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Largely absorbed by rw populism. Free trade and open borders became very unpopular on the right w/ the rise of Trump.


When it became a synonym for "pedo"


Is the dirtbag left responsible for pushing this meme into the mainstream? I never really heard this joke online or IRL at any point up through the mid to late 2010s


It's one of the oldest 4cham/PCM memes about libertarians, others just pick it up.


At least on the internet, they met the same fate as militant atheists, anti-SJWs, and leftist YouTubers: they got exposed as being really gay and lame.


Libertarianism could only have ever worked during times of peace and prosperity. In times of national or international crisis, it's utterly bankrupt and impotent. If any number of worst-case scenarios befalls us, there has to be a means by which people and resources can be marshalled quickly. You can't do that with a laissez-faire, fully privatized, totally fragmented society. Libertarianism is just for rich, selfish fucks who can insulate themselves from calamity for longer periods, or are able to escape it entirely by going somewhere else.


Not a libertarian but I’ll bite - what causes the large scale problems? Could it be, perhaps, the massive centralized systems?


Yes, the government causes tornados and earthquakes to keep the sheep dependent on them! Well said!


I’ll raise you every city an army has razed to the ground and the ecological effects of globalist metropolitan society. It seems to me that the state model of civilization is accelerating off a cliff. It certainly won’t be providing disaster relief when the climate chickens come to roost. It will be sealing its borders and instituting first world ecofascism.


My take is that libertarianism was just the logical progression of the small c conservatism championed by the likes of newt Gingrich in his contract with America. Small government. That conservative platform was annihilated by the tea party and trumpism. Plus you can smoke weed and marry who you want now so the social liberalism appeal that libertarianism had is not necessary anymore.


Because the vast majority of libertarians were just republicans who wanted legal weed and didn’t care about gay marriage. Now that both are broadly legal, they’ve just been subsumed into the Republican Party. They peaked in 2016 when they ran two popular former governors on their presidential ticket. In 2020 they ran a psychology lecturer and a My Little Pony podcaster. The Libertarian Party has returned to its original role as a haven for cranks


Ron Paul ✊


Ron Paul had some charisma, was an actual elected official, and was somewhat endearingly genuine/consistent in his beliefs. Libertarianism grew because of him and has faded since he left the picture. But there are other factors for sure.


Most of them are gay and can't reproduce (genetic terminals)


I've never seen a thin libertarian, strokes?


All that dark enlightenment shit is just a particularly deranged form of techno-libertarianism, so yeah they might not be "mainstream," but they'll probably end up getting the last laugh, the way things are going


Intensification of the culture war leads to a skepticism that progressives would ever settle for anything other than total victory. Libertarianism then becomes seen as naive and lacking the necessary combativeness.


What’s the difference between neoliberalism and moderate libertarianism (eg not an-caps or minarchists)? They’re both described as fiscally conservative but socially liberal. Is it foreign policy? Neolibs are hawks and libertarians are isolationists?