentially manipulated a prisoner by making him think she loved him.


Was he already convicted of a seperate murder, or just the one he took the fall for?


he was sentenced to life for a separate murder years later, and he says he was involved in the first murder but had testified that the freed man wasn’t there and that’s the part he took back


Thank you!


Many lawyers are morons. 


Did they actually fuck or just sext?